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The semi-permanent Durban Eddy is a mesoscale, lee-trapped, cold-core cyclonic circulation that occurs off the east coast of South Africa between Durban in the north and Sezela, some 70 km to the south. When present, strong north-eastward countercurrents reaching 100 cm s–1 are found inshore. It is hypothesised that the cyclone is driven by the strong south-westward flowing Agulhas Current offshore of the regressing shelf edge near Durban. Analysis of ADCP data and satellite imagery shows the eddy to be present off Durban approximately 55% of the time, with an average lifespan of 8.6 days, and inter-eddy periods of 4 to 8 days. After spin-up the eddy breaks loose from its lee position and propagates downstream on the inshore boundary of the Agulhas Current. The eddy is highly variable in occurrence, strength and downstream propagation speeds. There is no detectable seasonal cycle in eddy occurrence, with the Natal Pulse causing more variability than any seasonal signal. A thermistor array deployed in the eddy centre, together with ship CTD data, indicates upward doming of the thermal structure in the eddy core associated with cooler water and nutrients being moved higher in the water column, stimulating primary production. Together with the use of satellite imagery, our findings indicate a second mechanism of upwelling, viz. divergent upwelling in the northern limb of the eddy. Satellite-tracked surface drifters released in the eddy demonstrated the potential for nutrient-rich eddy water to be transported northwards along the inshore regions of the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight, thus contributing to the functioning of the bight ecosystem, as well as southwards along the KZN and Transkei coasts – both by the eddy migrating downstream and by eddy water being recirculated into the inshore boundary of the Agulhas Current itself.  相似文献   
The current study provides long-term catch-rate, biological and feeding data for smooth hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna zygaena, caught in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal bather protection programme. In total, 2 512 S. zygaena were caught in net installations between 1978 and 2014, and 72 S. zygaena were caught on drumlines between 2007 and 2014. There was no significant log-linear year trend in the net catch rate over time (slope = 0.0054, t = 1.808, p = 0.07). However, there was a significant temporal increase in mean size of the captured sharks (slope = 0.0012, t = 3.502, p < 0.001). A quasi-Poisson generalised additive mixed model showed that increasing latitude, winter months, colder sea temperatures and the deployment of drumlines all had a significant positive effect on the catch rate of sharks in nets. The size frequency of the catch was unimodal, with significantly more females caught in the nets and more males on the drumlines. The majority (93.1%) of all sharks caught were immature and measured between 80 and 120 cm precaudal length. Teleosts and cephalopods dominated the sharks’ diet in terms of all dietary indices. The prey species consumed indicate that immature S. zygaena are feeding primarily within the pelagic zone of shallow coastal habitats.  相似文献   
Helium has been proposed as a pathfinder in exploration for uranium deposits, hydrocarbons and geothermal energy sources, as an indicator of faults and fissures and as a possible tool for earthquake prediction. The rationale is that during the decay of 238U to 206 Pb, eight 4He atoms are produced via the intermediary of alpha particle emission. Similarly, six 4He atoms are produced by the decay of 232Th to 208Pb. Some of the common isotopes of the rare earths Ce, Nd and Sm are also alpha emitters, but they are unlikely to give rise to detectable helium anomalies.  相似文献   
Orientation surveys were conducted over five deposits to test the potential of determining helium in overburden gas as a pathfinder for uranium mineralization and other deposits containing uranium or thorium. Samples were collected via fixed tubes emplaced at depths of 6 m in backfilled holes drilled for this purpose. Compared to the atmospheric background value of 5.24 ppm v/v He, a variable weak anomaly (maximum 5.45–5.65 ppm He) was found over part of the Angela uranium deposit, N.T., in an arid area where mineralization is mostly at a depth of 60–90 m, at or below the water-table. Helium contents were mostly at background levels over a uranium deposit in the Officer Basin, W.A., where mineralization is at the water-table at 30–35 m, although radon gave a marked anomaly. Neither helium nor radon indicated the Manyingee deposit, W.A., which has uranium mineralization in a confined aquifer at 60–110 m. Similarly, no helium anomalies were found over the uranium- and thorium-rich Mt. Weld carbonatite or mineral sands at Eneabba.There appeared to be no correlation between helium distributions shown by groundwater and overburden-gas sampling at Manyingee or Mt. Weld. At Mt. Weld, groundwaters contained 0.06 to 13.60 μ/l He and overburden gases 5.24–5.47 ppm He, with the higher gas concentrations