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海水酸化造成全球珊瑚礁严重退化,应用卫星遥感手段可以快速地对珊瑚礁进行监测。在野外做酸度对比实验具有条件不易控制、周期长等局限性。文章提出一种室内测量珊瑚光谱的方法,通过比较不同酸度梯度下珊瑚光谱的变化,为研究海水酸化对珊瑚的影响提供了一种新的思路。试验采用7.6、7.9和8.1的酸度梯度,结果表明:在pH为8.1和7.9环境条件下,珊瑚的光谱趋势大体一致,总体上珊瑚光谱波峰出现了向长波方向的红移。但是在pH为7.6的条件下,珊瑚的光谱在650~700nm之间出现一个反常的吸收谷,这是由于pH 7.6的酸度条件适宜一些藻类生长,藻类附着在珊瑚表面,从而影响了其光谱特性。  相似文献   
It has been reported that global warming has negative effects on coral ecosystems in the past 50 years and the effects vary in different ocean environment. In order to make clear the coral reef status in the background of global warming along the south coast of Hainan Island of China, satellite and in situ data are used to retrieve the information of the coral reef status and surrounding environmental factors. The results show that cool water induced by upwelling along the south coast of Hainan Island is found in the area every summer month, especially in the relatively strong El Ni?o years(2002–2003 and 2005). From the NOAA satellite data, degree heating week(DHW) index does not exceed 3 in Sanya Bay even in the relatively strong El Ni?o years. By comparison of a coral reef growth rate in the Sanya Bay with respect to El Ni?o events from 1957 to 2000, coral's growth rate is relatively greater during 1972, 1991–1994 and 1998 El Ni?o event. By analyzing the environmental factors, it is found that the cool water induced by upwelling may be the main reason for protecting corals from global warming effects.  相似文献   
2001-2002年天目湖(沙河水库)浮游植物的生态学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2001年6月~2002年5月,对天目湖进行的浮游植物周年调查表明,天目湖共有浮游植物7门75属,其中年平均丰度为5026.20×104个/L,以蓝藻为主,占总丰度的54.45%;而年平均生物量为(15.364±9.103)mg/L,其中硅藻居首位,为6.634 mg/L,占浮游植物年平均生物量的43.18%;其周年变化是丰度和生物量最高值均出现在5月,丰度在5月和9月出现2个峰值,而生物量则在5、7、10月出现3个峰值。浮游植物丰度从大坝处1#点到河流入湖口的9#、10#点变化不明显但略有增加,而生物量则呈明显增加。通过对水温、透明度、营养盐与浮游植物丰度和生物量的线性回归分析发现,浮游植物丰度、生物量与水温、TP存在显著的正相关,而与N/P比、透明度存在显著性负相关,与TN相关性不是很明显。  相似文献   
Marginal water of east Hainan Island was an area that internal waves occurred frequently, however, few studies was found and mechanism for internal waves formation was unclear. In the paper, China Brazil earth Resources Satellite data (CBERS) was used to detect and calculate distribution, direction, wavelength and amplitude of internal waves in marginal water of east Hainan Island and the mechanism of internal waves formation was also analyzed, results showed that direction of internal wave was off shoreward and wavelength was about 150-200m . The mechanism for internal wave’s formation can be postulated as by upwelling or tide tracing back.  相似文献   
天目湖热力学状况的监测与分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
根据2001年6月~2002年5月在天目湖进行的每月一次的全湖水温观测以及2002年5月25~26日在1号点的定点24h连续水温观测资料,分析研究了天目湖水温时空分布、垂直分布、温跃层的形成与变化以及湖泊热力学对溶解氧、营养盐的影响,揭示了各自的基本变化规律。结果表明:天目湖水温的日变化、年变化及垂直分布明显,而其水平差异不大;温跃层随着季节的变化而呈现增强-稳定-减弱-消失的周期变化;水温的变化以及温跃层的存在引起了水中溶解氧以及营养盐的变化。  相似文献   
