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Soil total porosity is, rather than measured by water desorption method, more often estimated from bulk density (BD) and assumed particle density. Measured and estimated total porosities of even kaolinitic tropical soils (which have low tendency to expand upon wetting) usually differ by an extent that depends on soil structural stability, but such differences are scarcely documented. Seventy samples of coarse-textured soils under different fallow- and cultivation-management systems in the southeastern region of Nigeria were analyzed for texture, mean-weight diameter (MWD) of aggregates, BD and organic matter (OM) concentration. Soil total porosities measured by water desorption method were compared with those estimated from BDs (with particle density fixed at 2.70 g cm?3), after grouping the soils by structural stability, assessed by OM/(silt + clay) for 50 of the samples from fallowed plots (BD > 1.48 g cm?3) and MWD for the rest from cultivated plots (BD < 1.48 g cm?3). The fallowed plots showed a wider stability range than the cultivated plots. Irrespective of land use, structural stability tended to increase with decreasing soil BD. Measured total porosities were consistently higher than their estimated counterparts, with the differences closing up with increasing soil structural stability up till a mean BD of 1.41 ± 0.05 g cm?3 (corresponding to MWD of 2.66 ± 0.12 mm), beyond which the trend reversed. These results suggest that, as the soil structural stability increases, soil particle density decreases while entrapped air and transitory drainage of saturated samples at weighing increase. Estimating total porosity with a fixed particle density of 2.70 g cm?3 appears suitable only in highly stable soils, with BD of ≤1.40 ± 0.08 g cm?3 and/or MWD of ≥2.92 ± 0.05 mm [corresponding to OM/(silt + clay) of ≥16.38 ± 0.28 %].  相似文献   

This study evaluated the Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) kaolinitic sediments of the Ajali/Mamu and Enugu/Nkporo Formations from the Lower Benue Trough of Nigeria. A combined method of inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry was used to investigate trace and rare-earth element geochemistry and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions. These data were then used to infer the sediments’ provenance and paleoclimatic conditions during their deposition. The sediments contained low concentrations of most trace elements, with the exceptions of Zr (651–1352 ppm), Ba (56–157 ppm), V (38–90 ppm), and Sr (15.1–59.6 ppm). Average values of Co and Ni were 1.5 and 0.7 ppm, respectively. Trace and rare earth element values were lower than corresponding values for upper continental crust and Post-Archean Australian Shale, with the exception of Zr. The samples showed only slight light rare-earth enrichment and nearly flat heavy rare-earth depletion patterns, with negative Eu and Tm anomalies, typical of felsic sources. Geochemical parameters such as La/Sc, Th/Sc, and Th/Co ratios support that the kaolinitic sediments were derived from a felsic rock source, likely deposited in an oxic environment. 18O values ranged from + 15.4 to + 21.2‰ for the investigated samples, consistent with a residual material derived from chemical weathering of felsic rock and redeposited in a sedimentary basin (typical values of + 19 to + 21.2‰). While in the basin, the sediments experienced extended interactions with meteoric water enriched in δD and δ16O. However, the variation in δD and δ16O values for the investigated samples is attributed to the high temperature of formation (54–91 °C). The δD and δ18O values suggest that the sediments, although obtained from different localities within the Lower Benue Trough, formed under similar hot, tropical climatic conditions.

High‐resolution aeromagnetic data over the Bida Basin, North Central Nigeria has been analysed to investigate the possible continuity of Ifewara fault zone, through the Bida Basin, to Zungeru fault zone. Analytic signal magnitude, horizontal gradient magnitude, and Euler deconvolution methods were applied to the aeromagnetic data to delineate the subsurface structures. The results showed that a prominent NNE–SSW trending fault associated with the Ifewara fault zone extends through the study area. Other faults trending in the ENE–WSW, NE–SW, NW–SE, E–W, and WNW–ESE directions were also mapped. Interpreted models revealed the presence of intrusives and a possible mineralised zone within the study area. We therefore concluded that the inferred fault zones within the basin have affinity with the trend of the Ifewara fault zone, which is an indication of possible extension and linkage with Zungeru fault zone through the Bida Basin.  相似文献   
This report details the result of geophysical exploration for iron ore; which involved vertical magnetic intensity (?Z) and gravity measurements, to delineate the geometry and depth extent of the deposit and acquiring quantitative and qualitative information for pre-drilling purposes in Agbado-Okudu. It is located about 3 km from Jakura along Lokoja-Jakura marble quarry and within low latitude precambrian basement complex district of Kogi State, Nigeria. A total of 517 magnetic measurement points along 16 traverses and 330 gravity reading along 11 profiles on the deposit in northeast–southwest azimuth were undertaken. The magnetic and gravity data enhancement involved linear regression curve fitting and fast Fourier transform, which were used to construct residual magnetic (RM) and gravity (RG) anomalies, analytic signal amplitude, Euler deconvolution at varying spectral indices (SI), power spectrum, and source parameter image (SPI), using the submenu of Geosoft Oasis Montaj software. Interpretation of the RM and RG anomalies revealed a primary causative body which perfectly correlates the positive