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Abstract— Experimentally rehomogenized melt inclusions from the nakhlite Miller Range 03346 (MIL 03346) and the lherzolitic shergottite Allan Hills 77005 (ALH 77005) have been analyzed for their rare earth element (REE) concentrations in order to characterize the early melt compositions of these Martian meteorites and to calculate the oxygen fugacity conditions they crystallized under. D(Eu/Sm)pyroxene/melt values were measured at 0.77 and 1.05 for ALH 77005 and MIL 03346, respectively. These melts and their associated whole rock compositions have similar REE patterns, suggesting that whole rock REE values are representative of those of the early melts and can be used as input into the pyroxene Eu‐oxybarometer for the nakhlites and lherzolitic shergottites. Crystallization fO2 values of IW + 1.1 (ALH 77005) and IW + 3.2 (MIL 03346) were calculated. Whole rock data from other nakhlites and lherzolitic shergottites was input into the Eu‐oxybarometer to determine their crystallization fO2 values. The lherzolitic shergottites and nakhlites have fO2 values that range from IW + 0.4 to 1.6 and from IW + 1.1 to 3.2, respectively. These values are consistent with some previously determined fO2 estimates and expand the known range of fO2 values of the Martian interior to four orders of magnitude. The origins of this range are not well constrained. Possible mechanisms for producing this spread in fO2 values include mineral/melt fractionation, assimilation, shock effects, and magma ocean crystallization processes. Mineral/melt partitioning can result in changes in fO2 from the start to the finish of crystallization of 2 orders of magnitude. In addition, crystallization of a Martian magma ocean with reasonable initial water content results in oxidized, water‐rich, late‐stage cumulates. Sampling of these oxidized cumulates or interactions between reduced melts and the oxidized material can potentially account for the range of fO2 values observed in the Martian meteorites.  相似文献   
Experiments in the system KAlSi04-NaAlSi04-SiOj-Fe-0-H indicatethat approximately 20 mole per cent of sodium annite [NaFe3AlSiO10(OH)2]can enter into solid solution with potassium annite. This substitutionreduces the biotite stability field. With excess alkali feldsparand no free quartz, the following reactions limit the biotitestability: Feldspar(s)+biotite feldspar(s)+magnetite+vapor. (1) Feldspar+biotite feldspar+fayalite+leucite+vapor. (2) Feldspar+biotite feldspar+fayalite+liquid+vapor. (3) Biotite feldspar+fayalite+nepheline+vapor. (4) On the QFM buffer (PTotal = 2 Kb), reaction 1 occurs at 685°C in the sodium free system and at 625 °C when twofeldspars are present; on NNO, it occurs at 630 and 590 °C.On the G-CH buffer, reaction 2 is stable at high temperatures(795–830 °Q and potassic compositions (), reaction3 at intermediate conditions (T = 740–95 °C; ) andreaction 4 at lower temperatures (710–40 °C) and sodiccompositions (). In the presence of excess quartz, reaction1 remains stable below the QFM buffer, but the reaction Feldspars)+biotite+quartz feldspars)+fayalite+vapor (5) is stable at higher hydrogenfugacities. On the G-CH buffer, reaction 5 occurs at 610 °Cin the sodium free system and at 595 °C when two alkalifeldspars are present. On the MW buffer, the temperatures are585 and 515 °C (M.I.). The experimental data presented suggest that biotite will notbe stable in the presence of granitic liquids at total pressuresbelow 4 kb, providing the fluorine and titanium content of thebiotite is low. They also suggest that gradients in the a£1S,l0 in a rock could produce variations in the biotite Fe/Fe+Mgratio and in extreme cases could result in the complete breakdown(decreased ) of biotite or its crystallization (increased )where previously there was none.  相似文献   
The experimental work on biotites has primarily involved compositionsalong the annite-phlogopite join, but most natural biotitescontain significantly larger amounts of aluminum. At the sametime, the aluminum content of natural biotites varies considerably.The available evidence indicates that these variations in thealuminum content of biotite depend on the conditions of formationand the whole rock chemistry. Experiments on the phase relations of aluminous iron biotitesin the silica deficient system KAlSiO4-KAlSi3O8-Al2O3-Fe-O-H(pfluid = 2 kb) indicate that compositions up to Ann75 can besynthesized on the join annite [K2Fe6Al2Si6O20(OH)4]-aluminumbiotite [K2Al6Al2Al6O20(OH)4]. The aluminous biotites are stableto higher temperatures than annite. An isobaric divariant equilibrium,Bioss-Mtss-Sa-Lc-V, extends to higher oxygen fugacities fromthe Ann-Mt-Sa-Lc-V curve of Eugster & Wones (1962). Compositioncontours on this surface indicate that both the magnetite andbiotite become more aluminous with increasing temperature and/oroxygen fugacity. The Bioss-Mtss-Sa-Lc-V reaction surface isterminated by equilibria involving the additional phases muscovite,corundum, and hercynite respectively as the conditions becomemore reducing. At 2 kb fluid pressure; aluminum-rich iron biotiteis stable to 555 °C on the HM buffer, 763 °C on theMt-Hc-Cor buffer, 820 °C on NNO, and about 860 °C onQFM. The data obtained can be applied to a number of biotitesyenites and appears to explain why iron-rich aluminum biotitesoccur in these rocks.  相似文献   
