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中国近海,潮流占支配地位,在跃层存在的季节,实测潮流的垂直结构相当复杂.本文将实测潮流分解为平均正压潮流和变差潮流两部分,提出了从能量构成及分配研究潮流垂直结构的方法,并借此方法研究了北黄海实测潮流的垂直变化情况.分析表明:实测潮流的能量之所以在跃层附近集中主要是内潮所致.跃层两侧内潮流的方向相反,这在一定条件下可以导致跃层两侧实测潮流椭圆的旋转方向相反.平均正压潮流与变差流的交叉作用,在潮流垂直结构的形成中起着重要的作用.正是这种作用导致潮流能量在整个水柱中的不均匀分配.在跃层上侧的内潮流与整个水柱中变差流之间的总能量比率,比在跃层下侧的内潮流与该变差流之间的总能量比率要大.以强内潮区(L4站)为例:对于全日潮频率,上述对应的比率各为38.82%和29.88%,内潮流的总能量约为变差流的68.70%;对于半日潮频率,上述对应的比率各为26.61%和19.73%,内潮流的总能量约为变差流的46.36%.  相似文献   
Based on the shear effect of internal wave currents in stratified fluid, the necessary condition for the possible existence of an internal wave and the sufficient condition under which there will be no internal wave are deduced starting from the continuity equation of incompressible fluid. The above two conditions are verified by the measured results from vertical current meter arraies at some observation stations in the Bohai Sea and the South Huanghai Sea. In the treatment of measured results, first of all, the tidal period components are separated from the measured currents by Fourier-analysis method, and then the internal wave currents of tidal period from the tidal period components in the light of some considerations. The analytical results of observed currents are well consistent with theoretical analysis. Furthermore, one can also deduce some features of internal waves therefrom. Consequently, it is concluded that the observation from a vertical current meter array is an important means to verif  相似文献   
利用海流观测资料检验近海内波   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文基于分层流体中内波流的切变效应,从不可压缩流体的连续方程出发,导出了流体中可能存在内波的必要条件和不存在内波的充分条件,作者利用某些测站海流计垂直阵列的观测结果,对上述条件进行了验证,在观测资料的处理中,首先用福里哀分析方法将实测海流中的潮周期成分分离出来,然后又依据某些考虑将潮周期内波流从实测海流的潮周期成分中分离出来,观测结果与理论分析相当一致,并由此得出内波的一些性质,从而得出结论:海流计垂直阵列的观测资料是检验近海内波的重要手段.  相似文献   
近海潮成内波波包结构的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献[1]中,采用波包的观点给出了确定内波包的方向和群速的方法。本文基于1984年7月在L3站所作的87.5小时的观测资料,研究了内波包的结构。结果表明,沿单一方向传播的潮成内波包是不连续的,存在四个波包,其间间以三个噪声区。四个波包的平均传播方向和速度相应为-90°和50cm/s。波包的频率特征与等温线及上、下层平均流的变差流的频谱特性相一致。通过模式对比证明,我们的二层模式与孤立子理论的二层模式的物理意义完全一致,即两者都反映出,在沿波传播的方向上,潮成内波的切变效应与其波幅成正比,不过我们的模式更为适用。  相似文献   
In this paper, the method for determining the direction and velocity of internal tide wave is proposed. The main points are as follows: (1) starting with the continuity equation of incompressible fluid and taking the isotherm whose balance position is situated in the middle of the thermocline as the interface of two-layer ocean, one can get an equation of variations of average total current in the lower and upper layers; (2) WTide (Z) in the above-mentioned equation is expressed in first-order approximation; (3) the internal tide waves are treated as wave packets. Thus, one finds out a statistical relation, AΔu BΔv =ζ, which correlates the average shear effect caused by the internal tide wave with the isothermal fluctuation. The direction and velocity of the wave can be drawn from the formulae: (((1=Arctg (A/B), C1=1/(H0(A2 B2)~1/2).The calculated results agree, in the main, fairly well with two sets of observations at station L3.  相似文献   
用单站测量确定近海内潮波的方向和速度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从不可压缩流体连续方程出发,提出一种确定近海内潮波的方向和速度的方法,并根据单站的海流计阵列及测温链的测量进行了检验。本文限于潮流占主导的近海水域,在强温度层结条件下展开讨论,将海洋分为上、下等温层,层间以其平衡位置位于温跃层中央处的等温线为界,得出下、上层全流平均值的差Δu、Δv,基于潮波是透底长波,Δu、Δv中应不再含潮流成分,WT(z)取一级近似和内潮波按波包处理,得出内潮波引起的切变效应与等温线起伏之间的统计关系式AΔuI+BΔvI=ζ,波向及波速,由φ=arctgA/B,c=H1H2÷(H(A2+B2)1/2)求得,经L3站两次实测证明:单站测量确定内潮波是可行的,所算出的φ与Slick走向大体一致。  相似文献   
政府间海洋学委员会(IOC,以下简称海委会),是于1960年在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)内设立的一个自治机构.其主要目的是通过其成员国的一致行动,来促进海洋的科学调查,以增进对海洋的性质及其资源的了解.另外,它在联合国系统内,对海洋科学和有关活动,还起着协调机构的作用.海洋的合作科学调查、世界范围的海洋服务,以及训练、教育和相互援助(TEMA)计划,是海委会工作的主要组成部分.  相似文献   
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