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Recent work on fission track studies of meteorite samples to obtain cooling rates of metetorite parent bodies is reviewed. The cooling rates of chondrites are in excess of 1oK/106 yr. Fission track studies of phosphate grains in mesosiderites do not support the extremely slow cooling rates of 0°1oK/108 yr for these meteorites, inferred from metallographic studies. The accumulating evidence from fission track studies indicates a gross underestimation of the cooling rates of meteorites as determined by the metallographic techniques.  相似文献   
Major-element and REE compositions of 14 diamondiferous eclogites from the Udachnaya kimberlite in Yakutia, Siberia have been determined by electron microprobe and secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS). Based on previous clinopyroxene classification schemes (e.g., Taylor and Neal 1989), all of these eclogite xenoliths belong to Group B/C, although some of the garnet compositions and mineral REE abundances are inconsistent with the indicated groups. This demonstrates the inadequacy of the classification scheme based on African eclogites for application to Siberian samples. Because of the coarse grain size of the Udachnaya nodules, meaningful modal abundances could not be obtained. However, reconstructed REE compositions using various garnet: clinopyroxene ratios demonstrate relative insensitivity to changes in mode for common eclogitic assemblages. Many of these reconstructed REE compositions show LREE depletions. Some depletions are consistent with an origin (either directly or through partial melting) as normal or Type-I ocean floor basalt. Others, however, require material of eclogitic or pyroxenitic affinities to undergo partial melting; this facilitates the depletion of LREE while leaving the HREE at nearly original levels. Many of the eclogites of South Africa are consistent with a protolith of anomalous or Type II ocean floor basalt. This fundamental difference between the two regions is the likely cause of the inconsistencies with the chemicallybased classification.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have measured the trace element compositions of individual plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine grains in 6 different winonaites that span the range of textures and mineralogies observed in these meteorites. Textural evidence in these meteorites, including the presence of a plagioclase/clinopyroxene‐rich lithology and coarse‐grained olivine lithologies, suggests that they may have experienced some silicate partial melting. However, trace element distributions in these lithologies do not show any clear signatures for such an event. Pyroxene trace element compositions do exhibit systematic trends, with abundances generally lowest in Pontlyfni and highest in Winona. The fact that the same trends are present for both incompatible and compatible trace elements suggests, however, that the systematics are more likely the result of equilibration of minerals with initially heterogeneous and distinct compositions, rather than partial melting of a compositionally homogeneous precursor. The winonaites have experienced brecciation and mixing of lithologies, followed by varying degrees of thermal metamorphism on their parent body. These factors probably account for the variable bulk rare earth element (REE) patterns noted for these meteorites and may have led to re‐equilibration of trace elements in different lithologies.  相似文献   
The effects of terrestrial weathering on REE mobilization are evaluated for a variety of uncommon meteorites found in Antarctica and in hot deserts. The meteorites analyzed include 7 non-cumulate eucrites, 10 shergottites, 3 nakhlites, 2 lunar meteorites, 4 angrites, 10 acapulcoites, 1 winonaite, and 1 brachinite. In-situ concentration measurements of lanthanides and selected other minor and trace elements were made on individual grains by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). In Antarctic meteorites, oxidation converts Ce3+ to Ce4+, which is less soluble than the trivalent REE, resulting in Ce anomalies. The mineral most affected is low-Ca pyroxene. However, not all grains of a given mineral are, and distinct analyses of a single grain can even yield REE patterns with and without Ce anomalies. The effect is most pronounced for Antarctic eucrites in which Ce anomalies are observed not only in individual minerals but also in whole rock samples. Although Ce anomalies are observed in meteorites from hot deserts as well, the most characteristic signs of chemical alteration in this environment are a LREE enrichment with a typical crustal signature, as well as Sr, Ba and U contaminations. These can modify the whole rock REE patterns and disturb the isotope systematics used to date these objects. The LREE contamination is highly heterogeneous, affecting some grains and not others of a given mineral (mainly olivine and low-Ca pyroxene, the two minerals with the lowest REE concentrations). The major conduit for REE movement is through shock-induced cracks and defects, and the highest levels of contamination are found in altered material filling such veins and cracks. Meteorites that experienced low shock levels and those that are highly recrystallized are the least altered.  相似文献   
Nuclear particle tracks were studied in various phases from the Brachina meteorite, which was classified until recently as a chassignite. Fission tracks due to the decay of244Pu(T12 = 82m.y.) were observed and indicate that Brachina formed ~ 4.5 b.y. ago in a parent body which was most probably asteroidal in size. Contrary to what has been previously suggested [7], there is no need to postulate a Martian origin for this meteorite. This conclusion is supported by independent evidence obtained by other groups.  相似文献   