A study of amphiboles and associated minerals in samples ofSoufrière Hills andesite erupted from 1995 to 2002 showssignificant compositional variations within hornblende phenocrysts,a separate set of small pargasitic crystals in the groundmass,and two types of reaction rims on the phenocrysts. The compositionof the amphiboles and coexisting phases defines the thermalhistory of the erupting magma. As many as seven zones (<200µm wide) in the hornblende phenocrysts begin with a sharpincrease in Mg and Si, and then change gradually to a more Fe-and Al-rich hornblende, a transition that is consistent witha temperature rise. Analyses of the hornblende phenocrysts andassociated Fe–Ti oxides verify previous conclusions thatthe pre-eruption magma was at 130 MPa and 830 ± 10°C,but was variably heated before eruption. The heating occurredwithin  相似文献   
It is becoming increasingly clear that economically efficient climate policies are unlikely to be implemented in the near term. Therefore an analysis is warranted that considers the implications of certain suboptimal transition policies. This analysis constructs a transition scenario based on realistic assumptions about the current trends in policy-making. The transition is examined in the context of varying assumptions about the stringency of the target and the availability of low- or no-carbon energy technologies in the future. In addition to evaluating the effects of suboptimal policies, the transitional analysis offers new insights about the intrinsic uncertainty regarding both the appropriate stabilization target and technology.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal experiments on natural samples of trachyandesiteand dacite bulk composition show that anhydrite (CaSO4) mayoccur as a stable phenocryst phase at oxygen fugacities greaterthan or equal to 1.0 to 1.5 log fO2 units above the Ni–NiOequilibrium. The dissolved sulfur concentration in anhydritesaturated melts from MnO–Mn3O4 buffered experiments decreaseswith decreasing temperature, from approximately 2300 p.p.m.Sat 1025?C to 250 p.p.m.S at 850?C (all at 2 kb Pfluid = Ptotal).In FeS-saturated melts equilibrated at the Ni–NiO bufferand 2 kb pressure, the concentration of dissolved sulfur alsodecreases with decreasing temperature, varying from approximately400 p.p.m. S at 1025?C to less than 100 p.p.m. S at 850?C. AtNNO or lowerfO2s, decreasing melt FeO content due to crystalfractionation may explain the observed decrease in sulfur solubilitywith decreasing temperature. Sulfur solubility values equivalent to the approximately 0.6wt. per cent S present in fresh bulk pumice samples from the1982 eruptions of El Chichon volcano are not readily achievedunder any reasonable combinations of pressure, temperature,and oxidation state. Dissolved sulfur contents approaching 0.6wt. per cent might occur if the source regions of melts parentalto the El Chichon trachyandesite were at an fO2 several logunits above the Ni–NiO equilibrium. Because such elevatedoxidation states are far greater than the generally acceptedvalues for mantle-derived partial melts we believe the highsulfur content of the El Chichon pumices is not a primary feature;it reflects reaction with sulfur enriched material at some unknowndepth beneath the volcano. Published sulfur isotopic and petrologicdata suggest that hydrothermally altered rocks similar to thepyrite- and anydritebearing lithic fragments found in the 1982pumices could have provided a source of sulfur for crystallizationof magmatic anhydrite. The anhydrite was an important sourceof sulfur for evolution of a sulfur-rich vapor phase duringeruption of the magma. Although many calc-alkaline dacites and rhyolites appear toattain oxidation states high enough to stabilize anhydrite,the characteristically low bulk sulfur contents of these rockswill limit anhydrite abundances to less than approximately 0.1wt. per cent, assuming sufficient sulfur is present to achievesaturation. Such small amounts of a water soluble mineral couldbe easily removed by subaerial weathering processes, dissolvedduring vapor exsolution from a magma, or simply overlooked duringroutine petrographic examination.  相似文献   
