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To evaluate the risk of contaminant transport by mobile colloids, it is necessary to understand how colloids and associated pollutants behave during their migration through uncontaminated soil or groundwater. In this study, we investigated the influence of aggregation induced by Ca2+ and trace metals (Pb2+, Cu2+) concentrations on the transport of humic-coated kaolinite colloids through a natural quartz sand at pH=4. Adsorbed divalent cations reduce the colloids surface charge and thereby induce aggregation and deposition in porous media. To cite this article: R. Ait Akbour et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 981–985.  相似文献   
The intertidal zone of an exposed sandy beach on the French coast of the English Channel was sampled with a 1.5 m beam-trawl over five years (2000 and 2003–2006) at weekly intervals. The fish and macrocrustacean catches were analysed to determine the inter-season and interannual variation in community structure and relate these variations to changes in the major environmental variables. Only six species (plaice Pleuronectes platessa, common goby Pomatoschistus microps, sprat Sprattus sprattus, sand eel Ammodytes tobianus, brown shrimp Crangon crangon and shore crab Carcinus maenas) from the 27 species captured can be considered as dominant species of the intertidal zone, and they accounted for >90% of total numbers. Most individuals caught were young-of-the-year or juvenile. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) and similarities percentage (SIMPER) indicated that inter-season variability of community structure (mean average similarity = 47%) was more pronounced than interannual variability (mean average similarity = 65%). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicates that a substantial component (32.2%) of the measured inter-season variation in community structure can be explained by environmental factors (mainly water temperature). The main inter-season changes in the abundance and community structure were due to the variation of the six key species and reflect the different times of their recruitment. During the five years of the study, the structure of the fish and macrocrustacean spring community persisted from year to year, with the dominant species reappearing consistently even though their abundances fluctuated from year to year. This interannual variation probably reflects variable recruitment success influenced by physico-chemical conditions. In spite of the considerable interannual variation (40 times) in the spring bloom of the prymnesiophyte alga Phaeocystis globosa we found no effect of this bloom on either fish and macrocrustacean species densities or diversity index.  相似文献   
North Africa is one of the most earthquake-prone areas of the Mediterranean. Many devastating earthquakes, some of them tsunami-triggering, inflicted heavy loss of life and considerable economic damage to the region. In order to mitigate the destructive impact of the earthquakes, the regional seismic hazard in North Africa is assessed using the neo-deterministic, multi-scenario methodology (NDSHA) based on the computation of synthetic seismograms, using the modal summation technique, at a regular grid of 0.2?×?0.2°. This is the first study aimed at producing NDSHA maps of North Africa including five countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. The key input data for the NDSHA algorithm are earthquake sources, seismotectonic zonation, and structural models. In the preparation of the input data, it has been really important to go beyond the national borders and to adopt a coherent strategy all over the area. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the teams involved, it has been possible to properly merge the earthquake catalogues available for each country to define with homogeneous criteria the seismogenic zones, the characteristic focal mechanism associated with each of them, and the structural models used to model wave propagation from the sources to the sites. As a result, reliable seismic hazard maps are produced in terms of maximum displacement (D max), maximum velocity (V max), and design ground acceleration.  相似文献   
In recent years a number of double-humped supernovae (SNe) have been discovered. This is a feature predicted by the dual-shock Quark-Nova (QN) model where an SN explosion is followed (a few days to a few weeks later) by a QN explo- sion. SN 2009ip and SN 2010mc are the best observed examples of double-humped SNe. Here, we show that the dual-shock QN model naturally explains their light curves including the late time emission, which we attribute to the interaction between the mixed SN and QN ejecta and the surrounding circumstellar matter. Our model applies to any star (O-stars, luminous blue variables, Wolf-Rayet stars, etc.) provided that the mass involved in the SN explosion is ~ 20 Mo which provides good conditions for forming a QN.  相似文献   
Palaeoclimates across Europe for 6000 y BP were estimated from pollen data using the modern pollen analogue technique constrained with lake-level data. The constraint consists of restricting the set of modern pollen samples considered as analogues of the fossil samples to those locations where the implied change in annual precipitation minus evapotranspiration (PE) is consistent with the regional change in moisture balance as indicated by lakes. An artificial neural network was used for the spatial interpolation of lake-level changes to the pollen sites, and for mapping palaeoclimate anomalies. The climate variables reconstructed were mean temperature of the coldest month (T c ), growing degree days above 5  °C (GDD), moisture availability expressed as the ratio of actual to equilibrium evapotranspiration (α), and PE. The constraint improved the spatial coherency of the reconstructed palaeoclimate anomalies, especially for PE. The reconstructions indicate clear spatial and seasonal patterns of Holocene climate change, which can provide a quantitative benchmark for the evaluation of palaeoclimate model simulations. Winter temperatures (T c ) were 1–3 K greater than present in the far N and NE of Europe, but 2–4 K less than present in the Mediterranean region. Summer warmth (GDD) was greater than present in NW Europe (by 400–800 K day at the highest elevations) and in the Alps, but >400 K day less than present at lower elevations in S Europe. PE was 50–250 mm less than present in NW Europe and the Alps, but α was 10–15% greater than present in S Europe and PE was 50–200 mm greater than present in S and E Europe. Received: 3 January 1996 / Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   
This is the third paper of a series of papers where we explore the evolution of iron-rich ejecta from quark-novae. In the first paper, we explored the case where a quark-nova ejecta forms a degenerate shell, supported by the star's magnetic field, with applications to SGRs. In the second paper, we considered the case where the ejecta would have sufficient angular momentum to form a degenerate Keplerian torus and applied such a system to two AXPs, namely 1E2259+586 and 4U0142+615. Here, we explore the late evolution of the degenerate torus and find that it can remain unchanged for  ∼106 yr  before it becomes non-degenerate. This transition from a degenerate torus (accretion-dominated) to a non-degenerate disc (no accretion) occurs about 106 yr following the quark-nova, and exhibits features that are reminiscent of observed properties of Rotation RAdio Transients (RRATs). Using this model, we can account for the duration of both the radio bursts and the quiet phase, as well as the observed radio flux from RRATs. We discuss a connection between XDINs and RRATs and argue that some XDINs may be 'dead RRATs' that have already consumed their non-degenerate disc.  相似文献   
We study the effects of temperature on strange stars. It is found that the maximum mass of the star decreases with the increase of temperature, as at high temperatures the equations of state become softer. Moreover, if the temperature of a strange star increases, keeping its baryon number fixed, its gravitational mass increases and its radius decreases. This leads to a limiting temperature, where it turns into a black hole. These features are the result of a combined effect of the change of gluon mass and the quark distribution with temperature. We report on a new type of radial oscillation of strange stars, driven by what we call 'chromothermal' instability. We also discuss the relevance of our findings in the astrophysics of core collapse supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   
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