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大兴安岭中南段中生代成矿物质的深部来源与背景   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
大兴安岭是我国北方一个重要的多金属成矿带。本文从成矿的物质来源和构造作用两方面讨论大兴安岭的成矿系统。Sr、Nd、O、Pb同位素的研究显示大兴安岭成矿物质的深部来源,大兴安岭晚中生代壳幔混熔花岗质岩石组成及其构造环境的研究,表明它们是在板内非造山的伸展环境下形成的A型花岗岩。与南岭花岗岩及其成矿作用的对比研究,将加深对大兴安岭中生代成矿特征的认识。深部构造特征也进一步印证了大兴安岭的成岩-成矿的背景。  相似文献   
The VLBA has been used over a period of four years to study the internal motions within a sample of quasars and AGN. In most sources, features appear to propagate away from the central engine along a well collimated radio jet with apparent transverse velocities between zero and 10c, with some evidence for apparent accelerations and decelerations. The distribution of apparent velocity is not consistent with any simple ballistic model and appears to require either a spread in intrinsic velocity or a difference between the bulk velocity and pattern velocity. The dependence of apparent angular velocity with redshift is consistent with standard Friedmann world models. Further observations of a larger source sample, especially at large redshift may lead to meaningful constraints on world models.  相似文献   
依据南海低纬地区SA09-040孔高分辨率的孢粉记录,自下至上划分了4个孢粉组合带。从孢粉成分的变化,重建了22.25ka B P以来的植被与气候变化历史。结果表明:孢粉主要来源于婆罗洲和周围岛屿,孢粉1带(22.25~16.6ka B P),低山雨林植被发育,为暖热气候,从测年时间看,当时为末次冰期晚期。孢粉2带(16.6~10.82ka B P,为末次冰消期),植被以热带低山雨林和低地雨林为主,针叶的松数量较多,当时的气温比现在低。孢粉3带(全新世早期,10.82~6.43ka B P),植被以热带低山雨林和低地雨林为主,针叶松属数量减少,气温比前期升高,海平面也上升。孢粉4带(全新世中晚期,6.43ka B P至今),全新世中期为炎热、湿润的气候环境,全新世晚期可能与婆罗洲现今的植被景观相近,为热、湿的气候环境。  相似文献   
Short time‐scale radio variations of compact extragalactic radio quasars and blazars known as IntraDay Variability (IDV) can be explained in at least some sources as a propagation effect; the variations are interpreted as scintillation of radio waves in the turbulent interstellar medium of the Milky Way. One of the most convincing observational arguments in favor of a propagation‐induced variability scenario is the observed annual modulation in the characteristic time scale of the variation due to the Earth's orbital motion. So far there are only two sources known with a well‐constrained seasonal cycle. Annual modulation has been proposed for a few other less well‐documented objects. However, for some other IDV sources source‐intrinsic structural variations which cause drastic changes in the variability time scale were also suggested. J1128+592 is a recently discovered, highly variable IDV source. Previous, densely time‐sampled flux‐density measurements with the Effelsberg 100‐m radio telescope (Germany) and the Urumqi 25‐m radio telescope (China), strongly indicate an annual modulation of the time scale. The most recent 4 observations in 2006/7, however, do not fit well to the annual modulation model proposed before. In this paper, we investigate a possible explanation of this discrepancy. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Fish assemblages that included known predators of benthic crustaceans were compared between kelp and barren habitats in northeastern New Zealand using baited underwater video census methods. The benthic-feeding fish were observed in winter, spring/summer and autumn, as well as during night-time in spring/summer. Overall, the fish assemblages varied between barren and kelp habitat, being most marked in winter. Individual benthic-feeding species, such as grey mao mao (Scorpis lineolatus) and leatherjacket (Meuschenia scaber) were associated with barren habitat, while the spotted wrasse (Notolabrus celidotus) was more strongly associated with kelp habitat. The results suggest that changes in habitats on coastal reefs affect populations of species that are benthic predators, which may in turn influence the distribution and abundance of their prey species, such as juvenile spiny lobsters.  相似文献   
