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Oil-weathering processes in ice-free subarctic and Arctic waters include spreading, evaporation, dissolution, dispersion of whole-oil droplets into the water column, photochemical oxidation, water-in-oil emulsification, microbial degradation, adsorption onto suspended particulate material, ingestion by organisms, sinking, and sedimentation. While many of these processes also are important factors in ice-covered waters, the various forms of sea ice (depending on the active state of ice growth, extent of coverage and/or decay) impart drastic, if not controlling, changes to the rates and relative importance of different oil-weathering mechanisms. Flow-through seawater wave-tank experiments in a cold room at −35°C and studies in the Chukchi Sea in late winter provide data on oil fate and effects for a variety of potential oil spill scenarios in the Arctic. Time-series chemical weathering data are presented for Prudhoe Bay crude oil released under and encapsulated in growing first-year columnar ice through spring breakup.  相似文献   
The strength of the Sun's polar fields   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The magnetic field strength within the polar caps of the Sun is an important parameter for both the solar activity cycle and for our understanding of the interplanetary magnetic field. Measurements of the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field generally yield 0.1 to 0.2 mT near times of sunspot minimum. In this paper we report measurements of the polar fields made at the Stanford Solar Observatory using the Fe i line 525.02 nm. We find that the average flux density poleward of 55° latitude is about 0.6 mT peaking to more than 1 mT at the pole and decreasing to 0.2 mT at the polar cap boundary. The total open flux through either polar cap thus becomes about 3 × 1014 Wb. We also show that observed magnetic field strengths vary as the line-of-sight component of nearly radial fields.  相似文献   
This paper describes Skylab/ATM observations of the events associated with a disappearing filament near the center of the solar disk on January 18, 1974. As the filament disappeared, the nearby coronal plasma was heated to a temperature in excess of 6 × 106K. A change in the pattern of coronal emission occurred during the 11/3 hr period that the soft X-ray flux was increasing. This change seemed to consist of the formation and apparent expansion of a loop-like coronal structure which remained visible until its passage around the west limb several days later. The time history of the X-ray and microwave radio flux displayed the well-known gradual-rise-and-fall (GRF) signature, suggesting that this January 18 event may have properties characteristic of a wide class of X-ray and radio events.In pursuit of this idea, we examined other spatially-resolved Skylab/ATM observations of long-duration X-ray events to see what characteristics they may have in common. Nineteen similar long-lived SOLRAD X-ray events having either the GRF or post-burst radio classification occurred during the nine-month Skylab mission. Sixteen of these occurred during HAO/ATM coronagraph observations, and 7 of these 16 events occurred during observations with both the NRL/ATM slitless spectrograph and the MSFC-A/ATM X-ray telescope. The tabulation of these events suggests that all long-lived SOLRAD X-ray bursts involve transients in the outer corona and that at least two-thirds of the bursts involve either the eruption or major activation of a prominence. Also, these observations indicate that long-lived SOLARD events are characterized by the appearance of new loops of emission in the lower corona during the declining phase of the X-ray emission. However, sometimes these loops disappear after the X-ray event (like the post-flare loops associated with a sporadic coronal condensation), and sometimes the loops remain indefinitely (like the emission from a permanent coronal condensation).Visiting Scientist, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Ariz. 85726, U.S.A. operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Presently located at NASA/MSFC, Space Sciences Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center, Ala. 35812, U. S.A.  相似文献   
