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A 275‐km‐long transversel Northern Adriatic profile from the mouth of the Po River (Italian Adriatic coast) to the Kvarner region (Croatian coastal island area) was investigated in three successive case studies in August 2008, 2009 and 2010. The short Po River pulses in August result in the surface advection of riverine water, nutrients and phytoplankton from the western to the eastern side of the Adriatic. This surface spreading exhibits inter‐annual variability depending on the riverine discharge in the preceding period. The Po River discharge pulse in August 2010 in particular resulted in an extraordinary tongue‐like advection of riverine water, nutrients, and phytoplankton towards the Eastern Adriatic coast. The phenomenon was detected using both satellite imagery and classical oceanographic measurements. In the advective water, toxic dinoflagellates were most abundant in August 2010, when the influence of the Po was greatest.  相似文献   
Whereas the data on mesozooplankton in the epipelagic offshore Mediterranean Sea are extensive, less information is available about plankton in the deeper layers. The present study aims to describe the vertical and horizontal structure and distribution of mesozooplankton species and their associations down to 1,200 m in the water of the Southern Adriatic Sea. Zooplankton were sampled using a Nansen net of 200‐μm mesh size during two cruises in the winters of 2015 and 2016, extending from the coast to the open sea. In total, 203 zooplankton taxa were identified. The community was dominated by copepods, representing between 67% and 91% of the total abundance. The highest total densities were recorded in the upper layers where a high proportion (up to 36%) of appendicularians was also observed in the first sampled year. Five groups of samples were determined based on their community structure. In 2015 communities were distinct between the 0 and 50 m layer and the underlying one (50–100 m), whereas in 2016 epipelagic waters were inhabited by a more uniform mesozooplankton community. The mesopelagic and deep‐water fauna, especially copepods, showed a relatively stable composition in both sampling years Overall, our study confirms the oligotrophic character of the Southern Adriatic, with occasional density outbreaks of appendicularians under favourable conditions.  相似文献   
现阶段我国城市化正处于加速发展阶段,城市蔓延现象严重.自20世纪90年代以来,长春城市蔓延问题开始显现且呈加重化趋势.根据城市蔓延多维性内涵,利用长春市1993-2010年社会经济统计资料数据,构建经济与社会效益两大子系统指标体系来计算城市土地利用效益协调性,然后再结合4时相遥感影像资料得到的城市空间形态相关数据,运用模糊综合评价法测度城市蔓延.结果表明,1993-2005年间,长春城市蔓延数值在波动中出现先降后升态势,整体处于中等蔓延等级;而2006-2010年间,城市蔓延数值从0.614猛升到0.701,蔓延严重化趋势明显.最后,借鉴国内外控制城市蔓延相关理念与措施,从加快经济增长方式转变、提高土地集约利用、减缓机动化趋势、发展立体公共交通系统、划定城市增长边界、保护生态环境、加强边缘区房地产控制、提倡土地混合利用、提高城市规划科学性、强化规划落实等方面提出长春城市蔓延的针对性治理措施.  相似文献   
Ground fissures, especially if they open due to a sudden collapse of the surface, is a serious risk for populated areas. Their common occurrence in unconsolidated sediments of the Main Ethiopian Rift was found to be mostly a result of piping. The fissures start by piping in linear sub-horizontal underground voids, which often propagate upwards resulting in ceiling collapse and formation of deep and long ground fissures with vertical walls. In the southern and central Main Ethiopian Rift the fissures pose a serious risk to infrastructure and settlements. The ground fissures are often linear (up to several kilometres long and often tens of metres deep) and accompanied by sinkholes (along the length). A detailed field mapping of the geological (rock composition, orientation and character of lithological boundaries, primary fabrics and brittle structures) and geomorphological features (especially a length, width and depth of fissures, sinkholes and gullies) followed by in situ seismic anisotropy measurements and a laboratory determination of the geomechanical properties of volcanoclastic deposits was carried out to investigate the ground fissures' origin. The