anomalies and iron ore deposit, in form of a horizontal or gently dipping dyke with strike length of 600 m and average width of 110–130 m, within the gneiss complex in the north and trending south of the area. A secondary causative body associated with the negative anomalies and inferred as a vertical/near vertical thin sheet striking northeast–southwest coincided with the granitic and quartzitic intrusion. The NW–SE and E–W lineament trend conformed Kibarian and Liberian orogeny cycles of generally known structural trends in Nigeria, which shows that the iron ore deposit is structurally controlled. Depths to sources were estimated within range ≤ 2–24 m and 37.5–60 m, regarded as shallow and relatively deep depths, respectively. Ten vertical boreholes ranging in depth between 50 and 100 m are recommended, five of which require a priority attention to ascertain the thickness of the primary causative body.  相似文献   
Droughts affect human well-being and the economy of countries across the world. Understanding the long-term evolution of droughts within a particular region will help in drought mitigation and adaptation plans, thereby reducing drought impact on the environment. This study examined the multidecadal trends in hydrological droughts at two stations along River Niger using 3-month, 6-month, and annual time scales. Hydrological drought events were identified using the streamflow drought index (SDI) between 1915 and 1990 based on the Theil-Sen slope and Mann-Kendall approaches. Across the timescales, extreme and severe droughts occurred in 1982/84 and 1983/84 with -2 ≤ Sd < -1.5. On an annual scale, the results from the annual SDI further showed that the 7th and 8th decades (1971−1990) recorded more drought events of varying degrees ranging from mild to extreme drought in both stations than in other decades. The last two decades (7th and 8th) further revealed the most extended hydrological drought duration from 1974/75 to 1988/89 for Baro and from 1979/80 to 1988/89 for Lokoja. The highest severity recorded at Baro was -15.56 and -14.26 at Lokoja. The prolonged duration of drought events across the stations and their associated yearly intensities suggests that more proactive measures are needed to ameliorate the hydrological drought impact in the study area.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the spatial variability of streambed vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) in different stream morphologies in the Frenchman Creek Watershed, Western Nebraska, using different variogram models. Streambed Kv values were determined in situ using permeameter tests at 10 sites in Frenchman, Stinking Water and Spring Creeks during the dry season at baseflow conditions. Measurements were taken both in straight and meandering stream channels during a 5 day period at similar flow conditions. Each test site comprised of at least three transects and each transect comprised of at least three Kv measurements. Linear, Gaussian, exponential and spherical variogram models were used with Kriging gridding method for the 10 sites. As a goodness-of-fit statistic for the variogram models, cross-validation results showed differences in the median absolute deviation and the standard deviation of the cross-validation residuals. Results show that using the geometric means of the 10 sites for gridding performs better than using either all the Kv values from the 93 permeameter tests or 10 Kv values from the middle transects and centre permeameters. Incorporating both the spatial variability and the uncertainty involved in the measurement at a reach segment can yield more accurate grid results that can be useful in calibrating Kv at watershed or sub-watershed scales in distributed hydrological models.  相似文献   
Lithology and Mineral Resources - Several barite deposits have been reported to occur in Nigeria within the Benue Trough, one of the West Central African Rift Systems (WCARS) considered variously...  相似文献   
The effect of soil structure on hydraulic pedotransfer functions (PTFs) in tropical soils with similar mineralogy and texture has not been well documented. Structurally contrasting soils from representative locations in southeastern Nigeria were analyzed for moisture retention at 0, 6, 10, 33, 100, 300 and 1500 kPa among other properties. They were grouped by depth (topsoils or subsoils) and also by their structural degradation status into low‐ and high‐stability soils, corresponding to organic matter (OM):[silt + clay] of <7.5 and >7.5%, respectively. Soil depth and structural stability influenced the soil moisture characteristic curves. The data were fitted to three tropical point PTFs, but none of them proved appropriate for predicting moisture retention in the soils. We therefore derived new ones using multiple linear stepwise regressions before and after the dataset grouping and compared their performances by means of cross‐validation. Moisture retention in the soils (sand content, 73.2–93.8%) could not be calibrated from texture and OM concentration alone, until when bulk density, total porosity and microporosity were included among the regressors. Microporosity's role was particularly outstanding at all matric potentials but the 1500 kPa. The ensuing PTFs represent a good fit for the soil moisture retention data. The two grouping strategies resulted in lower SE of the estimates in some cases, but this did not enhance the performances of the concerned PTFs. At the 1500 kPa, however, the PTF incorporating all datasets performed better than separate PTFs for topsoils/subsoils but worse than the one for high‐stability soils. Information on soil structure can therefore benefit PTF derivation for kaolinite‐dominated, coarse‐textured tropical soils at all the matric potentials considered. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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