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The Chilean Patagonian fjords region (41–56°S) is characterized by highly complex geomorphology and hydrographic conditions, and strong seasonal and latitudinal patterns in precipitation, freshwater discharge, glacier coverage, and light regime; all of these directly affect biological production in the water column. In this study, we compiled published and new information on water column properties (primary production, nutrients) and surface sediment characteristics (biogenic opal, organic carbon, molar C/N, bulk sedimentary δ13Corg) from the Chilean Patagonian fjords between 41°S and 55°S, describing herein the latitudinal pattern of water column productivity and its imprint in the underlying sediments. Based on information collected at 188 water column and 118 sediment sampling sites, we grouped the Chilean fjords into four main zones: Inner Sea of Chiloé (41° to ~44°S), Northern Patagonia (44° to ~47°S), Central Patagonia (48–51°S), and Southern Patagonia (Magellan Strait region between 52° and 55°S). Primary production in the Chilean Patagonian fjords was the highest in spring–summer, reflecting the seasonal pattern of water column productivity. A clear north–south latitudinal pattern in primary production was observed, with the highest average spring and summer estimates in the Inner Sea of Chiloé (2427 and 5860 mg C m?2 d?1) and Northern Patagonia (1667 and 2616 mg C m?2 d?1). This pattern was closely related to the higher availability of nutrients, greater solar radiation, and extended photoperiod during the productive season in these two zones. The lowest spring value was found in Caleta Tortel, Central Patagonia (91 mg C m?2 d?1), a site heavily influenced by glacier meltwater and river discharge loaded with glacial sediments. Biogenic opal, an important constituent of the Chilean fjord surface sediments (SiOPAL ~1–13%), reproduced the general north–south pattern of primary production and was directly related to water column silicic acid concentrations. Surface sediments were also rich in organic carbon content and the highest values corresponded to locations far away from glacier influence, sites within fjords, and/or semi-enclosed and protected basins, reflecting both autochthonous (water column productivity) and allochthonous sources (contribution of terrestrial organic matter from fluvial input to the fjords). A gradient was observed from the more oceanic sites to the fjord heads (west–east) in terms of bulk sedimentary δ13Corg and C/N ratios; the more depleted (δ13Corg ?26‰) and higher C/N (23) values corresponded to areas close to rivers and glaciers. A comparison of the Chilean Patagonian fjords with other fjord systems in the world revealed high variability in primary production for all fjord systems as well as similar surface sediment geochemistry due to the mixing of marine and terrestrial organic carbon.  相似文献   
Aquifer vulnerability and water quality were assessed in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca (Mexico) using the SINTACS method, based on a geographic information system. SINTACS layers were prepared using data such as climate (rainfall and temperature), water table, hydraulic conductivity, geology, soil type and topographic model. Maps for water quality index (WQI), contamination index and pollution sources index (PSI) were also obtained by this work. Groundwater quality in the Central Valleys may be affected by two factors, those with an anthropogenic origin and those with natural origin. High vulnerability values are located in the valleys of the basin, where granular sediments are exposed. Low vulnerability values are distributed in the basin??s ranges, where metamorphic rocks are found. Given that many of the zones with the highest groundwater vulnerability values correspond to zones with the greatest PSI values, there is great risk of groundwater contamination for the area of study because external (indicated by PSI) and internal (indicated by SINTACS) factors that cause pollution can be frequently observed in the same place. Geographic weighted regression (GWR) is used to test the dependency between WQI as dependent variable and SINTACS, PSI, Urban localities, Agriculture, Pastures and Rivers as predictors. The results indicate the non-stationary behavior of the dependent variable with respect to the predictors. While the obtained GWR models used to model WQI cannot be used in practical situations to predict the behavior of said variable, they can be used to estimate the degree to which the predictors influence the variable of interest.  相似文献   
A series of medium grade metamorphic rocks of the western sector of the Sierras Pampeanas Terrane in central western Argentina are represented by amphibolites, gneisses and schists derived from sedimentary as well as from igneous rocks. The metavolcanics consist of amphibolites, quartz-K-feldspar-muscovite schists, and hornblende-biotite and biotite-epidote-plagioclase schists. Based on petrographic and geochemical data they are interpreted as originating as basaltic tholeiites, rhyolites and mesosilicic volcanics. The distribution and geochemical behavior are similar to present day western Pacific lavas, mainly those developed on island arcs or heavily attenuated continental crust. Based on these characteristics, an accretionary tectonic model involving a series of island-arc collisions is proposed for the Proterozoic. The complex Proterozoic tectonic history of the western Sierras Pampeanas has been partially obliterated by the emplacement of the Early Paleozoic magmatic arc rocks.  相似文献   
The analysis of the dynamic behavior of floating units usually employs a coordinate system with origin in the unit's center of gravity, which significantly simplifies the global mass matrix. Hydrodynamic coefficients are then computed considering the same coordinate system. However, to analyze other conditions of mass distribution and maintain the simplicity of a global mass matrix, it is necessary to determine again the hydrodynamic coefficients, thereby reducing the efficiency of the entire process. Another important point is that the geometries frequently used in floating units are such that the cross-terms of an added mass are relatively unimportant when compared with the main terms, and it is, therefore, common to use only some of them to analyze the unit's dynamic behavior. Recently, however, in the search for production systems suitable for water depths greater than 3000 m, other geometries have been considered in technical and economic feasibility studies. It is possible that for these new geometries all terms of the added mass matrix must be included in the analysis. This paper presents the full development used to determine the complete global mass matrix, the inertial and hydrodynamic inertial loads that make use of the added mass matrices considering any coordinate system and the six degrees of freedom, including all cross-terms.  相似文献   
