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Corotating solar wind streams emanating from stable coronal structures provide an unique opportunity to compare the response of planetary ionospheres to the energy conveyed in the streams. For recurrent solar conditions the signal propagating outward along spiral paths in interplanetary space can at times exhibit rather similar content at quite different downstream locations in the ecliptic plane. Using solar wind measurements from plasma detectors on ISEE-3, Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) and Helios-A, as well as in-situ ion composition measurements from Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometers on the Atmosphere Explorer-E and PVO spacecraft, corotating stream interactions are examined at Earth and Venus. During May–July 1979 a sequence of distinct, recurrent coronal regions developed at the Sun. Analysis of these regions and the associated solar wind characteristics indicates a corrresponding sequence of corotating streams, identifiable over wide distances. The time series of solar wind velocity variations observed at Earth, Venus, and the Helios-A positions during June–July attests to intervals of corotating stream propagation. The characteristics of the stream which passed Earth on July 3, are observed at Helios-A and at Venus (PVO) about 8 days later, consistent with the spiral path propagation delay times between the locations in the ecliptic plane. On July 3, Earth and Venus have a wide azimuthal separation of about 142 . Although the planetary environments are distinctly different, pronounced and somewhat analagous ionospheric responses to the stream passage are observed at both Earth and Venus. The response to the intercepted stream is consistent with independent investigations which have shown that the variability of the solar wind momentum flux is an important factor in the solar wind-ionosphere interaction at both planets.  相似文献   
Plasma and field relationships observed across the nightside of Venus evidence a chaotic variety of interactions between the ionosphere and the combined effect of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field draped about the planet. Close examination of these data reveal within the chaos a number of repeatable signatures key to understanding fundamental field-plasma interactions. Observed from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, (PVO), nightside conditions range from extensive, full-up ionospheres with little evidence of dynamic or energetic perturbations, to an almost full depletion, sometimes described as disappearing ionospheres. Between these extremes, the ionospheric structure is often irregular, sometimes exhibiting well-defined density troughs, at other times complex intervals of either abundant or minimal plasma concentration. Consistently, large B-fields (typically exceeding 5–10 nanoteslas) coincide with plasma decreases, whereas stable, abundant plasma distributions are associated with very low-level field. We examine hundreds of nightside orbits, identifying close correlations between regions of elevated magnetic fields featuring polarity reversals, and (a) exclusive low-frequency or distinctive broadband noise, or both, in the electric field data, (b) turbulent, superthermal behavior of the the ions and electrons. We review extensive studies of nightside fields to show that the correlations observed are consistent with theoretical arguments that the presence of strong magnetic fields within normal ionospheric heights indicates the intrusion of magnetosheath fields and plasma within such regions. We find abundant evidence that the ionosphere is frequently disrupted by such events, exhibiting a chaotic, auroral-like complexity appearing over a wide range of altitude and local time. We show that field-plasma disturbances, widely suggested to be similar to conditions in the Earth's auroral regions, are tightly linked to the electric field noise otherwise attributed to lightning. Owing to the coincidence inherent in this relationship, we suggest that natural, predictable plasma instabilities associated with the plasma gradients and current sheets evident within these events produce the E-field noise. The data relationships argue for a more detailed investigation of solar wind induced E-field noise mechanisms as the appropriate scientific procedure for invoking sources for the noise previously attributed to lightning. Consistent with these views, we note that independent analyses have offered alternative explanations of the noise as arising from ionospheric disturbances, that repeated searches for optical evidence of lightning have found no such evidence, and that no accepted theoretical work has yet surfaced to support the inference of lightning at Venus.  相似文献   
Nadeau  S.  Rosa  E.  Cloutier  V.  Mayappo  D.  Paran  F.  Graillot  D. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(6):2053-2075

This study focuses on the development of two GIS-based approaches that are used jointly to evaluate the groundwater resources associated with granular aquifers in shield environments. The first approach is a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) using an analytical hierarchic process (AHP) based on geological and hydrogeological data for ranking the probability of finding readily available groundwater resources in a specific territory. The second approach relies on GIS-based geometric calculations that were developed for evaluating the extent and volume of aquifers. The approaches are applied on a 100?×?100 m grid in a 185,000-km2 area corresponding to watersheds of the James Bay area in Quebec, Canada. The MCA-AHP approach revealed that the unconfined granular aquifers that present the highest aquifer potential (AP) are sparsely distributed and mostly associated with glaciofluvial formations such as the Harricana and Sakami moraines. The geometric calculations approach allowed for estimating that the total volume of groundwater stored in the unconfined granular aquifers reaches approximately 40 km3. When used jointly, the two approaches reveal that the shallow unconfined aquifers that require increased groundwater protection account for approximately 5% of the territory. In areas of confined granular aquifers, the highest APs are located in river valleys and lowlands. A sensitivity analysis conducted on the MCA-AHP approach revealed that the grid size does not significantly affect the results. Therefore, the approach was expanded northward, to a 490,000-km2 territory reaching the Ungava Bay area. The proposed method could be adapted and applied in other shield areas.

