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We show in this short note that the method of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is able to clearly extract a strong, clean, and clear component from the longest available sunspot (International Sunspot Number, ISN) time series (1700?–?2015) that cannot be an artifact of the method and that can be safely identified as the Gleissberg cycle. This is not a small component, as it accounts for 13% of the total variance of the total original signal. Almost three and a half clear Gleissberg cycles are identified in the sunspot number series. Four extended solar minima (XSM) are determined by SSA, the latest around 2000 (Cycle 23/24 minimum). Several authors have argued in favor of a double-peaked structure for the Gleissberg cycle, with one peak between 55 and 59 years and another between 88 and 97 years. We find no evidence of the former: solar activity contains an important component that has undergone clear oscillations of \(\approx90\) years over the past three centuries, with some small but systematic longer-term evolution of “instantaneous” period and amplitude. Half of the variance of solar activity on these time scales can be satisfactorily reproduced as the sum of a monotonous multi-secular increase, a \(\approx90\)-year Gleissberg cycle, and a double-peaked (\(\approx10.0\) and 11.0 years) Schwabe cycle (the sum amounts to 46% of the total variance of the signal). The Gleissberg-cycle component definitely needs to be addressed when attempting to build dynamo models of solar activity. The first SSA component offers evidence of an increasing long-term trend in sunspot numbers, which is compatible with the existence of the modern grand maximum.  相似文献   
This paper deals with soil/reinforced geotextile interface behaviour in direct shear and pullout movements. A soil/geosynthetic direct shear apparatus, developed in accordance to EN ISO 12957-1 (2004) and ASTM D5321-92 (1992) standards, is presented. Some details of the test (like: specimen fixation, influence of the vertical stress on the registered horizontal force, type of test and measurement of the vertical displacement) are discussed and modifications in the test procedures are adopted. Then, the reinforced geotextile and the residual soil of granite used in the research are described. The behaviour of soil/geosynthetic interface in direct shear is characterized based on modified direct shear tests and maximum interface shear stress is determined at peak and residual for a confining stress of 50 kPa. The modification in the pullout test apparatus described by Lopes and Ladeira (1996a; 1996b) and by Lopes and Lopes (1999) are noticed. The behaviour of soil/geosynthetic interface in pullout is characterized based on pullout tests performed, in accordance EN 13738 (2004), and interface shear stress at maximum pullout force is defined for a confining stress of 50 kPa. Finally, the values of interface coefficient at soil/geosynthetic interface are obtained in direct shear and in pullout and then compared. The main conclusions that can be outlined from the present study are the following: modifications should be made to EN ISO 12957-1 (2004) standard, namely in what concerns the dependence of the measured horizontal force from the vertical stress, the difficulties to perform constant area direct shear test with the lower half box filled with soil and on the measurement of the vertical displacement of the load plate; on the contrary to which is normally accepted the characteristics of the behaviour of soil/geosynthetic interface in pullout, when the geosynthetic has a full plane contact area with the soil, are not able to be obtained based on results of direct shear tests, as in this type of tests the contribution of the geosynthetic deformation on the characteristics of the interface in pullout is not considered.  相似文献   
The composition and distribution of macrobenthic communities was investigated in three areas in the KwaZulu- Natal Bight, a section of shelf off the east coast of South Africa. Areas were pre-selected on the basis of three known oceanographic features, posited to deliver land- or Agulhas Current-derived nutrients onto the shelf and to drive ecosystem functioning in this region. Replicate sediment samples were collected with a 0.2 m2 van Veen grab, during two surveys (A, B) corresponding with normal periods of high and low rainfall, respectively. A subset of the full station array was selected across the shelf in an arrangement of increasing depths (inner-, mid- and outer shelf) through each feature area to investigate the spatial distribution and feeding modes of macrobenthic taxa. The two periods showed some differences in abundance and numbers of macrobenthic taxa, but were not statistically different. Total macrobenthic abundance from Survey A was 20 215 individuals from 642 taxa, decreasing to 18 000 individuals from 503 taxa during Survey B. Polychaeta and Crustacea were the dominant taxa sampled; abundance of the latter was attributed largely to a proliferation of Paguristes sp.1 at inner-shelf samples in the midbight (Thukela) region during Survey B. Similarity classification distinguished seven sample groups reflecting differences in feature areas and shelf positions under investigation. The Thukela River midshelf community supported the highest macrobenthic abundance, while the midshelf off the southern bight (Durban region) was most species rich. Findings were attributed to the habitat complexity of the midshelf which includes a palaeo-dune cordon at the 60 m isobath. Functionally, the community was dominated by interface- and deposit-feeding fauna, emphasising the importance of trophic plasticity in an environmentally variable and heterogeneous shelf environment.  相似文献   
