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U–Pb age, trace element and Hf isotope compositions of zircon were analysed for a metasedimentary rock and two amphibolites from the Kongling terrane in the northern part of the Yangtze Craton. The zircon shows distinct morphological and chemical characteristics. Most zircon in an amphibolite shows oscillatory zoning, high Th/U and 176Lu/177Hf ratios, high formation temperature, high trace element contents, clear negative Eu anomaly, as well as HREE-enriched patterns, suggesting that it is igneous. The zircon yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2857 ± 8 Ma, representing the age of the magmatic protolith. The zircon in the other two samples is metamorphic. It has low Th/U ratios, low trace element concentrations, variable HREE contents (33.8 ≥ LuN≥2213; 14.7 ≤ LuN/SmN ≤ 354) and 176Lu/177Hf ratios (0.000030–0.001168). The data indicate that the zircon formed in the presence of garnet and under upper amphibolite facies conditions. The metamorphic zircon yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2010 ± 13 Ma. These results combined with previously obtained Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic ages suggest a c. 2.0 Ga Palaeoproterozoic collisional event in the Yangtze Craton, which may result from the assembly of the supercontinent Columbia. The zircon in two samples yields weighted mean two-stage Hf model ( T DM2) ages of 3217 ± 110 and 2943 ± 50 Ma, respectively, indicating that their protoliths were mainly derived from Archean crust.  相似文献   
为建立社会主义市场经济的地矿工作新秩序,本文对国有地矿企业的经营者(厂长、经理)这一特殊群体进行了分析。着重研究了新形势下企业经营者实行年薪制的问题。指出年薪制就是以企业一个生产经营周期为单位确定经营者的报酬,这一周期通常为一年。进而阐述了为什么要实行企业经营者年薪制;企业经营者的收入应与职工工资完全脱钩;采用基础报酬加效益报酬的方法确定收入等等。并构想了实行经营者年薪制所需要的外部环境:建立经营者人才市场、经营者要能进能出、实行任职资格制度、建立风险机制、按劳动力市场经济规律办事。  相似文献   
Based on the CN and C2 comae isophotes for two comets (1961 IX and 1970 16) given by Rahe et al. and the relevant theory of physical chemistry, we have deduced the distributions of the CN and C2 modecules in the coma, their scale heights and mean lifetimes. The results favour the viewpoint that HCN is the parent of CN, and that C2H2 is the parent of C2.  相似文献   
DunaIiella salina, a halotolerent unicellular green alga, can accurmulate a Iarge amount of β-caroteneunder environmental conditions. The isorners of β-carotene extIacted from D. salina culturedin medium with different nitrate and phosphate concentrations were analysed by HPLC with Alox-Talumins column. At least six isomers were found in different proportions depending on the culture me-dia's nitrate and/or phosphate concentrations. Nitrate and/or phosphae defidency was conducive tothe accumulation of totaI cis isomers but not of al1 trans isomer. lt is sUggeSted that 1 mmol/L KNO_3and 0.1 mmol/L KH_2, PO_4 are favourable for accumulation of total cis β-carotene.  相似文献   
We present the modeling of the ultraviolet and optical spectra obtained simultaneously on 1993 April 15 with the HST and at Lick Observatory. A Monte Carlo code is employed in the modeling and a comparison is made between models reported by different groups. With an atmosphere similar to the Sun in chemical composition, the observed spectral lines are well reproduced by a power law density structure of index around 20 except the strong H and HeI λ5876 lines which have peculiar absorption profiles. The photospheric velocity is found to be 9500 km/s and the blackbody temperature of the spectrum is 7990 K. For H and HeI λ5876, we suggest a two-component density structure which has a smoother layer located immediately outside the steeply decreasing inner envelope. The power law indices are most probably 20 and 3, respectively, with the transition point at about 13 000 km/s. In addition, this outer smooth layer serves to flatten the far UV spectrum as observed.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional elastic nonhydrostatic mesoscale(β-γ)model with nested-grid is presented.It uses a set of fullequations in terrain-following coordinates as its basic dynamic frame,which is solved with a time-splitting algorithmfor acoustic and gravity waves.The model physical parameterization includes a K-theory subgrid eddy mixing for cloudand free atmosphere,a bulk planetary boundary layer parameterization,and three types of sofisticated cloudmicrophysics schemes with double-parameters for hail-bearing clouds,warm clouds and snowing clouds respectively.The model is designed to be used flexibly for simulations of a variety of meso-and small-scale atmospheric processes,and can be improved as a regional and local operational NWP system in future.  相似文献   
土壤微生物是陆地生态系统中分解者亚系统的主要组成部分, 参与了包括有机质降解、营养转化、 植物生长的促进或抑制以及各种土壤物理过程在内的一系列反应活动. 土壤微生物则是土壤质量重要的生物指标, 可以用来监控土壤质量的变化. 等温微量热法是一种简便、快速地测量微生物活性的方法, 在土壤微生物代谢热效应的研究领域中广泛应用. 就等温微量热法在土壤微生物活性中的研究进展进行综述: 等温微量热法的简介, 微量热方法与传统方法的比较, 等温微量热法在各种外界环境和土壤条件影响下的土壤微生物活性研究中的应用, 并对等温微量热法在土壤微生物和其它方面的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   
东营城区高精度三维地震采集方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据东营城区内建筑物较多,环境干扰较大,地下构造复杂,断裂非常发育,目的层埋藏深,资料信噪比较低的特点,以地震老资料和钻井资料为基础,建立地震地质模型,利用射线追踪技术选取合适的观测系统参数。充分利用卫星数字地图,没计了灵活多变的观测系统,采用可控震源与炸药震源配合使用方法,及时对城区内地下面元的覆盖次数、方位角和炮检距的分布进行质量监控,利用现场处理系统对资料进行及时分析,提高了地震资料品质。所获得的东营城区高精度三维地震采集资料显示,其浅中层分辨率和中深层信噪比都有了明显改善,取得了良好的地质效果。  相似文献   
DGPS RTK技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的应用初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文简要介绍了DGPS RTK技术的基本原理和作业流程,阐明了该技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的适用性,并以除六泾水文大断面的测量为例介绍了利用该技术进行工程实测的过程,通过对实测数据成果的分析,得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
Tisseur(2000)研究了非齐次多项式特征值问题的条件数,所得结果的不足是对无穷特征值必须另外处理;Declieu和Tisseur(2003)运用微分几何方法研究了齐次多项式特征值问题的条件数,所得结果的不足之处是与系数矩阵的尺度化(scaling)有关。这两种条件数都有各自的应用范围。本文基于投影尺度引入齐次多项式特征值问题的条件数,其优点是与系数矩阵的尺度化无关,因而也许会有较广泛的应用。  相似文献   
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