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在浅层工程折射地震测量中 ,通常采用相遇观测系统采集数据和相应的解释方法进行解释 ;对于单边观测采集方法由于与其相应的解释方法较少而少被采用。本文提出 1种方法简单、精度可靠、可直接利用同一点相邻 2排列 2次观测的初至折射时间并适合于海洋走航式单边连续观测系统的折射初至资料解释方法。其精度基本与同观测段的采用相遇观测的差异时距方法解释的精度十分接近。该方法即适合于人工解释又适合于计算机自动解释。  相似文献   
为完善舟山南部海域鱼类种类组成及结构特征,文章使用环境DNA技术对该海域鱼类多样性进行检测。通过采集水样、过滤、提取环境DNA、PCR扩增、测序,在该海域6个站位中获得8个环境DNA样品,共检测到9种舟山海域常见鱼类。其中,软骨鱼纲1种,辐鳍鱼纲8种,龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)为优势种。研究结果表明,虽然环境DNA技术无法完全替代传统的鱼类资源调查方法,但是可以作为鱼类资源调查和空间分布的补充手段,与底拖网数据结合,为舟山南部海域鱼类组成和群落结构季节性变化提供依据。  相似文献   
北极河流径流量变化及影响因子分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用最新的北极径流资料(R-arcticNET V3.0和Arctic RIMS),对进入北冰洋的4条主要河流的季节及年代际变化进行诊断分析。结果表明:入海径流在4-6月的大幅增加主要是由气温达到融点后积雪融化造成的,降水的作用次之。总的来说,欧亚区域在过去的70年里入海径流量是增加的,而北美区域在近30年里入海径流量是减小的,但注入北冰洋的径流总量是增大的。值得注意的是入海径流的年代际变化在不同季节增减趋势显著不同,夏季和秋季径流量减小,而其他两个季节径流量增大。进一步分析了影响入海径流变化的一些气候因子,结果表明:北大西洋涛动(北太平洋指数)与欧亚(北美)区域的冬、春季径流量存在正相关。春季气温与春季径流量呈正相关,而与夏季径流量呈负相关。降水与径流量基本上为同步正相关。春季积雪覆盖面积与春季径流量为负相关,而与夏季径流量为正相关,夏季积雪覆盖面积与夏季的径流量为正相关。  相似文献   
综述了我国海域无脊椎动物的分类学和系统演化研究的历史和概况,以及我国分类系统学工作者在海洋无脊椎动物分类学、区系与动物地理学、系统发育与分子系统学领域的主要工作,重点介绍了中国科学院海洋研究所的海洋无脊椎动物分类学工作。涉及类群包括原生动物、海绵动物、刺胞动物、线虫、多毛类环节动物、星虫、螠虫、软体动物、节肢动物、苔藓动物、毛颚动物、棘皮动物、半索动物等主要的无脊椎动物门类。涉及海域以我国管辖海域,特别是中国近海为主,也涉及了西太平洋、西南印度洋等深海环境的无脊椎动物类群的分类学报道。本文总结过去,展望未来,对于在我国在海洋无脊椎动物分类与系统演化研究领域成就基础上,发现薄弱环节,研讨今后本学科的发展方向,填补研究空白,赶超本领域国际前沿,都有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Phycoerythrin (PE) is one of the most important proteins involved in light capturing during photosynthesis in red algae. Its potential biological activities had gained wide concerns. In the present study, tumor cytotoxic and hydroxyl radical assay were preformed to detect the bioactivity of recombinant PE. Recombinant plasmids pGEX-PE and pBGL were transformed into E.coli BL21 to make two recombinant strains BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL). PE expressing in BEX (pGEX-PE) was validated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the PE-GST fusion protein was mostly inclusion bod- ies. Specific expression of PE was confirmed by Western blotting analysis. The recombinant E. coli BEX (pGEX-PE) cells were col- lected and sonicated. The supernatants were reserved for the tumor cytotoxic experiments. The result of tumor cytotoxic assay indi- cated that the supernatants containing PE had the activity of inhibiting the growth of Hela cells and with the increase of protein con- centration, the inhibiting rate increased from 37.31% to 63.26%, which showed significant difference from the control. Hydroxyl radical scavenging effect was tested with supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates treated with sonication and heating. For the sonication samples, the scavenging rates of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were significantly higher than the negative control BL21(pGEX-4T) (P<0.02), and the scavenging rates increased slowly following the increase of the protein content. For the heating samples, except for the 0.2 mg mL-1 BGL (pBGL) products, the scavenging effects of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were stronger than that of negative control BL21(pGEX-4T). However, the effect intensity was not positively correlated with the increase of the protein concentration. Though a partially de- creased hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was led by heating, the biological activity was still retained and conspicuous. This re- search showed that phycoerythrin protein expressing in E. coli has the potential medical and sanitarian value.  相似文献   
