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Geophysical mapping and sampling data provide a record of changing environmental and faunal conditions within the Hudson River estuary during the mid- to late Holocene. On the shallow, broad marginal flats of the mesohaline Hudson, fossil oyster beds (Crassostrea virginica) are found exposed on the river bottom and buried by sediment. The shallowest beds are well imaged in chirp sub-bottom and side-scan sonar data and form discrete flow-perpendicular bands, 0.6–1.0 km wide and up to 3 km long, which cover 30% of the river bottom. Radiocarbon-dated sediment cores indicate oysters thrived within two time periods from ~500–2,400 and ~5,600–6,100 cal. years b.p. Sediment and physical property data indicate a changing depositional regime consistent with the oyster chronology. Similar changes in oyster presence are found in local shell midden sites of the Lower Hudson Valley as well as elsewhere along the Atlantic coast, and may reflect climatic controls associated with warm–cool cycles during the Holocene. Oysters flourished during the mid-Holocene warm period, disappeared with the onset of cooler climate at 4,000–5,000 cal. years b.p., and returned during warmer conditions of the late Holocene. The most recent demise of oysters within the Hudson at 500–900 cal. years b.p. may have accompanied the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
Public health authorities generally recommend annual water-quality monitoring of rural water wells and shock chlorination if coliforms are detected. It is implicitly assumed that shock chlorination is effective in ridding most wells of bacteriological pathogens for months to years. Neither annual monitoring nor shock chlorination was effective in addressing coliform contamination of selected water wells in a small town developed on an alluvial aquifer where septic system effluents are impacting well water quality. Considerable temporal variation in total and fecal coliforms was observed in water wells monitored for a six-month period. Individual wells intermittently met and exceeded the drinking water criteria, indicating annual sampling was insufficient. Shock chlorination of three contaminated wells and their associated distribution systems proved ineffective because colonies apparently originated from outside the wells and reappeared over relatively short time periods (ranging from less than one week up to 21 weeks). The relatively fast and similar rate of recovery of total heterotrophic bacteria suggested they are related to biofilm formation in the wells and not to ground water contamination.  相似文献   
Mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Sputnik kimberlite pipe, Yakutia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Sputnik kimberlite pipe is a small “satellite” of the larger Mir pipe in central Yakutia (Sakha), Russia. Study of 38 large diamonds (0.7-4.9 carats) showed that nine contain inclusions of the eclogitic paragenesis, while the remainder contain inclusions of the peridotitic paragenesis, or of uncertain paragenesis. The peridotitic inclusion suite comprises olivine, enstatite, Cr-diopside, chromite, Cr-pyrope garnet (both lherzolitic and harzburgitic), ilmenite, Ni-rich sulfide and a Ti-Cr-Fe-Mg-Sr-K phase of the lindsleyite-mathiasite (LIMA) series. The eclogitic inclusion suite comprises omphacite, garnet, Ni-poor sulfide, phlogopite and rutile. Peridotitic ilmenite inclusions have high Mg, Cr and Ni contents and high Nb/Zr ratios; they may be related to metasomatic ilmenites known from peridotite xenoliths in kimberlite. Eclogitic phlogopite is intergrown with omphacite, coexists with garnet, and has an unusually high TiO2 content. Comparison with inclusions in diamonds from Mir shows general similarities, but differences in details of trace-element patterns. Large compositional variations among inclusions of one phase (olivine, garnet, chromite) within single diamonds indicate that the chemical environment of diamond crystallisation changed rapidly relative to diamond growth rates in many cases. P-T conditions of formation were calculated from multiphase inclusions and from trace element geothermobarometry of single inclusions. The geotherm at the time of diamond formation was near a 35 mW/m2 conductive model; that is indistinguishable from the Paleozoic geotherm derived by studies of xenoliths and concentrate minerals from Mir. A range of Ni temperatures between garnet inclusions in single diamonds from both Mir and Sputnik suggests that many of the diamonds grew during thermal events affecting a relatively narrow depth range of the lithosphere, within the diamond stability field. The minor differences between inclusions in Mir and Sputnik may reflect lateral heterogeneity in the upper mantle.  相似文献   
