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Variation of geochemical modules and indices in mudstones from the Upper Vendian Kairovo and Shkapovo groups of the Shkapovo-Shikhan Basin provides the comprehensive information on changes in maturity of the fine aluminosiliciclastic material delivered in the basin, characterizes the redox environment in bottom water, and makes it possible to reconstruct the rock composition in provenance and its evolution through time. The generally moderate maturity of the fine terrigenous clastic material suggests that a nearly semiarid-semihumid climate dominated in paleodrainage area throughout the Late Vendian. It has been established that reducing environment did not exist in bottom water of the central Shkapovo-Shikhan Basin throughout the Late Vendian. Intermediate rocks prevailed in the paleodrainage area. More silicic rocks could occur only in the early Staropetrovo and late Salikhovo times. Data points of mudstones from the Kairovo and Shkapovo Groups plotted on the Cr-Ni, Co-V, Co/Hf-Ce/Cr, La-Th, and La/Sm-Sc/Th diagrams indicate that both Archean and more mature Paleoproterozoic crustal blocks existed in different proportions in the Late Vendian within source areas.  相似文献   
In the mid-1980s, it was concluded based on geochemical study that Th, Sc, La concentrations and ratios Th/Sc, La/Sc and Eu/Eu* did not wary significantly in the post-Archean time. It was impossible to judge about compositional variations of upper crust during the Riphean and Vendian, because data of that time characterized a limited number of samples from the post-Archean basins of Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctic. Considered in this work are variations of Eu/Eu*, LREE/HREE, Th/Sc, and La/Sc ratios in Upper Precambrian fine-grained siliciclastic rock of the Southern Urals western flank (Bashkirian meganticlinorium) and Uchur-Maya region (Uchur-Maya plate and Yudoma-Maya belt). As is established, only the Eu anomaly in the studied siliciclastic rocks is practically identical to this parameter of the average post-Archean shale. Three other parameters plot on the Riphean-Vendian variation curves with positive and negative excursions of diverse magnitude, which do not coincide always in time. It is assumed that these excursions likely mark stages of local geodynamic activity, destruction of pre-Riphean cratons, and progressing recycling of sedimentary material during the Riphean.  相似文献   
New data on Sr-and C-isotopic systematics of carbonate rocks from the Upper Riphean stratotype (Karatau Group of the southern Urals) are obtained for several southwestern sections of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium, which have not been studied before. The results obtained supplement the Sr-and C-isotopic information for the group upper horizons thus detailing chemostratigraphic characterization of the entire succession. Limestone and dolostone samples used to analyze the Sr isotope composition satisfy strict geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity and have been subjected to preliminary treatment in ammonium acetate to remove secondary carbonate phases. Data on 255 samples of carbonate rocks (171 studied for the first time) show that δ13C value varies in the Karatau Group succession from ?2.8 to +5.9 ‰ V-PDB with several in-phase excursions from the general trend in all the sections studied in the area 90 × 130 km. The δ13C variation trend demarcates several levels in the carbonate succession of the Karatau Group suitable for objectives of regional stratigraphy and for C-isotope chemostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Riphean. The results of Sr isotopic analysis of 121 samples (51 unstudied before) from the Karatau Group imply that rocks in its lower part (the Katav Formation and basal horizon of the Inzer Formation) experienced considerable secondary alterations, while limestones and dolostones of the overlying interval of the group are frequently unaltered. In the “best” samples satisfying geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity, the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio increases from 0.70521–0.70532 in the lower Inzer deposits to 0.70611 in the upper Min’yar carbonates, decreasing to <0.70600 near the top of the latter. Above the regional hiatus separating the Min’yar and Uk formation, this ratio grows from 0.70533 to 0.70605–0.70609 in the limestone succession of the last formation.  相似文献   