Very fine samples from the mineralized zones of the Jacupiranga complex at the Cajati mine were selected for crystallographic identification of Ti-magnesioferrite (TMf) nanostructures embedded in titanomagnetite (TM) using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A magnetic concentrate obtained of pyroxenite samples (sites 4 to 7) was reduced and divided into fractions of distinct range sizes: 26±2 μm, 19±1 μm, 13±1 μm, 9±1 μm, 6±1 μm and 6-0.1 μm. The mineralized samples of carbonatite and pyroxenite were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmitted and reflected light microscope, and scanning electron microscope with multielemental analysis. The finest magnetic concentrate sample (MC6) was analyzed under high-resolution transmitted electron microscopy (TEM) and high angle annular dark field and Raman spectroscopy. Magnetic properties were measured for the distinct granulometric fractions, showing drastic changes when grain sizes go beyond the frontier from micro to nanometer sizes. Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility percentage (÷fd%) report higher values (10.2%) for the finer fractions (6±1 μm and 6-0.1 μm) attributed to dominant fractions of superparamagnetic particles. Nanometer and < 6 μm grain size TMf in TM particles require a magnetic field up to 249 mT to reach saturation during the isothermal remanent magnetization experiment. Coercivity and remanent magnetization of these samples increase when the particle size decreases, probably due to parallel coupling effects. Magnetic susceptibility versus temperature experiments were conducted two times on the same (< 35 nm) sample, showing that the repetition during the second heating is probably due to the formation of new TMf nanoparticles and growth of those already present during the first heating process.  相似文献   
The outer layers of Sun-like stars are regions of rapid spatial variation which modulate the p-mode frequencies by partially reflecting the constituent acoustic waves. With the accuracy that has been achieved by current solar observations, and that is expected from imminent stellar observations, this modulation can be observed from the spectra of the low-degree modes. We present a new and simple theoretical calculation to determine the leading terms in an asymptotic expansion of the outer phase of these modes, which is determined by the structure of the surface layers of the star. Our procedure is to compare the stellar envelope with a plane-parallel polytropic envelope, which we regard as a smooth reference background state. Then we can isolate a seismic signature of the acoustic phase and relate it to the stratification of the outer layers of the convection zone. One can thereby constrain theories of convection that are used to construct the convection zones of the Sun and Sun-like stars. The accuracy of the diagnostic is tested in the solar case by comparing the predicted outer phase with an exact numerical calculation.  相似文献   
Human activities are exposing freshwater ecosystems to a wide range of stressors, whose direct and indirect effects can be alleviated or exacerbated through interactive effects with dynamic environmental drivers. This study used long-term data from two Neotropical lacustrine freshwater systems (Batata Lake, an Amazonian floodplain lake and Imboassica lagoon, an Atlantic coastal lagoon) subjected to different kinds of environmental fluctuations (i.e., flood pulse and sandbar opening) and anthropogenic impacts (i.e., siltation and eutrophication). Our objective was to determine whether the effects of human perturbations are contingent on modifications of important biotic and abiotic characteristics through environmental variability. For both ecosystems, environmental variability consistently interacted with anthropogenic perturbations to alter most of the variables analyzed, such as nutrient dynamics, chlorophyll-a concentration, zooplankton and benthic invertebrate species richness, and temporal community stability, which indicates that interactive effects between environmental variability and anthropogenic perturbations may impact a myriad of ecosystem properties. Furthermore, the nature of these interactive effects was highly dependent on the variable considered and on the ecosystem analyzed. For example, at Imboassica lagoon, sandbar openings interacted synergistically with trophic state to increase the phosphorus concentration in the water column. At Batata Lake, flooding generally alleviated the negative effects of siltation on species richness by both diluting inorganic suspended material concentration and by promoting local recruitment from the regional species pool. Such results indicate that our ability to understand and predict the outcome of anthropogenic impacts on inland aquatic systems can be hampered if we consider human stressors as “static” phenomena disconnected from dynamic interactions with major local environmental drivers.  相似文献   
Large-eddy simulations of the neutrally-stratified flow over an extended homogeneous forest were used to calibrate a canopy model for the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RaNS) method with the $k-\varepsilon $ k - ε turbulence model. It was found that, when modelling the forest as a porous medium, the canopy drag dissipates the turbulent kinetic energy (acts as a sink term). The proposed model was then tested in more complex flows: a finite length forest and a forested hill. In the finite length forest, the destruction of the turbulent kinetic energy by the canopy was overestimated near the edge, for a length approximately twice the tree height. In the forested hill, the model was less accurate inside the recirculation zone and overestimated the turbulent kinetic energy, due to an incorrect prediction of the production term. Nevertheless, the canopy model presented here provided consistent results in both a priori and a posteriori tests and improved the accuracy of RaNS simulations with the $k-\varepsilon $ k - ε model.  相似文献   
Eddy current brakes provide a versatile way of simulating the power take-off system (PTO) in model testing of small scale wave energy converters (WECs). This type of PTO simulator is based on the principle that a conductive material moving in a magnetic field generates a braking force proportional to its velocity. A bottom-hinged pitching plate WEC model has been designed using an eddy current brake as a PTO simulator. A dedicated electric current source unit was developed to provide a controllable and reliable level of DC current intensity to feed the magnetic field generating coils. Using a real-time data acquisition and control, this unit can be used to impose non-linear damping PTO characteristic curves in several types of WEC models based on eddy current brakes. In the present case, this current source has been used to simulate a constant damping PTO on a small scale pitching WEC model that has been tested in the IST wave flume. Two different cases were considered: one corresponding to a surface piercing plate and another to a fully submerged plate. Experimental results are presented for plate motion and for non-dimensional capture width.  相似文献   
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