Arrays of unpumped wells can be used as discontinuous permeable walls in which each well serves both as a means to focus ground water flow into the well for treatment and as a container either for permeable reactive media which directly destroy dissolved ground water contaminants or for devices or materials which release amendments that support in situ degradation of contaminants within the aquifer downgradient of the wells. This paper addresses the use of wells for amendment delivery, recognizing the potential utility of amendments such as electron acceptors (e.g., oxygen nitrate), electron donors (primary substrates), and microbial nutrients for stimulating bioremediation, and the potential utility of oxidizers, reducers, etc., for controlled abiotic degradation. Depending on its rate and constraints, the remedial reaction may occur within the well and/or downgradient. For complete remediation of ground water passing through the well array, the total flux of amendment released must meet or exceed the total flux demand imposed by the plume. When there are constraints on the released concentration of amendment (relative to the demand), close spacing of the wells may be required. If the flux balance allows wider spacing, it is likely that limited downgradient spreading of the released amendment will then be the primary constraint on interwell spacing. Divergent flow from the wells, roughly two times the well diameter, provides the bulk of downgradient spreading and constrains maximum well spacing in the absence of significant lateral dispersion. Stronger lateral dispersion enhances the spreading of amendment, thereby increasing the lateral impact of each well, which allows for wider well spacing.  相似文献   
The Drummond Nature Reserve (DNR), a high-value conservation area 100?km northeast of Perth, Western Australia, contains two rare freshwater claypans and a diverse range of rare and threatened vascular plants. Groundwater/surface-water interactions were investigated via isotopic (??18O and ??D) and major ion analysis. The groundwater chemical and isotope analyses combined with nutrient data allowed for the assessment of potential hydrologically derived threats to the claypans and their associated conservation values. Groundwater composition is typically Na?CCl to Na?CMg?CCl; whereas the claypan??s ephemeral fresh surface water is Na?CCl?CHCO3. Distinct ??18O and ??D isotopic signatures for the claypan surface waters and adjoining groundwaters indicate that there currently is minimal connection between these two hydrological systems. Hence the current threat to the freshwater claypans and associated biota from rising saline and acidic groundwater is minimal. Elevated nutrient (N) levels identified in groundwaters along the reserve??s western boundary may be linked to fertiliser regimes employed in adjoining agricultural lands. The ecosystem associated with the southwest claypan is particularly vulnerable to N and P inputs via surface-water flows, which could cause algal blooms, vegetation degradation and weed infestation.  相似文献   
The Neo-Tethyan subduction in Iran is characterized by the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), formed by northeast-ward subduction of the oceanic crust beneath the central Iran. This belt coincides with the porphyry copper metallogenic belt that comprises several metallogenic zones, including Ahar–Jolfa in northwest Iran. The Ahar–Jolfa metallogenic zone encompasses two main batholiths of Qaradagh and Sheyvardagh and numerous intrusive bodies of Cenozoic, which have produced many base and precious metal deposits and prospects. The former is considered as continuation of the Meghri–Ordubad pluton in South Armenian Block (SAB), which also hosts porphyry copper deposits (PCDs). The Sungun PCD is the largest occurrence in northwest Iran. Rhenium-Osmium ages of Sungun molybdenites are early Miocene and range between 22.9 ± 0.2 and 21.7 ± 0.2 Ma. Comparison of the ages obtained here with published ages for mineralization across the region suggests the following sequence. The earliest porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization event in northwest Iran is represented by Saheb Divan PCD of late Eocene age, which is followed by the second epoch of middle Oligocene, including the Cu–Mo–Au mineralization at Qarachilar and the Haftcheshmeh PCD. Mineralization in Sungun, Masjed Daghi, Kighal and Niaz deposits corresponds to the third mineralization event in northwest Iran. The first epoch in northwest Iran postdates all Eocene mineralizations in SAB, while the second epoch is coeval with Paragachay and the first-stage of Kadjaran PCDs. Its third epoch is younger than all mineralizations in SAB, except the second stage in Kadjaran PCD. Finally, the Cu mineralization epochs in northwest Iran are older than nearly all PCDs and prospects in Central Iran (except the Bondar Hanza PCD), altogether revealing an old to young trend along the UDMA and the porphyry Cu belt towards southeast, resulted from diachronous, later closure of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic basin in central and SE Iran.  相似文献   
Rhenium and osmium isotopes in sulfide minerals from the Bagdad porphyry Cu–Mo deposit have been used to determine timing of mineralization and the source of osmium and, by inference, ore metals. Molybdenite, chalcopyrite and pyrite were analyzed mainly from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite units, which are characterized by moderate to strong potassic alteration (secondary biotite and K-feldspar). Rhenium concentrations in molybdenite are between 330 and 642 ppm. Four Re–Os analyses of two molybdenite samples from the quartz monzonite and porphyritic quartz monzonite yield a weighted average age of 71.8±0.2 Ma (2s). Analyses of a third sample from a molybdenite vein in Precambrian rocks, outside of the main ore zone, yield a weighted average age of 75.9±0.2 Ma (2s), and provide evidence of two separate mineralization episodes. Chalcopyrite samples contain 6 to 12 ppt Os and 1.7 to 4.1 ppb Re; 187Os/ 188Os initial ratios are between 0.1 and 0.8. Pyrite samples have osmium and rhenium concentrations varying in the range 8–17 ppt and 3.9–6.8 ppb, respectively. Analyses from these pyrite samples yield an eight-point isochron with an age of 77±15 Ma (2s) and an initial 187Os/ 188Os ratio of 2.1±0.8 (MSWD=0.90). The results presented here add to the growing body of work indicating that porphyry-type mineralization is produced by long-term, multiple episodes of magmatism and associated mineralization. The data also support the hypothesis that a significant part of the metals and magmas may have a crustal source, as has been suggested for other copper deposits and districts in Arizona.  相似文献   
