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ABSTRACT. Two well dated Holocene sediment records bordering the Denmark Strait region have been used to reconstruct past climate variability. The content of biogenic silica, classic and organic material and moss in a lacustrine record from Lake N14 has been used to infer past variability in precipitation and temperature in southern Greenland. Sedimentologic and petrologic composition of sand in a shelf sediment record from the Djúpáll trough is used to infer past variability in the northwestern storm activity on northwestern Iceland, which probably also affected the inflow of polar waters from the East Greenland Current. Our evaluation of these records with a number of previous studies from the region documents Holocene climatic optimum conditions peaking between 8000 and 6500 calendar years before present (cal yr BP). Mid-Holocene climate deterioration set in around 5000 cal yr BP followed by a further marked setback around 3500 cal yr BP. A stacking of climate variability on a centennial timescale from previous studies in the area shows a fairly good correspondence to the timing of marked cold and warm events as evidenced from the Lake N14 and the Djúpáll trough records. Cooler periods are explained as the response to marked incursions of ice-laden polar water from the Arctic Ocean to the Denmark Strait region. Cool northerly and northwesterly winds along the East Greenland coast in relation to frequent strong atmospheric low pressure in the Barents Sea, coupled with strong high pressure over Greenland, would have favoured southward export of polar waters. A comparison with the proxy records of nuclide production (14C and 10Be) suggests that solar activity may have had some influence on the atmospheric pressure distribution in the Denmark Strait region.  相似文献   
High resolution environmental records with a refined chronology are essential to understand, reconstruct and model the climate dynamics of the last glacial-interglacial transition. Sediments from Lake Torfadalsvatn in northern Iceland contain at least four primary volcanic tephras that belong to ash zone I in the North Atlantic deep-sea cores. We chemically define these basaltic/rhyolitic tephras and the high resolution allows us to date them to about 10,800, 10,600, 9300 and 8900 BP. This detailed tephrostratigraphy will act as a refined dating and correlation tool in the North Atlantic region and enable calibration between different absolute chronologies. The pollen stratigraphy of the sediments suggests that by 10,400 14C years BP plant colonization of coastal north Iceland had begun. The pollen stratigraphy shows a succession of pioneer plants, from open tundra vegetation towards birch-juniper woodland, which probably also reflects a transition from a cool climate at 10,400 BP to conditions similar to today's sub-polar oceanic climate around 9200 BP. Diatom data largely concur with the climatic information from pollen, indicating gradually increasing productivity in the lake.  相似文献   
Lake Boksehandsken, the largest lake on Jameson Land, central East Greenland, is situated 54 m a.s.l. and holds a long (6.3 m) and complex stratigraphy. It was analysed with respect to lithology, carbon content, 14C, micro- and macrofossils. The diamict material in the bottom is overlain by a fining-upwards sequence, possibly deposited close to a receding ice margin in a glaciomarine environment. These deposits are interpreted to have been formed at the time of the marine limit ( c . 70 m) in the area. In spite of a large series of 14C datings, very few of the obtained dates were considered reliable. This is because the sediments contain coal fragments and old redeposited plant remains. Based on a set of arguments and correlations to the surrounding glacial stratigraphy it is implied that the marine limit and deglaciation cannot be much older than 10,000 BP. The lithology of the lake sediments, in combination with occurrence of marine macrofossils. shows that deglaciation was succeeded by a (glacio)marine depositional environment. The lake was isolated from the sea at c . 9000 BP. followed by a short transgression and a final isolation at c . 8400 BP. This sequence of events is demonstrated by both litho-and biostratigraphy and possible causes are discussed. A later oscillation some time between 8000 and 7500 BP. evidenced by litho-, carbon-, pollen- and Pecliastrum stratigraphy, is interpreted as a regional climatic cooling possibly correlatable to a distinct δ18O minima in the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   
Book reviewed in this article:
Bradley, R. S. (ed.) 1991: Global Changes of the Past. 514 pp. Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies, Boulder, Colorado  相似文献   
The previously established and often debated lake sediment based chronology and event stratigraphy from Hochstetter Forland, NE Greenland, has been re-examined. These new studies show that the last deglaciation of the coastal area is several thousand years younger than previously described. The main reason behind the difference is the fact that the older chronology was based on 14C datings of bulk sediment samples, which are now shown to contain enough coal fragments to produce erroneous ages. The re-examination was performed on sediments from two lakes located within the Nanok moraine system: one is situated at or slightly above the marine limit around 65 m. the other at 21–22 m a.s.l. The combined stratigraphy from the two lakes shows that the area was deglaciated before 9000 BP, after which followed deposition of glaciomarine sediments, fining upwards. The first vegetation seems to have been dominated by grasses, Lycopodium and Polypodiaceae. At c . 8000 BP the limnic production increased significantly and a pioneer vegetation characterized the area. At this time the 'Artemisia' grains appear. A short but distinct climatic cooling occurs at c . 7500 BP causing a significant drop in lake productivity and possibly also producing coarser sediments in the (glacio)marine environment. About 200 years later the lake productivity again increased, very rapidly, and the marine sediments became finer and more rich in molluscs, as a response to the beginning of the climatic optimum. Because of the time-lag between climate and vegetation response it took another 300 years before Betulci nana immigrated, at the same time as the 'Artemisia' grains disappeared, and another several hundred years before a real dwarf-shrub vegetation developed in these parts of Hochstetter Forland. Before the lower lake was isolated from the sea at c . 6000 BP, coarse wave-washed sediments, followed by a typical isolation sequence, were deposited in it.  相似文献   
Rundgren, M., Ingólfsson, Ó., Björck, S., Jiang, H. & Haflioason, H. 1997 (September): Dynamic sea-level change during the last deglaciation of northern Iceland. Boreas , Vol. 26, pp. 201–215. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
A detailed reconstruction of deglacial relative sea-level changes at the northern coast of Iceland, based on the litho- and biostratigraphy of lake basins, indicates an overall fall in relative sea level of about 45 m between 11300 and 9100 BP, corresponding to an isostatic rebound of 77 m. The overall regression was interrupted by two minor transgressions during the late Younger Dryas and in early Preboreal, and these were probably caused by a combination of expansions of local ice caps and readvances of the Icelandic inland ice-sheet margin. Maximum absolute uplift rates are recorded during the regressional phase between the two transgressions (10000–9850 BP), with a mean value of c . 15 cm 14C yr-1 or 11–12 cm cal. yr-1. Mean absolute uplift during the regressional phase following the second transgression (9700–9100 BP) was around 6 cm 14C yr-1, corresponding to c . 3 cm cal. yr-1, and relative sea level dropped below present-day sea level at 9000 BP.  相似文献   
Book reviewed in this article:
Sabadini. R., Lambeck, K. & Boschi, E. (eds.) 1991: Glacial Isostas, Sea-Level and Mantle Rheology  相似文献   
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