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The equation of state of MgGeO3 perovskite was determined between 25 and 66 GPa using synchrotron X-ray diffraction with the laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The data were fit to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state and yielded a zero-pressure volume (V 0) of 182.2 ± 0.3 Å3 and bulk modulus (K 0) of 229 ± 3 GPa, with the pressure derivative (K= (?K 0/?P) T ) fixed at 3.7. Differential stresses were evaluated using lattice strain theory and found to be typically less than about 1.5 GPa. Theoretical calculations were also carried out using density functional theory from 0 to 205 GPa. The equation of state parameters from theory (V 0 = 180.2 Å3, K 0 = 221.3 GPa, and K0 = 3.90) are in agreement with experiment, although theoretically calculated volumes are systematically lower than experiment. The properties of the perovskite phase were compared to MgGeO3 post-perovskite phase near the observed phase transition pressure (~65 GPa). Across the transition, the density increased by 2.0(0.7)%. This is in excellent agreement with the theoretically determined density change of 1.9%; however both values are larger than those for the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 phase transition. The bulk sound velocity change across the transition is small and is likely to be negative [?0.5(1.6)% from experiment and ?1.2% from theory]. These results are similar to previous findings for the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 system. A linearized Birch–Murnaghan equation of state fit to each axis yielded zero-pressure compressibilities of 0.0022, 0.0009, and 0.0016 GPa?1 for the a, b, and c axis, respectively. Magnesium germanate appears to be a good analog system for studying the properties of the perovskite and post-perovskite phases in silicates.  相似文献   
Shock surfing acceleration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analytical and numerical analysis identify shock surfing acceleration as an ideal pre-energization mechanism for the slow pick-up ions at quasiperpendicular shocks. After gaining sufficient energy by shock surfing, pick-up ions undergo diffusive acceleration to reach their observed energies. Energetic ions upstream of the cometary bow shock, acceleration of solar energetic particles by magnetosonic waves in corona, ion enhancement in interplanetary shocks, generation of anomalous cosmic rays from interstellar pick-up ions at the termination shock are some of the cases where shock surfing acceleration apply. Inclusion of the lower-hybrid wave turbulence into the laminar model of shock surfing can explain the preferential acceleration of heavier particles as observed by Voyager at the termination shock. At relativistic energies, unlimited acceleration of ions is theoretically possible; because for sufficiently strong shocks main limitation of the mechanism, caused by the escape of accelerated particles downstream of the shock during acceleration no longer exists.  相似文献   
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments with SiO2 α-cristobalite reveal that the well-known reversible displacive phase transition to cristobalite-II, which occurs at approximately 1.8 GPa, can be suppressed by rapid pressure increase, leading to an overpressurized metastable state, persisting to pressure as high as 10 GPa. In another, slow pressure increase experiment, the monoclinic high-pressure phase-II was observed to form at ~1.8 GPa, in agreement with earlier in situ studies, and its crystal structure has been unambiguously determined. Single-crystal data have been used to refine the structure models of both phases over the range of pressure up to the threshold of formation of cristobalite X-I at ~12 GPa, providing important constraints on the feasibility of the two competing silica densification models proposed in the literature, based on quantum mechanical calculations. Preliminary diffraction data obtained for cristobalite X-I reveal a monoclinic unit cell that contradicts the currently assumed model.  相似文献   
Fe-bearing dense hydrous magnesium silicate Phase A, Mg6.85Fe0.14Si2.00O8(OH)6 has been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at ambient conditions and by high-pressure powder diffraction using synchrotron radiation to 33 GPa. Unit cell parameters at room temperature and pressure from single crystal diffraction are a=7.8678 (4) Å, c=9.5771 (5) Å, and V=513.43 (4) Å3. Fitting of the P–V data to a third-order Birch-Murnaghan isothermal equation of state yields V 0=512.3 (3) Å3, K T,0=102.9 (28) GPa and K′=6.4 (3). Compression is strongly anisotropic with the a-axes, which lie in the plane of the distorted close-packed layers, approximately 26% more compressible than the c-axis, which is normal to the plane. Structure refinement from single-crystal X-ray intensity data reveals expansion of the structure with Fe substitution, mainly by expansion of M-site octahedra. The short Si2–O6 distance becomes nearly 1% shorter with ~2% Fe substitution for Mg, possibly providing additional rigidity in the c-direction over the Mg end member. K T obtained for the Fe-bearing sample is ~5.5% greater than reported previously for Fe-free Phase A, despite the larger unit cell volume. This study represents a direct comparison of structure and K T–ρ relations between two compositions of a F-free dense hydrous magnesium silicate (DHMS) phase, and may help to characterize the effect of Fe substitution on the properties of other DHMS phases from studies of the Fe-free end-members.  相似文献   
