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早侏罗纪生物灭绝:一次全球性长期事件普林斯巴期末期灭绝事件(189Ma)曾被认为是过去250Ma10次全球周期性灭绝事件中的一次,或小规模局部性欧洲事件。在普林斯巴晚期至托阿尔早期大约7.5Ma时限内,种群灭绝程上升趋势达5个鲕状岩带,在波利尔,特斯...  相似文献   
据《湖沼学与海洋学》杂志 9月刊出的一个新的研究报告 ,撒哈拉含铁尘土运移至佛罗里达西部滨外水域 ,引起毒性红藻大量繁殖。南佛罗里达大学海洋科学学院 Jason L enes等根据国家海洋与大气管理局极性轨通环境卫星成象仪摄取的高分辨率数据 ,对 1 999年 6月由非洲运移的巨大尘土进行了跟踪分析。撒哈拉尘土含有大量土壤铁 ,大约于 7月 1日到达西佛罗里达陆架 ,引起表层水中的铁含量增加了3 0 0 %。铁含量的变化导致 Tricbodesium菌增加 1 0倍。此菌使海水中的氮转化成其它海洋生物适用的形态。研究报告提出 ,至 1 999年 1 0月 ,溶解有机…  相似文献   
有孔虫生活在海洋和半咸水环境。底栖有孔虫的存在很大程度上受物理因素(深度、温度、光量、水体扰动)、化学因素(盐度、溶解氧和可用元素)和生物因素(食物供给量和底层沉积物特征)的制约。研究人员对印度东、西岸现代底栖有孔虫生态学和分布状态进行了研究。Naidu等在对Visakhapatnam港复合体有孔虫进行分析后提出 ,可以将有孔虫作为海洋污染的指示物。SreenivasaRao等采用Q模式系数分析对尼赞伯德讷姆湾有孔虫的分布进行了研究 ,确认此区域存在4种组合 ,受不同环境条件的影响。Khare等对门格…  相似文献   
Although large loads of potentially toxic constituents are discharged from coastal urban watersheds, very little is known about the fates and eventual impacts of these stormwater inputs once they enter the ocean. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of stormwater discharges on the benthic marine environment of Santa Monica Bay. Sediment samples were collected across a gradient of stormwater impact following significantly sized storm events offshore Ballona Creek (a predominantly developed watershed) and Malibu Creek (a predominantly undeveloped watershed). Sediments offshore Malibu Creek had a greater proportion of fine-grained sediments, organic carbon, and naturally occurring metals (i.e., aluminum and iron), whereas sediments offshore Ballona Creek had higher concentrations of anthropogenic metals (i.e., lead) and organic pollutants (i.e., total DDT, total PCB, total PAH). The accumulation of anthropogenic sediment contaminants offshore Ballona Creek was evident up to 2 km downcoast and 4 km upcoast from the creek mouth and sediment concentrations covaried with distance from the discharge. Although changes in sediment texture, organic content, and an increase in sediment contamination were observed, there was little or no alteration to the benthic communities offshore either Ballona or Malibu Creek. Both sites were characterized as having an abundance, species richness, biodiversity and benthic response index similar to shallow water areas distant from creek mouths throughout the Southern California Bight. There was not a preponderance of pollution tolerant, nor a lack or pollution sensitive, species offshore either creek mouth.  相似文献   
报据野外和遥感资料,在苏丹东北部分辨出断续的蛇绿岩推覆体残部.此带由阿拉伯一努比亚地盾西缘至片麻岩岩区(该区曾被认为是太古代至始元古代尼罗克拉通的一部分)呈西一西南至西南向出露达200km.尽管发生了强烈的解体和变质作用,  相似文献   
墨西哥南部中佛罗纪平移断裂作用证据:与墨西哥湾开放的相关性S.A.Alaniz-Alvarez等为分出叠覆在布拉德复合地体上的大陆地块Bullard等(196)在重建中美洲墨西哥湾一加勒比海地区中生代早期古构造后推断,该地区存在许多大规模横向剪切带....  相似文献   
冰期剧烈的气候变化与大西洋环流的变化有关。在过去 1 0ka间 ,气候较为稳定 ,百年级波动相对温和。目前 ,全球年复一年的气候变化主要由太平洋厄尔尼诺—南方涛动所引起。太平洋的赤道宽度是大西洋的 3倍 ,但不致于影响全球气候 ;大西洋的影响范围虽小 ,然而却非常明显 ,尤其是在环流改变时 ,国际研究项目 (气候变化与可预见性 )将对大西洋气候变化机制和可预见性做深入的探讨。热带大西洋地区大气 海洋相互作用 ,在春季 (3— 5月 )引起巴西至加勒比海的南美东海岸、在秋季 (8— 9月 )引起非洲亚撒哈拉西部年际降雨量和时间的明显变化。…  相似文献   
白令海峡首次张开和中美洲航道关闭是新生代晚期两个最重要的古地理和海洋事件。除了其区域生物地理效应外 ,这些事件改变了北太平洋和北大西洋航道的形态 ,对北半球大洋环流和气候产生了重要影响。白令海峡首次张开所产生的最引人注目的结果是软体动物在北太平洋、北冰洋和北大西洋之间的交流。这一事件被称为“横越北冰洋的交流” ,涉及295个软体动物种 ,其中源于太平洋的261个 ,源于大西洋—北冰洋的34个。由于新第三纪晚期的这种交流 ,现今北冰洋软体动物的大部分源于北大西洋 ,尤其表现在北美北冰洋和西伯利亚东北部海岸 ,而大…  相似文献   
邦蒂海沟是新西兰陆缘东部的一个晚白垩世夭折裂谷,于南太平洋现代海底扩张初期形成.该海沟向西与新西兰南岛陆壳、向北与查塔姆海岭、向南与坎贝尔海台相邻.同周围的大陆腹地一样,海沟内的沉积物为白垩纪裂谷充填物.其后为下蚀的白垩纪末期至早第三纪海相沉积和早第三纪至晚第三纪深海生物相沉积。  相似文献   
The relationship between trophic position through delta13C and delta15N and trace metal concentrations (Zn, Cd, Cu and Hg) was investigated in the tissues of six marine mammal species from the Northeast Atlantic: striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba, common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, white beaked-dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris, grey seal Halichoerus grypus stranded on French Channel and Irish coasts. White-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises, white-sided dolphins, common and striped dolphins display the same relative and decreasing trophic position, as measured by delta15N values, along both the Irish and French channel coasts, reflecting conservative trophic habits between these two places. Hepatic and renal Cd concentrations were significantly correlated to muscle delta13C and delta15N values while Hg, Zn and Cu did not. These results suggest that Cd accumulation is partly linked to the diet while other factors such as age or body condition might explain Hg, Zn or Cu variability in marine mammals. Combined stable isotope and trace metal analyses appear to be useful tools for the study of marine mammal ecology.  相似文献   
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