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The species composition, attaching season and variation of amounts of fouling organ-isms are regulated by various environmental factors, of which a few factors always play theleading role, and represent the principal aspect of a contradiction. In previous studies, theauthors have concentrated on the relationship between tbe distance from shore, orsalinity gradients and the distribution of fouling organisms. The present paper providingsome basic information of fouling communities in Dongshan, lay stress on the relationshipbetween the fluency of water and the distribution of fouling organisms in the same bay orharbor. Dongshan Bay (23°50′N, 117°30′E) is situated near the juncture of Southern Fujianand Guangdong Province, having a length of 10 nautical miles from north to south and 6nautical miles from west to east. The Bay is surrounded by land on three sides. The mouth  相似文献   
平潭附着生物生态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
平潭岛位于闽中沿海台湾海峡北口(25°29′N,119°41′E),隔海坛海峡与大陆沿岸相距约20浬。1963年至1964年在本岛西侧的竹屿口进行一周年附着生物挂板试验,着重研究逐月,逐季和一周年试板上附着生物的种类、数量、附着季节及其与海水温盐波动的关系。试板挂在浮码头侧面,分表、底两层,表层板悬浮在水面,目的是研究水线层的附着生物,底层板挂在水面下2.5米处,用以模拟船底和码头受生物污损情况。逐月初挂取试板,回收的试板泡在10%的福马林中带回试验室分析。这期间还调查了平潭海域五艘船只的附着生物,并对岛东北东庠的定置网设施受生物污损情况进行调查。竹屿口在海坛海峡中部平潭岛西侧,试验期间附近已经筑堤岸,所以水流较为缓慢,也  相似文献   
东山湾附着生物分布特点   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
海洋附着生物群落的种类组成、附着季节以及数量变动受到各种环境因子的约制,在众多的因子中,往往有少数几个因子起主导作用,成为矛盾的主要方面。作者在以往有关研究中,曾经侧重讨论了离岸远近[1,2]以及盐度梯度[3]和附着生物群落分布的关系。本文提供了东山湾附着生物群落的基本资料,并着重对比在同一港湾中,水流畅通程度和附着生物分布的关系。  相似文献   
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