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Uranium was measured by fission track analysis in meteoritic troilite and graphite. The distribution is extremely heterogeneous, with a few high-U grains dominating the total abundances. U/He ages cannot be estimated from such a distribution pattern, and therefore previously reported excessive ages are not valid.  相似文献   
New radar images obtained from the Arecibo Observatory (resolution 1.5–4.0 km) for portions of the southern hemisphere of Venus show that: the upland of Phoebe Regio contains the southern extension of Devana Chasma, a rift zone extending 4200 km south from Theia Mons and interpreted as a zone of extension; Alpha Regio, the only large region of tessera within the imaged area, is similar to tessera mapped elsewhere on the planet and covers a smaller percentage of the surface than that observed in the northern high latitudes; the upland made of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes consists of three distinct volcanic constructs; Themis Regio is mapped as an ovoid chain of radar-bright arcuate single and double ring structures, edifices and bright lineaments. This area is interpreted as a region of mantle upwelling and on the basis of apparent split and separated features, a zone of localized faulting and extension. Linear zones of deformation in Lavinia Planitia are characterized by lineament belts that are often locally elevated, are similar to ridge belts mapped in the northern high latitudes and are interpreted to be characterized mainly by compression; radar-bright lava complexes within Lavinia Planitia are unique to this part of the planet and are interpreted to represent areas of eruption of high volumes of extremely fluid lava; the upland of Lada Terra is bound to the north by a linear deformation zone interpreted as extensional, is characterized by large ovoids and coronae, is interpreted to be associated with an area of mantle upwelling, and is in contrast to the northern high latitude highland of Ishtar Terra. Regions of plains in the southern hemisphere cover about 78%; of the mapped area and are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Located within the area imaged (10–78 S) are 52 craters interpreted to be of impact origin ranging from 8 to 157 km in diameter. On the basis of an overall crater density of 0.94 craters/106 km2, it is determined that the age of this part of the Venus surface is similar to the 0.3 to 1.0 billion year age calculated for the equatorial region and northern high latitudes. The geologic characteristics of the portion of the Venus southern hemisphere imaged by Arecibo are generally similar to those mapped elsewhere on the planet. This part of the planet is characterized by widespread volcanic plains, large volcanic edifices, and zones of linear belt deformation. The southern hemisphere of Venus differs from northern high latitudes in that tessera makes up only a small percentage of the surface area and the ovoid chain in Themis Regio is unique to this part of the planet. On the basis of the analysis presented here, the southern hemisphere of Venus is interpreted to be characterized by regions of mantle upwelling on a variety of scales (ovoids, region made up of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes), upwelling and extension (Themis Regio) and localized compression (lineament belts in Lavinia Planitia).  相似文献   
R. R. Fisher 《Solar physics》1978,57(1):119-128
The Sacramento Peak Observatory's 40 cm coronagraph was used with an emission line photometer to observe the distribution of 5303 Fe XIV brightness as a function of position angle, height above the limb, and time. These data were used to construct models of the volume emissivity as a function of solar latitude and longitude. These models in turn yield estimates of the distribution of electron density in the lower solar corona as a function of latitude and longitude for several specific periods in 1973 and 1975. Three observational results are obtained. An upper limit for the inferred electron density in coronal hole regions is set at log N e = 7.4 for an altitude of 1.15R . Density models from late 1973 demonstrate an evolutionary trend toward a rather regular four-lobed appearance of coronal material; models from 1975 suggest that this characterization persisted for at least 27 solar rotations. A decrease in the total integrated 5303 intensity of a factor of 2.9 is inferred to have taken place between 1973 and 1975.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
During SESAME phase I ground-based FTIR measurements were performed atEsrange near Kiruna, Sweden, from 28 January to 26 March 1994. Zenith columnamounts of ClONO2, HCl, HF, HNO3,O3, N2O, CH4, and CFC-12 werederived from solar absorption spectra. Time series of ClONO2and HCl indicate a chlorine activation at the end of January and around 1March. On 1 March a very low amount of HCl of 2.09times; 1015molec. cm-2 was detected, probably caused by a second chlorineactivation phase starting from an already decreased amount of HCl. The ratioof column amounts of HCl to ClONO2 decreased inside the vortexfrom about 1 in January to 0.4 in late March compared to values of about 2outside the vortex. Although the Arctic stratosphere was rather warm in winter1993/94 and PSCs occurred seldom, chlorine partitioning into its reservoirspecies HCl and ClONO2 changed during that winter andClONO2 is the major chlorine reservoir at the end of thewinter as in cold winters like 1991/92 and 1994/95.  相似文献   
