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Petrographic and geochemical analyses performed on a North Sea core from the Gryphon Field reveal the presence of palaeo-degassing features surrounded by injected sandstones in the Eocene interval. The injected sandstones are oil-stained and poorly cemented by carbonate and quartz. 18O isotope analyses indicate that carbonate cementation occurred during shallow burial (likely less than about 300 m). Depleted 13C (around –30 V-PDB) carbonate cement suggests that bicarbonate was derived from the microbial oxidation of oil and gas. Late quartz overgrowths enclose oil present in the injected units. The tubular degassing conduits are composed of zoned cements and have 18O and 13C isotope values similar to the injected sandstones, indicating that oil and gas seepage induced the precipitation of authigenic carbonate in the shallow subsurface. Oil inclusions in inter- and intra-crystal cement sites in both injected sandstones and degassing conduits indicate that oil seepage was an ongoing feature at shallow burial. A proposed model involves oil and gas seepage and the formation of the degassing conduits, followed by a sand injection phase. It seems likely that oil and gas continued to leak towards the seabed by exploiting the network of permeable injected sandstones and the horizons of porous degassing features.  相似文献   
The release of methane from crater sites following meteorite impact is a possible consequence of the thermal alteration of organic matter, or tapping of reservoired gas of biogenic or abiogenic origin. At least the latter is feasible on Mars. Methane and higher hydrocarbons are susceptible to polymerization and precipitation by radioactive minerals. Where such minerals are present in impact target rocks, the craters can be a preferred site for carbon concentration, and the formation of complex organic molecules. On icy bodies, such as Titan and Europa, methane released by impact could be a fuel for prebiotic chemistry involving other forms of irradiation.  相似文献   
Integration of fluid inclusion analysis with high spatial resolution Ar–Ar dating of K-feldspar cements has been used to resolve and reconstruct palaeo-fluid flow. Fluid inclusion analysis allows discrimination of distinct cement phases, thereby identifying discrete episodes of fluid flow. Ar–Ar dating of the same cements via high spatial resolution laserprobe establishes absolute age constraints on the framework previously constructed. Integration of these two datasets yields temperature–composition–time data.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusion and scanning electron microscope‐cathodoluminescence evidence indicates focused hot, saline, diagenetic fluid flow within the Eastern Flank of the Britannia Field, offshore Scotland, UK. The fluid was sourced from the Andrew Salt Dome, 10 km to the east. The fluids, which promoted quartz cementation of the upper zones within the field, were up to ~30°C hotter and had salinities up to ~10 wt% NaCl equivalent higher than fluids from lower in the reservoir section. During diagenesis hot saline fluids migrated westwards as part of a radiating ‘diagenetic front’ from the Andrew Salt Dome. Structural dip associated with the Eastern Flank of the Fladen Ground Spur impeded the westward movement of the diagenetic fluid. The quartz cements from the upper and lower reservoir zones can be distinguished by morphology. In the upper zones the quartz cements have well‐developed macro‐crystalline zoning and heterogeneous luminescence across the grain. In the lower zones, the cements are much less developed, unzoned and very weakly luminescent. The diagenetic fluids were primarily focused into Zone 45 within the upper reservoir. Furthermore, within the Main Platform Area the most prolific producing zone is Zone 45, indicating the importance of this interval as a permeable flow unit during both diagenetic and production timescales. Within the Eastern Flank, the quartz overgrowths have a major impact on reservoir permeability and thus well productivity. The overgrowths are most extensive in the originally clean sandstones with low clay content. Clay in optimum volumes (5–10%) can inhibit nucleation of the damaging quartz overgrowths without having a detrimental effect on pore connectivity. These observations provide a predictive concept for use in the search for relative reservoir sweetspots within the degraded Eastern Flank.  相似文献   
There is very little understanding of tellurium (Te) distribution and behaviour in sedimentary rocks. A suite of 15 samples of reduction spheroids (centimetre‐scale pale spheroids in otherwise red rock), including samples from eight localities in Triassic red beds across the British Isles, were mapped for Te using Laser Ablation–Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry. Almost all showed enrichment in Te in the cores of the spheroids relative to background red bed concentrations, by up to four orders of magnitude. Some were also enriched over background in gold and/or mercury. In one case, discrete telluride minerals were recorded. The data show that Te is mobile and can be concentrated in low‐temperature sedimentary environments, controlled by redox variations. The consistency in enrichment across widely separate localities implies that the enrichment is a normal aspect of red bed diagenesis and so likely to be controlled by a ubiquitous process, such as microbial activity.  相似文献   
