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在西准噶尔阿舍勒阔尔勒斯地区,下石炭统姜巴斯套组与下伏黑山头组和上覆下二叠统哈尔加乌组之间均为不整合接触,而在黑山头组顶部、姜巴斯套组底部和哈尔加乌组顶部的砂岩样品中,最年轻碎屑锆石组给出的年龄分别为328 Ma(早石炭世谢尔普霍夫期)、318 Ma(晚石炭世巴什基尔期)和297 Ma(早二叠世阿瑟尔期)。显然,姜巴斯套组的时代不是早石炭世,建议将其归为上石炭统莫老坝组。黑山头组顶部为含海相碎屑岩;莫老坝组只保留了下部退积型充填序列,缺失上部进积型充填序列,是准噶尔残余洋盆于晚石炭世消失并发生构造抬升和剥蚀所致;哈尔加乌组为典型的陆相沉积。石炭系—二叠系碎屑岩均为近源沉积的产物,各组中最年轻的锆石来自同时代的火山岩。  相似文献   
科技部在"十三五"期间部署的国家重点研发计划"全球变化及应对"专项资助了"全球气候数据集生成及气候变化关键过程和要素监测"研究项目。项目围绕由全球气候观测系统提出的基本气候变量,完善地空天基观测体系,生成中国首套以遥感数据为主体的涵盖大气、海洋和陆表长时间序列、高精度、高时空一致性的产品,即气候数据集,动态监测全球变化关键过程和要素。  相似文献   
The Visible and Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer(VISSR) onboard the Fengyun-2(FY-2) satellite can provide valuable thermal infrared observations to help create a precipitable water vapor(PWV) product with high spatial and temporal resolutions. The current FY-2/VISSR PWV product in operation is produced by using a traditional two-band physical split-window(PSW) method, which produces low quality results under dry atmospheric conditions. Based on the sensitivity characteristics of FY-2 F/VISSR water vapor channel and two split-window channels to atmospheric water vapor, this study developed a new, robust operational PWV retrieval algorithm for FY-2 F to improve the operational precision of the current PWV product. The algorithm uses a modified three-band PSW method, which adds a scale for the water vapor channel in the improved three-band PSW method. Integrated PWV products from the radiosonde data in 2016 are used here to validate the precision of the PWV retrieved by the modified three-band and traditional two-band PSW methods. The mean bias, root mean square error(RMSE), and correlation coefficient of the PWV retrieved by the modified three-band PSW method are 0.28 mm, 4.53 mm, and 0.969, respectively. The accuracy is much better than the PWV retrieved by the two-band method, whose mean bias, RMSE, and correlation coefficient are 12.67 mm, 29.35 mm, and 0.23. Especially, in mid-or high-latitude regions, the RMSE of the PWV is improved from 10 to 2 mm by changing the inversion in the two-band method to the modified three-band PSW method. Furthermore, the modified three-band PSW results show a better consistency with the radiosonde PWV at any zonal belt and season than the two-band PSW results. This new algorithm could significantly improve the quality of the current FY-2 F/VISSR PWV product, especially at sites where the actual PWV are lower than 15 mm.  相似文献   
城市化的快速发展推动了我国城市道路网的不断扩张和发展.城市道路网是一个动态、开放、自组织的空间复杂网络,构成了城市的结构框架,研究城市道路网的结构特征对路网规划和城市建设有着重要的应用价值.在国内城市道路网络结构特征的相关研究中,很少有学者基于道路走向的视角对整个城市路网结构进行研究,也缺少对全国主要城市路网的整体性评...  相似文献   
基于智能手机内置的传感器,开展了音频信号和MEMS传感器的紧组合室内定位研究.首先,将时频分析技术用于音频信号TOA估计,提出了一种基于短时傅里叶变换和优化互相关方法的两步估计方法.之后,研究了一种基于音频T DOA和行人航迹推算的紧组合定位算法,静态测试的平均定位精度为0.238 m,相比最小二乘方法提高了38.66...  相似文献   
