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Five research cruises were undertaken incorporating ADCP sections along the Cretan Arc Straits and CTD surveys covering the entire area of the Straits and the Cretan Sea. In addition, six moorings (with 15 current meters) were deployed within the Straits, which monitored flows in the surface (50 m), intermediate (250 m), and deep (50 m from the bottom) layers. The ADCP, CM, and CTD datasets enable the derivation of water transports through the Cretan Arc Straits to be assessed. Flow structure through the Cretan Arc Straits is not the typical flow regime with a surface inflow and deep outflow, instead there is a persistent deep outflow of Cretan Deep Water (CDW) (σθ>29.2) with an annual mean of ˜0.6 Sv, through the Antikithira and Kassos Straits at depths below 400 m and 500 m, respectively. CDW outflowing transports are higher (˜0.8 Sv) in April–June, and lower (˜0.3 Sv) in October–December. Within the upper water layer (0–˜400 m), the transport and the water exchanges through the Straits are controlled by local circulation features, which weaken substantially below 200 m. The Asia Minor Current (AMC) influences the Rhodes and the Karpathos Straits, resulting in a net inflow of water. In contrast, the Mirtoan/West Cretan Cyclone influences the Antikithira and Kithira Straits, where there is a net outflow. In the Kassos Strait, there is a complex interaction between the East Cretan Cyclone, the Ierapetra Anticyclone and the westward extension of the Rhodes Gyre, which results in a variable flow regime. There is a net inflow in autumn and early winter, and a switch to a net outflow in early spring and summer. The total inflow and outflow, throughout all of the Straits, ranged from ˜2 to ˜3.5 Sv, with higher values in autumn and early winter and lower in summer. The AMC carries ˜2 Sv of inflow through the Rhodes and Karpathos Straits, and this accounts for 60–80% of the total inflow. About 10–15% of the total outflow is of CDW, and a further 45–70% occurs through the upper 400 m of the Kithira and Antikithira Straits. The Kassos Strait exhibits a net inflow of ˜0.7 Sv in autumn and early winter, with a net outflow of ˜0.5 Sv in early spring and summer.  相似文献   
Four seasonal oceanographic cruises were carried out in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, within the framework of the CEC/MAST-MTP Project PELAGOS, during 1994–1995. The surveys covered the South Aegean Sea and the adjacent open sea regions (southeastern Ionian, northwestern Levantine). Analysis of CTD data revealed that a multiscaled circulation pattern prevails in the area. It differs from the circulations detected during the 1986–87, thus indicating interannual variability. Cyclonic and anticyclonic gyres and eddies are interconnected by currents and jets variable in space and time. Most of the features are persistent, others seem transitional or recurrent. The hydrological structure is also complex and apart from the upper layer does not present basinwide any significant seasonality. Dynamical and hydrological regimes are variable in the upper and intermediate layers at the Straits of the Cretan Arc, while the deep regime seems rather constant. Topographic control is evident on the flows through the straits. The new very dense deep water mass, namely the Cretan Deep Water (CDW) and a well-defined intermediate layer of minimum temperature and salinity, the so-called Transition Mediterranean Water (TMW), consists the new important structural elements of the South Aegean Sea. The CDW outflows towards the deep and bottom layers of the Eastern Mediterranean, thus considerably contributing to the formation of the new, denser Deep and Bottom Water of the Eastern Mediterranean, which sinks and displaces the Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water of Adriatic origin in the adjacent sea regions outside the Aegean Sea.  相似文献   
Geochemical, sedimentological, and mineralogical data suggest that local geological and oceanographic conditions favor the formation of Fe, Ti, and Cr placer deposits near the mouths of some of the rivers on the Cyprus continental shelf. Generally, the deposits are associated with finer and better sorted sands to the west of the river mouths. This is a reflection of the prevailing water movements. Metallic ore minerals of the deposits have their source in the mafic and ultramific rocks of the Troodos ophiolite complex. Although the Ezousas and Xeropotamos areas display sedimentological patterns similar to those prevailing at locations where placer deposits are found, the distance of these beaches from the source rocks accounts for the lack of economic placers at these two sites.  相似文献   
Some 600 surface sediment samples from the Hellenic Volcanic Arc region have been analyzed by bulk and HCl selective leach geochemical techniques. Geostatisti‐cal analysis, followed by further selective leaches on a number of samples, has been used in order to identify any regional hydrothermal influence on the sediments and/or any local hydrothermal metal enrichments. The two main sediment components affecting the geochemical variability in the region are biogenic carbonate and volcaniclastic/terrigenous detritus. Proximity to islands appears to be the primary factor controlling the variability in these components. Sediments from deeper water, to the south of the Hellenic Volcanic Arc and in the Anydros Basin, exhibit some elevated levels of Mn, Co, and Cu, probably of hydrogenous origin. No widespread hydrothermal influence to the sediments in the region is recognized, although this could in part be due to the high sedimentation rates in the region. Localized hydrothermal inputs to sediments are, however, recognized proximal to Santorini, in particular within the northern part of the central caldera. These are predominantly of Fe and associated adsorbed/coprecipitated elements along with some Mn enrichment. Several samples proximal to Milos, just off the coast in the northern part of the central Milos embayment, also show enrichments of commonly hydrothermally associated elements, including Mn, Cu, Zn, and Pb. Data suggest that these enrichments could, in part, be due to weathering of “on‐land”; mineralization as well as hydrothermal inputs.  相似文献   
Bauxitic red-mud slurry, discharged by an aluminium processing factory on the shelf of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, is used as a tracer to examine sediment transport and dispersion processes in a tectonically active deep basin.