The presence and the distribution of two cryptic sedentary gobies, Pomatoschistus microps and Pomatoschistus marmoratus, were investigated in several lagoons stretching along the Golfe du Lion, southern France Mediterranean coast, and Corsica. Pomatoschistus microps is the only sedentary Pomatoschistus species in two shallow lagoons with large variations of salinity and temperature. In contrast, P. marmoratus, another sedentary species, can be found preferentially in a deep salty lagoon with small salinity variations. Both species occur sympatrically in the Rhone Delta and hybridise, producing fertile offspring. Using allozymes, competition, linked to fitness, is invoked to explain the distribution pattern of these sibling species.  相似文献   
Uranium distributions have been determined in seventeen meteorites using fission track techniques. In seven cases, Th was also determined by a new method using fast neutrons. The actinides are generally concentrated in phosphates, usually whitlockite and/or chlorapatite. Wherever whitlockite and chlorapatite coexist, chlorapatite is richer in uranium. U concentrations in a given phosphate phase are highly variable from meteorite to meteorite and sometimes also show large variations in the same meteorite. A clinopyroxene phase enriched in U (0.2–0.3 ppm) is usually found in Ca-rich achondrites. The ThU ratios of phosphates differ considerably from whole rock values indicating that these elements were fractionated during the meteorite formation.  相似文献   
The Origins of Yakutian Eclogite Xenoliths   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Owing to the association with diamonds, eclogite xenoliths havereceived disproportionate attention given their low abundancein kimberlites. Several hypotheses have been advanced for theorigin of eclogite xenoliths, from the subduction and high-pressuremelting of oceanic crust, to cumulates and liquids derived fromthe upper mantle. We have amassed a comprehensive data set,including major- and trace-element mineral chemistry, carbonisotopes in diamonds, and Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, Re–Os,and oxygen isotopes in ultrapure mineral and whole-rock splitsfrom eclogites of the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, Russia.Furthermore, eclogites from two other Yakutian kimberlite pipes,Mir and Obnazhennaya, have been studied in detail and offercontrasting images of eclogite protoliths. Relative to eclogitesfrom southern Africa and other Yakutian localities, Udachnayaeclogites are notable in the absence of chemical zoning in mineralgrains, as well as the degree of light rare earth element (LREE)depletion and unradiogenic Sr; lack of significant oxygen, sulfur,and carbon isotopic variation relative to the mantle; and intermineralradiogenic isotopic equilibration. Several of these eclogitescould be derived from ancient, recycled, oceanic crust, butmany others exhibit no evidence for an oceanic crustal protolith.The apparent lack of stable-isotope variation in the Udachnayaeclogites could be due to the antiquity of the samples and consequentlack of deep oceanic and biogenically diverse environments atthat time. Those eclogites that are interpreted to be non-recycledhave compositions characteristic of Group A eclogites from otherlocalities that also have been interpreted as being directlyfrom the mantle. At least two separate and diverse isotopicreservoirs are suggested by Nd isotopic whole-rock reconstructions.Most samples were derived from typical depleted mantle. However,two groups of three samples each indicate both enriched mantleand possible ultra-depleted mantle present beneath Yakutia duringthe late Archean and early Proterozoic. The vast majority ofeclogites studied from the Obnazhennaya pipe also exhibit characteristicsof Group A eclogites and are probably derived directly fromthe mantle. However, the eclogites from the Mir kimberlite aremore typical of other eclogites world-wide and show convincingevidence of a recycled, oceanic crustal affinity. We concurwith the late Ted Ringwood that eclogites can be formed in avariety of ways, both within the mantle and from oceanic crustalresidues. KEY WORDS: diamonds; eclogite xenoliths; isotopic composition; REE; Yakutia  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions represent a unique opportunity for a straightforward determination of the chemical and isotopic composition of fluids that composed the hydrosphere and atmosphere over Earth’s history. The production of reference materials in the laboratory is needed to monitor and to validate the determination of hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of water inclusions. We propose a protocol leading to the experimental synthesis of halite crystals that contain water inclusions whose δD and δ18O values can be related to those of surrounding evaporating waters where the crystals grew. Corrections to isotopic measurements were performed by applying an orthogonal projection of the raw data to the water evaporation trajectory line whose slope can be predicted by taking into account the parameters developed in the linear resistance model of Craig and Gordon (1965). Several hundreds of grams of halite reference material can be produced rapidly (within 2 d) at a low cost and can be stored within a vacuum desiccator at ambient temperature over several months or years. The described method is especially useful for the analysis of anhydrous salts and the interpretation of isotopic fractionations that operate within the surficial water cycle.  相似文献   
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