over country rock, where waters had background helium contents. It is presumed that equilibration between overburden gas and the atmosphere is far more rapid than that between overburden gas and groundwater, so that any helium released from the water is quickly dispersed.Overburden-gas helium concentrations were found to vary according to overburden type, being 5.24–5.32 ppm where sandy and porous and 5.30–5.50 ppm where clay-rich and less permeable. These background variations, which are greater than the total background-anomaly contrasts reported in the literature for shallow soil gases, have not been accounted for in most trial surveys, nor has the possibility of similar variations being due to analytical error. From the data obtained, there is little evidence that helium can be considered an effective pathfinder for blind or concealed deposits using soil gas or overburden gas as sample media. Previous work on the use of soil and soil-gas helium determinations in uranium exploration is reviewed in the light of these findings and the concept and techniques assessed.  相似文献   
Komatiite-hosted disseminated Ni sulphide deposits in the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt occur both above and below the olivine isograd that was imposed on the greenstone sequence during the M2 metamorphic/deformation event. Deposits in the northern and central part of the belt and that are located below the isograd (Mount Keith, Honeymoon Well and West Jordan) have complex sulphide mineralogy and strongly zoned sulphide assemblages. These range from least-altered assemblages of pentlandite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite±pyrite to altered assemblages of pentlandite±chalcopyrite, pentlandite-heazlewoodite (or millerite), heazlewoodite (or millerite), and rarely to heazlewoodite-native Ni. Deposits to the south and that are above of the olivine isograd (Six Mile, Goliath North) are dominated by less complex magmatic assemblages with a lower proportion of weakly altered pentlandite±chalcopyrite assemblages. More altered assemblages are uncommon in these deposits and occur as isolated patches around the periphery of the deposits. The sulphide zonation is reflected by whole-rock reductions in S, Cu, Fe and Zn, whereas Ni, Pt and Pd and, with some exceptions, Co are conservative. The leaching of S, Cu, Fe and Zn from sulphide assemblages and the whole rock was initiated by highly reduced conditions that were produced during low fluid/rock ratio serpentinization. Consumption of H2O resulted in Cl, a component of the fluid, being concentrated sufficiently to stabilise iowaite as part of lizardite-rich assemblages. Once the rate of olivine hydration reactions declined and during and after expansion and associated fracturing of the ultramafic sequence allowed higher fluid access, a more fluid-dominated environment formed and new carbonate-bearing fluid gained access to varying extents to the ultramafic rock sequence. This drove Cl from iowaite (to form pyroaurite) and caused the sulphide assemblages to be altered from the original magmatic assemblages and compositions to those stable at the prevailing fO2 and fS2 conditions. Mass transfer was made possible via metal chloride complexes and H2S with fluids driven by deformation associated with the M2 metamorphism. Disseminated deposits in higher metamorphic grade terrains where olivine was stable during peak metamorphism did not undergo the metasomatism seen in the deposits in areas of lower metamorphic grade. Some minor leaching of S, Fe and Cu occurred around the periphery of the deposits during early, pre-M2 peak metamorphism, but once olivine stability was reached the driving force for the series of leaching reactions was exhausted. The effect of this process on the original magmatic sulphides is to induce significant variability in texture, mineralogy and bulk composition and to markedly reduce the Fe and S contents of the sulphide fraction (in extreme cases to zero for both elements), and to reduce the volume of the sulphide fraction per unit of Ni. These changes impact unfavourably on Ni sulphide recoveries and metallurgical characteristics of these Ni ores.  相似文献   
Stomach content analyses and measurements of gillraker morphology were used to assess the diet and feeding ecology of the East Coast redeye round herring Etrumeus wongratanai and provide data for comparisons with other small pelagic fishes off South Africa. Samples were collected by jigging from a kayak off Scottburgh, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), over the period July 2013–May 2014. In total, 66 stomachs (containing 4 407 prey items) and 66 gill arches were examined. Stomach content analyses indicated that East Coast redeye round herring, at the time of sampling, fed on large (1 500–2 500?µm) particles, with ~2 500?µm particles making the greatest contribution to dietary carbon. The species feeds on larger particles than do anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, but on particles of a similar size to those consumed by West Coast redeye round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi. There were significant differences in mean gillraker gaps between East Coast redeye round herring and both sardine and anchovy, but not between East Coast and West Coast redeye round herring. The differences in gillraker gaps between East Coast redeye round herring, sardine and anchovy are indicative of resource partitioning through differential feeding, based on zooplankton size. The data suggest that there is no resource partitioning between East and West coast redeye round herring, indicating that competition is likely to occur between them. However, such competition is minimised by limited spatial overlap between these two species.  相似文献   
The Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt comprises a volcano-sedimentary succession exposed within a collision zone between the Saxothuringian and Brunovistulian crustal domains of the European Variscides. The studied rocks recorded two metamorphic episodes. The first episode, M1, occurred at conditions of c. 485 ± 25 °C and 18 ± 1.8 kbar related to burial within a subduction zone. The subsequent episode, M2, was linked to the final phases of exhumation to mid-crustal level, associated with pressure and temperature (P–T) conditions ranging from c. 520 ± 26 °C and 6 ± 0.6 kbar through 555 ± 28 °C and 7 kbar ± 0.7 to ~590 ± 30 °C and 3–4 ± 0.4 kbar. The documented deformation record is ascribed to three events, D1 to D3, interpreted as related to the burial and subsequent exhumation of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt. The D1 event must have witnessed the subduction of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt rock succession whereas the D2 event was associated with the exhumation and folding of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt in an E-W-directed shortening regime. A subsequent folding related to the D2 event was initiated at HP conditions, however, the planar fabric produced during a late stage of the D2 event, defined by a low-pressure mineral assemblage M2, indicates that the D2 final stage was synchronous with the onset of the M2 episode. Consequently, the entire D2 event seems to have been associated with the exhumation of the Kamieniec Metamorphic Belt to mid crustal level. The third deformation event D3, synchronous with the M2 episode, marked the last stage of the exhumation, and was linked to emplacement of granitoid veins and lenses. The latter resulted in heating and rheological weakening of the entire rock succession and in the formation of non-coaxial shear zones.  相似文献   
River water quality, particularly in lowland catchments, is a matter of concern to the New Zealand public. We assessed river water quality and biological state and trends using data from more than 900 monitoring sites. Parallel state and trend analyses were carried out using all sites and a subset of lowland river sites. Median water-quality state in urban and pastoral land-cover classes was poorer than in exotic forest and natural land-cover classes, and lowland sites in the urban and pastoral classes had the poorest water quality. Nutrient and Escherichia coli concentrations increased and visual clarity and Macroinvertebrate Community Index scores decreased as proportions of catchments in high-intensity agricultural and urban land cover increased. Ten-year trends (2004–2013) indicated recent improvements in ammoniacal nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus and total phosphorus in the pastoral and urban classes, possibly reflecting improved land management. In contrast, trends in nitrate-nitrogen in the exotic forest and cool-dry/pastoral classes indicated worsening conditions.  相似文献   
Zooplankton biomass and distribution in the KwaZulu-Natal Bight were investigated in relation to environmental parameters during summer (January–February 2010) and winter (July–August 2010). Mean zooplankton biomass was significantly higher in winter (17.1 mg dry weight [DW] m–3) than in summer (9.5 mg DW m?3). In summer, total biomass was evenly distributed within the central bight, low off the Thukela River mouth and peaked near Durban. In winter, highest biomass was found offshore between Richards Bay and Cape St Lucia. Zooplankton biomass in each size class was significantly, negatively related to sea surface temperature and integrated nitrate, but positively related to surface chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. Zooplankton biomass was significantly related to bottom depth, with greatest total biomass located inshore (<50 m). Distribution across the shelf varied with zooplankton size. Seasonal differences in copepod size composition suggest that a smaller, younger community occupied the cool, chlorophyll-rich waters offshore from the St Lucia upwelling cell in winter, and a larger, older community occurred within the relatively warm and chlorophyll-poor central bight in summer. Nutrient enrichment from quasi-permanent upwelling off Durban and Richards Bay appears to have a greater influence on zooplankton biomass and distribution in the bight than the strongly seasonal nutrient input from the Thukela River.  相似文献   
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