The current fleet of space-based solar observatories offers us a wealth of opportunities to study solar flares over a range of wavelengths. Significant advances in our understanding of flare physics often come from coordinated observations between multiple instruments. Consequently, considerable efforts have been, and continue to be, made to coordinate observations among instruments (e.g. through the Max Millennium Program of Solar Flare Research). However, there has been no study to date that quantifies how many flares have been observed by combinations of various instruments. Here we describe a technique that retrospectively searches archival databases for flares jointly observed by the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/EUV Variability Experiment (EVE – Multiple EUV Grating Spectrograph (MEGS)-A and -B, Hinode/(EUV Imaging Spectrometer, Solar Optical Telescope, and X-Ray Telescope), and Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Out of the 6953 flares of GOES magnitude C1 or greater that we consider over the 6.5 years after the launch of SDO, 40 have been observed by 6 or more instruments simultaneously. Using each instrument’s individual rate of success in observing flares, we show that the numbers of flares co-observed by 3 or more instruments are higher than the number expected under the assumption that the instruments operated independently of one another. In particular, the number of flares observed by larger numbers of instruments is much higher than expected. Our study illustrates that these missions often acted in cooperation, or at least had aligned goals. We also provide details on an interactive widget (Solar Flare Finder), now available in SSWIDL, which allows a user to search for flaring events that have been observed by a chosen set of instruments. This provides access to a broader range of events in order to answer specific science questions. The difficulty in scheduling coordinated observations for solar-flare research is discussed with respect to instruments projected to begin operations during Solar Cycle 25, such as the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, Solar Orbiter, and Parker Solar Probe.  相似文献   
Three of DRASTIC’s parameters (Depth to Water, Soil Media, and Topography) were modified and another parameter was added (land use/land cover) to the model to determine the potential impact on groundwater from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) manure lagoon settings and manure application as fertilizer. Williams County is a mostly agricultural county located in northwest Ohio, USA. It currently has three CAFOs, all dairy, with the possibility of the construction of a multi-million chicken egg CAFO in the near future. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized to modify the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) DRASTIC map for the county to fully assess the county-wide pollution potential of CAFOs. The CAFO DRASTIC map indicates that almost half of Williams County has elevated groundwater pollution potential. The rest of the county, primarily the southeast corner, has lower CAFO groundwater pollution potential. Future CAFO development within the county should focus on the southeastern portion of the county where the groundwater table is deeper, and the aquifer is composed of shale substrate with low hydraulic conductivity. The CAFO DRASTIC results are intended to be used as a screening tool and are not to replace site-specific hydrogeologic investigations.  相似文献   
Current understanding of bedform dynamics is largely based on field and laboratory observations of bedforms in steady flow environments. There are relatively few investigations of bedforms in flows dominated by unsteadiness associated with rapidly changing flows or tides. As a consequence, the ability to predict bedform response to variable flow is rudimentary. Using high‐resolution multibeam bathymetric data, this study explores the dynamics of a dune field developed by tidally modulated, fluvially dominated flow in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada. The dunes were dominantly low lee angle features characteristic of large, deep river channels. Data were collected over a field ca 1·0 km long and 0·5 km wide through a complete diurnal tidal cycle during the rising limb of the hydrograph immediately prior to peak freshet, yielding the most comprehensive characterization of low‐angle dunes ever reported. The data show that bedform height and lee angle slope respond to variable flow by declining as the tide ebbs, then increasing as the tide rises and the flow velocities decrease. Bedform lengths do not appear to respond to the changes in velocity caused by the tides. Changes in the bedform height and lee angle have a counterclockwise hysteresis with mean flow velocity, indicating that changes in the bedform geometry lag changes in the flow. The data reveal that lee angle slope responds directly to suspended sediment concentration, supporting previous speculation that low‐angle dune morphology is maintained by erosion of the dune stoss and crest at high flow, and deposition of that material in the dune trough.  相似文献   
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