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The enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) had a substantial influence on the manner in which the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (Tenn-Tom) was constructed The interdisciplinary approach, including a board of outside consultants functioning as environmental advisors, played a valuable role toward meeting the objectives of minimizing adverse impacts and maximizing the positive environmental aspects Several of the key environmental issues associated with the Tenn-Tom are addressed and the findings are presented impacts addressed include aquifer drawdown, waterlogging, water quality, interbasin transfer, mixing of species, endangered species, erosion, sedimentation, and loss of wildlife habitat Additional discussion is also presented to explain the findings and place the identified impacts into perspective While implementation of the Tenn-Tom involved losses and resource tradeoffs, measures have been incorporated into the project to mitigate for significant resource losses The evaluation, planning, and design process for the Tenn-Tom can serve as a model approach for compliance with NEPA and other environmental statutes  相似文献   
In July 2002, a combination of underway mapping and discrete profiles revealed significant along-shore variability in the concentrations of manganese and iron in the vicinity of Monterey Bay, California. Both metals had lower concentrations in surface waters south of Monterey Bay, where the shelf is about 2.5 km wide, than north of Monterey Bay, where the shelf is about 10 km wide. During non-upwelling conditions over the northern broad shelf, dissolvable iron concentrations measured underway in surface waters reached 3.5 nmol L−1 and dissolved manganese reached 25 nmol L−1. In contrast, during non-upwelling conditions over the southern narrow shelf, dissolvable iron concentrations in surface waters were less than 1 nmol L−1 and dissolved manganese concentrations were less than 5 nmol L−1. A pair of vertical profiles at 1000 m water depth collected during an upwelling event showed dissolved manganese concentrations of 10 decreasing to 2 nmol L−1, and dissolvable iron concentrations of 12–20 nmol L−1 in the upper 100 m in the north, compared to 3.5–2 nmol L−1 Mn and 0.6 nmol L−1 Fe in the upper 100 m in the south, suggesting the effect of shelf width influences the chemistry of waters beyond the shelf.These observations are consistent with current understanding of the mechanism of iron supply to coastal upwelling systems: Iron from shelf sediments, predominantly associated with particles greater than 20 μm, is brought to the surface during upwelling conditions. We hypothesize that manganese oxides are brought to the surface with upwelling and are then reduced to dissolved manganese, perhaps by photoreduction, following a lag after upwelling.Greater phytoplankton biomass, primary productivity, and nutrient drawdown were observed over the broad shelf, consistent with the greater supply of iron. Incubation experiments conducted 20 km offshore in both regions, during a period of wind relaxation, confirm the potential of these sites to become limited by iron. There was no additional growth response when copper, manganese or cobalt was added in addition to iron. The growth response of surface water incubated with bottom sediment (4 nmol L−1 dissolvable Fe) was slightly greater than in control incubations, but less than in the presence of 4 nmol L−1 dissolved iron. This may indicate that dissolvable iron is not as bioavailable as dissolved iron, although the influence of additional inhibitory elements in the sediment cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - The article was published with errors.  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones that enter or form in the Gulf of Mexico generate storm surge and large waves that impact low-lying coastlines along the Gulf Coast. The Chandeleur Islands, located 161 km east of New Orleans, Louisiana, have endured numerous hurricanes that have passed nearby. Hurricane Katrina (landfall near Waveland MS, 29 Aug 2005) caused dramatic changes to the island elevation and shape. In this paper the predictability of hurricane-induced barrier island erosion and accretion is evaluated using a coupled hydrodynamic and morphodynamic model known as XBeach. Pre- and post-storm island topography was surveyed with an airborne lidar system. Numerical simulations utilized realistic surge and wave conditions determined from larger-scale hydrodynamic models. Simulations included model sensitivity tests with varying grid size and temporal resolutions. Model-predicted bathymetry/topography and post-storm survey data both showed similar patterns of island erosion, such as increased dissection by channels. However, the model under predicted the magnitude of erosion. Potential causes for under prediction include (1) errors in the initial conditions (the initial bathymetry/topography was measured three years prior to Katrina), (2) errors in the forcing conditions (a result of our omission of storms prior to Katrina and/or errors in Katrina storm conditions), and/or (3) physical processes that were omitted from the model (e.g., inclusion of sediment variations and bio-physical processes).  相似文献   
In the early part of 2006 the Philippines was hit by a La Nina event which brought floods, flashfloods and landslides. The most significant event was the February 2006 landslide that covered the whole community of Guinsaugon, in Southern Leyte, resulting in 154 deaths with 973 people still missing. Another rare event was the simultaneous presence of two tropical cyclones inside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) in August-- Tropical Depression Bopha and Tropical Storm Saomai--that enhanced the southwest monsoon. With the strong winds and high waves associated with the southwest mon- soon, an oil tanker, the M/T Solar 1, sank, resulting in the worst oil spill the country has ever suffered. Lastly, with a weak El Nino phenomenon forming in the Pacific Ocean and affecting the Philippines, a destructive typhoon, Xangsane, made a multi-landfall before hitting Metropolitan Manila. This was followed by the landfall of three superty- phoons--Cimaron, Chebi and Durian--during the last quarter of the year, bringing tremendous destruction of life and property. The occurrence of these weather events are attributed to climate variability the effects of which were exacerbated by a range of factors that include inappropriate land use.  相似文献   
