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LEADAT: a MATLAB-based program for lead-210 data analysis of sediment cores   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1Introduction Tracking the history of man s impact on the en-vironment, it is clear that in many places the periodof greatest impact and most dramatic transformationlies within the last 150 a (Oldfield and Appleby,1984). Many aspects of this impact can be…  相似文献   
To mitigate the damage caused by debris flows resulting from heavy precipitation and to aid in evacuation plan preparation, areas at risk should be mapped on a scale appropriate for affected individuals and communities. We tested the effectiveness of simply identifying debris-flow hazards through automated derivation of surface curvatures using LiDAR digital elevation models. We achieved useful correspondence between plan curvatures and areas of existing debris-flow damage in two localities in Japan using the analysis of digital elevation models(DEMs). We found that plan curvatures derived from 10 m DEMs may be useful to indicate areas that are susceptible to debris flow in mountainous areas. In residential areas located on gentle sloping debris flow fans, the greatest damage to houses was found to be located in the elongated depressions that are connected to mountain stream valleys. Plan curvaturederived from 5 m DEM was the most sensitive indicators for susceptibility to debris flows.  相似文献   
The Jason-1 dual-frequency nadir ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC) for 10-day cycles 1–67 is validated using absolute TEC measured by Japan's GPS Earth Observation Network (GEONET), or the GEONET Regional Ionosphere Map (RIM). The bias estimates (Jason–RIM) are small and statistically insignificant: 1.62 ± 9 TECu (TEC unit or 1016 electrons/m2, 1 TECu = 2.2 mm delay at Ku-band) and 0.73 ± 0.05 TECu, using the along-track difference and Gaussian distribution method, respectively. The bias estimates are –3.05 ± 10.44 TECu during daytime passes, and 0.02 ± 8.05 TECu during nighttime passes, respectively. When global Jason-1 TEC is compared with the Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) from the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (or CODE) TEC, the bias (Jason–GIM) estimate is 0.68 ± 1.00 TECu, indicating Jason-1 ionosphere delay at Ku-band is longer than GIM by 3.1 mm, which is at present statistically insignificant. Significant zonal distributions of biases are found when the differences are projected into a sun-fixed geomagnetic reference frame. The observed biases range from –7 TECu (GIM larger by 15.4 mm) in the equatorial region, to +2 TECu in the Arctic region, and to +7 TECu in the Antarctica region, indicating significant geographical variations. This phenomena is primarily attributed to the uneven and poorly distributed global GPS stations particularly over ocean and near polar regions. Finally, when the Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) TECs were compared during Jason-1 cycles 1–67 (where cycles 1–21 represent the formation flight with T/P, cycles 22–67 represent the interleave orbits), the estimated bias is 1.42 ± 0.04 TECu. It is concluded that the offset between Jason/TOPEX and GPS (RIM or GIM) TECs is < 4 mm at Ku-band, which at present is negligible.  相似文献   
Terrestrial radon-222 flux density for the Asian continent, integrated over distances of 4500 km, is estimated in two 20° latitudinal bands centred on 48.8°N and 63.2°N. The evaluation is based on three years of wintertime radon measurements at Sado Island, Japan, together with meteorological and trajectory information. A selection of 18% of observations are suitable for evaluation of an analytical expression for the continental surface flux. Various meteorological assumptions are discussed; it is found that there is a substantial effect of increased complexity of the formulation on the flux estimates obtained. The distribution of spatially integrated radon flux over the Asian landmass is reported for the first time. Expressed as geometric means and 1σ-ranges, estimated fluxes are 14.1 mBq m−2 s−1 (1σ-range: 18 mBq m−2 s−1) and 8.4 mBq m−2 s−1 (1σ-range: 10 mBq m−2 s−1) for the lower and higher latitude bands. These results constitute an annual minimum in flux densities for these regions, and are higher than previously reported. The existence of a latitudinal gradient in the continental radon source function is confirmed; the present estimate for Asia (−0.39 mBq m−2 s−1 per degree of latitude) is in agreement with the northern hemisphere terrestrial radon flux gradient proposed previously.  相似文献   
通过振动台试验,对群桩基础模型和桩筏基础模型在水平荷载作用下的动力反应进行了研究。试验内容包括对单独的地基模型;在地基模型中安装群桩基础模型;在地基模型中安装桩筏基础模型的3种振动试验和砂土的三轴试验。结果显示,如果能选择合理的相似性准则,可以利用振动台试验对桩基础在振动荷载下的动力行为进行分析。  相似文献   