To understand the petrogenesis of peraluminous granites syntectonicto the Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone in theSul-rio-grandense Shield, Brazil, melting experiments were performedon one of the potential protoliths, a cordierite-bearing semi-peliticmetasedimentary gneiss (PE-1). Experiments were conducted atpressures of 5, 10 and 15 kbar, at temperatures of 700–900°C,and under fluid-absent and 5% H2O-present conditions. The experimentsshow that fluid-absent melting begins at near-solidus conditions,around 700°C, promoted by participation of retrogressivephengitic muscovite in the reaction Mus + Kf ± Qz = melt± Fe–Ti oxide ± Als, producing a very smallamount of melt (<9%) with widely ranging composition. Allhypersolidus experiments (>800°C) produced S-type graniticmelts promoted by participation of biotite or cordierite inthe reactions Bio + Pl + Crd + Qz = Px + Fe–Ti oxide +melt at 5 kbar, and Bio + Pl + Crd ± Qz = Grt + Als ±Kf + melt at 10 and 15 kbar, both producing a high amount ofmelt (10–63% by volume). The melt compositions obtainedat 900°C and 15 kbar under fluid-absent conditions, promotedby biotite or cordierite breakdown, are similar to the syntectonicgranites. However, it is unlikely that the granites were formedat this pressure (corresponding to a depth of melting of  相似文献   
Volcanic aerosol emissions have been studied for the first time by in situ photoelectric charging. Explorative studies on Mt Etna reveal large concentrations of particles below 1000 nm with the spectrum peaking in the size range of 100–1000 nm diameter. Although a large fraction of the particles is already charged upon emission, the net electrical charge carried by the aerosol turned out to be close to zero.Particles with high photoelectric yield vary greatly in their relative abundance and seem to occur mainly at active points of the volcano.  相似文献   

Winter mean 700-hectoPascal (hPa) height anomalies, representing the average atmospheric circulation during the snow season, are compared with annual streamflow measured at 140 streamgauges in the western United States. Correlation and anomaly pattern analyses are used to identify relationships between winter mean atmospheric circulation and temporal and spatial variability in annual streamflow. Results indicate that variability in winter mean 700-Hpa height anomalies accounts for a statistically significant portion of the temporal variability in annual streamflow in the western United States. In general, above-average annual streamflow is associated with negative winter mean 700-Hpa height anomalies over the eastern North Pacific Ocean and/or the western United States. The anomalies produce an anomalous flow of moist air from the eastern North Pacific Ocean into the western United States that increases winter precipitation and snowpack accumulations, and subsequently streamflow. Winter mean 700-hPa height anomalies also account for statistically significant differences in spatial distributions of annual streamflow. As part of this study, winter mean atmospheric circulation patterns for the 40 years analysed were classified into five winter mean 700-hPa height anomaly patterns. These patterns are related to statistically significant and physically meaningful differences in spatial distributions of annual streamflow.  相似文献   
Lake Hoare, Antarctica: sedimentation through a thick perennial ice cover   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Lake Hoare in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica is covered with a perennial ice cover more than 3 m thick, yet there is a complex record of sedimentation and of growth of microbial mats on the lake bottom. Rough topography on the ice covering the lake surface traps sand that is transported by the wind. In late summer, vertical conduits form by melting and fracturing, making the ice permeable to both liquid water and gases. Cross-sections of the ice cover show that sand is able to penetrate into and apparently through it by descending through these conduits. This is the primary sedimentation mechanism in the lake. Sediment traps retrieved from the lake bottom indicate that rates of deposition can vary by large amounts over lateral scales as small as 1 m. This conclusion is supported by cores taken in a 3 × 3 grid with a spacing of 1.5 m. Despite the close spacing of the cores, the poor stratigraphic correlation that is observed indicates substantial lateral variability in sedimentation rate. Apparently, sand descends into the lake from discrete, highly localized sources in the ice that may in some cases deposit a large amount of sand into the lake in a very short time. In some locations on the lake bottom, distinctive sand mounds have been formed by this process. They are primary sedimentary structures and appear unique to the perennially ice-covered lacustrine environment. In some locations they are tens of centimetres high and gently rounded with stable slopes; in others they reach ~ 1 m in height and have a conical shape with slopes at angle of repose. A simple formation model suggests that these differences can be explained by local variations in water depth and sedimentation rate. Rapid colonization and stabilization of fresh sand surfaces by microbial mats composed of cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae, and heterotrophic bacteria produces a complex intercalation of organic and sandy layers that are a distinctive form of modern stromatolites.  相似文献   
