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Garnets in continentally derived high-pressure (HP) rocks ofthe Sesia Zone (Western Alps) exhibit three different chemicalzonation patterns, depending on sample locality. Comparisonof observed garnet zonation patterns with thermodynamicallymodelled patterns shows that the different patterns are causedby differences in the water content of the subducted protolithsduring prograde metamorphism. Zonation patterns of garnets inwater-saturated host rocks show typical prograde chemical zonationswith steadily increasing pyrope content and increasing XMg,together with bell-shaped spessartine patterns. In contrast,garnets in water-undersaturated rocks have more complex zonationpatterns with a characteristic decrease in pyrope and XMg betweencore and inner rim. In some cases, garnets show an abrupt compositionalchange in core-to-rim profiles, possibly due to water-undersaturationprior to HP metamorphism. Garnets from both water-saturatedand water-undersaturated rocks show signs of intervening growthinterruptions and core resorption. This growth interruptionresults from bulk-rock depletion caused by fractional garnetcrystallization. The water content during burial influences significantly thephysical properties of the subducted rocks. Due to enhancedgarnet crystallization, water-undersaturated rocks, i.e. thoselacking a free fluid phase, become denser than their water-saturatedequivalents, facilitating the subduction of continental material.Although water-bearing phases such as phengite and epidote arestable up to eclogite-facies conditions in these rocks, dehydrationreactions during subduction are lacking in water-undersaturatedrocks up to the transition to the eclogite facies, due to thethermodynamic stability of such hydrous phases at high P–Tconditions. Our calculations show that garnet zonation patternsstrongly depend on the mineral parageneses stable during garnetgrowth and that certain co-genetic mineral assemblages causedistinct garnet zonation patterns. This observation enablesinterpretation of complex garnet growth zonation patterns interms of garnet-forming reactions and water content during HPmetamorphism, as well determination of detailed P–T paths. KEY WORDS: dehydration; high-pressure metamorphism; Sesia Zone; subduction; thermodynamic modelling  相似文献   
Palaeoenvironmental records from permafrost sequences complemented by infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and [Formula: See Text]Th/U dates from Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (73°20'N, 141°30'E) document the environmental history in the region for at least the past 200 ka. Pollen spectra and insect fauna indicate that relatively wet grass-sedge tundra habitats dominated during an interstadial c. 200-170 ka BP. Summers were rather warm and wet, while stable isotopes reflect severe winter conditions. The pollen spectra reflect sparser grass-sedge vegetation during a Taz (Late Saalian) stage, c. 170-130 ka BP, with environmental conditions much more severe compared with the previous interstadial. Open Poaceae and Artemisia plant associations dominated vegetation at the beginning of the Kazantsevo (Eemian) c. 130 ka BP. Some shrubs (Alnus fruticosa, Salix, Betula nana) grew in more protected and wetter places as well. The climate was relatively warm during this time, resulting in the melting of Saalian ice wedges. Later, during the interglacial optimum, shrub tundra with Alnus fruticosa and Betula nana s.l. dominated vegetation. Climate was relatively wet and warm. Quantitative pollen-based climate reconstruction suggests that mean July temperatures were 4-5°C higher than the present during the optimum of the Eemian, while late Eemian records indicate significant climate deterioration.  相似文献   
Lauterbach, S., Brauer, A., Andersen, N., Danielopol, D. L., Dulski, P., Hüls, M., Milecka, K., Namiotko, T., Plessen, B., von Grafenstein, U. & DecLakes participants 2010: Multi‐proxy evidence for early to mid‐Holocene environmental and climatic changes in northeastern Poland. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00159.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. We investigated the sedimentary record of Lake Hańcza (northeastern Poland) using a multi‐proxy approach, focusing on early to mid‐Holocene climatic and environmental changes. AMS 14C dating of terrestrial macrofossils and sedimentation rate estimates from occasional varve thickness measurements were used to establish a chronology. The onset of the Holocene at c. 11 600 cal. a BP is marked by the decline of Lateglacial shrub vegetation and a shift from clastic‐detrital deposition to an autochthonous sedimentation dominated by biochemical calcite precipitation. Between 10 000 and 9000 cal. a BP, a further environmental and climatic improvement is indicated by the spread of deciduous forests, an increase in lake organic matter and a 1.7‰ rise in the oxygen isotope ratios of both endogenic calcite and ostracod valves. Rising δ18O values were probably caused by a combination of hydrological and climatic factors. The persistence of relatively cold and dry climate conditions in northeastern Poland during the first one and a half millennia of the Holocene could be related to a regional eastern European atmospheric circulation pattern. Prevailing anticyclonic circulation linked to a high‐pressure cell above the retreating Scandinavian Ice Sheet might have blocked the influence of warm and moist Westerlies and attenuated the early Holocene climatic amelioration in the Lake Hańcza region until the final decay of the ice sheet.  相似文献   
The regional dust model system LM-MUSCAT-DES was developed in the framework of the SAMUM project. Using the unique comprehensive data set of near-source dust properties during the 2006 SAMUM field campaign, the performance of the model system is evaluated for two time periods in May and June 2006. Dust optical thicknesses, number size distributions and the position of the maximum dust extinction in the vertical profiles agree well with the observations. However, the spatio-temporal evolution of the dust plumes is not always reproduced due to inaccuracies in the dust source placement by the model. While simulated winds and dust distributions are well matched for dust events caused by dry synoptic-scale dynamics, they are often misrepresented when dust emissions are caused by moist convection or influenced by small-scale topography that is not resolved by the model. In contrast to long-range dust transport, in the vicinity of source regions the model performance strongly depends on the correct prediction of the exact location of sources. Insufficiently resolved vertical grid spacing causes the absence of inversions in the model vertical profiles and likely explains the absence of the observed sharply defined dust layers.  相似文献   
Abstract Examination of an iron meteorite found in South Africa discloses it to be a coarse octahedrite containing 6.90 weight-percent nickel. The meteorite body contains several inclusions of troilite, or troilite plus graphite, and at least one of pure graphite veined with kamacite. Kamacite, cohenite, and phosphides are the other major constituents of the structure.  相似文献   
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