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Possible refugia for reefs in times of environmental stress   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the refuge potential of (1) upwelling areas, (2) coral areas at medium depth, and (3) offshore bank and island reefs in a scenario of increased global warming, and thus increased sea surface temperature (SST) and increased solar UV radiation. (1) Observations on coral health and water temperature in the subtropical Atlantic (Eleuthera and Cat Island, Bahamas) and Indian Ocean (Sodwana Bay, South Africa) suggest a link between cool water delivered by upwelling and coral health. After the 1998 bleaching event, caused by strong SST anomalies, coral health and recovery from the previous year's bleaching was significantly better on the narrow southern Cat Island shelf (70% of corals healthy) where the presence of cold water was observed, which was attributed to small-scale upwelling, than on the wide northern Eleuthera shelf (44% of corals healthy), where downwelling of hot bank waters was believed to have damaged corals. In South Africa, regular, short-term upwelling events in five summers reduced SST to well below bleaching level. (2) In the northern Red Sea (Safaga Bay) and in South Africa (Sodwana Bay), wide areas with either coral frameworks or non-framework communities exist. Calculations show that if the top 10 m (20 m) of the ocean became inhospitable to corals, still 50.4% (17.5%) of the coral area would remain intact in the Red Sea and 99% (40%) in South Africa. (3) Offshore bank and island reefs investigated in the Turks, Caicos, and Mouchoir Banks and Grand and Little Cayman showed high rates of mortality and coral diseases. The most remote sites (Mouchoir Bank) were not the healthiest. Refuge areas appear to exist in (1) and (2), but in (3) only if vigorous water-circulation is encountered.  相似文献   
By means of recently developed, photoelectric measuring equipment the reflectivity of ore-minerals can be determined under the microscope over a sufficiently large spectral range with such a degree of accuracy and reliability that the dispersion curves can be plotted. Quantitative coefficients for the corresponding reflection colours, as well as for the visual reflectivity, can be computed from these curves. After a short introduction the tristimulus values for some ore minerals are given, as can be calculated from known reflectivity values. The quantitative values are compared with the known qualitative values for colour and reflectivity impression and for the reflection pleochroism. It is shown that reflectivity and colour differences can be determined colorimetrically with at least the same accuracy as by an experienced observer. The following characteristics are emphasized as advantages of quantitative colorimetry: 1. the objective method of determination, 2. the unambiguity and reproducibility of colour and reflectivity characteristics, 3. the simple and internationally comprehensible terminology, 4. the possibility of cataloguing ore minerals according to a quantitative colour system, and 5. the fact that even a colour-blind microscopist can determine any colour with the same certainty as an experienced observer.
Zusammenfassung Mit neueren photoelektrischen Meßanordnungen ist das Reflexionsvermögen von Erzmineralen unter dem Mikroskop über einen ausreichend großen Spektralbereich so genau und sicher bestimmbar, daß man die maßgebenden Dispersionskurven konstruieren kann. Aus diesen lassen sich quantitative Maßzahlen für die entspr. Reflexionsfarben und für das visuelle Reflexionsvermögen errechnen. Nach kurzer Einführung werden die Farbwerte einiger Erzminerale angegeben, wie sie sich aus bekannten Reflexionswerten errechnen ließen. Die quantitativen Werte werden mit herkömmlichen qualitativen Angaben über Farb- und Reflexionseindruck und über den Reflexionspleochroismus verglichen, und es wird gezeigt, daß die Reflexions- und Farbdifferenzen mit mindestens derselben Genauigkeit farbmetrisch erfaßbar sind wie durch das Auge eines erfahrenen Beobachters. Als Vorteile werden herausgestellt: 1. das objektive Bestimmungsverfahren, 2. die Eindeutigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit der Farb- und Reflexionscharakteristik, 3. die einfache und international verständliche Terminologie, 4. die Katalogisierbarkeit der Erzminerale nach einem quantitativen Farbsystem, 5. die Tatsache, daß sogar ein farbuntüchtiger Mikroskopiker jede Farbe mit der gleichen Sicherheit erfassen kann wie der erfahrene Beobachter.

Standard Specification, published by the Deutscher Normenausschuß DIN 5033. Farbmessung (Measurement of Colour) 1962/64.

