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Amidst metavolcanic rocks and phyllites of the Góry Kaczawskie region occur isolated carbonate bodies known as the Wojcieszów limestones. The bodies enclosed in the metavolcanites show primary (sedimentary) contacts, while those in the phyllites do not have such contacts. The Wojcieszów limestones and metavolcanic rocks form sequences displaying mutual spatial and genetical relations. Submarine volcanic elevations were covered with chemical and biochemical carbonate precipitation, the intensity of which was stimulated and controlled by the volcanic activity.
Zusammenfassung Inmitten der metavulkanischen Gesteine und Phyllite von Góry Kaczawskie erscheinen isolierte Karbonatgesteinskörper, die als Wojcieszów-Kalke bekannt sind. Die Karbonatgesteine innerhalb der Metavulkanite zeigen sedimentäre Kontakte, während die in den Phylliten eher tektonisch begrenzt sind. So kann man den Wojcieszów-Kalken und den Metavulkaniten eine räumliche und genetische Beziehung zusprechen. Submarine Erhebungen aus Vulkangesteinen waren mit chemischen und biochemisch gefällten Karbonatserien bedeckt, wobei die vulkanische Aktivität die Karbonatbildung unmittelbar beeinflu\te.

Résumé Parmi les métavolcanites et les phyllites de la région du Góry Kaczawskie, il existe des corps carbonatés isolés connus sous le nom de »calcaires de Wojcieszów«. Ceux qui sont inclus dans les métavolcanites présentent des contacts sédimentaires, contrairement à ceux qui sont inclus dans les phyllites, dont les contacts sont tectoniques. Entre les calcaires de Wojcieszów et les roches métavolcaniques, il est donc possible d'établir des relations spatiales et génétiques. Des reliefs volcaniques sous-marins ont été le siège d'une précipitation carbonatée chimique et biochimique dont l'intensité dépendait de l'activité volcanique.

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The paper presents the results of determinations of stable S and O isotopes of dissolved sulfates and O and H stable isotopes of waters from three ponds, that is, Marczakowe Do?y acid pond, Marczakowe Do?y fish pond and Podwi?niówka acid pit pond, located in the Holy Cross Mountains (south-central Poland). The δ34SV-CDT and δ18OV-SMOW of SO4 2? in waters of three ponds (n = 14) varied from ?16.2 to ?9.5 ‰ (mean of ?13.6 ‰) and from ?8.1 to ?3.2 ‰ (mean of ?4.8 ‰), respectively. The mean δ34S–SO4 2? values were closer to those of pyrite (mean of ?25.4 ‰) and efflorescent sulfate salts (mean of ?25.6 ‰), recorded previously in the Podwi?niówka quarry, than to sulfates derived from other anthropogenic or soil and bedrock sources. The SO4 2? ions formed by bacterially induced pyrite oxidation combined with bacterial (dissimilatory) dissolved sulfate reduction, and presumably with subordinate mineralization of carbon-bonded sulfur compounds, especially in both Marczakowe Do?y ponds. In addition, the comparison of δ18O–SO4 2? and δ18O–H2O values indicated that 75–100 % of sulfate oxygen was derived from water. Due to the largest size, the Podwi?niówka acid pit pond revealed distinct seasonal variations in both δ18O–H2O (?9.2 to ?1.6) and δD–H2O (?29.7 to ?71.3) values. The strong correlation coefficient (r 2 = 0.99) was noted between δ18O–H2O and δD–H2O values, which points to atmospheric precipitation as the only source of water. The sediments of both acid ponds display different mineral inventory: the Marczakowe Do?y acid pond sediment consists of schwertmannite and goethite, whereas Podwi?niówka acid pit pond sediment is composed of quartz, illite, chlorite and kaolinite with some admixture of jarosite reflecting a more acidic environment. Geochemical modeling of two acid ponds indicated that the saturation indices of schwertmannite and nanosized ε-Fe2O3 (Fe3+ oxide polymorph) were closest to thermodynamic equilibrium state with water, varying from ?1.44 to 3.05 and from ?3.42 to 6.04, respectively. This evidence matches well with the obtained mineralogical results.