Projected changes to the global climate system have great implications for the incidence of large infrequent fires in many regions. Here we examine the synoptic-scale and local-scale influences on the incidence of extreme fire weather days and consider projections of the large-scale mean climate to explore future fire weather projections. We focus on a case study region with periodic extreme fire dangers; southeast Tasmania, Australia. We compare the performance of a dynamically downscaled regional climate model with Global Climate Model outputs as a tool for examining the local-scale influences while accounting for high regional variability. Many of the worst fires in Tasmania and the southeast Australian region are associated with deep cold fronts and strong prefrontal winds. The downscaled simulations reproduce this synoptic type with greater fidelity than a typical global climate model. The incidence of systems in this category is projected to increase through the century under a high emission scenario, driven mainly by an increase in the temperature of air masses, with little change in the strength of the systems. The regional climate model projected increase in frequency is smaller than for the global climate models used as input, with a large model range and natural variability. We also demonstrate how a blocking Foehn effect and topographic channelling contributed to the extreme conditions during an extreme fire weather day in Tasmania in January 2013. Effects such as these are likely to contribute to high fire danger throughout the century. Regional climate models are useful tools that enable various meteorological drivers of fire danger to be considered in projections of future fire danger.  相似文献   
A microwave technique for the measurement of ocean wave spectra has been compared with wave gauge output during extensive field testing. The method is based on the dual-frequency technique for detecting long ocean waves by matching the modulation of short waves with the beat wavelength between two transmitted microwave frequencies. The new method, however, utilizes three microwave frequencies in order to reduce mean backscatter not related to short-wave modulation. Two prototype scatterometers have been built using three frequencies at L-band and at Ku-band. Wave spectra have been measured by both radar systems which, when properly normalized, agree well with simultaneous in situ measurements taken by conventional wave gauges at the pier site. Thirteen sets of spectra have been computed, five of which correspond to a situation in which a local wind sea was generated and then decayed. The present experiment does not demonstrate the directionality of this new technique  相似文献   
Climate change, involving both human-induced global warming and natural climate variability, has been called upon to explain the occurrences of weather extremes with their associated natural hazards. The Philippines experienced a dry spell in 2007 specifically in parts of Luzon which occurred during the rainy season. On the other hand, areas in Mindanao, southern Philippines which were supposed to be dry, were wet due to the non-migration of the inter-tropical convergence zone northward. The 2007 dry spell in Luzon, northern Philippines affected the agricultural, power, water and health sectors. The local effects of this weather extreme have to be documented and studied to ensure that the appropriate response measures are adopted should there be a recurrence. The building up of the database on this weather extreme and related natural hazards will definitely help the country cope with future similar events.  相似文献   
This study describes the biogeochemical cycling of seston in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. Seston was characterized by carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic abundances. Fluorescence, temperature, light transmittance, and concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were also determined. PCBs were analyzed from surface (10 m) seston and ΣPCB was calculated by summing all of the congeners quantified in each sample. The vertical and seasonal trends in the δ13C values of seston exhibited a broad range from −30.7 to −23.9‰. Low δ13C values that occur concurrently with a peak in fluorescence below the thermocline reflect uptake of 13C depleted respiratory CO2 and/or the accumulation of 13C depleted lipids by phytoplankton. High δ13C values late in the season likely result from a reduction in photosynthetic fractionation associated with a decrease in the CO2 pool. Seasonal δ15N values of seston were high in the spring and declined through August. The δ15N values of seston reflect a balance between fractionation during assimilation of NH4+ or NO3 and degradative processes. The seston ΣPCB and fluorescence were both high in the spring and subsequently declined, suggesting that the concentrations of PCBs in seston were associated with labile material derived from primary productivity. The strong seasonal trends in the organic geochemical characteristics of seston and concentrations of PCBs emphasize the complex nature of particle cycling in aquatic environments.  相似文献   
To predict the impacts of climate change, a better understanding is needed of the foundation species that build and maintain biogenic ecosystems. Spartina alterniflora Loisel (smooth cordgrass) is the dominant salt marsh-building plant along the US Atlantic coast. It maintains salt marsh elevation relative to sea level by the accumulation of aboveground biomass, which promotes sediment deposition and belowground biomass, which accretes as peat. Peat accumulation is particularly important in elevation maintenance at high latitudes where sediment supply tends to be limited. Latitudinal variation in S. alterniflora growth was quantified in eight salt marshes from Massachusetts to South Carolina. The hypothesis that allocation to aboveground and belowground biomass is phenotypically plastic was tested with transplant experiments among a subset of salt marshes along this gradient. Reciprocal transplants revealed that northern S. alterniflora decreased allocation to belowground biomass when grown in the south. Some northern plants also died when moved south, suggesting that northern S. alterniflora may be stressed by future warming. Southern plants that were moved north showed phenotypic plasticity in biomass allocation, but no mortality. Belowground biomass also decomposed more quickly in southern marshes. Our results suggest that warming will lead northern S. alterniflora to decrease belowground allocation and that belowground biomass will decompose more quickly, thus decreasing peat accumulation. Gradual temperature increases may allow for adaptation and acclimation, but our results suggest that warming will lower the ability of salt marshes to withstand sea-level rise.  相似文献   
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