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In the research of fractal cities,the fractal dimension is very important.It is used to describe the fractal character of the city.The authors have designed two approaches to calculate the fractal dimension by the box-counting method through an example of Beijing,which are called the vector method and the grid method,respectively.The former calculates the fractal dimension through an intersecting analysis in ArcView;and the latter is carried out by programming in Matlab.They are compared from three aspects:...  相似文献   
中国人口分布的密度分级与重心曲线特征分析   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
依据2000年全国第五次人口普查数据,利用ArcGIS的空间分析功能,将人口密度图分层显示,并形成中国人口分布图系.在此基础上,建立人口重心曲线,根据人口重心曲线上点的邻近性实施人口密度再分级,由此获得了更具空间集聚特征的人口密度图.基于人口密度分级的多圈层迭加分析表明:随着人口密度增大,人口分布重心逐渐由西北向东南移动,由稀疏趋于稠密,中国人口分布多圈层集聚特征明显.人口重心曲线表明,人口分布总体上是从高密度向低密度分布过渡的,其中在低密度中也有高密度地区分布,高密度地区也有相对稀疏的地区.基于人口重心曲线的中国人口密度再分级表明,中国人口密度可以适度划分为9级,据此可以将中国人口地理分布划分为集聚核心区、高度集聚区、中度集聚区、低度集聚区、一般过渡区、相对稀疏区、绝对稀疏区、极端稀疏区、基本无人区等9大类型区.统计表明,中国3/4以上的人口集中分布在不到1/5的国土面积上,半数以上的国土面积上居住着不到2%的人口,研究结果较好地揭示了中国人口分布的空间规律性.  相似文献   
In this paper, with the spatial analysis functions in ArcGIS and the county-level census data of 2000 in China, the population density map was divided and shown by classes, meanwhile, the map system of population distribution and a curve of population centers were formed; in accordance with the geographical proximity principle, the classes of population densities were reclassified and a population density map was obtained which had the spatial clustering characteristic. The multi-layer superposition based on the population density classification shows that the population densities become denser from the Northwest to the Southeast; the multi-layer clustering phenomenon of the Chinese population distribution is obvious, the populations have a water-based characteristic gathering towards the rivers and coastlines. The curve of population centers shows the population densities transit from the high density region to the low one on the whole, while in low-density areas there are relatively dense areas, and in high-density areas there are relatively sparse areas. The reclassification research on the population density map based on the curve of population centers shows that the Chinese population densities can be divided into 9 classes, hereby, the geographical distribution of Chinese population can be divided into 9 type regions: the concentration core zone, high concentration zone, moderate concentration zone, low concentration zone, general transitional zone, relatively sparse area, absolute sparse area, extreme sparse area, and basic no-man's land. More than 3/4 of the population of China is concentrated in less than 1/5 of the land area, and more than half of the land area is inhabited by less than 2% of the population, the result reveals a better space law of China’s population distribution.  相似文献   
环节动物多毛纲是大型底栖生物重要类群,对其生物多样性和区系分类的研究,有助于分析人类活动和全球气候变化对生物的影响。之前我国底栖多毛类的多样性研究主要集中在黄海等局部海域。现系统整理渤海、黄海、东海和南海(未包含三沙海域)底栖多毛类的物种名录,并计算了分类多样性指数和相似性系数。结果表明,平均分类差异指数(Δ+)东海最高,达93.23;渤海最低,为90.56。而分类差异变异指数(Λ+)渤海最高,达277.83;东海最低,仅210.45。科级和种级的相似性系数表明,科级水平上4个海域间的相似性均较高,种级水平上渤海和黄海的相似性最高,达0.486;渤海和南海的相似性最低,仅0.128,表明4个海域的底栖多毛类有明显的区系分类差异。通过分析底栖多毛类生物在中国近海的分类多样性差异,初步探讨中国海底栖多毛类的动物区系,以期加深对我国底栖多毛类多样性的认识,为中国海多毛类的多样性研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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