The study of groundwater hydrogeochemistry of the Paleozoic Basses-Laurentides sedimentary rock aquifer system in Québec produced a large geochemical dataset. Groundwater samples were collected at 153 sites over a 1500 km2 study area and analyzed for major and minor ions. The large number of data can lead to difficulties in the integration, interpretation and representation of the results. Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the dataset to evaluate their usefulness to classify the groundwater samples, and to identify geochemical processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. This subgroup consisted of 144 samples and 14 parameters (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, , Cl, , Fe2+, Mn2+, Br, Sr2+, F, Ba2+, HS). Seven geochemically distinct clusters, C1–C7, resulted from the HCA. Samples from clusters C3, C4, C6 and C7 are mostly located in preferential recharge areas. The majority of these samples have Ca–Mg–HCO3 recharge groundwater (C3, C6, C7) and Na–HCO3 evolved groundwater (C4). Samples from the other three clusters (C1, C2, C5) are characteristic of an aquifer system under confined conditions. The majority of these samples have Na–HCO3 evolved groundwater (C1, C5) and Na–Cl ancient groundwater that exhibits elevated concentrations in Br (C2). In addition to recognizing the importance of hydrogeological conditions on groundwater geochemistry, the distribution of clusters also showed the importance of the geological formations on minor and trace elements, such as Fe2+, Mn2+, Sr2+, F and Ba2+. The first five components of the PCA account for 78.3% of the total variance in the dataset. Component 1 is defined by highly positive loadings in Na+, Cl and Br and is related to groundwater mixing with Champlain Sea water and solute diffusion from the marine clay aquitard. The high positive loadings in Ca2+ and Mg2+ of component 2 suggest the importance of dissolution of carbonate rocks in this aquifer system. From their characteristic loadings, the first two components are defined as the “salinity” and “hardness” components, respectively. Components 3–5 are related to more local and geological effects. The integration of the HCA and the PCA, with conventional classification of groundwater types, as well as with the hydrogeological and geological contexts, allowed the division of the region into four main geochemical areas, providing an improved regional picture of the aquifer system dynamics and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater. The following factors were recognized as influencing the evolution of groundwater identified in every geochemical area: (1) geological characteristics including sedimentary rock type and till mineralogy; (2) hydrogeological characteristics represented by the level of confinement and the hydraulic gradient; and (3) the geological history including the latest glaciation and the Champlain Sea invasion. With its integrated approach, this hydrogeochemical study contributes to the characterization and understanding of complex groundwater flow systems, and provides an example of the long-term geochemical evolution of hydrogeological systems after a major perturbation, in this case seawater invasion.  相似文献   
The Athabasca Basin hosts many world-class unconformity-related uranium deposits. Recently, uranium reserves for the Eagle Point basement-hosted deposit have increased with the discovery of new mineralized zones within secondary structures. A paragenetic study of Eagle Point reveals the presence of three temporally distinct alteration stages: a pre-Athabasca alteration, a main alteration and mineralization comprised of three substages, and a post-main alteration and mineralization stage that culminated in remobilization of uraninite from primary to secondary structures. The pre-Athabasca alteration stage consists of minor amounts of clinochlore, followed by dolomite and calcite alteration in the hanging wall of major fault zones and kaolinitization of plagioclase and K-feldspar caused by surface weathering. The main alteration and uranium mineralization stage is related to three temporally distinct substages, all of which were produced by isotopically similar fluids. A major early alteration substage characterized by muscovite alteration and by precipitation Ca–Sr–LREE-rich aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals, both from basinal fluids at temperatures around 240°C prior to 1,600 Ma. The mineralization substage involved uraninite and hematite precipitated in primary structures. The late alteration substage consists of dravite, uranophane-beta veins, calcite veins, and sudoite alteration from Mg–Ca-rich chemically modified basinal fluids with temperatures around 180°C. The post-main alteration and mineralization stage is characterized by remobilization of main stage uraninite from primary to secondary structures at a minimum age of ca. 535 Ma. U–Pb resetting events recorded on primary and remobilized uraninites are coincident with fluid flow induced by distal orogenies, remobilizing radiogenic Pb to a distance of at least 225 m above the mineralized zones.  相似文献   