沪蓉高速柴家湾隧道围岩稳定性分析及支护效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隧道围岩的应力分布及变形特征对保证其长期稳定性具有关键的作用。本文以柴家湾隧道为例进行实态建模,通过采用有限元软件ANSYS对其施工全过程进行了三维弹塑性数值模拟计算。研究结果表明,隧道拱顶和拱脚处应力集中现象明显,局部可能出现拉应力;变形主要集中在拱顶、拱腰部位,衬砌单元所受内力在规定强度范围以内,支护措施合理有效。  相似文献   
直升机时间域航空电磁法(Helicopter-borne time-domain electromagnetic method,HTEM)的多次空中仪器校准可消除飞行过程中仪器系统受外界环境的时变影响.吊舱校准装置可解决地面环线方式无法实现的空中飞行过程中仪器校准问题.本文从研究同心补偿吊舱装置模型出发,提出了吊舱装置空间模型和线圈电路模型,分析了发射磁场的空间分布、补偿环作用及其与接收线圈的关系、校准装置的空间信息和信号的检测方法,得到结论如下:(1)以损失发射面积0.89%的补偿环可提高信号44.5 dB的动态范围;(2)校准装置水平安置在补偿环与发射线圈之间,其匝数越多、半径越大、离补偿环越近,信号响应越强;(3)校准线圈电感越大、电阻越小,其e指数衰减越慢;信号检测起点由含匹配电阻接收线圈的阻尼特性决定.通过校准线圈的曲线特性和装置位移实验,得出反映装置特性的时间常数实测误差小于1.3%,验证了线圈电路模型和装置空间模型.本文提出的模型和方法同样适用于偏心补偿式HTEM系统校准的研究和高阻地层上已知环线的静态检测.  相似文献   
提出了利用最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)构造海底趋势面,利用该趋势面对海洋测深异常值进行剔除的方法,并与趋势面滤波进行了分析和比较,用定理证明趋势面滤波只是LS-SVM取特定参数时的解。实测算例表明,通过调整LS-SVM的参数,使其构造的趋势面更合理,从而有效地剔除测深异常值。  相似文献   
选取2018-01-23起10 d内16个iGMAS测站观测数据,对北斗三号卫星的观测数据质量及BDS单系统精密定轨精度进行评估。初步结果表明,老信号B1I、B3I北斗三号卫星的信噪比略强于二号卫星,噪声与多路径基本相当,均在0.1 m量级,新卫星不存在星内多路径偏差。新信号B1C/L1/E1频点GPS信噪比最强,Galileo和BDS卫星相当,B2a/L5/E5a和B2b/E5b各系统基本相当;噪声及多路径方面,B1C/L1/E1频点GPS优于BDS、Galileo卫星0.1 m量级,B2a/L5/E5a和B2b/E5b各系统基本相当,均在0.1 m量级,新信号中北斗三号卫星星内多路径偏差基本消失。单系统精密定轨试验中,分别进行有/无GEO卫星策略、太阳光压模型ECOM 五/九参数策略的比较,并使用卫星激光测距数据进行独立检核。初步结果表明,有GEO卫星、ECOM五参数光压模型的定轨精度最好,C19号卫星7个重叠弧段的平均定轨精度在沿迹向、法向、径向的精度分别为32 cm、16 cm、8 cm,与试验卫星的定轨精度基本相当。  相似文献   
Biofloc technology has been applied successfully in the intensive aquaculture of several fish and shrimp species.The growth of heterotrophic microorganisms can be stimulated through adding extra carbon,which reduces the nitrogen level in the water and provides microbial protein to the animals.However,most of the studies and practical applications have been conducted in freshwater and marine environment.This paper focused on brine shrimp Artemia that lives in high salinity environment together with other halophilic or halotolerant microorganisms.The effect of carbon supplementation on Artemia growth,water quality,and microbial diversity of bioflocs was studied in the closed culture condition without any water exchange.The salinity of the culture medium was 100.A 24-d culture trial was conducted through supplementing sucrose at carbon/nitrogen(C/N)ratio of 5,15,and 30(Su5,Sul5,and Su30),respectively.The culture without adding sucrose was used as a control.Artemia was fed formulated feed at a feeding ration of 60% recommended feeding level.The results showed that sucrose supplementation at higher C/N ratio(15 and 30)significantly improved the Artemia survival,growth and water quality(P0.05).Addition of sucrose at C/N ratio of 15 and 30 significantly increased biofloc volume(BFV)(P0.05).The Illumina MiSeq sequencing analysis showed that supplementing carbon at C/N ratio of 15 had a better total bacterial diversity and richness,and shaped the microbial composition at genera level.This study should provide information for studying the mechanism of biofloc technology and its application in high salinity culture conditions.  相似文献   
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