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The isotopic composition of evaporites can shed light on their environment of precipitation and their subsequent recycling processes. In this study, we performed Sr, O and S isotopic analyses on evaporitic sulphates in the halokinetic Sivas Basin. The main objectives were to decipher the age and origin of the evaporites responsible for the salt tectonics, and to test whether diapir dissolution acts as the source of younger evaporitic layers in continental mini‐basins. The Sr isotopes demonstrate that the first evaporites precipitated from seawater during the Middle–Late Eocene. The similar isotopic values measured in the halokinetic domain confirm that the Eocene evaporites triggered the salt tectonics and were continuously recycled in Oligo‐Miocene mini‐basins as lacustrine to sabkha evaporites. Modern halite precipitates suggest that the dissolution and recycling of diapiric halite is ongoing. This study demonstrates the efficiency of isotopic analyses in constraining evaporite recycling processes in continental halokinetic domains.  相似文献   
Baker's yeast industry has significant effects on environment due to significant water consumption and high strength wastewater production. Effluents from baker's yeast industry are characterized by high concentrations of biological oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total dissolved solids (TDS), sulfate, and dark brown color. The aim of this study is to provide a detailed quantitative and qualitative identification and characterization of the wastewater sources from different processes of a baker's yeast industry. It is identified that the most polluted wastewater components of the facility are coming from rotary drum filter and evaporation process. However, the highest pollution loads is identified as tank and equipment cleaning effluent due to very high flow rate from this source. The efforts should be on the way to minimize the water usage for the tank and equipment cleaning process, and to recycle less polluted waste streams back to the process.  相似文献   
为准确描述我国最大的固定/半固定沙漠-古尔班通古特沙漠区域的大气边界层结构,本文利用该沙漠腹地2017年的梯度铁塔和通量观测数据,基于中尺度气象模式WRF (Weather Research and Forecast v3.7.1),分析了5种边界层参数化方案在古尔班通古特沙漠的适用性。结果表明:1)采用WRF模拟沙漠腹地近地层内的边界层特征时,2m气温的模拟存在冷偏差,5种边界层参数化方案均能较好地模拟出四个季节2m气温的日变化特征,其中非局地方案ACM2(Asymmetric Convective Model version 2)对2m气温效果最好,局地方案BL方案的模拟偏差最大;2)5种边界层参数化方案均能够模拟出10m风速的日变化特征,其中局地方案BL(Bougeault-Lacarrere)对10m风速效果最佳;3)采用WRF模拟沙漠近地层内的地表通量特征时,感热通量存在高估现象,潜热通量存在低估现象,5种边界层参数化方案均能较好地模拟出四个季节模拟时间段内地表净辐射通量的日变化特征,其中局地方案MYJ(Mellor-Yamada-Janjie)的模拟精度最高。  相似文献   
This study defines the Late Cenozoic stress regimes acting around the Bolu Basin along the North Anatolian Fault in northwestern Turkey. The inferred regional stress regime, obtained from the inversion of measured fault-slip vectors as well as focal mechanism solutions, is significant and induces the right-lateral displacement of the North Anatolian Fault. The field observations have also revealed extensional structures in and around the Bolu Basin. These extensional structures can be interpreted as either a local effect of the regional transtensional stress regime or as the result of the interaction of the fault geometries of the dextral Duzce Fault and the southern escarpment of the North Anatolian Fault, bordering the Bolu Basin in the north and in the south, respectively.The inversion of slip vectors measured on fault planes indicates that a strike-slip stress regime with consistent NW- and NE-trending σHmax(σ1) and σHmin(σ3) axes is dominant. Stress ratio (R) values provided by inversion of slip vectors measured on both major and minor faults and field observations show significant variations of principal stress magnitudes within the strike-slip stress regime resulting in older transpression to younger transtension. These two stress states, producing dextral displacement along NAF, are coaxial with a consistent NE-trending σ3 axis. The earthquake focal mechanism inversions confirm that the transtensional stress regime has continued into recent times, having identical horizontal stress axis directions, characterized by NW and NE-trending σ1 and σ3 axes, respectively. A locally consistent NE-trending extensional, normal faulting regime is also seen in the Bolu Basin. The stress-tensor change within the strike-slip stress regime can be explained by variations in horizontal stress magnitudes that probably occurred in Quaternary times as a result of the westward extrusion of the Anatolian block.  相似文献   

Mathematical models developed for quantification of sediment transport in hydrological watersheds require data collected through field or laboratory experiments, but these are still very rare in the literature. This study aims to collect such data at the laboratory scale. To this end, a rainfall simulator equipped with nozzles to spray rainfall was constructed, together with an erosion flume that can be given longitudinal and lateral slopes. Eighty experiments were performed, considering microtopographical features by pre-forming a rill on the soil surface before the start of each experiment. Medium and fine sands were used as soil, and four rainfall intensities (45, 65, 85 and 105 mm h-1) were applied in the experiments. Rainfall characteristics such as uniformity, granulometry, drop velocity and kinetic energy were evaluated; flow and sediment discharge data were collected and analysed. The analysis shows that the sediment transport rate is directly proportional to rainfall intensity and slope. In contrast, the volumetric sediment concentration stays constant and does not change with rainfall intensity unless the slope changes. These conclusions are restricted to the conditions of experiments performed under rainfall intensities between and 105 mm h-1 for medium and fine sands in a 136-cm-wide, 650-cm-long and 17-cm-deep erosion flume with longitudinal and lateral slopes varying between 5 and 20%.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor G. Mahé

