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徐清明  穆旭 《海岸工程》1997,16(3):47-54
本文介绍的基岩水下爆破属临近重要建筑物的水下控制爆破。当岩石裂隙发育,且岩面有较厚的石碴覆盖层,其技术难度大,采取的诸如搭钢平台钻孔。塑料套管护孔,以及孔间、排间塑料导爆管雷管接力式微差起爆网路等措施,都是成功之经验,值得今后类似工程推广应用。  相似文献   
The lacustrine facies from two sections (Candasnos and Fraga) ofthe Oligocene-Miocene Torrente de Cinca lithostratigraphic Unit in thecentral part of the Ebro Basin (Spain) have been analysed to determine theinfluence of orbital parameters in lacustrine sedimentation. The unit ispredominantly composed of limestones and marls, and represents a shallowlacustrine freshwater system. The sedimentological features of the faciesstudied demonstrate that the lower part of the Candasnos section representsoffshore lacustrine subenvironments whereas the upper part, and the whole ofthe Fraga section, characterise marginal lacustrine areas. Series of stratalthickness variations of limestone, marl, and limestone/marl couplets fromboth sections have been analysed using spectral analysis. This shows thatinformation corresponding to periodic cycles only appears in the offshorefacies, that is to say, in the lower part of Candasnos section, and disappearsin the marginal facies where non-periodic cycles exist. Furthermore, thespectral analysis of the offshore facies highlights the existence of a peak inthe power spectrum with a period of around 7 (6.8 to 7.8) that can berecognised in the field as shallowing-upward lacustrine sequences.Magnetostratigraphic data from the Candasnos section allow us to establish atime span of 2,808 years for the limestone/marl couplet from the lower partof this section, and between 19,000 and 22,000 years for the periodic cycleidentified, thus representing the climatic precession cycle. Shallowingsequences from marginal areas do not correspond with any periodiccycle.  相似文献   
在简介川西南及邻区地震地质和历史强震活动的基础上,通过重点梳理部分典型地震短临预测实例,介绍了地方政府对防震减灾、地震预报工作的重视和支持,对工作中的一些实际问题进行了思考,供同行们讨论与参考。  相似文献   
大兴安岭中南段中生代成矿物质的深部来源与背景   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
大兴安岭是我国北方一个重要的多金属成矿带。本文从成矿的物质来源和构造作用两方面讨论大兴安岭的成矿系统。Sr、Nd、O、Pb同位素的研究显示大兴安岭成矿物质的深部来源,大兴安岭晚中生代壳幔混熔花岗质岩石组成及其构造环境的研究,表明它们是在板内非造山的伸展环境下形成的A型花岗岩。与南岭花岗岩及其成矿作用的对比研究,将加深对大兴安岭中生代成矿特征的认识。深部构造特征也进一步印证了大兴安岭的成岩-成矿的背景。  相似文献   
利用1998-2014年20场北疆典型寒潮天气过程的高空、地面和数值预报产品资料,对北疆寒潮天气进行了环流分型和区域分型,总结了环流型与冷空气路径、区域类型的对应关系,重点统计了不同季节北疆寒潮爆发前一天内500hPa脊前北风急流、锋区强度、中低空冷空气强度、地面冷高压等特征量的平均值和最大、最小值,并检验欧洲ECMWF数值预报产品在北疆寒潮天气预报中的预报能力,为北疆寒潮精细化预报提供了技术参考。  相似文献   
TritonX-100-5-Br-PADAP光度法测定铜和镍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了非离子型表面活性剂Triton X- 100 存在下,用5 - Br - PADAP 光度法测定铜、镍的方法。结果表明:在pH9 .0 的硼砂缓冲介质中,5 - Br - PADAP 与铜和镍生成紫红色络合物,λCum ax = 575 nm ,εCu = 1 .04 ×105 L·mol- 1·cm - 1 ;λNim ax = 575 nm ,εNi = 1 .14 ×105 L·mol- 1·cm - 1 。铜和镍的质量浓度分别在0 ~560 μg/ L和0 ~440 μg/ L符合比尔定律。加入六偏磷酸钠后,由于偏磷酸镍的形成,镍不再与5 - Br - PADAP 显色,可通过铜及铜镍总量的测定,计算出镍的含量。用该方法实测了钢样中铜和镍的含量,结果与推荐值相符,对铜和镍5 次测定的RSD均小于5 % 。  相似文献   
The regional frequency analysis of extreme annual rainfall data is a useful methodology in hydrology to obtain certain quantile values when no long data series are available. The most crucial step in the analysis is the grouping of sites into homogeneous regions. This work presents a new grouping criterion based on some multifractal properties of rainfall data. For this purpose, a regional frequency analysis of extreme annual rainfall data from the Maule Region (Chile) has been performed. Daily rainfall data series of 53 available stations have been studied, and their empirical moments scaling exponent functions K(q) have been obtained. Two characteristics parameters of the K(q) functions (γmax and K(0)) have been used to group the stations into three homogeneous regions. Only five sites have not been possible to include into any homogenous regions, being the local frequency analysis of extreme daily rainfall the most appropriate method to be used at these locations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The North American Land Data Assimilation System project phase 2 (NLDAS‐2) has run four land surface models for a 30‐year (1979–2008) retrospective period. Land surface evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the most important model outputs from NLDAS‐2 for investigating land–atmosphere interaction or to monitor agricultural drought. Here, we evaluate hourly ET using in situ observations over the Southern Great Plains (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement/Cloud and Radiation Testbed network) for 1 January 1997–30 September 1999 and daily ET u‐sing in situ observations at the AmeriFlux network over the conterminous USA for an 8‐year period (2000–2007). The NLDAS‐2 models compare well against observations, with the National Centers for Environmental Prediction's Noah land surface model performing best, followed, in order, by the Variable Infiltration Capacity, Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting, and Mosaic models. Daily evaluation across the AmeriFlux network shows that for all models, performance depends on season and vegetation type; they do better in spring and fall than in winter or summer and better for deciduous broadleaf forest and grasslands than for croplands or evergreen needleleaf forest. