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The paper presents the 3D finite element simulation of tidal flow and Sediment transport in the estuarine region of the Haihe river. The proposed model adopts sigma-transformation of the hydrodynamic and sediment transport equations. The hydrodynamic and sediment transport models are verified in case of a simple test problem for which analytical solutions are available. Finally the models are applied to muddy Haihe river estuary of North China and it is claimed that hydrodynamic and sediment transport models give a reliable comparison with the observed field data. However, there are certain discrepancies, and some reasonable questions regarding the present state-of-art, in the modeling of three-dimensional multilevel hydrodynamics and sediment transport, which are provided below for answer.  相似文献   
Abstract— Detailed investigations of the microimpact phenomena on Australasian microtektites from four samples from the Central Indian Basin reveal an array of features, such as very low-velocity captured droplets, welded projectiles, angular fragments and dust, craters generated by projectiles defining an oblique trajectory, high-velocity “pitless” craters, and the conventional hypervelocity craters with well-defined central pits and radial and concentric cracks—found commonly on lunar surface materials. The microimpacts are a consequence of interparticle collisions within the ejecta plume (as suggested by their chemistry) subsequent to a major impact and, therefore, reveal processes inherent in an impact-generated plume. All the impact phenomena observed here have taken place while the targets and projectiles were in flight and are therefore secondary impacts in lunar terms. However, some of the resultant features are analogous to lunar micro-craters attributed to primary impacts by cosmic dust. Therefore, ballistic sedimentation on the Moon is likely to contain plume collisional debris as well.  相似文献   
Four rock types (quartz mica gneiss, schist, quartzite and calc-silicate) located in the Satluj and Alaknanda valleys were used to test whether a Schmidt hammer can be used to distinguish rock surfaces affected by various natural and man-induced processes like manual smoothing of rock surfaces by grindstone, surface weathering, deep weathering, fluvial polishing and blasting during road construction. Surfaces polished by fluvial process yielded the highest Schmidt hammer rebound (R-) values and the blast-affected surfaces yielded the lowest R-values for the same rock type. Variations in R-value also reflect the degree of weathering of the rock surfaces. It has been further observed that, for all the rock types, the strength of relationship between R-values for the treated surfaces (manual smoothing of rock surface by grindstone) and the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) is higher than for the fresh natural surfaces.  相似文献   
This study focused on planktic foraminifera in plankton tows and surface sediments from the western Indian sector of Southern Ocean in order to evaluate the potential foraminiferal secondary calcification and/or dissolution in the sediment. It is found that the symbiotic foraminiferal species are abundant in the subtropical region, whereas non-symbiotic species dominate in the sub-Antarctic and polar frontal regions. The distribution of the symbiotic and non-symbiotic foraminiferal species is controlled by temperature, salinity, light, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass. There is also a lateral southern extent in abundance of planktic foraminifera from surface sediments to plankton tows. The shell weights of the planktic foraminifera N. pachyderma, G. bulloides and G. ruber within the surface sediments are on an average heavier by 27%, 34% and 40% respectively than shells of the same size within the plankton tows, indicative of secondary calcification. The planktic foraminiferal isotopes show the presence of heavier isotopes in the surface sediment foraminifera as compared to plankton tows, thus confirming secondary calcification. Secondary calcification in G. ruber occurs in the euphotic zone, whereas in case of N. pachyderma and G. bulloides it is at deeper depths. We also observed a decrease in the shell spines in surface sediment foraminifera as compared to plankton tows, indicative of the morphological changes that foraminifera underwent during gametogenesis.  相似文献   
Scale is one of the most important but unsolved issues in various scientific disciplines that deal with spatial data. The arbitrary choice of grid cell size for contour interpolated digital elevation models (DEM) is one of the major sources of uncertainty in the hydrologic modelling process. In this paper, an attempt was made to identify methods for determining an optimum cell size for a contour interpolated DEM in prior to hydrologic modelling. Twenty-meter interval contour lines were used to generate DEMs of five different resolutions, viz., 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 m using TOPOGRID algorithm. The obtained DEMs were explored for their intrinsic quality using four different methods, i.e., sink analysis, fractal dimension of derived stream network, entropy measurement and semivariogram modelling. These methods were applied to determine the level artifacts (interpolation error) in DEM surface as well as derived stream network, spatial information content and spatial variability respectively. The results indicated that a 90 m cell size is sufficient to capture the terrain variability for subsequent hydrologic modelling in the study area. The significance of this research work is that it provides methods which DEM users can apply to select an appropriate DEM cell size in prior to detailed hydrologic modelling.  相似文献   