Citation Aksoy, H., Unal, N.E., Cokgor, S., Gedikli, A., Yoon, J., Koca, K., Inci, S.B., Eris, E., and Pak, G., 2013. Laboratory experiments of sediment transport from bare soil with a rill. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1505–1518.  相似文献   
Blocks and tectonic slices within the Mersin Mélange (southern Turkey), which are of Northern Neotethyan origin (Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan Ocean (IAE)), were studied in detail by using radiolarian, conodont, and foraminiferal assemblages on six different stratigraphic sections with well‐preserved Permian succesions. The basal part of the Permian sequence, composed of alternating chert and mudstone with basic volcanics, is assigned to the late Asselian (Early Permian) based on radiolarians. The next basaltic interval in the sequence is dated as Kungurian. The highly alkaline basic volcanics in the sequence are extremely enriched, similar to kimberlitic/lamprophyric magmas generated at continental intraplate settings. Trace element systematics suggest that these lavas were generated in a continental margin involving a metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle source (SCLM). The middle part of the Permian sequences, dated by benthic foraminifera and conodont assemblages, includes detrital limestones with chert interlayers and neptunian dykes of middle Wordian to earliest Wuchiapingian age. Higher in the sequence, detrital limestones are overlain by alternating chert and mudstone with intermittent microbrecciated beds of early Wuchiapingian to middle Changhsingian (Late Permian) age based on the radiolarians. A large negative shift at the base of the Lopingian at the upper part of section is correlated to negative shifts at the Guadalupian/Lopingian boundary associated with the end‐Guadalupian mass extinction event. All these findings indicate that a continental rift system associated with a possible mantle plume existed during the late Early to Late Permian period. This event was responsible for the rupturing of the northern Gondwanan margin related to the opening of the IAE Ocean. When the deep basinal features of the Early Permian volcano‐sedimentary sequence are considered, the proto IAE oceanic crust formed possibly before the end of the Permian. This, in turn, suggests that the opening of the IAE Ocean dates back to as early as the Permian.  相似文献   
One of the main problems of optical remote sensing is clouds and cloud shadows caused by specific atmospheric conditions during data acquisition. These features limit the usage of acquired images and increase the difficulty in data analysis, such as normalized difference vegetation index values, misclassification, and atmospheric correction. Accurate detection and reliable cloning of cloud and cloud shadow features in satellite images are very useful processes for optical remote sensing applications. In this study, an automated cloud removal algorithm to generate cloud and cloud shadow free images from multitemporal Landsat-8 images is introduced. Cloud and cloud shadow areas are classified by using process-based rule set developed by using spectral and spatial features after applying simple linear iterative clustering superpixel segmentation algorithm to the image to find cloud pixel groups easily and correctly. Segmentation-based cloud detection method gives better results than pixel-based for detection of cloud and cloud shadow patches. After detection of clouds and cloud shadows, cloud-free images are created by cloning cloudless regions from multitemporal dataset. Spectral and structural consistency are preserved by considering spectral features and seasonal effects while cloning process. Statistical similarity tests are applied to find best cloud-free image to use for cloning process. Cloning results are tested with the structural similarity index metric to evaluate the performance of cloning algorithm.  相似文献   
The thick hard rock (THR) roof of the long-wall mining face is prone to the large-sized cantilever roof, and its sudden fracture will cause serious rock dynamic disasters, such as coal and gas outburst and rockburst. In this study, based on the long beam theory, the initial fracture mechanical model for THR was established, and the first weighting characteristics and extreme fracture step distance were calculated. This study introduced a new technology called deep-hole pre-splitting blasting (DPB) which could break the THR by drilling holes with different depths and angles at different levels of roof rock and then blasting it. Field measurement analysis indicated that the immediate roof and lower thick hard strata were fully collapsed to fill the goaf, and the upper thick hard stratum was effectively cut off. The results showed that mechanical model and drilling holes method and DPB technique were so notably that would lead to a foundation for large-scale popularization and application in a Chinese Mine.  相似文献   
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