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 The uranium deposits in the basin of Franceville (Gabon) host the only natural fission reactors known in the world. Unique geological conditions favoured a natural fission reaction 2 Ga ago. This was detected by anomalous isotopic compositions of uranium and rare earth elements (REE), which are produced by the fission reaction. In total, 16 reactor zones were found. Most of them are mined out. The reactor zone of Bangombé, is only 10–11 m below the surface. This site has been influenced by surface weathering processes. Six drill cores have been sampled at the site of the reactor zone of Bangombé during the course of the study and only one drill core (BAX 08) hit the core of the reactor. From these data and previous drilling campaigns, the reactor size is estimated to be 10 cm thick, 2–3 m wide and 4–6 m long. The migration of fission products can be traced by the anomalous isotope ratios of REE because of the fission process. The 149Sm/147Sm ratio close to the reactor zone is only 0.28 (normal: 0.92) because of the intense neutron capture of 149Sm and subsequent transmutation, whereas 147Sm is enriched by the fission reaction. Similar changes in isotopic patterns are detectable on other REE. The isotope ratios of Sm and Nd of whole rock and fracture samples surrounding the reactor indicate that fission-genic REE migrated only a few decimetres above and mainly below the reactor zone. Organic matter (bitumen) seems to act as a trap for fission-genic REE. Additional REE-patterns show less intense weathering with increasing depth in the log profile and support a simple weathering model. Received: 26 November 1999 · Accepted: 2 May 2000  相似文献   
Crustal and lithospheric thicknesses of the southeastern Mediterranean Basin region were determined using 3D Bouguer and elevation data analysis. The model is based on the assumption of local isostatic equilibrium. The calculated regional and residual Bouguer anomaly maps were employed for highlighting both deep and shallow structures. Generally, the regional field in the area under study is considered to be mainly influenced by the density contrast between the crust and upper mantle. Use of the gravity and topographic data with earthquake focal depths has improved both the geometry and the density distribution in the 3-D calculated profiles. The oceanic-continental boundary, the basement relief, Moho depth and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary maps were estimated. The results point to the occurrence of thick continental crust areas with a thickness of approximately 32 km in northern Egypt. Below the coastal regions, the thickness of crust decreases abruptly (transition zone). An inverse correlation between sediment and crustal thicknesses shows up from the study. Furthermore, our density model reveals the existence of a continental crustal zone below the Eratosthenes Seamount block. Nevertheless, the crustal type beneath the Levantine basin is typically oceanic; this is covered by sedimentary sequences more than 14 km thick. The modeled Moho map shows a depth of 28–30 km below Cyprus and a depth of 26–28 km beneath the south Florence Rise in the northern west. However, the Moho lies at a constant shallow depth of 22–24 km below the Levantine Basin, which indicates thinning of the crust beneath this region. The Moho map reveals also a maximum depth of about 33–35 km beneath both the northern Egypt and northern Sinai, both of which are of the continental crust. The resulting mantle density anomalies suggest important variations of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) topography, indicating prominent lithospheric mantle thinning beneath south Cyprus (LAB ~90 km depth), followed by thickening beneath the Eratosthenes seamount, Florence Rise, Levantine Basin and reaching to maximum thickness below Cyprian Arc (LAB ~115–120 km depth), and further followed by thinning in the north African margin plate and north Sinai subplate (LAB ~90–95 km depth). According to our density model profiles, we find that almost all earthquakes in the study area occurred along the western and central segments of the Cyprian arc while they almost disappear along the eastern segment. The active subduction zone in the Cyprian Arc is associated with large negative anomalies due to its low velocity upper mantle zone, which might be an indication of a serpentinized mantle. This means that collision between Cyprus and the Eratosthenes Seamount block is marked by seismic activity. Additionally, this block is in the process of dynamically subsiding, breaking-up and being underthrusted beneath Cyprus to the north and thrusted onto the Levantine Basin to the south.  相似文献   
