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Degradation of alluvial channels in cohesive sediments was studied in 15 m and 20 m long flumes with a slope of 0°01 cm/cm. Degradation was initiated by lowering base level to a fixed position, and the development of the longitudinal profile of the channel is analysed through a model formulated as a heat (diffusion) equation. It is based on the equation of sediment continuity, combined with an assumption regarding sediment transport, namely that sediment discharge is linearly proportional to the channel slope. In accordance with the boundary and initial conditions imposed by the experimental setup and procedure, the basic equation is amenable to an analytical solution, which defines bed elevation at any distance and time, as a function of the amount of base-level lowering and a ‘diffusion’ coefficient. Additional problems arising from bank erosion and channel armouring are also treated successfully within the framework of the same model. The results show that in homogeneous alluvial sediments, not subject to armouring, the ultimate result of base-level lowering by a certain amount is degradation all along the channel by the same amount. The main impact of erosion is felt in the early stages after initiation of the process, and mainly near the mouth. The rate of degradation at any station along the channel reaches a peak and then slowly decreases with time, and the peak rate is attenuated with distance from the outlet. The model permits the prediction of intermediate stages of profile development at any distance from the outlet and at different times.  相似文献   
Analysis of faulting in three-dimensional strain field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiple faults, composed of three, four or more sets of faults, have been observed at a wide range of scales, from clay experiments to rift valleys. Multiple faults usually are explained by multiple phases of deformation. However, in several cases the multiple faults develop simultaneously; therefore, they cannot be explained by the common theories of faulting. Furthermore, these theories were derived for plane strain, whereas, multiple faults are associated with three-dimensional strain.An elementary analysis of faulting in three-dimensional strain field is presented here. The analysis considers the deformation of an idealized model due to slip along sets of faults; the model is subjected to strain boundary conditions. The analysis shows that (1) three or four sets of faults are necessary to accommodate three-dimensional strain, (2) there is a combination of four fault sets which minimize the dissipation of the deformation; the orientation of these faults depend on the strain state, and (3) if the resistance to slip along these four sets of faults is cohesive, then the stresses which cause slippage along them are equal or larger than the yielding stresses of a Tresca rigid-plastic with the same cohesion.The analysis presented here is too elementary to be directly applied to field observations; however, it indicates that multiple faults and rhomboid patterns of faults probably form when a body is strained three-dimensionally.  相似文献   
Non-linear elastic behaviour of damaged rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pervasive damage of rocks by microcracks and voids strongly affects their macroscopic elastic properties. To evaluate the damage effects, we derive here the macroscopic stress-strain relations for a 3-D elastic solid with non-interacting cracks embedded inside a homogeneous matrix. The cracks considered are oriented either perpendicular to the maximum tension axis, or perpendicular to the maximum compression axis. In the first case they dilate during loading and in the second case they contract during loading. We derive a solution for the elastic energy of this rock following the self-consistent scheme of Budiansky & O'Connell (1976). The solution describes the stress-strain relations in terms of Λd and μd, which are the modified Lame constants, and an additional parameter Λ. The latter accounts for the non-linear behaviour of the solid and is related to crack density. The solution predicts a non-linear elastic rheology even for an infinitesimal strain of ɛ < 0.001, and abrupt change in the elastic moduli when the loading reverses from uniaxial compression to uniaxial tension.