Zooplankton biomass and distribution in the KwaZulu-Natal Bight were investigated in relation to environmental parameters during summer (January–February 2010) and winter (July–August 2010). Mean zooplankton biomass was significantly higher in winter (17.1 mg dry weight [DW] m–3) than in summer (9.5 mg DW m?3). In summer, total biomass was evenly distributed within the central bight, low off the Thukela River mouth and peaked near Durban. In winter, highest biomass was found offshore between Richards Bay and Cape St Lucia. Zooplankton biomass in each size class was significantly, negatively related to sea surface temperature and integrated nitrate, but positively related to surface chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. Zooplankton biomass was significantly related to bottom depth, with greatest total biomass located inshore (<50 m). Distribution across the shelf varied with zooplankton size. Seasonal differences in copepod size composition suggest that a smaller, younger community occupied the cool, chlorophyll-rich waters offshore from the St Lucia upwelling cell in winter, and a larger, older community occurred within the relatively warm and chlorophyll-poor central bight in summer. Nutrient enrichment from quasi-permanent upwelling off Durban and Richards Bay appears to have a greater influence on zooplankton biomass and distribution in the bight than the strongly seasonal nutrient input from the Thukela River.  相似文献   
As an example of the technique of fingerprint detection of greenhouse climate change, a multivariate signal or fingerprint of the enhanced greenhouse effect is defined using the zonal mean atmospheric temperature change as a function of height and latitude between equilibrium climate model simulations with control and doubled CO2 concentrations. This signal is compared with observed atmospheric temperature variations over the period 1963 to 1988 from radiosonde-based global analyses. There is a significant increase of this greenhouse signal in the observational data over this period.These results must be treated with caution. Upper air data are available for a short period only, possibly too short to be able to resolve any real greenhouse climate change. The greenhouse fingerprint used in this study may not be unique to the enhanced greenhouse effect and may be due to other forcing mechanisms. However, it is shown that the patterns of atmospheric temperature change associated with uniform global increases of sea surface temperature, with El NinoSouthern Oscillation events and with decreases of stratospheric ozone concentrations individually are different from the greenhouse fingerprint used here.  相似文献   
Absorption of the synchrotron emission of the quasar 3C 345 in the continuum and H(93–95)α and H(78–79)α radio recombination lines is studied. The upper limit for absorption in the H(93–95)α lines is Tal/Tac < 0.7%; absorption in the H(78–79)α lines with antenna temperature Tal = 25 mK, linewidth Δf = 5.3 ± 0.08 MHz, and Tal/Tac ≥ 0.3% has been detected. A correction to the redshift Δz = 0.00135 ± 0.00008 (z = 0.59365) has been determined.  相似文献   
We discuss results from a decade long program to study the fine-scale structure and the kinematics of relativistic AGN jets with the aim of better understanding the acceleration and collimation of the relativistic plasma forming AGN jets. From the observed distribution of brightness temperature, apparent velocity, flux density, time variability, and apparent luminosity, the intrinsic properties of the jets including Lorentz factor, luminosity, orientation, and brightness temperature are discussed. Special attention is given to the jet in M87, which has been studied over a wide range of wavelengths and which, due to its proximity, is observed with excellent spatial resolution. Most radio jets appear quite linear, but we also observe curved non-linear jets and non-radial motions. Sometimes, different features in a given jet appear to follow the same curved path but there is evidence for ballistic trajectories as well. The data are best fit with a distribution of Lorentz factors extending up to γ∼30 and intrinsic luminosity up to ∼1026 W Hz−1. In general, gamma-ray quasars may have somewhat larger Lorentz factors than non gamma-ray quasars. Initially the observed brightness temperature near the base of the jet extend up to ∼5×1013 K which is well in excess of the inverse Compton limit and corresponds to a large excess of particle energy over magnetic energy. However, more typically, the observed brightness temperatures are ∼2×1011 K, i.e., closer to equipartition.  相似文献   
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