Fossils explained 22: Palaeontology of amber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GEORGE O. POINAR  JR 《Geology Today》1998,14(4):154-160
Application of the principles of transport theory to studiesof magma-hydrothermal systems permits quantitative predictionsto be made of the consequences of magma intruding into permeablerocks. Transport processes which redistribute energy, mass,and momentum in these environments can be represented by a setof partial differential equations involving the rate of changeof extensive properties in the system. Numerical approximationand computer evaluation of the transport equations effectivelysimulates the crystallization of magma, cooling of the igneousrocks, advection of chemical components, and chemical and isotopicmass transfer between minerals and aqueous solution. Numerical modeling of the deep portions of the Skaergaard magma-hydrothermalsystem has produced detailed maps of the temperature, pressure,fluid velocity, integrated fluid flux, 18O-values in rock andfluid, and extent of nonequilibrium exchange reactions betweenfluid and rock as a function of time for a two-dimensional cross-sectionthrough the pluton. An excellent match was made between calculated18O-values and the measured 18O-values in the three principalrock units, basalt, gabbro, and gneiss, as well as in xenolithsof roof rocks that are now embedded in Layered Series; the latterwere evidently depleted in 18O early in the system's coolinghistory, prior to falling to the bottom of the magma chamber.The best match was realized for a system in which the bulk rockpermeabilities were 10–13 cm2 for the intrusion, 10–11cm2 for basalt, and 10–16 cm2 for gneiss; reaction domainsizes were 0.2 cm in the intrusion and gneiss and 0.01 cm inthe basalts, and activation energy for the isotope exchangereaction between fluid and plagioclase was 30 kcal/mole. The calculated thermal history of the Skaergaard system wascharacterized by extensive fluid circulation that was largelyrestricted to the permeable basalts and to regions of the plutonstratigraphically above the basalt-gneiss unconformity. Althoughfluids circulated all around the crystallizing magma, fluidflow paths were deflected around the magma sheet during theinitial 130,000 years. At that time, crystallization of thefinal sheet of magma and fracture of the rock shifted the circulationsystem toward the center of the intrusion, thereby minimizingthe extent of isotope exchange between rocks near the marginof the intrusion at this level. For comparison, similar calculationswere also made for pure conductive cooling; it was found thatthe rate of crystallization of the magma body was not changed.The solidified pluton cooled by a factor of about 2 faster inthe presence of a hydrothermal system. Transport rates of thermal energy out of the intrusion and oflow-18O fluids into the intrusion controlled the overall isotopeexchange process. During the initial 150,000 years, temperatureswere high and reaction rates were fast; thus, fluids flowinginto the intrusion quickly equilibrated with plagioclase. However,the temperature decreased between 120,000 and 175,000 yearsand caused a decrease in reaction rates and an increase in theequilibrium fractionation factor between plagioclase and fluid.Consequently, during this time period fluids in the intrusiontended to be out of equilibrium with plagioclase. After 175,000years temperatures had decreased sufficiently that reactionrates became insignificant, but convection rates were largeenough to redistribute fluid and enlarge the regions where fluidand plagioclase were out of equilibrium. By 400,000 years, thepluton had cooled to approximately ambient temperatures, andthe final 18O values were ‘frozen in’. Reactionsbetween hydrothermal fluid and the intrusion occurred over abroad range in temperature, 1000-200 °C, but 75 per centof the fluid circulated through the intrusion while its averagetemperature was >480 °C. This relatively high temperatureis consistent with the observation that only minor amounts ofhydrothermal alteration products were formed in the naturalsystem, even where several per mil shifts in 18O were detected. The relative quantities of fluid to rock integrated over theentire cooling history were 0.52 for the upper part of intrusion,0.88 for the basalt, 0.003 for the gneiss, and 0.41 for theentire domain. Almost all of the fluid flowed into the intrusionfrom the basalt host rocks that occur adjacent to the side contactsof the intrusion. Convection transferred about 20 per cent ofthe total heat contained in the gabbro upward into the overlyingbasalts; the remaining 80 per cent of the heat was transferredby conduction.  相似文献   
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