We use the derived solution to analyse rock-mechanics experiments in which beams of Indiana limestone were deformed under four-point loading. This configuration provides simultaneously the apparent tensile and compressive moduli for small strains. The apparent moduli fit the effective elastic moduli calculated with the present damage model well, including the differences between tensile and compressive moduli.  相似文献   
We reconstructed a 10,500-yr fire and vegetation history of a montane site in the North Cascade Range, Washington State based on lake sediment charcoal, macrofossil and pollen records. High-resolution sampling and abundant macrofossils made it possible to analyze relationships between fire and vegetation. During the early Holocene (> 10,500 to ca. 8000 cal yr BP) forests were subalpine woodlands dominated by Pinus contorta. Around 8000 cal yr BP, P. contorta sharply declined in the macrofossil record. Shade tolerant, mesic species first appeared ca. 4500 cal yr BP. Cupressus nootkatensis appeared most recently at 2000 cal yr BP. Fire frequency varies throughout the record, with significantly shorter mean fire return intervals in the early Holocene than the mid and late Holocene. Charcoal peaks are significantly correlated with an initial increase in macrofossil accumulation rates followed by a decrease, likely corresponding to tree mortality following fire. Climate appears to be a key driver in vegetation and fire regimes over millennial time scales. Fire and other disturbances altered forest vegetation at shorter time scales, and vegetation may have mediated local fire regimes. For example, dominance of P. contorta in the early Holocene forests may have been reinforced by its susceptibility to frequent, stand-replacing fire events.  相似文献   
One of the rules of thumb of structural geology is that drag folds, or minor asymmetric folds, reflect the sense of layer-parallel shear during folding of an area. According to this rule, right-lateral, layer-parallel shear is accompanied by clockwise rotation of marker surfaces and left-lateral by counterclockwise rotation. By using this rule of thumb, one is supposed to be able to examine small asymmetric folds in an outcrop and to infer the direction of axes of major folds relative to the position of the outcrop. Such inferences, however, can be misleading. Theoretical and experimental analyses of elastic multilayers show that symmetric sinusoidal folds first develop in the multilayers, if the rheological and dimensional properties favor the development of sinusoidal folds rather than kink folds, and that the folded layers will then behave much as passive markers during layerparallel shear and thus will follow the rule of thumb of drag folding. The analyses indicate, however, that multilayers whose properties favor the development of kink folds can produce monoclinal kink folds with a sense of asymmetry opposite to that predicted by the rule of thumb. Therefore, the asymmetry of folds can be an ambiguous indicator of the sense of shear.The reason for the ambiguity is that asymmetry is a result of two processes that can produce diametrically opposed results. The deformation of foliation surfaces and axial planes in a passive manner is the pure or end-member form of one process. The result of the passive deformation of fold forms is the drag fold in which the steepness of limbs and the tilt of axial planes relative to nonfolded layering are in accord with the rule of thumb.The end-member form of a second process, however, produces the opposite geometric relationships. This process involves yielding and buckling instabilities of layers with contact strength and can result in monoclinal kink bands. Right-lateral, layer-parallel shear stress produces left-lateral monoclinal kink bands and left-lateral shear stress produces right-lateral monoclinal kink bands. Actual folds do not behave as either of these ideal end members, and it is for this reason that the interpretation of the sense of layer-parallel shear stress relative to the asymmetry of folds can be ambiguous.Kink folding of a multilayer with contact strength theoretically is a result of both buckling and yielding instabilities. The theory indicates that inclination of the direction of maximum compression to layering favors either left-lateral or right-lateral kinking, and that one can predict conditions under which monoclinal kink bands will develop in elastic or elastic—plastic layers. Further, the first criterion of kink and sinusoidal folding developed in Part IV remains valid if we replace the contact shear strength with the difference between the shear strength and the initial layer-parallel shear stress.Kink folds theoretically can initiate only in layers inclined at angles less than to the direction of maximum compression. Here φ is the angle of internal friction of contacts. For higher angles of layering, slippage is stable so that the result is layer-parallel slippage rather than kink folding.The theory also provides estimates of locking angles of kink bands relative to the direction of maximum compression. The maximum locking angle between layering in a nondilating kink band and the direction of maximum compression is . The theory indicates that the inclination of the boundaries of kink bands is determined by many factors, including the contact strength between layers, the ratio of principal stresses, the thickening or thinning of layers, that is, the dilitation, within the kink band, and the orientation of the principal stresses relative to layering. If there is no dilitation within the kink band, the minimum inclination of the boundaries of the band is to the direction of maximum compression, or to the direction of nonfolded layers. Here α is the angle between the direction of maximum compression and the nonfolded layers. It is positive if clockwise.Analysis of processes in terminal regions of propagating kink bands in multilayers with frictional contact strength indicates that an essential process is dilitation, which decreases the normal stress, thereby allowing slippage and buckling even though slopes of layers are low there.  相似文献   
Slip nucleation during earthquakes is apparently analogous to rupture nucleation within an intact rock sample subjected to triaxial loading. The observations indicate that both these nucleation processes initiate within a relatively small volume and in both the slip propagates unstably along a quasi-planar surface. In both processes a single, pre-existing, shear fracture cannot nucleate the large-scale slip, and in both a ‘process zone' that includes several interacting fractures in a small volume are required to initiate the unstable slip. Both processes require rupture of intact rocks, generate complex fracture geometry, and are associated with intense energy-release rate during slip. Recent observations and analyses are used to correlate rupture nucleation in laboratory tests with nucleation events of large earthquakes. It is proposed that earthquake nucleation occurs by the interaction among multiple fractures within a small volume that develops into unstable yielding of the healed fault zone.  相似文献   
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