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Aimed at promoting regional coalitions and expanding the approach to economic links, this paper puts forward some new concepts such as link intensity and receiving coefficient, expounds the indexes of quantitative analysis of economic links and establishes the quantitative-analysis model of economic links. With help of the model, this paper calculates the values of the link intensities between Su-Xi-Chang (Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou) region and Shanghai, and analyzes the regional difference of the economic links.  相似文献   
本文系统地研究具二次约束最小二乘问题的敏度分析。首先给出长期方程唯一正根的上界和下界;然后证明割线法用于计算拉格朗日乘子时全局收敛;最后给出解的扰动界。  相似文献   
砗磲科(Tridacnidae)的种类全部生活在热带浅水珊瑚礁。它们只分布在印度太平洋动物区系区。1956-1958年中国科学院海洋研究所在西沙群岛获得许多砗磲科的标本;1975年作者参加西沙群岛的考察,又特别注意观察、采集这类动物,得到较多的标本和资料。 砗磲科是双売类中一群高度特化的种类,它的外套膜大、很发达,有大量的单细胞藻虫黄藻(Zooxanthellae)与之共生;外套膜中还有一种特殊的结构叫玻璃体(hyaline organ),它们能聚合光线使虫黄藻大量繁殖作为自身养料的一部分,这一过程 Yonge(1936)取名叫“耕殖”(farm),这种蛤一藻的特殊关系叫互惠共生(Symbiotic mutualism)。 砗磲科贝壳方位的辨识与正常双壳类相反,这是由于它与虫黄藻共生的特殊关系导致外套膜面积增加,以致使这类动物生活时原来在背面的壳顶、铰合部和韧带朝下成为腹面;原来的腹面由于植物耕殖组织(plant farming tissue)的发达而移到背面,也即贝壳的自由端朝上。动物体的软体部也有少量“逆转”,前闭売肌消失,前收足肌移到后面;后闭壳肌和后收足肌相邻移到贝壳中央;足和足丝从贝壳铰合部的对应端——腹斜面的足丝孔伸出,直接在底面固着。 为了叙述方便,确定砗磲科贝壳方位时按以下方法:把壳顶朝下,铰合部与手持者相对,这样铰合部的末端是前端、相反的一方是后端;贝売的游离端朝上为背部,壳顶和足丝孔朝下为腹部,在手持者左面为左売,右面为右売。 根据 Rosewater(1965)的意见砗磲科全世界只有6种,这6种在我国西沙群岛都有分布。  相似文献   
本文讨论几类特殊的矩阵多项式,先介绍几个基本概念,然后证明。对这几类特殊的矩阵多项式,与之相应的L—值问题可转化为低次的代数多项式求根问题。最后,使用“投影尺度”建立了L—值的摄动定理。  相似文献   
二次特征值问题 (QEP)的主要的求解方法之一是转化为广义特征值问题 (GEP) ,然后用求解广义特征值的方法 (比如 QZ方法 )求解。本文研究由此获得的计算解的范数意义下的最佳向后扰动分析 ,所得结果是 Tisseur最近所得结果的加强。  相似文献   
通过1982年梅雨期的个例分析,研究和比较了中国和日本梅雨我的结构。分析表明:1.梅雨锋区系统对流层上部宽广的斜压区和对流层低层较狭窄的弱斜压区共同组成;2.在两个个例中,中国剖面上锋区均呈“椅”型结构。日本剖面上,6月呈均匀倾斜结构,7月略呈“椅型”,涡度场上中国剖面为相当正压结构,日本剖面为斜压结构;3.梅雨锋区系统可民是均匀斜压区在不均匀和加热情况下结构改变结果;4.中国大陆雨区高层大量潜热  相似文献   
2003年2月22日塔城市出现一次暴雪天气过程。文章着重分析了此次天气过程的高空环流形势、地面形势、T—Td等,指出暖湿气流是造成暴雪的主要原因。  相似文献   
武汉东湖不同营养型子湖的水生生物与水域功能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
于1991-1993年研究了武汉东湖4个营养型不同的子湖中水生生物与水域功能,表明各子湖之间各类水生生物的生态特征存在明显差异,茶港湾的HBC和FC的数量,藻类的细胞密度和初级生产量,浮游动物和底栖动物的个体密度等均居4个子湖之首,其水质已达到了超富营养水平,将该湖区的作为污水天然净化区进行管理,可望对东湖的主体湖区起到缓冲和保护作用,郭郑湖的水质状况仅次于茶港湾湖区,处于富营养阶段,该湖区多项生  相似文献   
The reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste-shoal land plays an important role in the mitigation and control of debris flow hazards, which thus contributes a lot to the exploitation of insufficient land resources in mountainous areas and the reduction of losses caused by debris flow. The aim of this paper is to discuss the features and mechanism of soil evolution of debris flow waste-shoal land so as to search for the available modes of its reclamation and utilization. The Jiangjiagou Ravine, a typical debris flow ravine, was selected to study soil evolution features of debris flow waste-shoal land based on the analysis of soil physieochemical properties and soil microstructure. It was found that the soil evolution rates of debris flow waste-shoal land varied with different modes of reclamation. For the land which had been reclaimed for less than lO years, soil evolved most rapidly in paddy fields, and more rapidly in dry farmland than in naturally restored waste-shoal land. For the land which had been used for more than lo years, the soil evolution rates of dry farmland, naturally restored waste-shoal land and paddy farmland decreased in the file. For the same utilization period of time, significant differences were recognized in soil evolution features under different modes of reclamation. Analysis data showed that soil clay content, soil thickness, the psephicity of skeleton particles and contents of microaggregates (〈0.02 mm) in paddy farmland were all highest. Soil nutrients and porosity of dry farmland were better than those of paddy farmland and naturally restored waste-shoal land, and those of paddy farmland were superior to those of naturally restored waste-shoal land. Paddy farmland characterized by rapid pedogenesis, stable evolution and high utilizability was the priority candidate for the reclamation and utilization of debris flow waste -shoal land.  相似文献   
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