Paper on Instructions for Use, Messrs. CARL ZEISS, Oberkochen. The Principles of Colour Measurement, 50-669/I-e (1962).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden der qualitative Mineralbestand und die Korngrößen verteilung im Verwitterungsgrus des Granites vom Fliegenberg, westlich Thiersheim, angegeben. Während der mechanische Zerfall des Gesteins als relativ stark erkannt worden ist, sind keine nennenswerten chemischen Mineralumwandlungen festzustellen. Dadurch wird die vorteilhafte Untersuchung der Schwerminerale ermöglicht. Eine hervorragende Stellung nimmt der Apatit ein. Dieser ist nahezu frisch. Da er sick an anderer Stelle (Grus des Brockengranits) unter ähnlichen Verwitterungen als chemisch instabil erwiesen hat, wird die Verwitterung des Fliegenberggranites noch jüngeren rezenten Verwitterungseinflüssen zugeschrieben. Die restliche Schwermineralassoziation wird in dieWellssche Gruppe der pneumatolytischen Bildungen eingeordnet. Die Beobachtungen deuten auf eine geringe Tiefenstufe des hier aufgeschlossenen Teils vom Granitkörper und die besondere Anlage zu einer Grusbildung hin.Herrn Professor Dr.Carl W. Correns zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
The biota of the 1.5 Ma period of the Middle Miocene Sarmatian of the Central Paratethys lack stenohaline components. This was the reason to interpret the Sarmatian stage as transitional between the marine Badenian and the lacustrine Pannonian stages. However, our new data indicate that brackish water conditions could not have prevailed. Sarmatian foraminifera, molluscs, serpulids, bryozoans, dasycladacean and corallinacean algae as well as diatoms clearly indicate normal marine conditions for the entire Sarmatian. During the Lower Sarmatian, however, a sea-level lowstand forced the development of many marginal marine environments. During the Late Sarmatian a highly productive carbonate factory of oolite shoals, mass-occurrences of thick-shelled molluscs and larger foraminifera, as well as marine cements clearly point to normal marine to hypersaline conditions. This trend is not restricted to the western margin of the Pannonian Basin System but can be observed in the entire Central and even Eastern Paratethys.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird mit Hilfe von Zeigerdiagrammen eine anschauliche Darstellung vom Zustandekommen der Phasenkontrasterscheinungen gegeben. An Hand theoretischer Überlegungen und experimenteller Versuche wird die besondere Eignung der Phasenkontrastmikroskopie für die Bestimmung der Brechzahl transparenter dünner Teilchen nach der Immersionsmethode nachgewiesen. Daraus ergeben sich Vorteile für die mikroskopische Beurteilung der Minerale in Tonfraktionen. Das wird an zwei praktischen Beispielen gezeigt. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse der mit dem Phasenkontrastverfahren durchgeführten Tonuntersuchungen mit den auf röntgenographischem Wege erzielten läßt eine gute Übereinstimmung erkennen.  相似文献   
Performing a comprehensive risk analysis is primordial to ensure a reliable and sustainable water supply. Though the general framework of risk analysis is well established, specific adaptation seems needed for systems such as water distribution networks (WDN). Understanding of vulnerabilities of WDN against deliberate contamination and consumers’ sensitivity against contaminated water use is very vital to inform decision-maker. This paper presents an innovative step-by-step methodology for developing comprehensive indicators to perform sensitivity, vulnerability and criticality analyses in case of absence of early warning system (EWS). The assessment and the aggregation of these indicators with specific fuzzy operators allow identifying the most critical points in a WDN. Intentional intrusion of contaminants at these points can potentially harm both the consumers as well as water infrastructure. The implementation of the developed methodology has been demonstrated through a case study of a French WDN unequipped with sensors.  相似文献   
Analyses were made of a mollusc‐based meta dataset of 859 δ13C and δ18O data of Miocene nearshore settings in the European Paratethys Sea and its descendant Lake Pannon. The observed trends document a strong tie to geodynamics, which are largely decoupled from Miocene open ocean isotope curves. Semi‐ to fully enclosed, initially marine water bodies such as the Paratethys Sea are prone to switching seawater isotope signatures because they respond rapidly to changes in the evaporation/precipitation ratio. Two phases of positive deviations of oxygen isotope values of water (relative to the modern ocean value, SMOW) occurred during the Middle Miocene; both were initiated by tectonic constrictions of the seaways and became amplified by global warming and regionally decreasing precipitation. With the final disintegration of the Paratethys, the marine isotope signatures vanish. Instead, the observed isotope trends suggest a comparably simple system of an alkaline lake with steadily declining salinity. The ‘ocean‐derived’ Paratethys Sea may thus act as a key for understanding isotope trends in epicontinental seas.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird der Gehalt an durchsichtigen Schwermineralen im anstehenden Granit und seinen Verwitterungsprodukten am Südrand des Brockengranitmassivs nördlich St. Andreasberg quantitativ untersucht.Die Korngrößenverteilung einzelner Schwerminerale im anstehenden und verwitterten Gestein wird angeführt. Dabei werden Rückschlüsse auf ihre mechanische und chemische Stabilität gezogen. und Zirkon hier fast nurmechanisch beeinflußbar sind.Die Verwitterung begünstigt die Bildung von Anatas, Epidot und vielleicht Brookit.Die Ausbildung der beschriebenen Schwermineralfamilie scheint das Ergebnis pneumatolytischer Bildungsbedingungen und hydrothermal-autometamorpher Umwandlung des Granits zu sein und erfährt letztlich eine Wandlung in situ durch die Verwitterung.  相似文献   
Precipitation over India is driven by the Indian monsoon. Although changes in this atmospheric circulation are caused by the differential seasonal diabatic heating of Asia and the Indo-Pacific Ocean, it is so far unknown how global warming influences the monsoon rainfalls regionally. Herein, we present a Miocene pollen flora as the first direct proxy for monsoon over southern India during the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum. To identify climatic key parameters, such as mean annual temperature, warmest month temperature, coldest month temperature, mean annual precipitation, mean precipitation during the driest month, mean precipitation during the wettest month and mean precipitation during the warmest month the Coexistence Approach is applied. Irrespective of a ~ 3–4 °C higher global temperature during the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum, the results indicate a modern-like monsoonal precipitation pattern contrasting marine proxies which point to a strong decline of Indian monsoon in the Himalaya at this time. Therefore, the strength of monsoon rainfall in tropical India appears neither to be related to global warming nor to be linked with the atmospheric conditions over the Tibetan Plateau. For the future it implies that increased global warming does not necessarily entail changes in the South Indian monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   
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