Biological soil crust, or biocrust communities, are the dominating life form in many extreme habitats, such as arid and semiarid badlands, where water scarcity and highly erodible substrates limit vegetation cover. While climate, soil and biotic factors have been described as environmental filters influencing biocrust distribution in such biomes, little is known about the effect of terrain attributes on creating specific microhabitats that promote or restrict biocrust colonization. This study aimed to identify the main terrain attributes controlling biocrust distribution in the driest badland system in Europe, the Tabernas Badlands (SE Spain). To do this, we analysed the influence of different terrain attributes related to landscape stability and microclimate formation on the spatial distribution of lichen and cyanobacteria, using field measurements and topographical information from a LiDAR survey. Our results showed that the spatial distribution of cyanobacteria-dominated biocrusts, which are physiologically and morphologically adapted to extreme drought and high UVA radiation, was mostly associated with areas of high potential incoming solar radiation. The exception was bare south-aspect hillslopes with very high sediment transport potential, where bare physically crusted soils were the dominant ground cover. Lichen-dominated biocrusts, in contrast, colonized near the top of north-aspect hillslopes, characterized by low potential incoming solar radiation and potential evapotranspiration, and their cover decreased downstream, as conditions became good enough for vascular plants. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hilda asteroids and comets are similar from the compositional point of view. The D-taxonomic class prevailing among Hildas has all the characteristics found in cometary spectra. Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) coming from the trans-neptunian region are under the gravitational control of Jupiter, making them a dynamically unstable population with a mean dynamical lifetime of 104 to 105 years. In contrast, Hilda asteroids residing in the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter are a very stable population. But once they escape from the resonance, they are dynamically controlled by Jupiter, and in this sense their behavior resembles that of JFC. We performed a numerical simulation to analyze the dynamical evolution that Hildas follow after escaping from the resonance, and their contribution to the JFC population. We found that 8% of the particles leaving the resonance end up impacting Jupiter. 98.7% of the escaped Hildas live at least 1000 years as a JFC, with a mean lifetime of 1.4×106 years. In particular, escaped Hildas stay mainly in the region of perihelion distances greater than 2.5 AU. On the other hand, the number of escaped Hildas reaching the inner Solar System (q<2.5 AU) is negligible. So, there are almost no Hilda asteroids among the NEO population. We also analyzed the possibility that the Shoemaker-Levy 9 were an escaped Hilda asteroid. In this case, it would be possible to give stronger constraints to its pre-capture orbital elements.  相似文献   
This document discusses the possibility of using compressed sensing techniques for measuring 2D spectro‐polarimetric information using only one etalon and a broad prefilter. Instead of using an etalon and an extremely narrow prefilter (with all the subsequent problems of alignment), the idea is to use multiplexing techniques to include in the observations all the secondary peaks of the etalon. The reconstruction of the signal is done under the assumption that it can be efficiently reproduced in an orthogonal basis set (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The Andes between 36°30′ and 37°S represent a Cretaceous fold and thrust belt strongly reactivated in the late Miocene. Most of the features that absorbed Neogene shortening were already uplifted in the late Cretaceous, as revealed by field mapping and confirmed by previous fission track analysis. This Andean section is formed by two sectors: a western-inner sector generated by the closure of the upper Oligocene-lower Miocene intra-arc Cura Mallín basin between the middle and late Miocene (Guañacos fold and thrust belt), and an eastern-outer sector, where late Triassic-early Jurassic extensional depocenters were exhumed in two discrete phases of contraction, in the latest early Cretaceous and late Miocene to the Present, respectively (Chos Malal fold and thrust belt). Late Miocene deformation has not homogeneously reactivated Cretaceous compressive structures, being minimal south of 37°30′S through the eastern-outer sector (southern continuation of the Chos Malal fold and thrust belt). The reason for such an inhomogeneous deformational evolution seems to be related to the development of a late Miocene shallow subduction regime between 34°30′ and 37°45′S, as it was proposed in previous studies. This shallow subduction zone is evidenced by the eastward expansion of the arc that was accompanied by the eastern displacement of the orogenic front at these latitudes. As a result, the Cretaceous fold and thrust belt were strongly reactivated north of 37°30′S producing the major topographic break along the Southern Central Andes.  相似文献   
Although fire‐induced soil water repellency (SWR) and its effects on soil hydrology and geomorphology have been studied in detail, very few studies have considered the effect of rock fragments resting on the soil surface or partly embedded in soil. In this research, we have studied the effect of rock fragments on the strength and spatial distribution of fire‐induced SWR at different fire severities. A fire‐affected area was selected for this experiment and classified into different zones according to fire severity (unburned, low, moderate and high) and rock fragment cover (low, <20% and high, >60%). During 7 days after fire, SWR and infiltration rates were assessed in the soil surface covered by individual rock fragments and in the midpoint between two adjacent rock fragments (with maximum spacing of 20 cm). SWR increased with fire severity. Rock fragments resting on the soil surface increased the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of fire‐induced SWR. SWR increased significantly with rock fragment cover in bare areas under moderate and high fire severity, but quantitatively important changes were only observed under high fire severity. In areas with a low rock fragment cover, water repellency from soil surfaces covered by rock fragments increased relative to bare soil surfaces, with increasing SWR. In areas with a high rock fragment cover, SWR increased significantly from non‐covered to covered soil surfaces only after low‐severity burning. Rock fragment cover did not affect infiltration rates, although it decreased significantly in soil surfaces after high‐severity burning in areas under low and high rock fragment cover. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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