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We explored the submarine portions of the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden Fault zone (EPGFZ) and the Septentrional–Oriente Fault zone (SOFZ) along the Northern Caribbean plate boundary using high‐resolution multibeam echo‐sounding and shallow seismic reflection. The bathymetric data shed light on poorly documented or previously unknown submarine fault zones running over 200 km between Haiti and Jamaica (EPGFZ) and 300 km between the Dominican Republic and Cuba (SOFZ). The primary plate‐boundary structures are a series of strike‐slip fault segments associated with pressure ridges, restraining bends, step overs and dogleg offsets indicating very active tectonics. Several distinct segments 50–100 km long cut across pre‐existing structures inherited from former tectonic regimes or bypass recent morphologies formed under the current strike‐slip regime. Along the most recent trace of the SOFZ, we measured a strike‐slip offset of 16.5 km, which indicates steady activity for the past ~1.8 Ma if its current GPS‐derived motion of 9.8 ± 2 mm a?1 has remained stable during the entire Quaternary.  相似文献   
Structural, petrological and textural studies are combined with phase equilibria modelling of metapelites from different structural levels of the Roc de Frausa Massif in the Eastern Pyrenees. The pre‐Variscan lithological succession is divided into the Upper, Intermediate and Lower series by two orthogneiss sheets and intruded by Variscan igneous rocks. Structural analysis reveals two phases of Variscan deformation. D1 is marked by tight to isoclinal small‐scale folds and an associated flat‐lying foliation (S1) that affects the whole crustal section. D2 structures are characterized by tight upright folds facing to the NW with steep NE–SW axial planes. D2 heterogeneously reworks the D1 fabrics, leading to an almost complete transposition into a sub‐vertical foliation (S2) in the high‐grade metamorphic domain. All structures are affected by late open to tight, steeply inclined south‐verging NW–SE folds (F3) compatible with steep greenschist facies dextral shear zones of probable Alpine age. In the micaschists of the Upper series, andalusite and sillimanite grew during the formation of the S1 foliation indicating heating from 580 to 640 °C associated with an increase in pressure. Subsequent static growth of cordierite points to post‐D1 decompression. In the Intermediate series, a sillimanite–biotite–muscovite‐bearing assemblage that is parallel to the S1 fabric is statically overgrown by cordierite and K‐feldspar. This sequence points to ~1 kbar of post‐D1 decompression at 630–650 °C. The Intermediate series is intruded by a gabbro–diorite stock that has an aureole marked by widespread migmatization. In the aureole, the migmatitic S1 foliation is defined by the assemblage biotite–sillimanite–K‐feldspar–garnet. The microstructural relationships and garnet zoning are compatible with the D1 pressure peak at ~7.5 kbar and ~750 °C. Late‐ to post‐S2 cordierite growth implies that F2 folds and the associated S2 axial planar leucosomes developed during nearly isothermal decompression to <5 kbar. The Lower series migmatites form a composite S1–S2 fabric; the garnet‐bearing assemblage suggests peak P–T conditions of >5 kbar at suprasolidus conditions. Almost complete consumption of garnet and late cordierite growth points to post‐D2 equilibration at <4 kbar and <750 °C. The early metamorphic history associated with the S1 fabric is interpreted as a result of horizontal middle crustal flow associated with progressive heating and possible burial. The upright F2 folding and S2 foliation are associated with a pressure decrease coeval with the intrusion of mafic magma at mid‐crustal levels. The D2 tectono‐metamorphic evolution may be explained by a crustal‐scale doming associated with emplacement of mafic magmas into the core of the dome.  相似文献   
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