A carbon‐rich melt fragment from the Gardnos impact structure has been studied for a better understanding of the preservation and structural form(s) of carbon that have been processed by impact melting. The carbon was analyzed in situ in its original petrographic context within the melt fragment, using high‐resolution techniques including focused ion beam‐transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Results show that the carbon is largely uniform and has a nanocrystalline grain size. The Gardnos carbon has a graphitic structure but with a large c/a ratio indicating disorder. The disorder could be a result of rapid heating to high temperatures during impact, followed by rapid cooling, with not enough time to crystallize into highly ordered graphite. However, temperature distribution during impact is extremely heterogenous, and the disordered Gardnos carbon could also represent material that avoided extreme temperatures, and thus, it was preserved. Understanding the structure of carbon during terrestrial impacts is important to help determine if the history of carbon within extraterrestrial samples is impact related. Furthermore, the degree of preservation of carbon during impact is key for locating and detecting organic compounds in extraterrestrial samples. This example from Gardnos, together with previous studies, shows that not all carbon is lost to oxidation during impact but that impact melting can encapsulate and preserve carbon where it is available.  相似文献   

The structure and collapse of linear three-dimensional magnetic neutral points is studied by varying the four parameters (p, q,j|,j ) that define, in general, the linear field of a neutral point. The effect of these parameters on both the skeleton structure (i.e. the fan and spine) and the actual field line structure of the null is considered. It is found that one current component (j ) causes the skeleton structure of the null to fold up from its potential state, whereas the other current component (j |;) causes the field lines to bend. The two other parameters (p,q) determine the potential structure of the null and cause the null to transform from a three-dimensional null to a two-dimensional null and from a positive (type B) null to a negative (type A) null.

To investigate the collapse of three-dimensional nulls, solutions to the linear, low-β ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations are found. It is found that three-dimensional null points can collapse if the field line foot-points are free and energy can propagate into the system.  相似文献   
African education controlled by the state's Department of Education and Training has collapsed. Insufficient spending, low standards and persistent student boycotts have made township schools undesirable places of learning. African students with any financial means now seek secondary education at multi-racial private schools in affluent white suburbs or at street-academies in the centre of Johannesburg. The establishment of schooling services for African pupils in the traditionally white central business district contributes to the wider process of desegregation of South Africa's major urban area, Johannesburg.  相似文献   
Lipids can be present within gypsum as intracrystalline inclusions if they become incorporated within the mineral as is it precipitates. The lipids that comprise these inclusions are protected against alteration or destruction by an external oxidising chemical environment because a protective mineral matrix surrounds them. Sulfate minerals are abundant on the surface of Mars and were present in the samples that were analysed by the Viking landers. The quantities of secondary intracrystalline fossil-lipids that are present in samples of gypsum and gypsum-rich soils from the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic are sufficient to suggest that if a similar concentration of fossil lipids was present in the sulfate-rich samples analysed by the Viking Landers then they could have been detected. Possible reasons why a secondary fossil-lipid signature was not detected include a poor rate of conversion during pyrolysis, exposure of intracrystalline lipids during periods of weathering to oxidative martian diagenesis, a low level of biological productivity or an absence of a source for lipids on the surface of Mars. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of meteoritic origin, and terpane biomarkers such as hopanes and steranes, are not present in the Haughton gypsum in sufficient quantities to have been readily detected.  相似文献   
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