The green vegetation fraction(GVF) can greatly influence the partitioning of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes in numerical weather prediction(NWP) models. However, the multiyear averaged monthly GVF climatology—the most commonly used representation of the vegetation state in models—cannot capture the real-time vegetation state well. In this study, a near real-time(NRT) GVF dataset generated from an 8-day composite of the normalized difference vegetation index is compared with the 10-yr averaged monthly GVF provided by the WRF model. The annual variability of the GVF over North China is examined in detail. Many differences between the two GVF datasets are found over dryland, grassland, and cropland/grassland mosaic areas. Two experiments using different GVF datasets are performed to assess the impacts of GVF on forecasts of screen-level temperature and humidity. The results show that using NRT GVF can lead to a widespread reduction of 2-m temperature forecast errors from April to October.Evaluation against in-situ observations shows that the positive impact on 2-m temperature forecasts in the morning is more distinct than that in the afternoon. Our study demonstrates that NRT GVF can provide a more realistic representation of the vegetation state, which in turn helps to improve short-range forecasts in arid and semiarid regions of North China. Moreover, our study shows that the negative effect of using NRT GVF is closely related to the initial soil moisture.  相似文献   
Liu  Changshui  Zang  Kun  Li  Shihao  Li  Fuhua  Ma  Qingjun 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(6):1891-1899
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a key enzyme in the de novo biosynthesis of thymidine monophosphate, serving as a well-known drug target in chemotherapy against...  相似文献   
对3种室内可见光通信传输技术的数字信号处理方法(DSP),包括正交频分复用(OFDM)、单载波频域均衡(SCFDE)与单载波频分复用(SCFDM)进行了对比分析.通过峰值功率比(PAPR)和计算复杂度比较了3种方法的优劣.分析结果表明,SCFDE和SCFDM具有较低的PAPR,但SCFDM计算复杂度较高.此外,还使用白光LED灯针对3种调制解调方法建立了实验模型.实验结果表明,在VLC传输系统中,由于低PAPR特性,使得SCFDE和SCFDM在误码率(BER)和Q值方面的性能优于OFDM.  相似文献   
卫星气候数据集是卫星气候研究的基础。在规范卫星气候数据集基本概念的基础上,针对现有基本气候数据集(FCDR)和专题气候数据集(TCDR)的分类方式,无法反映卫星气候数据特点的问题,认为应将专题气候数据集进一步划分为单一遥感仪器专题气候数据集、多种遥感仪器融合专题气候数据集及卫星与多源资料融合专题气候数据集等几类。这种分类方法便于用户更好地了解和使用卫星气候数据。然后,重点围绕基本气候变量和基本卫星气候变量含义、卫星气候数据集生产规范、国内外主要卫星气候数据生产计划等方面,综述了卫星气候数据集建设及规范化生产已取得的最新研究进展。在此基础上,分析了卫星气候数据集建设和应用中存在的主要问题,展望了卫星气候数据集发展,同时对我国卫星气候数据集建设提出具体建议。  相似文献   
中国南方森林冠顶高度Lidar反演—以江西省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董立新  李贵才  唐世浩 《遥感学报》2011,15(6):1308-1321
激光雷达(Lidar)与光学遥感的有效结合对中国南方区域森林冠顶高度反演意义重大,而国产卫星将为中国森林生态研究提供新的数据源。本文联合利用大脚印激光雷达GLA和国产MERSI数据,在实现GLAS波形数据处理和不同地形条件下森林冠顶高度反演算法基础上,建立了区域尺度不同森林类型林分冠顶高度GLAS+MERSI联合反演关系模型,进行了江西地区森林冠顶高度反演。总体上,GLAS激光雷达森林冠顶高度估算精度较高;且在与MERSI 250 m数据的联合反演模型中,针叶林模型精度较好(R2=0.7325);阔叶林次之(R2=0.6095);混交林较差(R2=0.4068)。分析发现,考虑了光学遥感生物物理参数的GLAS+MERSI联合关系模型在区域森林冠顶高度估算中有较高精度,且在空间分布上与土地覆盖数据分布特征非常一致。  相似文献   
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