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To reconstruct the productivity changes for the last 10 500 a in the northeastern East China Sea (ECS),biogenic compounds (such as carbonate,organic carbon and opal),marine micropaleontological fossils (planktonic foraminifera,benthic foraminifera,radiolarian and silicoflagellate) and the compositional characters of benthic foraminifera fauna analyses were carried out on a sediment core DOC082 obtained from the western slope of Okinawa Trough (29°13.93'N,128°08.53'E;1 128 m water depth).The long-term changes of biogenic and micropaleontological proxies display some similarities through the last 10 500 a,which show three different phases:lower values are recorded during the early and middle Holocene (before about 4 000 a BP),followed by an abrupt and remarkable increase at about 4 000 a BP,the late Holocene (after about 3 000 a BP) is characterized by continuously high values.The multi-proxy data of paleoproductivity and percents of benthic foraminifera genera (Uvigerina and Bulimina) show that during the early and middle Holocene (10 500-4 000 a BP) productivity was relatively low with a sudden and distinct increase at about 4 000 a BP,and the late Holocene (3 400-0 a BP) is marked by significantly higher productivity.Also,the radiolarian-based sea surface temperature (SST) records reveal a distinct decline in SST in the late Holocene after 3 200 a BP,very different from the early and middle Holocene.For the last 3 000 a,the enhanced biological productivity and distinctly lower SST indicate a major change of oceanographic conditions in the northeastern ECS.These marine environmental anomalies are consistent with other paleoclimatic records for the late Holocene in the Chinese continent and its surrounding regions.After analyzing the mechanisms of modern productivity and SST changes in the northeastern ECS,and based on the climatic anomalies in the Chinese continent and variations in the Kuroshio Current during modern El Nio periods,we suggest that the anomalous environmental conditions in the northeastern ECS may imply intensified El Nio activity during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
末次冰期低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积与生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅藻在全球碳循环中发挥着重要的作用。"树荫种"硅藻在次表层水体中的勃发成席,并迅速埋藏成为硅藻席沉积,使人们逐渐意识到次表层生产在整个生产力及输出生产中起着重要作用。介绍了首次在低纬度西太平洋区域发现的硅藻席沉积的分布特征,硅藻席发现站位呈带状分布,大致呈北西-南东向展布,大部分散布在17.5°~20°N之间。采集到硅藻席沉积物的站位其水深在碳酸钙补偿深度(CCD)以下4837~6150m的深水区,多分布在较平坦的海底,且受风力和陆源物质输入影响相对较强的区域。该区域硅藻席的形成可能是由于末次冰期时该海区有大洋锋面的形成所致。该区域的成席硅藻Ethmodiscus rex(Wallich)Hendey为典型的"树荫种"硅藻,可以通过自身调节浮力的作用,在水体相对稳定的贫氧大洋中生存并勃发成席。末次冰期低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积的发生,可能使该区成为CO2的汇。  相似文献   
为了研究西太平洋暖池核心区表层古菌群落结构及多样性,应用16S rDNA文库技术对KX08-973-22站位(取名为CWP)水体样构建基因文库,得到了561个克隆,经分析处理后得到50个OUT(Operational Taxonimic Units).通过对16S rRNA基因序列的同源性比较,构建系统发育树分析及统计...  相似文献   
末次冰消期以来东海内陆架沉积速率及其气候环境响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对位于东海内陆架浙-闽沿岸泥质带的EC2005孔岩性、粒度以及AMS14C年代进行了分析,着重探讨了研究区自末次冰消期以来的沉积速率变化,划分出4个大的沉积阶段和4次快速沉积事件.千年时间尺度上大的沉积阶段主要受控于物源供应、海平面变化以及可容空间的大小.百年时间尺度上揭示的4次快速沉积事件主要受控于东亚冬季风的增强或...  相似文献   
多年平均表层水温超过28℃的"西太平洋暖池",是全球海平面高度的加热中心和大气三大环流的辐散中心。为评价西太平洋暖池中心区域海洋生物泵的演化特征、规律与机制,本文以位于热带西太平洋暖池核心区——Ontong Java海台的WP7柱状样为材料,通过提取浮游有孔虫δ13C组成、底栖有孔虫群落和钙质超微化石下透光带属种Florisphaera profunda相对百分含量变化等指标,反演该区250kaB.P.以来的古生产力的演化历史。研究结果表明,250kaB.P.以来西太平洋暖池中心区的古生产力演化与地球轨道变化控制的冰期-间冰期旋回以及岁差控制的太阳辐照率密切相关。在冰期-间冰期尺度上,西太平洋暖池中心区距今250ka以来的生产力变化间冰期明显低于冰期,而且在间冰期阶段生产力相对稳定,冰期波动幅度较大。在冰期或间冰期背景下显著的岁差周期是该区古生产力演化的又一重要特征。而且在岁差波段生物生产力的变化可能领先极地冰体积变化2~4ka左右。热带东西太平洋的古生产力演化在冰期-间冰期变化和岁差尺度上存在ENSO式的变动机制,而且二者互相调谐,产生了似30ka和19ka周期,并出现了"半30ka周期"和半岁差周期。此外,WP7孔Neogloboqudrina dutertrei的δ13C显示在MIS 1/2,MIS 3/4和MIS 5e/6的冰期向间冰期的过渡期的冰消期阶段存在变轻事件,可能与数千年尺度的大洋环流演化有关。  相似文献   
西太平洋深海沉积物古菌多样性垂直分布   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以提取并纯化的西太平洋深海沉积物DNA为模板,利用古菌PCR特异性引物扩增出样品中古菌的16S rDNA片段,构建其克隆文库,建立阳性克隆子RFLP(Restriction Fragment Length Polymor-phism)酶切图谱。据酶切图谱对所获得的120个克隆进行测序,并与数据库中的序列进行比对,从而进行古菌的多样性和系统发育分析。结果表明,沉积物中扩增的16S rDNA古菌序列分别来自泉古生菌(Crenarchaeota)和广古生菌(Euryarchaeota),以Marine Benthic Group B(11.8%)、Marine Benthic Group D(13.6%)、Marine Crenarchaeotic Group(68.69%)为主。少量序列为South African Gold Mine Euryarchaeotic Group(1.07%)、Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Euryarchaeotic Group(1.61%)、UIIB(1.25%)、VALIII(1.79%)、Marine Benthic Group E(0.18%)。以上结果表明西太平洋深海沉积物中有丰富多样的古菌群落。  相似文献   