厦门东海域鱼类食物网研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文分析了厦门东海域58种鱼类的营养关系.根据对它们的食性分析,并依其食料生物的生态类群,将厦门东海域的鱼类食性类型分为:浮游生物食性、底栖生物食性、游泳动物食性、浮游生物和底栖生物、底栖生物和游泳动物食性等5种.该海域鱼类的营养级可分为4级:杂食性鱼类、低级肉食性鱼类、中级肉食性鱼类和高级肉食性鱼类,其中低级肉食性鱼类占优势,为63.79%.本文还分析了厦门东海域鱼类的食物网及其能量流动途径,并提出合理利用和保护厦门东海域鱼类资源的建议.  相似文献   
This study investigated how hydrogeological setting influences aquifer–peatland connections in slope and basin peatlands. Steady-state groundwater flow was simulated using Modflow on 2D transects for an esker slope peatland and for a basin peatland in southern Quebec (Canada). Simulations investigated how hydraulic heads and groundwater flow exported toward runoff from the peatland can be influenced by recharge, hydraulic properties, and heterogeneity. The slope peatland model was strongly dominated by horizontal flow from the esker. This suggests that slope peatlands are dependent on the hydrogeological conditions of the adjacent aquifer reservoir, but are resilient to hydrological changes. The basin peatland produced groundwater outflow to the surface aquifer. Lateral and vertical peat heterogeneity due to peat decomposition or compaction were identified as having a significant influence on fluxes. These results suggest that basin peatlands are more dependent on recharge conditions, and could be more susceptible to land use and climate changes.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地复杂地区地层压力预测方法研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
准噶尔盆地地层压力分布复杂,长期以来由于地层压力预测不准,在钻井过程中常出现井壁失稳、卡钻、井壁坍塌、钻井液漏失等工程事故,严重影响了钻井速度.为减少工程复杂问题,准确预测地层压力至关重要.为此,在准噶尔盆地开展了断层相关褶皱理论解释复杂构造、利用地质构造建模指导速度建模,求出每层的层速度和真倾角,再用Terzaghi 理论计算地层孔隙压力,计算结果证实地层压力预测精度显著提高.  相似文献   
In a steady-state model for the interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere of a non-magnetic planet, the magnetized solar wind acts as a dynamo over the dayside of the planet and induces Ohmic currents in the planet's ionosphere. A model for the dynamo mechanism and for the induced current configuration is developed. Based on this model and assumed model atmospheres of Mars and Venus, the distribution of currents entering the ionosphere through the ionopause is calculated. The requirement that the total current be of such a magnitude as to cancel the shock-compressed interplanetary magnetic field fixes the ionopause altitude. The calculations for Venus are in reasonable agreement with observations. The calculations for Mars indicate the possibility of an observable ionopause in the altitude range from 325 to 425 km.  相似文献   
Involving a wide-range of stakeholders at different moments in the planning of urban adaptation to climate change can help to overcome different barriers to adaptation, such as a lack of common perception, or control over options. This Article argues for an approach that involves a wide range of actors throughout the planning process in order to confront the challenges of urban adaptation to climate change. It builds on the results of a three-year participatory action research project to identify the catalysts with which local administrations can overcome the lack of data, the low level of engagement around the climate issue, and the cause-and-effect linkages of climate change impacts on the urban environment. Significant factors include territorial rootedness, leveraging actors’ experience, interaction between actors, as well as the valuing of local actors as experts of territorial management rather than as novices with regard to climate change adaptation. In addition to contributing towards the engagement of a large number of stakeholders around adaptation issues, a planning process that involves representatives from various sectors and during several stages contributes to a greater understanding of these issues and their linkages. It follows that such a process will bring changes to urban practices by better articulating local concerns about climatic issues.

Policy relevance

Although participation is commonly advocated in policy responses to climate change, only few empirical studies have investigated the ways in which local actors' knowledge can be integrated into climate change adaptation planning processes. The article builds on the results of an action research project carried out in Québec City, Canada, to address the relevance of involving a progressively broader range of actors as the adaptation process moves through its various phases. Given that a multitude of barriers to adaptation are at play at different times in a municipality, collaborations between local stakeholders emerge as a key factor. These collaborations provide greater insight into the linkages between climate change impacts and the urban environment and, in doing so, bring into question ordinary urban management and design practices.  相似文献   
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