In this article, we document a detailed analytical characterisation of zircon M127, a homogeneous 12.7 carat gemstone from Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Zircon M127 has TIMS‐determined mean U–Pb radiogenic isotopic ratios of 0.084743 ± 0.000027 for 206Pb/238U and 0.67676 ± 0.00023 for 207Pb/235U (weighted means, 2s uncertainties). Its 206Pb/238U age of 524.36 ± 0.16 Ma (95% confidence uncertainty) is concordant within the uncertainties of decay constants. The δ18O value (determined by laser fluorination) is 8.26 ± 0.06‰ VSMOW (2s), and the mean 176Hf/177Hf ratio (determined by solution ICP‐MS) is 0.282396 ± 0.000004 (2s). The SIMS‐determined δ7Li value is ?0.6 ± 0.9‰ (2s), with a mean mass fraction of 1.0 ± 0.1 μg g?1 Li (2s). Zircon M127 contains ~ 923 μg g?1 U. The moderate degree of radiation damage corresponds well with the time‐integrated self‐irradiation dose of 1.82 × 1018 alpha events per gram. This observation, and the (U–Th)/He age of 426 ± 7 Ma (2s), which is typical of unheated Sri Lankan zircon, enable us to exclude any thermal treatment. Zircon M127 is proposed as a reference material for the determination of zircon U–Pb ages by means of SIMS in combination with hafnium and stable isotope (oxygen and potentially also lithium) determination.  相似文献   
Vestimentiferan tubeworms are a group of large sessile marine polychaete annelids (family Siboglinidae) found in the regions of hydrothermal venting or seepage of the reduced chemical hydrogen sulfide. Hydrocarbon seeps on the Louisiana Slope of the Gulf of Mexico support large communities of the co-occurring vestimentiferan species Lamellibrachia luymesi and Seepiophila jonesi. These sessile species have the opportunity to disperse between the patchy sites of active seepage on the seafloor during a planktonic larval stage. However, it is unclear whether dispersal occurs at a local or global scale. Four (L. luymesi) and seven (S. jonesi) microsatellite loci were used to test for population substructure among ten hydrocarbon seep sites on the Louisiana Slope. Both species showed high levels of allelic diversity, averaging 18.5 (L. luymesi) and 22 (S. jonesi) alleles/locus, respectively, and high observed heterozygosity at all microsatellite loci (0.71–0.9 in L. luymesi, 0.27–0.84 in S. jonesi). The two species showed a significant deficiency in heterozygotes compared to that predicted under the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. L. luymesi showed a small but significant amount of population structure, with a positive correlation between genetic and geographic distance among the sample sites spanning 540 km. S. jonesi, in contrast, showed no evidence for isolation by distance, but did show a significant genetic difference between aggregations of different ages. These results suggest that these two species differ in how larvae are able to colonize new seep sites through space (L. luymesi) and though time (S. jonesi).  相似文献   
Reynolds stress and TKE production in an estuary with a tidal bore   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report new measurements of the turbulent properties of the flow in a tidally energetic estuarine channel of almost uniform cross-section. A high-frequency (1.2 MHz), bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) has been used to observe the velocity field at a sampling rate of 10 Hz in parallel with measurements of the surface elevation by tide gauges. Our data have been analysed using the Variance Method to determine turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), shear stress and TKE production over the tidal cycle with a time resolution of 60 s. During the highly energetic but brief flood period, when the surface axial velocity reaches 2 m s−1, we observed large values of stress (>2 Pa) and shear production (5 W m−3). TKE is also input through the release of energy in the bore itself which results in a brief but intense injection of energy at the bore front with large transient TKE levels (100 J m−3). Subsequent input by shear production maintains TKE levels which are generally lower (20 J m−3) than the strong peak associated with the bore for the rest of the flood. On the ebb, the flow is relatively tranquil with maximum speeds 0.5 m s−1 and peak TKE production rates of 0.1 W m−3.The flow and elevation data have also been used to estimate the energy fluxes into and out of the estuary. Short (1 h), intense energy inputs (8 MW at springs) on the flood flow are largely balanced by longer, less intense seaward energy flow on the ebb. The net energy input is found to be 0.1 MW at springs which is consistent with estimates of upstream dissipation. Peak dissipation in the bore itself may exceed the mean energy input but it is active only for a small fraction of the tidal cycle and its average contribution does not exceed 12% of total dissipation.  相似文献   
There is overwhelming evidence that many local-scale human activities (e.g. fishing) have a deleterious effect on coral reef fish assemblages. Our understanding of how broad social phenomena (e.g. socioeconomic development) affect the diversity and function of coral reef fish assemblages however, is still poor. Here, we use structural equation models to reveal how human population density, socioeconomic development, and market access affect fishing pressure and coral cover to, in turn, explain the diversity and biomass of key functional groups of reef fish assemblages within Solomon Islands. Fishing pressure is predominantly driven by both market access and local population density, and has a clear negative effect on the diversity and function of coral reef fishes. The strong positive effect of market access on fishing pressure makes clear the importance of understanding social-ecological linkages in the context of increasingly connected societies. This study highlights the need to address broad social phenomena rather than focusing on proximate threats such as fishing pressure, to ensure the continued flow of coral reef goods and services in this time of rapid global social and environmental change.  相似文献   
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