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甲藻孢囊可以为赤潮提供种源, 还可用于指示海区富营养化状态。以往对甲藻孢囊分布的研究多集中于开放性水域和自然形成的海湾中, 在半封闭性人工海湾中的研究较少。梅山湾原属南北开放水域, 但于2012~2017年在向陆侧建设了北坝和南坝, 使其成为半封闭式人工海湾。通过对梅山湾内外海域采集到的6份表层沉积物样品分析, 共鉴定出37种甲藻孢囊, 其丰度介于237~1 054 cysts/g。甲藻孢囊平均丰度湾内高于湾外, 推测是筑堤后湾内水动力减弱, 悬浮物质浓度降低, 水体透明度升高, 水中颗粒物质沉积速率降低和水体富营养化所导致。调查海域甲藻孢囊物种多样性指数介于1.63~2.47, 均匀度指数介于0.58~0.82, 两者湾外均显著高于湾内, 反映出湾内生态系统稳定性更弱, 发生赤潮的可能性更高。研究共检出16种赤潮种和9种有毒甲藻孢囊, 产毒种及赤潮种丰度和种类占比湾内都高于湾外, 优势种有原多甲藻(Protoperidinium sp.)、美利坚原多甲藻(Protoperidinium americanum)、透镜翼甲藻(Diplopsalis lenticula)、微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium minutum)、链状裸甲藻(Gymnodinium catenatum)和锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)。“筑堤效应”加剧了湾内外表层沉积物中甲藻孢囊分布的差异性, 也加重了湾内有毒有害赤潮发生的风险, 故应重视对湾内有毒有害甲藻的监测。  相似文献   
Zooplankton samples were collected using 505, 160 and 77 μm mesh nets around a power plant during four seasons in 2011. We measured total length of zooplankton and divided zooplankton into seven size classes in order to explore how zooplankton community size-structure might be altered by thermal discharge from power plant. The total length of zooplankton varied from 93.7 to 40 074.7 μm. The spatial distribution of mesozooplankton(200-2 000 μm) populations were rarely affected by thermal discharge, while macro-(2 000-10 000 μm)and megalo-zooplankton(10 000 μm) had an obvious tendency to migrate away from the outfall of power plant.Thus, zooplankton community tended to become smaller and biodiversity reduced close to power plant.Moreover, we compared the zooplankton communities in three different mesh size nets. Species richness,abundance, evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the 505 μm mesh size were significantly lower than those recorded from the 160 and 77 μm mesh size. Average zooplankton abundance was highest in the 77 μm mesh net((27 690.0±1 633.7) ind./m~3), followed by 160 μm mesh net((9 531.1±1 079.5) ind./m~3), and lowest in 505 μm mesh net((494.4±104.7) ind./m~3). The ANOSIM and SIMPER tests confirmed that these differences were mainly due to small zooplankton and early developmental stages of zooplankton. It is the first time to use the 77 μm mesh net to sample zooplankton in such an environment. The 77 μm mesh net had the overwhelming abundance of the copepod genus Oithona, as an order of magnitude greater than recorded for 160 μm mesh net and 100% loss through the 505 μm mesh net. These results indicate that the use of a small or even multiple sampling net is necessary to accurately quantify entire zooplankton community around coastal power plant.  相似文献   
环境因素对杭州湾中型浮游动物群落结构的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quarterly study of mesozooplankton community structure and environmental variables in the Hangzhou Bay was conducted to examine the response of mesozooplankton community to the variation of water mass and environmental condition. The southeast coast of China is a typical region under the intensive influence of Asia monsoon and freshwater discharge from rivers. The water mass and environmental condition of the Hangzhou Bay, which were influenced by the interaction of currents, freshwater discharge of the Qiantang River and Changjiang River Plume, showed significant seasonal variation. Our results showed that both biomass and abundance were significantly higher in summer((247.7±148.8) mg/m~3 and(350.9±215.6) ind./m~3, respectively)than those in other seasons. Four eco-geographical regions were divided based on the cluster analysis of zooplankton community of the Hangzhou Bay throughout the year, except for winter. Monsoon and the dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) input from freshwater discharge of the Qiantang River and Changjiang River resulted in temporal and spatial variations of environmental gradient in the Hangzhou Bay, which significantly influenced the structure of mesozooplankton community. Redundancy analysis(RDA) indicated that the mesozooplankton community structure was strictly correlated with the DIN gradient, while salinity gradient showed a weak influence in the Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   
环境条件变化是造成贝类挥发性有机物质(VOCs)组成变化的主要原因。菲律宾蛤仔养殖生产中,常进行从开放式自然滩涂迁移至人工围塘养殖的活动。本文研究了这一过程前后菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)肌肉组织的VOCs组成特征、变化及其与环境因子相关性。结果显示:基于固相微萃取和气质联用技术,共鉴定出52种VOCs,分别属于醛、醇、酯、烃、呋喃、烷烃、烯、芳香烃、含硫和含氮化合物等。迁移前样本中,检出41种化合物,迁移至人工围塘养殖20 d后,检出32种。迁移造成了化合物种类数量降低、种类发生变化。醛、醇类的相对含量最高、迁移前后的变化尤为显著,呈现由醛高醇低的组成逆转为醇高醛低的特点。溶氧是影响VOCs组成变化及其醇、醛类差别的重要因子。饵料生物量、相对丰度和多样性与VOCs的组成具有显著相关性:自然滩涂微型真核生物多样性高但生物量和丰度相对低,人工围塘多样性低但生物量和丰度高,是VOCs组成差异的关键影响因子。本研究建立了贝类VOCs与关键环境因子的直接联系,为进一步解析贝类品质的环境关系、优化和调控养殖环境等研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
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