Landslides in Jordan have caused numerous problems during the past 40 years. The most critical slides occurred during the period of 1991/1992 after exceptional heavy rain and snowfall. Many disastrous landslides occurred along the newly reconstructed international highway that links Amman, Jerash and Irbid. Causes for these slides are attributed mainly to the lack of a comprehensive overview and geotechnical understanding of the problem.Many investigators have been interested in this problem of finding an adequate solution to such landslides in Jordan either by using theoretical analysis or by using computer software to solve the slope instability problems. A detailed study was conducted at the Jordan University of Science and Technology to investigate the potential causes and measures for this problem. Seven landslides along the mountainous section of this international highway were reviewed. One of these landslides was thoroughly investigated using a three-dimensional computer program called JUST-SLOPE introduced at the Jordan University of Science and Technology campus. Results of this study indicate that landslides at this site could have been predicted had this technique been applied prior to the occurrence of this slide.  相似文献   
Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   
The Oued Jebs Pb–Zn–Sr deposit is situated on the south edge of the Mourra Triassic diapir, in the Diapir Zone of the Tunisian Atlas. Tow orebody-type are recognized: (1) lens-chapped orebodies hosted in the Dolomitic cap rock that marks the transition zone between the Triassic gypsum cap rock and the overlaying Late Cretaceous series. Mineralization is composed of epigenetic celestite and minor Pb–Zn sulfides. (2) Vein-type and massive-type orebodies crosscutting the Late Cenomanian and Turonian limestone. Mineralization is composed of high-grade ore ranging from 10 to 25 % combined Pb–Zn. Fluid inclusion data for celestite indicate that deposition took place between 70 and 100 °C, or more cooler conditions as indicated by the presence of single-phase inclusions, from mixed NaCl–CaCl2-bearing brines (12–19 wt% NaCl equiv). For the vein-type and massive-type fluid inclusion, data recorded in sphalerite indicate that sulfide deposition took place between 125 and 130 °C mixed NaCl–CaCl2-bearing brines (10–15 wt% NaCl equiv). At least three dilution and cooling trends are also observed that indicate the involvement of more than one fluid in the Oued Jebs hydrothermal system. The epigenetic character of the ores, the host rock nature and the fluid inclusion together permitted to include the Oued Jebs deposit in the large class of MVT deposits and preciously in the sub-class of MVTs associated with salt diapirs environment. The new discovered Oued Jebs deposit is similar in many aspects to the economic Bou Grine deposit. This may point to significant other potential for economic Pb–Zn concentrations that may be located at depth alongside or above many other unexplored Triassic diapirs in the Diapirs zone of the Tunisian Atlas.  相似文献   
Zarif  Fardous  Slater  Lee  Mabrouk  Mohamed  Youssef  Ahmed  Al-Temamy  Ayman  Mousa  Salah  Farag  Karam  Robinson  Judy 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1169-1185

Understanding and developing groundwater resources in arid regions such as El Salloum basin, along the northwestern coast of Egypt, remains a challenging issue. One-dimensional (1D) electrical sounding (ES), two-dimensional (2D) electrical resistivity imaging (ERI), and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) measurements were used to investigate the hydrogeological framework of El Salloum basin with the aim of determining the potential for extraction of potable water. 1D resistivity sounding models were used to delineate geoelectric sections and water-bearing layers. 2D ERI highlighted decreases in resistivity with depth, attributed to clay-rich limestone combined with seawater intrusion towards the coast. A depth of investigation (DOI) index was used to constrain the information content of the images at depths up to 100 m. The VLF-EM survey identified likely faults/fractured zones across the study area. A combined analysis of the datasets of the 1D ES, 2D ERI, and VLF-EM methods identified potential zones of groundwater, the extent of seawater intrusion, and major hydrogeological structures (fracture zones) in El Salloum basin. The equivalent geologic layers suggest that the main aquifer in the basin is the fractured chalky limestone middle Miocene) south of the coastal plain of the study area. Sites likely to provide significant volumes of potable water were identified based on relatively high resistivity and thickness of laterally extensive layers. The most promising locations for drilling productive wells are in the south and southeastern parts of the region, where the potential for potable groundwater increases substantially.