The mineral composition and U-Pb and Rb-Sr systematics of phosphorites from the Satka Formation of Lower Riphean carbonates, the Burzyan Group of Southern Urals, are studied. Phosphorites occurring as small lenses between stromatolite layers are composed largely of fluorapatite with admixture of detrital quartz, feldspars, illite, and chlorite. Phosphorite samples have been subjected to stepwise dissolution in 1 N (fraction L-1) and 2 N (fraction L-2) HCl. As is established, the maximum apatite content is characteristic of fraction L-1, while fraction L-2 is enriched in products of dolomite and sulfide dissolution and in elements leached from siliciclastic components. The Sr content in the Satka apatites (280–560 ppm) is substantially lower as compared with that in unaltered marine apatite. The 87Sr/86Sr “initial ratio in the phosphorites studied (0.71705–0.72484) and host dolomites from the lower part of the Satka Formation is significantly higher than in the Early Riphean seawater that indicates a reset of the Rb-Sr original systems in sediments. The Pb-Pb age of 1340 ± 30 Ma (MSWD = 6.4) estimated based on 7 data points characterizing fractions L-1 and L-2 is younger than the formation time of overlying Burzyan sediments, being consistent, within the error range, with date of the Mashak rifting event recorded at the Early-Middle Riphean boundary. The comparative U-Pb characteristics of two soluble fractions (L-1 and L-2) and silicate residue of phosphorites show that epigenetic redistribution of Pb and U was characteristic of the phosphorite horizon only. The initial Pb isotope composition and μ (238U/204Pb) estimated according to model by Stacey and Kramers for the early diagenetic fluids in carbonate and phosphate sediments of the Satka Formation suggest that they were in isotopic equilibrium with erosion products of the Taratash crystalline complex.  相似文献   

The stable enrichment of pyrite from magnesite ores in δ34S isotope (from 5.4 to 6.9‰) compared with pyrite from the host (sedimentary and igneous) rocks was established in the classical Satka sparry magnesite ore field. Concretionary segregations of fine-grained pyrite in dolomite are depleted in the heavy sulfur isotope (δ34S, from–9.1 to–5.8‰). Pyrite from dolerite is characterized by δ34S values (–1.1 and 1.7‰) close to the meteorite sulfur. The δ34S values in barite from the underlying dolomite horizon vary in the range of 32.3–41.4‰. The high degree of homogeneity of the sulfur isotope composition in pyrite from magnesite is a result of thermochemical sulfate reduction during the syngenetic crystallization of pyrite and magnesite from epigenetic brines, formed during dissolution of evaporite sulfate minerals at the stage of early catagenesis of the Riphean deposits.

General trends of the formation of Middle Riphean fine-grained aluminosiliciclastic rocks in the Bashkir Meganticlinorium are considered. It is shown that Yurmatinian shales do not contain any significant pyroclastic admixture. Judging from the relatively constant Th/Cr ratio throughout the Yurmatinian section, the tectonic regime in the study territory during the early Middle Riphean is suggested to be rather stable. The main paleoclimatic indices and indicators of the pelitic material maturity (CIA, CIW, IVC, PIA, and Ce/Y) suggest that paleodrainage systems in the early Middle Riphean were dominated by humid climate that gave way to the arid or semiarid type in the middle Yurmatinian. The low Mo/Mn ratio and some other indicators of redox conditions in shales from all Yurmatinian lithostratigraphic units show that no explicit reducing conditions existed in the basin during the early Middle Riphean. The shales were characterized by the increase in K2O/Al2O3 ratio, gradual enrichment in REE, and growth of LREE/HREE and LaN/YbN ratios toward the middle Yurmatinian, indicating the gain of an appreciable amount of slightly weathered arkosic aluminosiliciclastic material in the sedimentary basin about 1220–1200 Ma ago. The REE distribution and the UCC- and AUC-normalized shale compositions suggest that the eroded upper crust was compositionally close to the UCC. The occurrence of mafic and ultramafic rocks is also inferred. Data points of Yurmatinian shales plotted in the Cr–Ni, Eu/Eu*–GdN/YbN, and (La/YB)N–YbN diagrams are localized between the fields of Upper Archean and post-Archean rocks or within the latter field. Hence, post-Archean igneous and metamorphic complexes prevailed in paleodrainage systems of the early Middle Riphean. This is also confirmed by the model Nd ages.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - New LA-ICP-MS data on the U–Pb isotope age, Hf isotope characteristics, and concentrations of trace elements in zircons from volcanic tuff of the Upper Vendian...  相似文献   
