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The Ulleung Basin is one of three deep basins that are contained within the East/Japan Sea. Current meter moorings have been maintained in this basin beginning in 1996. The data from these moorings are used to investigate the mean circulation pattern, variability of deep flows, and volume transports of major water masses in the Ulleung Basin with supporting hydrographic data and help from a high-resolution numerical model. The bottom water within the Ulleung Basin, which must enter through a constricted passage from the north, is found to circulate cyclonically—a pattern that seems prevalent throughout the East Sea. A strong current of about 6 cms−1 on average flows southward over the continental slope off the Korean coast underlying the northward East Korean Warm Current as part of the mean abyssal cyclonic circulation. Volume transports of the northward East Korean Warm Current, and southward flowing East Sea Intermediate Water and East Sea Proper Water are estimated to be 1.4 Sv (1 Sv=10−6 m3 s−1), 0.8 Sv, and 3.0–4.0 Sv, respectively. Deep flow variability involves a wide range of time scales with no apparent seasonal variations, whereas the deep currents in the northern East Sea are known to be strongly seasonal.  相似文献   
Ocean Science Journal - The high load of protozoan parasites in marine bivalves often leads to mass mortalities of the hosts. On the west coast of Korea in the Yellow Sea, the protozoan parasite...  相似文献   
Recent findings on water masses, biogeochemical tracers, deep currents and basin-scale circulation in the East/Japan Sea, and numerical modeling of its circulation are reviewed. Warming continues up to 2007 despite an episode of bottom water formation in the winter of 2000–2001. Water masses have definitely changed since the 1970s and further changes are expected due to the continuation of warming. Accumulation of current data in deep waters of the East/Japan Sea reveals that the circulation in the East/Japan Sea is primarily cyclonic with sub-basin scale cyclonic and anticyclonic cells in the Ulleung Basin (Tsushima Basin). Our understanding of the circulation of intermediate water masses has been deepened through high-resolution numerical studies, and the implementation of data assimilation has had initial success. However, the East/Japan Sea is unique in terms of the fine vertical structures of physical and biogeochemical properties of cold water mass measured at the highest precision and their rapid change with the global warming, so that full understanding of the structures and their change requires in-depth process studies with continuous monitoring programs.  相似文献   
During 1999–2000, 13 bottom mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and 12 wave/tide gauges were deployed along two lines across the Korea/Tsushima Strait, providing long-term measurements of currents and bottom pressure. Tidally analyzed velocity and pressure data from the moorings are used in conjunction with other moored ADCPs, coastal tide gauge measurements, and altimeter measurements in a linear barotropic data assimilation model. The model fits the vertically averaged data to the linear shallow water equations in a least-squares sense by only adjusting the incoming gravity waves along the boundaries. Model predictions are made for the O1, P1, K1, μ2, N2, M2, S2, and K2 tides. An extensive analysis of the accuracy of the M2 surface-height predictions suggests that for broad regions near the mooring lines and in the Jeju Strait the amplitude prediction errors are less than 0.5 cm. Elsewhere, the analysis suggests that errors range from 1 to 4 cm with the exception of small regions where the tides are not well determined by the dataset. The errors in the model predictions are primarily caused by bias error in the model’s physics, numerics, and/or parameterization as opposed to random errors in the observational data. In the model predictions, the highest ranges in sea level height occur for tidal constituents M2, S2, K1, O1, and N2, with the highest magnitudes of tidal velocities occurring for M2, K1, S2, and O1. The tides exhibit a complex structure in which diurnal constituents have higher currents relative to their sea level height ranges than semi-diurnal constituents.  相似文献   