Laser ablation ICP-MS was used to determine trace (TE) and rare earth element (REE) contents of sedimentary phosphatic pellets and coprolites collected from late Paleocene-early Eocene phosphorite deposits in Tunisia. TE and REE contents in the investigated deposits exhibit a close relationship with grain types and paleogeography. Phosphatic pellets seem to concentrate more TE and REE than co-existing coprolites. Both particle types display modern oxic-suboxic seawater patterns. In most coprolites, ∑REE, Y, Cr, Ni, Th, and V show an increase from core to rim, whereas Ba, Cd, Cu, and U abundances decrease from core to rim, reflecting adsorption processes during early diagenesis consistent with changing redox and productivity conditions.The northern basins (Sra Ouertane) within open marine and platform settings tended to be more oxic-suboxic with relative high organic matter flux, while the eastern basins (Jebel Jebs) and Gafsa-Metlaoui basin are characterized by semi-restricted situation associated with suboxic-oxic conditions. This result is consistent with previous reconstructions which suggest that phosphorites of northern basins had a more direct connection to the open ocean than those to the south and east of the emerged area.This study highlights the potential for using laser ablation ICP-MS as a tool to reconstruct phosphorite depositional paleoenvironments.  相似文献   
During and after the very wet 1991/1992 winter experienced in Jordan, significant slope failures occurred along several sections of the new Irbid-Amman highway in Jordan. The topography over most of the route is hilly, and significant amounts of cut and fill were used to construct the highway. One such slope failure lies at 44+800 km on the highway south of Jerash City at a distance of about 5.0 km from Wadi Zerqa bridge. A landslide occurred downslope of the highway embankment resulting in a collapse of the most of the gabbion wall supporting the embankment. This paper deals with the overall stability of the slope at 44+800 km. It presents the geological and geotechnical studies carried out at this site, identifies the causes and mechanism of instability, and presents appropriate remedial measures. The study concluded that the landslide movement occurred within the colluvium material. It resulted primarily from excess piezometric pressures generated within the slope as a direct consequence of inadequate drainage. It is recommended to reconstruct the entire gabbion wall with its foundation seated on the sandstone that underlies the colluvium and to install a surface drainage system at the site.  相似文献   
The Bled el Mass, Azzel Matti, Ahnet and Mouydir areas are located in the northwest of the Touareg Shield (Central Sahara, Algeria). Within the Devonian sedimentary formations, nine oolitic ironstone occurrences of EXID type (Extensive Ironstone Deposition) are interbedded.Their mineralogical composition is characterized by four different paragenetic associations: P1 (Chamosite — magnetite — maghemite — goethite); P2 (chamosite — hematite — goethite — calcite); P3 (chamosite — hematitegoethite — quartz); and P4 (chamosite — hematite — goethite). Using textural analysis, four main ironstone facies are distinguished: FOD (ooliths scattered in a detrital groundmass); FOND (ooliths scattered in a non detrital groundmass); FOC (cemented ooliths) and FMC (microconglomeratic facies).Primarily developed in calm conditions by intrasedimentary processes within an iron-rich silicated mud, in lagoons or embayments, ooliths subsequently acquired a detrital character.The ironstone deposition seems to be induced by several pulses of sedimentation through the Devonian and is considered as indicator of sedimentary subcycles. Therefore, the oolitic ferriferous sediments indicate a cratonic sedimentation on the borders of a large epicontinental sea. The source of the iron could be a remote southern continent, probably the Pan-African mobile belt of Nigeria and the Congo Shield.The ironstones of the Central Sahara can be considered as an important branch of the North-African Oolitic Ironstone Belt, extending from Rio de Oro to Libya.