conditions and factors leading to the formation of the ground fissures have been linked to: (a) the presence of regional normal faults and the associated extensional joints and (b) the alternation of lithological units with contrasting hydraulic permeability. The latter corresponds to a sequence of less permeable hard rocks (e.g., rhyolitic ignimbrites) overlain by heterogeneous, soft and permeable, unconsolidated volcaniclastic deposits with a low amount of clay (less than 10%). The ground fissures' occurrence has shown affiliation to areas which have a significantly high seismic anisotropy (more than 20% at the study sites), which can be used as a proxy to map out high risk areas prone to piping and ground fissure formation.  相似文献   
乌梁素海沉水植物群落光谱特征及冠层水深影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沉水植物对于改善富营养化水体和重建水生生态系统起着至关重要的作用.应用遥感技术可以实时、大面积监测沉水植物的分布和生长情况,而冠层水深直接影响沉水植物在湖泊、河流中的准确遥感解译.本研究基于实测光谱数据,分析了乌梁素海沉水植物光谱特征,并研究了冠层水深对乌梁素海沉水植物反射光谱的影响,建立了乌梁素海沉水植物冠层水深反演模型.结果表明:1)挺水植物在短波红外1662 nm和2223 nm附近分别有一个反射峰,这是挺水植物区别于沉水植物和漂浮藻类的重要波段; 0深度沉水植物(WDC=0)与漂浮藻类的光谱反射率非常接近,但是在绿波段(550~690 nm)有明显差异,因此,可以利用绿波段和短波红外波段的光谱特征来区分挺水植物、沉水植物和漂浮藻类.2)沉水植物群落的光谱反射率随冠层水深的增加而降低,在700~900 nm波段范围内变化最为明显,且在700~735 nm波段附近,沉水植物群落光谱反射率与冠层水深呈显著负相关.3)在建立的单波段/波段比沉水植物冠层水深反演模型中,波段比反演模型要优于单波段反演模型,波段比反演模型的决定系数R2> 0.70,均方根误差<13.70 cm,...  相似文献   
Summary In the southern part of the Hruby Jeseník Mts. (Silesicum, Bohemian Massif) granitic orthogneisses and quartz-feldspars mylonites occur that were variously deformed, metamorphosed and imbricated with the overlaying Devonian volcano-sedimentary complex during the Variscan orogeny. Based on combined mapping, petrologic and geochemical studies, three main rock groups are distinguished. The fairly primitive nature of the tonalite suite is shown by low 87Sr/86Sr550 ratios (0.7034–0.7038) and positive ε Nd 550 values (+3.8 and +3.1). Isotopic composition of the metagranite suite is similar (ε Nd 550 = +1.9 to +2.9). Both suites probably belong to a single Cadomian calc-alkaline tonalite–granite association, which can be correlated with acid-intermediate plutonic rocks of the eastern Brunovistulicum (Slavkov Terrane). All these units are interpreted as representing dismembered fragments of the same continental margin magmatic arc system. The leucogranite suite is most likely early Variscan in age. The initial Nd isotopic composition (ε Nd 330 = +0.8 and +2.3) is consistent with its formation by a Variscan remelting of the metaigneous Cadomian crust represented by the rocks of the tonalite–granite association. The within-plate granite affinity of the leucogranite suite is most likely related to the break-up of the Brunovistulicum during the Variscan orogeny.  相似文献   
Lipid classes in a small, eutrophicated salty lake (Rogoznica Lake, middle Adriatic), which is often subject to appeareance of anoxic conditions, were analyzed at the end of winter (March) and in summer (July) 2008. The results are supported with DOC, POC, phytoplankton, temperature, salinity and oxygen data. During both March and July massive, diatom blooms were recorded with maximum values at 5 m depth. Total lipids were found at high concentrations that were similar for the samplings in two months. Total particulate lipids dominated the pool, and showed large variations from 46.37 to 369.88 μg/l, with the highest concentration observed in the bottom anoxic layer in March. The variations for dissolved lipids were smaller and ranged from 44.82 to 124.35 μg/l. Opposite to lipids, DOC values increased 1.5 times between the two samplings, from the value of average 0.95 mg C/l in March to the average value of 1.44 mg/l in July. Conformingly with diatom blooms, POC was found in July at high concentrations (0.28–1.50 mg C/l), contributing to total organic carbon up to 46%. The distribution of organic carbon and lipids showed the tendency of accumulation toward deeper layers. The characterization of individual lipid classes revealed the dominance of