The Gulf of Corinth is a silled elongate basin with a maximum depth of 860 m; it is characterised by high seismicity. The red mud is discharged through a pipeline at a depth of 100 m, where it forms an extensive deposit.

Grab sampling has shown that the red mud extends over the slope and the abyssal plain up to a distance of 17 km from the mouth of the pipeline. It forms small scattered sheet-like deposits of up to 3 cm in thickness. The structures observed in the scattered patches of the red mud, which in some places are overlain by a thin veneer of grey/olive green (natural) sediments, suggest that the red mud is transported from the shelf to the abyssal plain by gravitative sediment flows. The flows are triggered by earthquakes.

Granulometric and geochemical analyses of the red-mud samples show that the red mud, during its transport from the shelf to the abyssal plain, is subjected to mixing with the surrounding sediments. A different mixing ratio is determined, however, by reference to the various trace metals (Fe, Ni, Co, Pb).  相似文献   


Seven sediment cores from the Palaea and Nea Kameni hydrothermal embayments (PK and NK) on Santorini have been studied by using sediment smear slides, X-ray diffraction, and radiocarbon techniques to determine their lithology, mineralogy, and age, respectively. The cores have been analyzed chemically for a suite of elements, including selective chemical leaching, to determine the partition of elements between coexisting phases. Lithologically and chemically, the sediments from the two embayments are very different. Sediments from PK are oxidized in the upper parts of the cores and reduced at depth; they comprise mainly hydrothermal pyritiferous diatomaceous ooze with minor Fe oxyhydroxide, volcanic debris, gypsum, and siderite. Sediments from NK are oxidized throughout and comprise predominantly amorphous iron oxyhydroxides and goethite; they are thought to have formed by direct precipitation from solution. In PK, biogenic, detrital seawater evaporate, and hydrothermal sediment phases have been identified but only the detrital inputs can be correlated between cores. Mn shows a pronounced enrichment towards the outer part of the embayment because of its dispersion down the embayment and precipitation in the more-oxidizing sediments towards the open sea. In NK, the sediments contain detrital, seawater evaporate, and hydrothermally precipitated and scavenged phases. The presence of substantial amounts of organic matter in the PK sediments but not in the NK sediments is probably the main reason why geochemical processes in the two embayments are different.