Zusammenfassung Die Gebiete des Bled el Mass, des Azzel Matti, des Ahnet und des Mouydir, liegen im Nordwesten des Touaregschildes (Zentral Sahara, Algerian). Neun eisenoolithische Horizonte sind hier in die devonischen Sedimente eingeschaltet. Ihr Mineralinhalt kann durch vier verschiedene Paragenesen charakterisiert werden:P1=Chamosit + Magnetit + Maghemit + Goethit; P2= Chamosit + Hämatit + Goethit + Kalzit; P3=Chamosit + Hämatit + Goethit + Quartz; P4=Chamosit + Hämatit + Goethit.Vier vererzte Fazies Typen treten auf: FOD: (die Ooide sind in einer detritischen Marix eingelagert); FOND: (die Ooide sind in einer nichtdetritischen Matrix eingelagert); FOC: (die Ooide sind verfestigt); FMC: microkonglomeratische Fazies.Die Ooide entwickeln sich in ruhigen Bedingungen, in Lagunen oder Meerbusen, durch die Bildung von Konkretionen im Sediment aus einem silikatischen und eisenreichen Schlamm; sie werden dann wie detritische Komponenten aufgenommen und transportiert.Die eisenoolitischen Ablagerungen scheinen durch mehrere Sedimentationsphasen während des Devons entstanden zu sein; so können sie als Zeichen von Sedimentmikrozyklen betrachtet werden. Diese oolitischen Sedimente sind charakteristisch für eine Kratonsedimentation am Rand eines breiten, epikontinentalen Meeres.Der Usprung des Eisens ist in einem südlichen Kontinent zu suchen, wahrscheinlich in dem mobilen panafrikanischen Gebirge von Nigeria, oder auf dem kongolesischen Schild.Diese Erze der Zentralsahara können als ein wichtiger Zweig des Eisengürtels betrachtet werden, der sich in Nordafrika von Rio de Oro bis Libyen erstreckt.

Résumé Les régions du Bled el Mass, de l'Azzel Matti, de l'Ahnet et du Mouydir sont situées au Nord-Ouest du Bouclier Touareg (Sahara Central, Algérie). Neuf niveaux de minerai de fer oolithique sont interstratifiés dans les formations sédimentaires du Dévonien.Quatre différentes paragenèses caractérisent la composition minéralogique de ces minerais. P1 (chamosite — magnétite — maghémite — goethite); P2 (chamosite — hématite — goethite — calcite); P3 (chamosite — hématite — goethite — quartz) et P4 (chamosite — hématite — goethite). Quatre facies minéralisés ont été en évidence: FOD (oolithes dispersées dans une matrice détrìtique); FOND (oolithes dispersées dans une matrice non détritique); FOC (oolithes cimentées) et FMC (faciès microconglomératique).Développées dans des conditions calmes par concrétionnement intrasédimentaire dans une boue silicatée riche en fer, dans des lagons ou des baies, les oolithes vont acquérir par la suite un comportement détritique.Les dépôts de minerai oolithique semblent avoir été induits par plusieurs pulsations sédimentaires durant le Dévonien et peuvent être ainsi considérés comme des marqueurs de microcycles sédimentaires.Ces sédiments oolithiques sont caractéristiques d'une sédimentation cratonique, sur les bords d'une mer épicontinentale étendue. La source du fer est à rechercher dans un continent situé au Sud, probablement dans la chaîne mobile Pan-Africaine du Nigeria et le Bouclier du Congo.Ces minerais de fer oolithiques du Sahara Central peuvent être considérés comme une branche importante de la ceinture ferrifère Nord africaine, qui s'étend du Rio de Oro à la Libye.

- ( , ) Bled el Mass, Azzel Mati, Ahnet Mouydir. 9 , . :1= — — — ë; 2 = — — ë — ; 3= — ë — ; 4= — — ë. 4 : DFOD — ; FOND — , ; FOC — ; FMC — . , , , ; . , . , . ., , , , , — , Rio de Oro .
This paper analyses new field and radiometric age data on the timing of extension, sedimentation and magmatism related to the opening of the Red Sea. The first evidence of widespread extension is found in synsedimentary fissures in the fluviatile to shallow marine Tawilah Formation of Cretaceous to early Tertiary age. The first indication of magmatism is the eruption of alkaline basalts (43.5–21.2 Ma) on to marine and non-marine sandstones of lower to middle Tertiary age. The lack of an angular unconformity at the sediment-basalt contact, over a period of 25 Myr, corroborates a diachronous relationship between the Tawilah sandstones and the Yemen Volcanics. These data also indicate that the onset of volcanism in Yemen was in the Eocene, as is the case in Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia. A passive rifting model is supported by early extension and sedimentation followed by syn- and post-tectonic magmatism.  相似文献   
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