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The40Ar-39Ar method has been applied to high pressure (HP) white micas from the Gran Paradiso crystalline massif and from the overthrust Schistes Lustrés of its western slope. Preliminary petrographic and microanalytical investigation of the phengite micas showed that their celadonite-content decreases with time (from Si3.65 to Si3.05), and that less foliated samples are the most suitable for the metastable persistence of the high celadonite-content of the early HP stage during subsequent metamorphic evolution.Such samples were investigated together with one where mica is a pure retrogressive product. Two groups of plateau-ages have been found: (a) 60 to 75 Ma on HP phengites and early paragonites of unretrograded HP parageneses, thus dating the early HP metamorphic stage; (b) 38–40 Ma on HP phengites (most often in slightly retrograded HP parageneses) and on the purely retrogressive mica. For the HP phengites in (b), this age is considered to reflect the end of Ar readjustement during the later lowerP and/or higherT metamorphic stage, and not their crystallization.This disparity in plateau-ages for micas sampled within the same area shows that under the sameP-T conditions some systems were open while others remained closed. This can be closely related to the mineralogical behaviour: chemically active systems are isotopically active, whereby the reverse is not necessarily true. Thus, although temperature exceeded by far the usually assumed sealing-temperature of white micas, many systems have remained unaffected during the late Eocene event. Therefore, temperature cannot be the determining parameter for the opening of a system. Chemical reactivity, starting mineralogy and, primarily, pervasive deformation and the related fluid behaviour appear to be the effective controls.This implies that thermally activated diffusion processes (volume diffusion...) cannot be geologically significant. Consequently, the blocking temperature concept which rests on the opposite assumption now appears questionable. The fact that a mica does not necessarily behave as open above its blocking temperature necessitates at least a clear distinction between opening- and sealing-temperatures.  相似文献   
The reduction of sulfate by sulfate reducing bacteria in the anoxic zone is an extremely important process during early diagenesis of marine sediments. Our data from Great Bay, NH reinforce the proposal that the rate of sulfate reduction is directly proportional to the reactivity of the organic matter or the amount of readily metabolizable organic matter present in the sediment and, hence, the source of the organic material in the anoxic zone. It appears that organic matter rich in marine organic remains is more easily degraded in the anoxic zone and that sulfate reduction rates can vary considerably in an estuarine system where many types of organic material may be deposited.  相似文献   
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy analysis of marine samples from different environments appears to differentiate between adsorbed and structural Mn (II) and Fe (III) sites in the sediment. This suggests that EPR may provide a means of distinguishing different environmental influences on sediment. Acid extract solutions from sediment samples exhibit clearly defined EPR spectra due to Mn(II), Ti(III), Fe(III), and VO(IV), which are amenable to qualitative and quantitative analysis at concentrations below one part per million. Spectra of several shellfish vary considerably, both between species, and within a species, depending on sampling localities. Resonances from Mn(II), Mo(V), and Fe(III) can be obtained. Mn(II) is substituted for Ca(II) in the calcite structure of some shells. The low detection limits, small sample size, required and identification of oxidation states by EPR complement other analytical techniques and may prove useful in marine systems.  相似文献   
The publication of Tong-Dzuy Thanh et al. calls for two remarks: The metamorphism in the “Kon Tum block” cannot be younger than Permian because the outcrop they describe is not metamorphic. Their very interesting discovery is a new piece of evidence for the exotic origin of the Dien Binh Series.  相似文献   
An 11-month observation of dissolved and particulate organic matter, chlorophyll a(Chl a), C18 Sep-Pak extractable hydrophobic dissolved organic matter (hDOM) fraction and associated dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, V, Co, Ni, Mo, U) was performed in the Lot–Garonne River system. This system includes the Riou Mort, the Lot River and the downstream reaches of the Garonne River and represents the fluvial transport path of trace metals between the major point source of polymetallic pollution, located in the Riou Mort watershed and the Gironde estuary. Spatial and temporal variations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and Chl areflect the presence of different types of organic matter and their relation with the hDOM fraction. Maximum Chl a/POC ratios (up to 0.03), indicate intense phytoplankton production from March to May. In the Lot River (Temple), DOC and POC concentrations were clearly higher and mean Chl a concentration (2.8 mg g−1) was about three times higher than those of the other sites. High Chl a/POC ratios suggest high phytoplankton activity with maxima in spring and late summer. In the Riou Mort River, very high POC concentrations of up to 40 (mean: 20) occurred, whereas Chl a concentrations were relatively low indicating low phytoplankton activity. High, strongly variable DOC and POC concentrations suggest important natural (Carboniferous soils, forests) or anthropogenic (e.g., former coal mines, waste areas, agriculture, sewage) carbon sources within the small Riou Mort watershed. Despite high DOC concentrations in the Riou Mort River, hDOM metal fractions were generally lower than those at the other sites. The general order of decreasing binding strength between metals and the organic hydrophobic phase (Cu, U > Co, Ni > V, Mo > Cd) at all four sites was in good agreement with the Irving–William series of transition element affinity towards organic ligands. Accordingly, the role of the hydrophobic phase in dissolved Cd transport appeared to be negligible, whereas the hDOM–Cu fraction strongly contributed to dissolved Cu transport.  相似文献   
Preliminary results of a multi-narrow beam survey of the Hellenic trench system, in the Eastern Mediterranean, are presented. The southwestern Ionian branch is divided in small basins, partly filled with Pleistocene sediments. The morphology suggests that the basins are deformed by a compressional stress acting roughly perpendicularly to the trench along N50°E. This direction is the direction of the regional slip vector of the shallow thrust-type earthquakes. The structure of the southeastern Pliny-Strabo branch is quite different. Narrow en-e´chelon slots, oriented N40°E, have been mapped within the main troughs oriented N60°E. The regional earthquake slip vector is also oriented along N40°E. We conclude that the Hellenic trench system is an active subduction system, dominated by thrust along the Ionian branch and by transform motion along the Pliny-Strabo branch.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of fogwater has been studied in the city of Strasbourg (France) from 1990 to 1999. During these years, fogwater samples have been collected and analysed for major ions and trace metals. This paper reports on the analysis of the collected dataset. The analysis revealed a significant decrease in acidity of approximately one pH unit over the course of the study. This decrease in acidity appears to be linked to a decrease in SO2(g) and the resulting SO42−. Trace metal concentrations have also strongly decreased over the 10-year period. Pb concentrations, following the elimination of leaded gasoline, decreased by more than one order of magnitude.  相似文献   
The relationship between particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations measured in modern sediment and fluxes of exported POC to the sediment surface needs to be understood in order to use POC content as a proxy of paleo-environmental conditions. The objective of our study was to compare POC concentrations, POC mineralization rates calculated from O2 consumption and POC burial rates. Benthic O2 distributions were determined in 58 fine-grained sediment cores collected at different periods at 14 stations in the southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay with depths ranging from 140 to 2800 m. Depth-dependent volume-specific oxygen consumption rates were used to assess rates of aerobic oxidation of organic matter (OM), assuming that O2 consumption solely was related to heterotrophic activity at the sediment–water interface. Heterogeneity of benthic O2 fluxes denoted changes in time and space of fresh organic material sedimentation. The most labile fraction of exported POC engendered a steep decrease in concentration in the upper 5 mm of vertical O2 profiles. The rupture in the gradient of O2 microprofile may be related to the bioturbation-induced mixing depth of fast-decaying carbon. Average diffusive O2 fluxes showed that this fast-decaying OM flux was much higher than buried POC, although diffusive O2 fluxes underestimated the total sediment oxygen demand, and thus the fast-decaying OM flux to the sediment surface. Sedimentary POC burial was calculated from sediment mass accumulation rate and the organic carbon content measured at the top of the sediment. The proportion of buried POC relative to total exported POC ranged at the most between 50% and 10%, depending on station location. Therefore, for a narrow geographic area like the Bay of Biscay, burial efficiency of POC was variable. A fraction of buried POC consisted of slow-decaying OM that was mineralized within the upper decimetres of sediment through oxic and anoxic processes. This fraction was deduced from the decrease with depth in POC concentration. At sites located below 500 m water depth, where the fast-decaying carbon did not reach the anoxic sediment, the slow-decaying pool may control the O2 penetration depth. Only refractory organic material was fossilized in sedimentary records at locations where labile OM did not reach the anoxic portion of the sediment.  相似文献   
40Ar---39Ar age determinations on samples selected on deformational criteria form the basis of a proposal of a new detailed tectonometamorphic history of the Montagne Noire (the southern part of the Massif Central, France).