We consider the general and specific features of the evolution of the composition of fine-grained terrigenous rocks in the Riphean sedimentary megasequences of the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya region, and Yenisei Ridge. It has been established that the crust on the southwestern (in the modern frame of references) periphery of the Siberian craton was geochemically the most mature segment of the Riphean continental crust. For example, the fine-grained clastic rocks and metapelites of all Riphean lithostratigraphic units of the Yenisei Ridge have higher median contents of Th than the most mature Paleoproterozoic crust, and in median contents of Y and Cr/Th values they are the most similar to it. In the Southern Urals and Uchur-Maya region, some units of the Riphean sedimentary sequences show median contents of Y and Th and Cr/Th values close to those of primitive Archean crust. Analysis of Cr/Th variations in the fine-grained terrigenous rocks of all three megasequences shows that the minimum Cr/Th values, evidencing a predominance or the abundance of felsic rocks in provenances, are typical of the Riphean argillaceous shales and metapelites of the Yenisei Ridge. The distinct Cr/Th and Cr/Sc increase in the fine-grained clastic rocks of the Chingasan Group of the ridge reflects the large-scale destruction of continental crust during the formation of rift troughs as a result of the Rodinia breakup in the second half of the Late Riphean. The Cr/Th variations in the Lower and Middle Riphean argillaceous shales and mudstones of the Bashkirian mega-anticlinorium and Uchur-Maya region are in agreement, which evidences the subglobal occurrence of rifting in the early Middle Riphean (so-called “Mashak rifting”).  相似文献   
Sedimentation environments were reconstructed for the Early Vendian successions of the western slope of the Central Urals, which comprises one of the most complete sections of the terminal Precambrian system in northern Eurasia. It was shown that, despite the presence of several diamictite levels in the sections of the Serebryanka Group, mature and multiply recycled fine-grained siliciclastic materials (CIA = 65–77) were delivered into the sedimentation basin over the whole Early Vendian. Based on the lithochemical characteristics of shales, the climate of Serebryanka time can be estimated as semiarid-semihumid, similar to that dominating in Late Vendian paleocatchments. Based on relatively high Mo/Mn values (0.011–0.024), it was suggested that anoxic or similar conditions existed in the basin of Buton time, whereas other sedimentary complexes of the Serebryanka Group were formed in well aerated environments. The systematics of Sr, Ba, Zr, Cu, and V in fine-grained siliciclastic rocks and Sr isotopic data for carbonate rocks indicate that the sediments were accumulated in a fresh-water basin. The values of trace-element indicator ratios, e.g., Th/Sc, La/Sc, Th/Cr and others, in the shales of the Serebryanka Group and Nd model age estimates indicate that a variety of mainly Early Proterozoic complexes, ranging from granitoids to basic rocks, occurred in the Early Vendian paleocatchments. The basic rocks were eroded most extensively probably in the end of Serebryanka time. Based on the Ce/Ce* values of shales, it was concluded that submarine volcanism had no significant influence on sedimentation processes in the Early Vendian. An exception is Koiva and Kernos time, when hematite-bearing shales were accumulated in association with pillow basalts in some zones of the basin. The distribution of the compositions of shales from various formations of the Serebryanka Group in discrimination diagrams suggests that the Early Vendian sedimentary sequences were formed in passive geodynamic settings.  相似文献   
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