The North–East Corridor(NEC) Testbed project is the 3rd of three NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology) greenhouse gas emissions testbeds designed to advance greenhouse gas measurements capabilities. A design approach for a dense observing network combined with atmospheric inversion methodologies is described. The Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model with the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport model were used to derive the sensitivity of hypothetical observations to surface greenhouse gas emissions(footprints). Unlike other network design algorithms, an iterative selection algorithm, based on a k-means clustering method, was applied to minimize the similarities between the temporal response of each site and maximize sensitivity to the urban emissions contribution. Once a network was selected, a synthetic inversion Bayesian Kalman filter was used to evaluate observing system performance. We present the performances of various measurement network configurations consisting of differing numbers of towers and tower locations. Results show that an overly spatially compact network has decreased spatial coverage, as the spatial information added per site is then suboptimal as to cover the largest possible area, whilst networks dispersed too broadly lose capabilities of constraining flux uncertainties. In addition, we explore the possibility of using a very high density network of lower cost and performance sensors characterized by larger uncertainties and temporal drift. Analysis convergence is faster with a large number of observing locations, reducing the response time of the filter. Larger uncertainties in the observations implies lower values of uncertainty reduction. On the other hand, the drift is a bias in nature, which is added to the observations and,therefore, biasing the retrieved fluxes.  相似文献   
The study deals with stream response to sustained tectonic during the Cenozoic and development of two parallel scarps in the western Kachchh. The study encompasses fluvial networks developed over the Jara and Jumara domes, which are a part of the laterally extensive belt of flexures bounded by the Kachchh Mainland Fault(KMF) to their north and called as Northern Hill Range(NHR). Parameters such as longitudinal profile, Hack profile, stream length gradient index(SL), hypsometric curve, hypsometric integral(HI), valley floor width to height ratio(Vf), elongation ratio(Re) and escarpment sinuosity(ES) were analysed. Hack profiles of the major rivers draining through the area show similar convex up nature suggesting primary influence of the tectonics in controlling and shaping the landscape of the region. Elongation ratio 6 and undergone higher degree of fluvial erosion indicated by the low values of hypsometric integral suggest the tendency of river systems to increase the basin area longitudinally rather than laterally. The study suggests that higher net uplift in the eastern half(Jumara dome) caused the rivers to overcome the structural control and to carve out generally straight north oriented channels. The rivers of western part(Jara dome) show more prominent structural control of cuesta girdles formed in compact lithologies and attributed to the domal structure. The ~10 km long Jaramara scarp believed to the remnant of older KMF scarp, is a product of headward erosion of the fluvial channels through different hard and soft litho-units of the area. The similar orientation of Jaramara scarp and morphology of the Ukra intrusive body suggests that the Ukra intrusive played a significant role in controlling the formation and morphology of the Jaramara scarp.  相似文献   
The traditional resource use structure in Himalaya has transformed considerably during the recent past, mainly owing to the growth of population and the resultant increased demand of natural resources in the region. This transformation in resource use practices is particularly significant in the densely populated tracts of Himalaya. As a result, cultivated land, forests, pastures and rangelands have been deteriorated and depleted steadily and significantly leading to their conversion into degraded and non-productive lands. These rapid land use changes have not only disrupted the fragile ecological equilibrium in the mountains through indiscriminate deforestation, degradation of land resources and disruption of the hydrological cycle, but also have significant and irreversible adverse impacts on the rural economy, society, livelihood and life quality of mountain communities. It has been observed that the agricultural production has declined, water sources are drying up fast due to decreased ground water recharge and a large number of villages are facing enormous deficit of critical resources, such as food, fodder, firewood and water, mainly due to unabated deforestation. As a result, the rural people, particularly the women, have to travel considerably long distances to collect fodder and firewood and to fetching water. It is therefore highly imperative to evolve a comprehensive and integrated land use framework for the conservation of the biophysical environment and sustainable development of natural resources in Himalaya. The land use policy would help local communities in making use of their natural resources scientifically and judiciously, and thus help in the conservation of the biophysical environment and in the increasing of the productivity of natural resources. The study indicates that conservation of forests and other critical natural resources through community participation, generation of alternative means of livelihood, and employment in rural areas can help increase rural income as well as restore ec  相似文献   
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