The Fish Canyon Tuff, Colorado, forms one of the largest (3000km3 known silicic eruptions in Earth history. The tuff is ahomogeneous quartz latite consisting of 40% phenocrysts (plagioclase,sanidine, biotite, hornblende, quartz, magnetite, apatite, sphene,and ilmenite) in equilibrium with a highly evolved rhyoliticmelt now represented by the matrix glass. Melt inclusions trappedin hornblende and quartz phenocrysts are identical to the newlyanalyzed matrix glass composition indicating that hornblendeand quartz crystallized from a highly evolved magma that subsequentlyexperienced little change. This study presents experimentalphase equilibrium data which are used to deduce the conditions(P, T, fO2, fH2O, etc.) in the Fish Canyon magma chamber priorto eruption. These new data indicate that sanidine and quartzare not liquidus phases until 780?C temperatures are achieved,consistent with Fe-Ti oxide geothermometry which implies thatthe magmatic temperature prior to eruption was 760?30?C. NaturalFe-Ti oxide pairs also suggest that log fO2 was -12.4 (intermediatebetween the Ni-NiO and MnO-Mn3O4 oxygen buffers) in the magmachamber. This fO2.102 is supported by the experimentally determinedvariations in hornblende and melt Mg-numbers as functions offO2 A new geobarometer based on the aluminum content of hornblendesin equilibrium with the magmatic assemblage hornblende, biotite,plagioclase, quartz, sanidine, sphene, ilmenite or magnetite,and melt is calibrated experimentally, and yields pressuresaccurate to ?0.5 kb. Total pressure in the Fish Canyon magmachamber is inferred to have been 2.4 kb (equivalent to a depthof 7.9 km) based on the Al-content of natural Fish Canyon hornblendesand this new calibration. This depth is much shallower thanhas been proposed previously for the Fish Canyon Tuff. Variationsin experimental glass (melt) composition indicate that the magmawas water-undersaturated prior to eruption. XH2O in the fluidphase that may have coexisted with the Fish Canyon magma isestimated to have been 0.5 by comparing the An-content of naturalplagioclases to experimental plagioclases synthesized at differentXH2O and Ptotals. This ratio corresponds to about 5 wt.% waterin the melt at depth. The matrix glass chemistry is reproducedexperimentally under these conditions: 760?C, 2.4 kb, XH2O=0.5,and log fo2=NNO+2 log units. The fugacity of SO2 (91 b) is calculatedfrom the coexistence of pyrrhotite and magnetite. Maximum CO2fugacity (2520 b) is inferred assuming the magma was volatilesaturated at 2.4 kb.  相似文献   
Abstract— An analysis of the orange glasses and crystallized beads from the 68 cm deep 74001/2 core has been conducted to understand the processes occurring during ascent and eruption of the Apollo 17 orange glass magma. Equilibrium between melt and metal blebs (Fe85Ni14Co1) within the core, along with Cr contents in olivine phenocrysts, suggest there was an oxidation of C and a reduction of the melt at an O fugacity of IW-1.3 and 1320 °C to form CO gas at 200 bars or ~4 km depth. This was followed by development of more oxidized conditions during ascent. Also during ascent, there was formation of euhedral, homogeneous Fo81 olivine crystals and spinel crystals with higher Al and Mg contents than the smaller spinels in the crystallized beads. Both the metal blebs and Al-rich spinels were trapped inside the Fo81 olivine phenocrysts as they grew prior to eruption. The composition of the orange glasses are homogeneous throughout the core, except for a few distinct glasses at the top that appear to have been mixed in by micrometeorite reworking. A few glassy melt inclusions of orange glass composition trapped in the Fo81 phenocrysts contain 600 ± 100 ppm S and ~50 ppm Cl compared to the 200 ppm S and 50 ppm Cl in the orange glass melt when quenched. These inclusions therefore document the addition of 400 ppm S to the CO-rich volcanic gas during the eruption. The size and distribution of different volcanic beads in the Apollo 17 deposit indicate a mode of eruption in which the orange glasses and partially crystallized beads formed further away from the volcanic vent where cooling rates were faster. Progressively larger and more numerous crystals in the black beads reflect slower cooling rates at higher optical densities in the volcanic plume. The development of a brown texture in the orange glasses at the bottom of the core, where the black beads dominate, is interpreted to result from devitrification by subsolidus heating either as the orange glasses fell back through the hot plume or after deposition on the surface. The change from domination by orange glasses to black beads in the core probably reflects a decrease in gas content over time, which consequently would increase the plume optical density and favor slower cooling rates.  相似文献   
Analyses of Fe–Ti oxides help constrain models of magmastorage region processes for the Soufrière Hills Volcano,Montserrat (W.I.), and provide clear evidence of the natureof transient heating events in the magma storage region. Toconstrain timescales of magma heating and remobilization, theTiO2 zoning patterns in a time series of natural titanomagnetiteswere compared with those produced in controlled phase equilibriumexperiments on the andesite. Most samples of andesite eruptedfrom 1995 to 2002 contain titanomagnetite crystals with uniformcore compositions (TiO2  相似文献   
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