探究海气CO2交换有助于解析全球碳循环和全球气候变化。由于海水和大气的直接接触,研究表层海水碳酸盐系统变化成为探究海气碳交换的关键。基于已有热带西太平洋表层海水碳酸盐系统研究成果,本文总结了有孔虫壳体B/Ca和δ11B指标重建碳酸盐系统参数的原理、方法及优缺点。然后,从厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation, ENSO)、东亚季风以及大气桥梁和海洋隧道三方面综述了晚第四纪热带西太平洋海气CO2交换影响因素的研究现状。结果显示,类ENSO通过横向平流和垂向变化分别影响热带西太平洋东端和西端的海气碳交换。东亚夏季风对热带西太平洋海气碳交换具有较强的调控作用,而东亚冬季风的调控作用较弱或不明显。冰消期南大洋深部流通状况增强,可通过大气桥梁(大气CO2)和海洋隧道(南极中层水)影响热带西太平洋海气碳交换。然而,为了更准确清晰地了解全球碳循环变化,还需针对指标记录的可靠性、覆盖范围以及海气碳交换在更长时间尺度的变化机理等方面开展更多研究。  相似文献   
近8ka东亚冬季风变化的东海内陆架泥质沉积记录   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
尝试从陆架上寻找全新世高分辨率的东亚季风替代性指标和记录.通过对位于东海内陆架闽浙沿岸泥中部的PC-6孔进行AMS14C年龄测试和粒度分析, 综合沉积构造、沉积层序与海平面变化讨论该孔的沉积环境, 其下、中、上段分别对应于前滨、近滨和与现今环境基本一致的浅海沉积环境.因上段的沉积作用主要受控于东海冬季沿岸流, 通过粒级-标准偏差分析, 提取了相对应的粒度组分或粒度子体, 该组分的平均粒径被用来作为研究东亚冬季风演化的替代性指标.分析表明, 由此方法建立的PC-6孔上段粒径时间序列, 较完整地反映了近8ka来东亚古季风的演化.东亚冬季风的变化呈现出3个各具特点的阶段7.6~5.1kaB.P.为中等强度的高频率波动; 5.1~1.7kaB.P.以多期、较频繁的强盛活动为特点; 1.7~0kaB.P.为稳定而较弱的时期.由PC-6孔指示的东亚冬季风活动的强盛期, 均在不同区域和材料的记录中找到了相对应降温的证据, 说明气候变化的区域性以至全球性联系.   相似文献   
To reconstruct the productivity changes for the last 10 500 a in the northeastern East China Sea (ECS), biogenic compounds (such as carbonate, organic carbon and opal), marine micropaleontological fossils (planktonic foraminifera, benthic foraminifera, radiolarian and silicoflagellate) and the compositional characters of benthic foraminifera fauna analyses were carried out on a sediment core DOC082 obtained from the western slope of Okinawa Trough (29°13.93′N, 128°08.53′E; 1 128 m water depth). The long-term changes of biogenic and micropaleontological proxies display some similarities through the last 10 500 a, which show three different phases: lower values are recorded during the early and middle Holocene (before about 4 000 a BP), followed by an abrupt and remarkable increase at about 4 000 a BP, the late Holocene (after about 3 000 a BP) is characterized by continuously high values. The multi-proxy data of paleoproductivity and percents of benthic foraminifera genera (Uvigerina and Bulimina) show that during the early and middle Holocene (10 500–4 000 a BP) productivity was relatively low with a sudden and distinct increase at about 4 000 a BP, and the late Holocene (3 400–0 a BP) is marked by significantly higher productivity. Also, the radiolarian-based sea surface temperature (SST) records reveal a distinct decline in SST in the late Holocene after 3 200 a BP, very different from the early and middle Holocene. For the last 3 000 a, the enhanced biological productivity and distinctly lower SST indicate a major change of oceanographic conditions in the northeastern ECS. These marine environmental anomalies are consistent with other paleoclimatic records for the late Holocene in the Chinese continent and its surrounding regions. After analyzing the mechanisms of modern productivity and SST changes in the northeastern ECS, and based on the climatic anomalies in the Chinese continent and variations in the Kuroshio Current during modern El Niño periods, we suggest that the anomalous environmental conditions in the northeastern ECS may imply intensified El Niño activity during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
Changes in sea surface temperature(SST), seawater oxygen isotope(δ 18 O sw), and local salinity proxy(δ 18 O sw-ss) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core(MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacifi c Warm Pool(WPWP), within the fl ow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ 18 O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO 2 profi le showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of δ 18 O sw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ 18 O sw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ 18 O sw-ss refl ect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation(SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ 18 O sw-ss and local SI in the WPWP may refl ect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their infl uence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.  相似文献   
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