Age dates obtained from the cores by using the 14C technique indicate that sedimentation in the PK embayment commenced at ~ 50 AD, whereas in the NK embayment it commenced at ~ 1900 AD, which is consistent with the known history of Santorini. Based on these dates, calculated metal accumulation rates in both embayments are higher than in any other dated hydrothermal metalliferous sediments with the exception of those in the Atlantis II Deep of the Red Sea. Sediment ponding in the embayments is the principal cause of these results.  相似文献   
The distribution of a number of trace elements in the Navarino Bay surface sediments is examined and their source and association with the major phases is determined. Cobalt follows Al in its distribution, having its highest vaues towards the center and deeper parts of the bay; Zn and Cu have their highest values at the effluent outfalls of a distillery and an olive oil and olive kernel factory (at the port of Yalova), being decreased away. The highest concentration of Ni is found near the town Pylos, while the highest concentrations of Rb and Y are observed at the mouths of rivers Yalovas and Xerias. Organic matter has its highest content at the port of Pylos, while no significant variations have been observed in the distribution of Sn and Ga. It is demonstrated that there is an anthropogenic input of Zn, Cu, and Corg in the bay. Zn and Cu are discharged by a distillery and an olive oil and olive kernel factory, at Yalova. Organic matter is mainly derived from domestic sewage. Ni enters the bay from its southern coasts and might be derived from weathering of bauxite deposits present in the adjacent limestones. Rb and Y are transported by the rivers Yalovas and Xerias from the northeastern adjacent land area; Ni, Co, and Cu show positive correlation with Al, suggesting their incorporation in clay minerals, while Rb shows positive correlation with Si, suggesting its incorporation in silicate detrital minerals. The following areas in the bay are considered to be heavily polluted: (1) the port and a large zone near Pylos (domestic sewage); (2) the port and a small area near Yalova (domestic sewage and industrial effluents); and (3) the eastern coast of the island Sphaktiria (oil). The domestic sewage pollution in Navarino Bay is of the same level as that in other Greek bays.  相似文献   
Seven sediment cores from the Palaea and Nea Kameni hydrothermal embayments (PK and NK) on Santorini have been studied by using sediment smear slides, X-ray diffraction, and radiocarbon techniques to determine their lithology, mineralogy, and age, respectively. The cores have been analyzed chemically for a suite of elements, including selective chemical leaching, to determine the partition of elements between coexisting phases. Lithologically and chemically, the sediments from the two embayments are very different. Sediments from PK are oxidized in the upper parts of the cores and reduced at depth; they comprise mainly hydrothermal pyritiferous diatomaceous ooze with minor Fe oxyhydroxide, volcanic debris, gypsum, and siderite. Sediments from NK are oxidized throughout and comprise predominantly amorphous iron oxyhydroxides and goethite; they are thought to have formed by direct precipitation from solution. In PK, biogenic, detrital seawater evaporate, and hydrothermal sediment phases have been identified but only the detrital inputs can be correlated between cores. Mn shows a pronounced enrichment towards the outer part of the embayment because of its dispersion down the embayment and precipitation in the more-oxidizing sediments towards the open sea. In NK, the sediments contain detrital, seawater evaporate, and hydrothermally precipitated and scavenged phases. The presence of substantial amounts of organic matter in the PK sediments but not in the NK sediments is probably the main reason why geochemical processes in the two embayments are different. Age dates obtained from the cores by using the 14 C technique indicate that sedimentation in the PK embayment commenced at approximately 50 AD, whereas in the NK embayment it commenced at approximately 1900 AD, which is consistent with the known history of Santorini. Based on these dates, calculated metal accumulation rates in both embayments are higher than in any other dated hydrothermal metalliferous sediments with the exception of those in the Atlantis II Deep of the Red Sea. Sediment ponding in the embayments is the principal cause of these results.  相似文献   
Sediments in the caldera of Santorini are receiving a hydrothermal input of iron and manganese from presently active hydrothermal vents off the Kameni Islands, and are enriched in these elements in their surface layer. However, greater Fe-Mn enrichments occur in discrete layers at depth in the cores separated from the surface by Fe-Mn poor sediments, suggesting that a past hydrothermal event may have been more intense than the present one. The buried Fe-Mn enriched layers occur above a turbidite thought to have resulted from sediment slumping due to a major volcanic eruption and earthquake in 1650, and are thought to have formed consequent on the activation of faults related to the magma chamber by the eruption facilitating seawater-rock interaction processes and the formation of metal-rich hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   
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