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The formation of the western margin of the Siberian craton in the Neoproterozoic is considered, with a focus on its transformation from a passive continental margin into an active one, accretion and collision processes, formation of island arcs and ophiolites, orogeny, and continent-marginal rifting. The evolution and correlation of sedimentary basins within fold-thrust belts of the Siberian Platform framing are considered. New structural and kinematic data on the Yenisei fault zone are discussed. On the basis of paleomagnetic data obtained for the structures in the zone of junction of the Siberian Platform and the West Siberian Plate, new models are proposed for the location of the Siberian craton relative to other paleocontinents and microcontinents in the Neoproterzoic. All these data provide a consistent evolution scheme for the western margin of the Siberian paleocontinent in the Neoproterozoic and constrain the position of the Siberian craton margin in Late Neoproterozoic (pre-Vendian) time.  相似文献   
The rock magnetic and paleomagnetic results from the Upper Paleozoic sedimentary sequences composing the isles of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago are presented. The recorded temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility, the magnetic hysteresis parameters, and the results of the first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements suggest the presence of single-domain or pseudo-single-domain magnetite and hematite grains in the rocks. The Upper Paleozoic deposits overall are promising for unraveling the tectonic evolution of the Barents–Kara region. Together with the rock magnetic data, the positive fold and reversal tests testify to the primary origin of the indentified magnetization components. However, the interpretation of the paleomagnetic data should take into account the probable inclination shallowing. New substantiation is offered for the paleomagnetic poles for Early Devonian and Late Permian. For the first time, paleomagnetic constraints are obtained for the Late Carboniferous boundary. It is shown that the Early Cimmerian deformation stage within the Paikhoi–Novaya Zemlya region is associated with the sinistral strike slip displacement along the Baidaratskii suture during which the internal structure of the Southern Novaya Zemlya segment could undergo shear in addition to the nappe-thrust transformations. The Northern Novaya Zemlya segment, which is shifted northwest with respect to the Southern segment, was deformed in the thrusting mode with an overall clockwise rotation of this segment relative to the East European Craton.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - An Ediacaran complex of dike rocks has been identified for the first time in the Yenisei Ridge orogen. These igneous rocks are represented by basic, intermediate and acidic...  相似文献   
The New Siberian Islands terrane, represented on the Arctic shelf by the archipelagos of the New Siberian Islands and De Long Islands, is one of the key structures of the Arctic. However many questions of its structure, borders and formation history are under intense discussion. During the international expedition in 2011 we solved many problems concerning structural geology, paleontology, petrology and geochronology. A particular attention was given to obtaining paleomagnetic data for the sedimentary and igneous rocks of the archipelago. The primary objects of paleomagnetic studies were the Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Kotelny (Anzhu) and Bennett (De Long) islands. In this paper we present new paleontological data, including the first one for conodonts of the New Siberian Islands, which help us to specify the age of the Early Paleozoic deposits of the studied sections. In these sections we took a series of paleomagnetic samples. The match of the paleomagnetic directions we determined for Bennett Isl. and Kotelny Isl. indicates the tectonic unity between the territories of the Anzhu and De Long archipelagos. These first paleomagnetic data allow us to affirm that at least from the Early Ordovician the rocks of the Anzhu and De Long archipelagos formed within the same New Siberian Islands terrane, that is to say, on the same basement.  相似文献   
The formation and evolution conditions for alkaline magmatism and associated igneous rocks in the western framing of the Siberian craton are shown by the example of alkaline and subalkaline intrusive bodies of the Yenisei Ridge. Here we present petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical, and geochronological data for the rocks of the Srednetatarka and Yagodka plutons located within the Tatarka–Ishimba suture zone. Ferroan and metaluminous varieties enriched with rare elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, and REE) are making up most of the studied rocks. They formed at the stages of fractional crystallization of alkaline magma in a setting of active continental margin in the west of the Siberian craton in the Late Neoproterozoic (710–690 Ma). As differentiates of mantle magmas, these rocks associate with Nb-enriched rocks—A-type leucogranites and carbonatites. Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr isotopic data imply a predominance of the mantle component in the magmatic sources of the mafic and intermediate rocks as well as contamination processes of various volumes of continental crustal material by this magma.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic investigations of Devonian and Mesozoic deposits of Kotelny, Stolbovoy, and Great Lyakhovsky islands. The results indicate that local remagnetization took place on the southwestern periphery on the archipelago of the New Siberian Islands. A comparison of new data with the apparent polar wander path for Siberia shows that the remagnetization happened during collisional events between 140 and 80 Ma and affected only the marginal part of the terrane of the New Siberian Islands that was directly facing the deformation front. The consistent younging of the remagnetization age from the south to the north indicates dextral rotation of the terrane of the New Siberian Islands during its collision with Siberia.  相似文献   
In the late Neoproterozoic a prolonged active continental margin mode dominated the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton. Based on results of geological, petrological-geochemical, U–Th–Pb and Sm–Nd, Rb–Sr isotope investigations, for the first time we established that on the final evolution stage of this margin 576–546 Ma, intrusions of adakites and gabbro-anorthosites of the Zimoveyniy massif were emplaced in the South Yenisei Ridge. These new data indicate genetic relationships of the studied adakites and host NEB-metabasites. The formation of adakites could have been due to a crustal or a mantle-crustal source in a setting of transform sliding of lithospheric plates after the subduction stopped.  相似文献   
In this paper we present complex geological, petrographic and geochronological data of the study of intermediate and acid composition intrusive and volcanogenic rocks from the Porozhnaya massif of the South Yenisei Ridge. For the first time in the Yenisei Ridge Devonian and Triassic U-Pb age values (SHRIMP method) have been obtained for leucogranites—387 ± 5 Ma and alkaline trachytes—240 ± 3 Ma, which allows us to attribute them to two different complexes, despite the fact that these rocks were formed within the same Severnaya riftogenic structure. Geochronological Ar-Ar data (392–387 Ma) for micas from paragneisses and leucogranitic dikes of the Yenisei suture zone on whose extension the Severnaya riftogenic structure is located are also given in this study. These data on Devonian tectonic-magmatic events in the South Yenisei Ridge agree well with coeval events of continental rifting—the formation of intrusive and volcanogenic rocks of the Agul graben in the Prisayan region and the Minusa basin in the Altai-Sayan folded area. The forming of alkaline trachytes and alkaline syenites of the Severnaya riftogenic structure, for which an age of 240 ± 3 Ma has been established, is related to the trap magmatism of the Siberian platform.  相似文献   
The particularities of the current tectonic structure of the Russian part of the Arctic region are discussed with the division into the Barents–Kara and Laptev–Chukchi continental margins. We demonstrate new geological data for the key structures of the Arctic, which are analyzed with consideration of new geophysical data (gravitational and magnetic), including first seismic tomography models for the Arctic. Special attention is given to the New Siberian Islands block, which includes the De Long Islands, where field work took place in 2011. Based on the analysis of the tectonic structure of key units, of new geological and geophysical information and our paleomagnetic data for these units, we considered a series of paleogeodynamic reconstructions for the arctic structures from Late Precambrian to Late Paleozoic. This paper develops the ideas of L.P. Zonenshain and L.M. Natapov on the Precambrian Arctida paleocontinent. We consider its evolution during the Late Precambrian and the entire Paleozoic and conclude that the blocks that parted in the Late Precambrian (Svalbard, Kara, New Siberian, etc.) formed a Late Paleozoic subcontinent, Arctida II, which again “sutured” the continental masses of Laurentia, Siberia, and Baltica, this time, within Pangea.  相似文献   
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