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基于探空数据的南海表面波导统计特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the global position system(GPS) radiosonde data near the sea surface, the surface duct characteristics over the South China Sea(SCS) were statistically analyzed. The annual surface duct occurrence over the SCS was about 64%. Of the observed surface ducts, duct heights mainly distributed between 18 and 42 m, with M slopes in the range of –0.3 to –0.2 M units/m. Those ducts accounted for about 80% of the ducting cases. For the total profiles, the duct occurrences in a day changed slowly and were more than 60% in all times. The surface ducts formed more easily in the daytime than in the nighttime and most of the duct height were at bellow about 32 m.Additionally, The seasonal variation of the SCS ducts appeared to be evident, except that the mean duct thickness was almost constant, about 33 m for all seasons. The highest occurrence was about 71% in the autumn, followed by in the summer, spring and winter. In spring, their top-height existed more often at a height of more than 48 m.Their mean duct strength became stronger trend from spring to winter, with the M-slope in the range between–0.26 and –0.18 M units/m. Those results agreed well with other studies, provided considering the data resolution.The statistical analysis was reliable and gave the duct estimation for the SCS. Such duct climatology not only has important implications for communication systems and the reliability of the radar observation, but also can provide useful information to improve the accuracy of the meteorological radar measurements.  相似文献   
利用2004年5月"实验3"号船在南海南部陆架区观测站(109°40′E,06°05′N)连续48h观测得到的温度、溶解氧浓度、叶绿素浓度数据,分析了观测点的叶绿素和溶解氧的垂向分布、日变化特征及其同水温和盐度等物理环境要素的相关关系。结果表明,叶绿素和溶解氧垂向分布与温度有着显著的负相关关系,与盐度有着显著的正相关关系,溶解氧和叶绿素的日变化与温度和盐度的相关性则不显著,跃层深度和海流等对溶解氧的日变化有一定的影响作用。  相似文献   
通过开展2008年夏季南海北部开放航次CTD的温盐廓线数据资料同化试验,本文采取了观测误差适应的方法来防止EnKF滤波发散问题;同时,从背景误差协方差和温盐模式偏差关系入手,在同化中引入温盐控制来减小模式偏差对同化结果的影响。对于改进的同化方案进行了试验验证,并用卫星高度计观测数据,OSCAR流速数据,走航ADCP数据作为独立观测数据检验。结果证明新的EnKF同化策略能够有效地减小温盐均方根误差。同时整个同化系统能有效地改善高度场和流场的模拟。  相似文献   
本文利用南海海洋再分析产品REDOS(Reanalysis Dataset of the South China Sea)和风场资料CCMP(Cross-Calibrated,Multi-Platform),通过能量诊断探讨了越南沿岸南海西边界流(南海贯穿流主体部分)区域夏季(6—9月)涡流相互作用的年际变化特征以及平均流对中尺度过程的贡献。结果显示,在季风和西边界强流、南海贯穿流的共同影响下,越南沿岸东向急流和双涡结构的能量分布和收支有显著的年际差异。尽管涡动能(EKE,Eddy Kinetic Energy)和涡动有效势能(EPE,Eddy available Potential Energy)的量级基本一致,但二者在水平和垂向空间分布上存在明显差异,这与夏季风影响下的南海西部边界流,越南离岸流的上层海洋密度梯度、流速大小和剪切导致的斜压、正压不稳定性等因素相关。同时随着深度的增加,密度梯度变化相对水平速度剪切对海洋涡流过程的影响逐渐凸显。EKE能量收支分析表明,压强与风应力主要做正功,是维持EKE稳定的主要能量来源,而EKE平流项既可以促进涡旋的增长,也会造成涡旋的消耗,对EKE的年际变率影响比较显著。正压不稳定导致的能量转换主要影响南海西部边界流区域,并存在显著年际变化,并且在风和平均流的影响下,沿贯穿流方向存在显著空间分布差异。越南离岸流正异常年,整体呈现平均流向涡旋传递能量;负异常年,出现EKE反哺平均动能的情况。  相似文献   
The South China Sea(SCS) and the Arabian Sea(AS) are both located roughly in the north tropical zone with a range of similar latitude(0°–24°N). Monsoon winds play similar roles in the upper oceanic circulations of the both seas. But the distinct patterns of chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration are observed between the SCS and the AS.The Chl a concentration in the SCS is generally lower than that in the AS in summer(June–August); the summer Chl a concentration in the AS shows stronger interannual variation, compared with that in the SCS; Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS)-derived data present higher atmospheric aerosol deposition and stronger wind speed in the AS. And it has also been found that good correlations exist between the index of the dust precipitation indicated by aerosol optical thickness(AOT) and the Chl a concentration, or between wind and Chl a concentration. These imply that the wind and the dust precipitation bring more nutrients into the AS from the sky, the sub-layer or coast regions, inducing higher Chl a concentration. The results indicate that the wind velocity and the dust precipitation can play important roles in the Chl a concentration for the AS and the SCS in summer. However aerosol impact is weak on the biological productivity in the west SCS and wind-induced upwelling is the main source.  相似文献   
1 2012年度申请项目受理和同行通讯评议情况1.1项目受理情况2012年地球科学四处(资助范围:海洋科学与极地科学)共受理申请项目1 430项,其中包括面上项目722项、青年—面上连续项目30项、青年基金659项和地区基金19项,申请项目数比2011年增  相似文献   
采用ECMWF的ORAS4盐度资料(1999—2009年)来研究阿拉伯海暖池区(ASMWP)混合层盐度的年际变化.基于ORAS4盐度的季节循环特征与观测资料高度一致,发现了ASMWP混合层盐度变化的异常高(低)盐度时期,即在2003、2005年的7—10月混合层盐度异常偏大,而2002年2—4月则有明显减弱.进一步研究发现,混合层盐度的强度和持续时间与ENSO和IOD有一定的关系,ASMWP混合层盐度异常在IOD负位向和ENSO负位相的时候偏高,反之亦然.最后,通过盐度收支分析发现,水平输运是导致ASMWP混合层盐度异常年际变化的主要因子.  相似文献   
基于2005年至2009年、2011年和2013年各年九月份南海开放航次获取的东北部120°E断面的水文观测资料,运用了地转流诊断和模态分解两种方法,研究了该断面流场结构和体积输运的年际变化特征。2005年、2006年、2007年和2013年流场呈显著斜压特征,断面上、下层流速方向相反;而2008、2009年和2011流场垂向变化不明显,呈现准正压结构。断面体积输运沿深度分布呈现三种方式:一致向西(2005年、2007年和2011年),上西下东(2008年和2013年)和上东下西(2006年和2009年)。断面净体积输运亦有显著年际变化,在2005年出现西向最大-11.2Sv,在2013年出现东向最大9.1Sv,而在2009年仅为西向-1.2Sv。模态分解表明,准正压结构的年份,流场主要被正压模态控制,但第一斜压亦不可忽略;而斜压结构的年份,流场由正压模和第一斜压模态共同主导。  相似文献   
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