Factors affecting mesozooplankton distributions in the northeastern tropical Pacific Ocean were investigated using data obtained along a meridian line (5 degrees -12 degrees N, 131.5 degrees W) in the summers of 1998, 1999, and 2003. The survey periods corresponded to a sharp transition between the 1997-1998 El Ni?o and 1998-1999 La Ni?a events, the 1999 La Ni?a event, and near-normal conditions after the moderate 2002-2003 El Ni?o in the equatorial Pacific. A strong upwelling in the divergence zone from 10.5 degrees to 11 degrees N caused a shoaling of the thermocline depth (approximately 30 m), resulting in increases in nitrate and phytoplankton chlorophyll a (chl-a) concentrations, and, in turn, mesozooplankton abundance during the La Ni?a in 1999. In contrast, in 1998, remnants of El Ni?o characteristics, deeper thermocline depth (60-150 m) and warm surface water (>28 degrees C), led to low concentrations of nitrate, chl-a and low mesozooplankton abundance, except in the convergence zone around 7 degrees N. The thermocline depth and nitrate concentration obtained during the near-normal period in 2003 corresponded to intermediate values as compared to those obtained during El Ni?o and La Ni?a conditions. Interannual changes in the position and strength of ecotones, such as divergence and convergence zones, affected mesozooplankton community structure and cyclopoid-to-calanoid ratios along the 131.5 degrees W meridian line. The clustering pattern of the mesozooplankton community was mostly characterized by calanoid (mainly Clausocalanus sp.) and cyclopoid (mainly Oncaea sp.) copepods, accounting for most of the observed differences among groups during the study period. Cyclopoids and calanoids were more abundant in 1999 than in 1998 or 2003, with a sharp increase to the north, while they were less abundant to the north in 1998 and 2003. The cyclopoid-to-calanoid ratio peaked in the convergence zone in 1998 and the divergence zones in 1999 and 2003, apparently due to the strength and location of the ecotones. Principal component analysis (PCA) with environmental factors and dominant mesozooplankton groups showed that dominant groups were affected by nitrate and chl-a concentrations in 1998, by sigma-t (water density), nitrate and chl-a concentrations in 1999, and by sigma-t, salinity and chl-a concentration (except siphonophores) in 2003. Latitudinal distribution of thermocline depth before and after the 1998/99 La Ni?a event showed a distinct interannual difference. The abundance of mesozooplankton in the divergence zone in 1999 was distinctively higher than abundances found in the convergence and divergence zones in 1998 and 2003, which resulted from the shallow thermocline depth due to an intensified upwelling during the strong 1998-1999 La Ni?a event.  相似文献   
Cellular and humoral immune parameters are often used as biomarkers to trace environmental and physiological stresses in marine bivalves. In this study, we compared various immune parameters of Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) under normal conditions and under a high level of desiccation, using flow cytometry. The immune parameters analyzed included, total hemocyte count, hemocyte mortality, hemocyte DNA damage, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and phagocytosis activity. Total hemocyte count, hemocyte DNA damage, and hemocyte mortality were significantly elevated among clams under high desiccation stress, while phagocytosis activity and spontaneous ROS production were significantly lower compared to those parameters of the control clams (p<0.05). These data suggest that the immune parameters analyzed in this study well reflect the physiological status of clams.  相似文献   
The vertical structure of the M2 tidal current in the Yellow Sea is analyzed from data acquired using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The observed vertical profiles of the M2 tidal current are decomposed into two rotating components of counter-clockwise and clockwise, and restructured using a simple one-point model with a constant vertical eddy viscosity. The analyzed results show that the internal fictional effect dominates the vertical structure of the tidal current in the bottom boundary layer. In the Yellow Sea, the effect of the bottom friction reduces the current speed by about 20–40% and induces the bottom phase advance by about 15–50 minutes. In the shallower coastal regions, the effects of bottom topography are more prominent on the vertical structure of tidal currents. The vertical profile of the tidal current in summer, when the water column is strongly stratified, is disturbed near the pycnocline layer. The stratification significantly influences the vertical shear and distinct seasonal variation of the tidal current.  相似文献   
Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is one of the most important benthic animals in the coastal north Pacific region, where clam populations have been mixed genetically through trade and aquaculture activities. Accordingly, identification of the genetically different clam populations has become one of the most important issues to manage interbreeding of the local and introduced clam populations. To identify genetically different populations of clam populations, we developed 11 expressed sequence tag (EST)-microsatellite loci (i.e., simple sequence repeat, SSR) from 1,128 clam hemocyte cDNA clones challenged by the protozoan parasite Perkinsus olseni. Genotype analysis using the markers developed in this study demonstrated that clams from a tidal flat on the west coast contained 6 to 19 alleles per locus, and a population from Jeju Island had 4 to 20 alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosity of the 2 clam populations ranged from 0.472 to 0.919 for clams from the west coast, and 0.494 to 0.919 for clams from Jeju Island, respectively. Among the 11 loci discovered in this study, 7 loci significantly deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. The 5 loci developed in this study also successfully amplified the SSRs of R. variegatus, a clam species taxonomically very close to R. philippinarum, from Hong Kong and Jeju Island. We believe that the 11 novel polymorphic SSR developed in this study can be utilized successfully in Manila clam genetic diversity analysis, as well as in genetic discrimination of different clam populations.  相似文献   
The vertical structure of low-frequency flows in the central Ulleung Interplain Gap of the southwestern East Sea (Sea of Japan) is analyzed based on full-depth current measurement during November 2002–April 2004. Record-length mean flows are directed toward the Ulleung Basin (Tsushima Basin) throughout the entire water column. Upper current variability above the permanent thermocline with a dominant period of about 50–60 days is shown to be closely related to the displacement of an anticyclonic warm eddy associated with the westward meander of the Offshore Branch. Fluctuations of deep currents below the permanent thermocline have a dominant period of about 40 days. Coherence between the current near the seabed and shallower depths is statistically significant up to 360 m for a period range between 15 and 100 days, but less significantly correlated with currents in the upper 200 m. Data from the densely equipped mooring line reveal that mean and eddy kinetic energies are minima at 1000 m, where isotherm slopes are also relatively flat. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses suggest that more than 79% of total variances of upper and deep currents can be explained by their respective first EOF mode characterized by nearly depth-independent eigenvectors. Spectral and EOF analyses of observed currents suggest that most of the deep current variability is not directly related to local upper current variability during the observation period.  相似文献   
Data from satellite altimeters and from a 13-month deployment of in situ instruments are used to determine an empirical relationship between sea-level anomaly difference (SLA) across the Kuroshio in the East China Sea (ECS-Kuroshio) and net transport near 28°N. Applying this relationship to the altimeter data, we obtain a 12-year time series of ECS-Kuroshio transport crossing the C-line (KT). The resulting mean transport is 18.7 ± 0.2 Sv with 1.8 Sv standard deviation. This KT is compared with a similarly-determined time series of net Ryukyu Current transport crossing the O-line near 26°N southeast of Okinawa (RT). Their mean sum (24 Sv) is less than the mean predicted Sverdrup transport. These KT and RT mean-flow estimates form a consistent pattern with historical estimates of other mean flows in the East China Sea/Philippine Basin region. While mean KT is larger than mean RT by a factor of 3.5, the amplitude of the KT annual cycle is only half that of RT. At the 95% confidence level the transports are coherent at periods of about 2 years and 100–200 days, with RT leading KT by about 60 days in each case. At the annual period, the transports are coherent at the 90% confidence level with KT leading RT by 4–5 months. While the bulk of the Kuroshio enters the ECS through the channel between Taiwan and Yonaguni-jima, analysis of satellite altimetry maps, together with the transport time series, indicates that the effect of mesoscale eddies is transmitted to the ECS via the Kerama Gap southwest of Okinawa. Once the effect of these eddies is felt by the ECS-Kuroshio at 28°N, it is advected rapidly to the Tokara Strait.  相似文献   
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