This range is classically divided into a cover and an axial gneissic and migmatitic core which was metamorphosed under high T/medium P conditions. The basement is structurally overlain by epimetamorphic Paleozoic sediments in the north. In the south, equivalent rocks form a well-known pile of recumbent nappes. The Variscan history of this area comprises early shortening and thickening of the continental crust. The climax of this event took place around 320 Ma ago, as is shown by previous Rb---Sr data and by 40Ar---39Ar measurements. New developments in structural analyses have led to a better understanding of the late evolution of the area in terms of diapiric uplift of the core. South-southwestwards verging recumbent nappes have been emplaced and were weakly metamorphosed in their lower parts. This movement was accompanied and followed by dextral extensional wrenching of the Paleozoic cover along the northern and southern margins of the axial zone. Attendantly, ductile shear zones were formed.

In order to decipher the complex history, three structural levels have been dated with the 40Ar---39Ar method. These levels are: (1) The migmatitic and gneissic series in the axial core, where micas yield ages of c. 315 Ma; (2) Mylonites from the northern and southern shear zones where biotites and muscovites yield ages of c. 310 Ma; (3) Muscovites and biotites from the epimetamorphic nappe structures yielding ages of c. 297 Ma. The later ages may represent a younger thermal pulse. These data are compared and discussed in the light of previous radiometric studies of the area and precise biostratigraphic constraints. A detailed geodynamic evolution of the studied segment is proposed.  相似文献   

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