Hydrous alteration of olivine macrocrysts in a Martian olivine phyric basalt, NWA 10416, and a terrestrial basalt from southern Colorado are examined using SEM, EPMA, TEM, and µXRD techniques. The olivines in the meteorite contain linear nanotubes of hydrous material, amorphous areas, and fluid dissolution textures quite distinct from alteration identified in other Martian meteorites. Instead, they bear resemblance to terrestrial deuteric alteration features. The presence of the hydrous alteration phase Mg‐laihunite within the olivines has been confirmed by µXRD analysis. The cores of the olivines in both Martian and terrestrial samples are overgrown by unaltered rims whose compositions match those of a separate population of groundmass olivines, suggesting that the core olivines are xenocrysts whose alteration preceded crystallization of the groundmass. The terrestrial sample is linked to deep crustal metasomatism and the “ignimbrite flare‐up” of the Oligocene epoch. The comparison of the two samples suggests the existence of an analogous relatively water‐rich magmatic reservoir on Mars.  相似文献   
Oxygen isotopic compositions of clay minerals were determined on representative samples of the volcano-sedimentary series from Site 841 ODP (Tonga forearc). This isotopic study has demonstrated an abnormally high crystallisation temperature of the clay minerals with respect to temperature expected in burial diagenesis. Formation temperatures obtained using 18O reach up to 200 °C in a Fe-chlorite-corrensite paragenesis found in the vicinity of basaltic andesite sills intruded into the Miocene tuffs. The paleothermal flux resulting from the cooling of the sills has produced very low grade contact metamorphism in the Miocene Tonga forearc deposits. The consequence of this was the formation of a large amount of hydrous silicates characterised near the sills by a Fe-clays-analcime mineralogical association. Received: 26 September 1997 / Accepted: 22 September 1998  相似文献   
The cosmopolitan freshwater oligochaete Tubifex tubifex is an important health indicator of the aquatic environment. Water pollutants can affect the intraspecific biodiversity grade of local Tubifex colonies. A genetic profile of specimens collected in an environment with reduced anthropic presence is particularly important to define genetic variability in unperturbed Tubifex populations, and it is still missing in the international literature. Therefore, it has been performed the analysis of lineage composition in a T. tubifex colony from high mountain spring ponds in Central Italy, characterized by a very low concentration of heavy metals. The sampling was performed during spring 2010 and 2011, in the Sett’acque valley (1,900 m above mean sea level), within the township of Lucoli. Data presented in this work depicted a peculiar composition of the population, characterized by a reduced complexity compared to other urban environments, and with no specimens belonging to the lineage I, largely described in many European populations. Interestingly, lineage 2e, previously discovered only in a natural reserve, results to be the most common lineage in this population. Considerations on environmental health and genetic evolution are discussed.  相似文献   
The nickel arsenide (B81) and related crystal structures are among the most important crystallographic arrangements assumed by Fe and Ni compounds with light elements such as Si, O, S, and P, expected to be present in planetary cores. Despite the simple structure, some of these materials like troilite (FeS) exhibit complex phase diagrams and rich polymorphism, involving significant changes in interatomic bonding and physical properties. NiP (oP16) represents one of the two principal structure distortions found in the nickel arsenide family and is characterized by P–P bonding interactions that lead to the formation of P2 dimers. In the current study, the single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction technique, aided by first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations, has been applied to examine the compression behavior of NiP up to 30 GPa. Two new reversible displacive phase transitions leading to orthorhombic high-pressure phases with Pearson symbols oP40 and oC24 were found to occur at approximately 8.5 and 25.0 GPa, respectively. The oP40 phase has the primitive Pnma space group with unit cell a = 4.7729(5) Å, b = 16.6619(12) Å, and c = 5.8071(8) Å at 16.3(1) GPa and is a superstructure of the ambient oP16 phase with multiplicity of 2.5. The oC24 phase has the acentric Cmc21 space group with unit cell a = 9.695(6) Å, b = 5.7101(9) Å, and c = 4.7438(6) Å at 28.5(1) GPa and is a superstructure of the oP16 phase with multiplicity of 1.5. DFT calculations fully support the observed sequence of phase transitions. The two new phases constitute logical next stages of P sublattice polymerization, in which the dilution of the P3 units, introduced in the first high-pressure phase, decreases, leading to compositions of Ni20(P3)4(P2)4 and Ni12(P3)4, and provide important clues to understanding of phase relations and transformation pathways in the NiAs family.  相似文献   
The phonon density of states (DOS) in iron has been measured in situ by nuclear resonance inelastic X-ray scattering (NRIXS) at high pressures and high temperatures in a resistively heated diamond anvil cell. The DOS data provide a variety of thermodynamic and elastic parameters essential for characterizing iron at depth in the Earth interior, such as average sound velocity, Debye temperature, atomic mean square displacement, average kinetic energy, vibrational entropy and specific heat. The NRIXS data were collected at 6, 20, and 29 GPa and at temperatures up to 920 K. Temperatures were directly determined from the measured spectra by the ratio of intensities of the phonon creation/annihilation side bands that are determined only by the Boltzmann factor. The change of the DOS caused by the structural transition from -Fe to -Fe is small and not resolvable within the experimental precision. However, the phonon energies in -Fe are clearly shifted to lower values with respect to - and -Fe. The temperature dependence of derived thermodynamic parameters is presented and compared with those obtained by Debyes model. The Debye temperatures that best describe the data decrease slightly with increasing temperature.  相似文献   
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