经验模态与小波分解在光学遥感内波参数提取中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内波遥感参数提取是利用遥感影像研究海洋内波的重要手段,通过提取内波的基本参数可以对海洋内波的生成与传播机制进行进一步的研究。提出了利用经验模态分解、小波分解与高阶多项式拟合从光学影像中提取内波半波宽度的方法。经验模态分解与小波分解对内波剖面数据进行尺度分解,根据归一化方差最大来提取内波分量;多项式拟合基于内波剖面的亮暗条纹变化完全由内波调制的假设,对数据进行拟合,并根据一阶导数来提取半波宽度。用南海北部东沙岛附近2004年7月10日的中-巴资源卫星(China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite,CBERS)影像对方法进行了验证。结果表明,3种方法能较好地提取所需参数,获取的内波半波宽度具有较好的一致性;上述方法在处理非平稳及非线性遥感数据上,具有非常明显的优势。基于一维非线性内波理论,通过提取的内波半波宽度,辅以水深和混合层深度数据,反演了内波的振幅。  相似文献   
Internal waves can bring nutrients to the upper level of water bodies and facilitate phytoplankton photosynthesis. Internal waves occur frequently in the northern portion of the South China Sea and inflict an important effect on chlorophyll a distribution. In this study, in-situ observation and satellite remote sensing data were used to study the effects of internal waves on chlorophyll a distribution. Based on the in-situ observations, lower chlorophyll a concentrations were present in the middle and bottom level in areas in which internal waves occur frequently, while the surface chlorophyll a distribution increased irregularly, and a small area with relatively higher chlorophyll a concentrations was observed in the area around the Dongsha Island. Satellite remote sensing showed that the chlorophyll a concentration increased in the area near Dongsha Island, where internal waves frequently occurred. The results of the increased chlorophyll a concentration in the surface water near Dongsha Island in the northern portion of the South China Sea indicated that internal waves could uplift phytoplankton and facilitate phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   
海洋浮游植物光合作用固碳在全球碳循环中扮演着极为重要的角色, 获取不同光衰减对应的海水深度, 对于采集水样用于海洋初级生产力的研究具有重要意义。本研究于国际上首次开发了无缆便携式海洋透光率仪, 特殊的光学结构设计和光谱滤光技术使得光谱响应在波段400~700nm范围内超过了同类海洋传感器, 特定光衰减下对应的深度误差小于0.5m。将本设备应用于南海中尺度涡旋初级生产力的研究中, 在采样率和自动化方面验证了仪器的便携性; 通过对涡旋中初级生产力的空间分布规律进行分析, 检验了仪器数据结果的可靠性。海洋透光率仪在价格、准确性、可靠度和操作的便携性上具有不可比拟的优势, 将在未来海洋生态环境的研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
太湖水体光学衰减系数的特征及参数化   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
利用2001-2002年周年太湖全湖不同湖区湖泊光学及表层水样的实测资料,分析了太湖水体表层光学衰减系数与透明度、无机和有机颗粒物质及叶绿素a的相关关系,建立了表层水光学衰减系数与无机、有机颗粒物质及叶绿素a多元线性回归方程。结果表明,光学衰减系数与透明度的关系为:Kdg0.096 1.852/ST;表层水光学衰减系数与无机、有机颗粒物质及叶绿素a多元线性回归方程为:Kd=0.219 0.0768Ciss 0.214Cdet 0.006Cchl;光学衰减系数变化的主要影响因子是无机及有机颗粒物。  相似文献   
莼菜(Brasenia schreberi)冬芽对Cr6+污染的抗性反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了Cr^6 污染对Shun菜冬芽外部形态及过氧化物酶、硝酸还原酶活性,叶绿素、O^-2、MDA的含量等生理指标的影响,结果显示:Cr^6 对Shun菜毒害机制在于 制酶活性和损害细胞膜系统,在培养第三天时叶绿素的含量随着Cr^6 浓度的增加而降低;过化物酶的活性在10mg/L中最高;硝酸还原酶活性除在5mg/L中的略微升高外,在10-40mg/L之间随着Cr^6 培养浓度的升高而降低;O^-2的含量在5mg/L中的最高,在10mg/L中略高于对照,在随后培养中承学度的升高而降低,MDA的含量变化趋势和O^-2相似。  相似文献   
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