phospholipids, indicating that the lipids in the lake mainly originated from the photosynthetically active phytoplankton community, which is sustained by high production of oxygen (oxygen saturation up to 200%). Low contribution of neutral lipids in the particulate fraction points to high availability of nutrients for present phytoplankton community. Lipid breakdown indices were found at significantly higher concentrations in March compared to July. Sea surface microlayer, the hydrophobic boundary, appeared to be generally lipid depleted in comparison to the sub-surface water. Qualitative analysis of sulfolipids revealed the potential of the lake for the occurrence of chemical interaction of sulfur with present organic matter.  相似文献   
The Chandman massif, a typical structure of the Mongolian Altai, consists of a migmatite–magmatite core rimmed by a lower grade metamorphic envelope of andalusite and cordierite‐bearing schists. The oldest structure in the migmatite–magmatite core is a subhorizontal migmatitic foliation S1 parallel to rare granitoid sills. This fabric is folded by upright folds F2 and transposed into a vertical migmatitic foliation S2 that is syn‐tectonic, with up to several tens of metres thick granitoid sills. Sillimanite–ilmenite–magnetite S1 inclusion trails in garnet constrain the depth of equilibration during the S1 fabric to 6–7 kbar at 710–780 °C. Reorientation of sillimanite into the S2 fabric indicates that the S1–S2 fabric transition occurred in the sillimanite stability field. The presence of cordierite, and garnet rim chemistry point to decompression to 3–4 kbar and 680–750 °C during development of the S2 steep fabric, and post‐tectonic andalusite indicates further decompression to 2–3 kbar and 600–650 °C. Widespread crystallization of post‐tectonic muscovite is explained by the release of H2O from crystallizing partial melt. In the metamorphic envelope the subhorizontal metamorphic schistosity S1 is heterogeneously affected by upright F2 folds and axial planar subvertical cleavage S2. In the north, the inclusion trails in garnet are parallel to the S1 foliation, and the garnet zoning indicates nearly isobaric heating from 2.5 to 3 kbar and 500–530 °C. Cordierite contains crenulated S1 inclusion trails and has pressure shadows related to the formation of the S2 fabric. The switch from the S1 to the S2 foliation occurred near 2.5–3 kbar and 530–570 °C; replacement of cordierite by fine‐grained muscovite and chlorite indicates further retrogression and cooling. In the south, andalusite containing crenulated inclusion trails of ilmenite and magnetite indicates heating during the D2 deformation at 3–4 kbar and 540–620 °C. Monazite from a migmatite analysed by LASS yielded elevated HREE concentrations. The grain with the best‐developed oscillatory zoning is 356 ± 1.0 [±7] Ma (207Pb‐corrected 238U/206Pb), considered to date the crystallization from melt in the cordierite stability ~680 °C and 3.5 kbar, whereas the patchy BSE‐dark domains give a date of 347 ± 4.2 [±7] Ma interpreted as recrystallization at subsolidus conditions. The earliest sub‐horizontal fabric is associated with the onset of magmatism and peak of P–T conditions in the deep crust, indicating important heat input associated with lower crustal horizontal flow. The paroxysmal metamorphic conditions are connected with collapse of the metamorphic structure, an extrusion of the hot lower crustal rocks associated with vertical magma transfer and a juxtaposition of the hot magmatite–migmatite core with supracrustal rocks. This study provides information about tectono‐thermal history and time‐scales of horizontal flow and vertical mass and heat transfer in the Altai orogen. It is shown that, similar to collisional orogens, doming of partially molten rocks assisted by syn‐orogenic magmatism can be responsible for the exhumation of orogenic lower crust in accretionary orogenic systems.  相似文献   
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