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the source of various elevation data on hydraulic modelling in open channels. In the research, digital terrain models from different datasets were evaluated and used in two-dimensional hydraulic models. The following aerial and satellite elevation data were used to create the representation of terrain–digital terrain model: airborne laser scanning, image matching, elevation data collected in the LPIS, EuroDEM, and ASTER GDEM. From the results of five 2D hydrodynamic models with different input elevation data, the maximum depth and flow velocity of water were derived and compared with the results of the most accurate ALS data. For such an analysis a statistical evaluation and differences between hydraulic modelling results were prepared. The presented research proved the importance of the quality of elevation data in hydraulic modelling and showed that only ALS and photogrammetric data can be the most reliable elevation data source in accurate 2D hydraulic modelling.  相似文献   
In 2005 and 2006, hydrogeochemical study was carried out in the bipartite Wiśniówka Mała pit lake of the Holy Cross Mountains (south-central Poland). This is the largest acidic water body in Poland. This report presents the element concentrations in the water and sediment, stable sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios in the soluble sulfates, and stable oxygen isotope ratio in the water. The scope of the investigation also encompassed mineralogical examinations (scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction) of the sediment. The results of this study show that there is a spatial and temporal variability in concentrations of most elements and sulfur isotope ratios in the examined pit lake. The water of the western pond displayed a lower pH with a mean of 3.73 and higher conductivity (390 μS cm−1) as well as higher concentrations of sulfates (156 mg L−1) and most of the cations and anions. The concentrations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ averaged 0.8 and 0.4 mg·L−1. In contrast, the eastern pond water revealed a higher pH (mean of 4.36), lower conductivity (293 μS cm−1) and lower sulfate (90 mg L−1) and trace metal levels. Similar variations were recorded in the stable sulfur isotope ratios. The δ34SV-CDT(SO4 2−) values in the water of the western pit pond were in the range of −6.7 to −4.6‰ (mean of −5.6‰), whereas that in the eastern pit pond ranged from −2.2 to −0.9‰ (−1.6‰). The alkalinity of the entire lake water was below 0.1 mg·L−1 CaCO3. No distinct difference in the δ18OV-SMOW(SO4 2−) was noted between the western and eastern pit ponds. Compared to the Purple Pond in the Sudetes (Poland) and similar sites throughout the world, the examined pit lake is highlighted by distinctly low concentrations of sulfates, iron and other trace metals. Based on this and other studies performed in the Holy Cross Mountains, a conclusion can be drawn that the SO4 2− in the Wiśniówka Mała pit lake water is a mixture of SO4 2− derived from the following sources: (1) pyrite oxidation (especially in the western pond water), (2) leaching of soluble sulfates from soils and waste material, as well as (3) subordinate deposition of airborne sulfate precipitation.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an isotopic study of spring waters in ?wi?tokrzyski (Holy Cross Mountain) National Park (?NP), south-central Poland. The δ34SV-CDT and δ18OV-SMOW of soluble sulfates (n = 40) varied from 0.5‰ to 18.1‰ and from 3.5‰ to 12.2‰, respectively. The average δ34S values are closely similar to those of rainwater, soils and rocks (comprising scattered pyrite). This suggests that soluble sulfates in the springs originated from mixing of recent and historic deposition, sulfates derived from pyrite oxidation, and CS-mineralization in soils and debris. An additional anthropogenic sulfur input (inorganic fertilizer) occurs in the water of spring S-61 located in the ?wi?tokrzyski National Park buffer zone. The δ18OV-SMOW of spring waters (n = 4) were in the range of −10.6‰ to −10.2‰ indicating that they are derived from vadose groundwater in ?NP. This was the first isotope study of spring waters in the national parks of Poland. It enabled the determination of sulfur pathways and discrimination between natural and anthropogenic sources of this element in a relatively pristine area.  相似文献   
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