桩筏基础变形分析简化程序PRAB采用了以下混合模型。柔性筏、桩和土体分别被模型化为薄板、弹性梁和弹簧。将其扩充到能够考虑土体有限深度的影响。对设置在有限深度的均质土体中的桩筏基础和群桩基础的变形,采用PRAB和三维有限元法分别进行了分析,两种计算方法的结果非常吻合。结果表明,与群桩相比,桩筏基础中桩体所受的力和变形都相对较小。因而仅讨论了采用线弹性模型的情况,非线性模型也可以扩充到PRAB程序中去。  相似文献   
Abstract: Ru–Os–Ir alloys have been found in two podiform chromitites located at the Chiroro and Bankei mines in the Sarugawa peridotite complex in the Kamuikotan zone, Hokkaido, Japan. This is the first report on the occurrence of PGM (= platinum-group minerals) from chromitites in Japan. The Ru–Os–Ir alloys most typically form polyhedra associated with other minerals (Ni–Fe alloys and heazlewoodite) in chromian spinel. The PGM are possibly pseudomorphs after some primary PGM such as laurite and are chemically highly inhomogeneous, indicating a low-temperature alteration origin. This is consistent with intense alteration (formation of serpentine, uvarovite and kämmererite) imposed on the Kamuikotan chromitites. High-temperature primary PGE (platinum–group elements)–bearing sulfides were possibly recrystallized at low temperatures into a new assemblage of PGM, Ni-Fe alloys and sulfides. Placer PGM around the peridotite complexes are chemically different from the PGM in dunite and chromitite possibly due to the, as yet, incomplete search for the rock-hosted PGM. The PGE content in chromitites is distinctly higher in those in the Kamuikotan zone than in those in the Sangun zone of Southwest Japan, consistent with the more refractory nature (Cr# of spinel, up to 0.8) of the former than the latter (Cr# of spinel, 0.5).  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones(TCs) are one of the most destructive natural phenomena on Earth in terms of human-life and economic losses. It is currently a matter of prodigious public and scientific interest how TC activity has changed and will change in a warming climate. This special issue focuses on a challenging subject raised in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) report and numerous research papers.  相似文献   
正1.Introduction Historic instrumental weather observations,made on land or at sea from as early as the 17th century(e.g.,Camuffo et al.,2010),are integral to extending our understanding of the decadal and centennial variations of Earth’s climate and for comparison with paleo-proxy data.The potential of such data is shown to best effect when used in dynamical 4D global  相似文献   
This study reveals the three‐dimensional morphology and syn‐sedimentary formation processes of a deformation structure termed ‘truncated flame structures’ which is found in a terrestrial tsunami deposit in southern Thailand that formed during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The structure was found at the boundary between a lower fine‐grained layer and an upper coarse‐grained layer that are related to two runup events. In order to confirm the morphology of the structure, the authors excavated two trenches and an opencast pit. When viewed in a cross‐section oriented parallel to the direction of the runup current, the deformed boundary has an irregularly bulging profile, similar to that observed in flame structures. The protruding structures are inclined towards the downstream direction of the runup current, and are truncated horizontally along their upper surface by parallel laminations in the overlying layer. When viewed in a cross‐section oriented perpendicular to the current direction, it appears that parts of the upper layer descend into the lower layer as lobate masses. In places, these masses are completely detached from the main part of the upper layer, forming circular or elliptical shapes. The contact between the lower layer and the main part of the upper layer is a planar truncation surface. Opencast excavation of the contact surface revealed that the deformed structures have flat, sinuous horseshoe crests that open in a downstream direction. It is possible for the runup current to generate shear stress such that it deforms the boundary into a truncated flame structure. Moreover, the observations made in this study indicate the syn‐sedimentary development of the structure: deformation and truncation occurred simultaneously in association with the runup current that formed the upper layer. Truncated flame structures can be used as a criterion in identifying the syn‐sedimentary deformation of substrate: the structures are indicative of unidirectional flow with sufficiently high shear velocity to deform unconsolidated substrate. As in the present case, the truncated flame structures may be characteristic of tsunami events that involve strong unidirectional currents on land due to the extraordinarily long wave period of tsunamis, rather than other events such as storm surges or flooding.  相似文献   
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