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A new pterosaur Moganopterus zhuiana gen. et sp. nov. is erected based on a complete skull with lower jaws and anterior cervical vertebrae. It is characterized by much elongated upper and lower jaws with at least 62 total, long, curved teeth with sharp tips, a well developed parietal crest extending posterodorsally, forming an angle of 15 degrees with the ventral margin of the skull, the ratio of length to width of cervical vertebrae greater than 5:1. The skull length is 750 mm, and it is the largest toothed pterosaur found so far in the world. Based on this new pterosaur, the Boreopteridae can be divided into two subgroups: Boreopterinae sub-fam. nov. and Moganopterinae sub-fam. nov., which is also confirmed by the phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   
气象卫星资料在飞机人工增雨效果评估中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王勇  段昌辉  徐军昶  邓芳莲 《气象》2002,28(11):26-28
在2000年3月14日飞机人工影响天气作业过程中,极轨气象卫星实时遥感探测提供了人工增雨情况的一些证据。分析了作业后催化剂扩散情况,并且就风对催化剂的输送,地面增雨效果进行了探讨。初步结果:(1)本次过程在作业1小时23分钟后,最大自由运动扩散宽度11km,催化剂自由运动扩散区约为2508km^2,在云顶形成约1505km^3的塌陷区。(2)卫星资料分析,风的输送作用区约为7500km^2,为自由运动扩散区的3倍,是催化剂扩散的主要因素。  相似文献   
Multi-parameter hydrological gauge is an instrument developed by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,the Chinese Academy of Sciences to make simultaneous observation of current, wave, tide, water temperature and conductivity.By using the well-known "PUV method", the directional wave spectrum can be calculated and the dominant wave direction is then obtained.The comparison of the dominant wave directions derived from the measurements using both the multi-parameter hydrological gauge and the MARK Ⅱ "Wave-Rider" directional buoy shows that the dominant wave directions derived from the two kinds of measurements are in good agreement.  相似文献   
城镇化的快速发展带来城市各类土地用地规模、空间格局与利用强度的改变。论文基于互联网爬虫技术获取郑州市城市住宅小区时空数据,以住宅小区面积与容积率为指标,通过标准差椭圆、核密度分析以及局部空间自相关等方法,分析郑州市城市住宅用地扩展的时空特征与集聚变化情况。结果表明:① 随着主导因素的转变,1985—2019年郑州市住宅用地面积增加趋势明显,但2017年之后呈现下降趋势;住宅用地容积率由缓慢增长趋势逐渐转变为快速增长趋势。② 受常住人口总量迁移规律影响,在研究期内郑州市住宅用地重心由西南向东北移动,但仍主要分布在市内五区交界处;受经济重心的斜“N”变化趋势影响,其东西向迁移速度大于南北向迁移速度。③ 随着住宅用地数量的快速增加,城市住宅用地空间溢出效应更加显著,由分散向集聚演变,空间分异程度由局部突出转变为区域平衡为主。④ 街道尺度下住宅用地容积率出现明显的空间自相关性,经济发展区、城市规划商业中心区成为容积率高—高集聚区,而生态涵养区成为容积率低—低集聚区。  相似文献   
本文利用青藏高原东南边缘及其与印缅山弧交接地带的地震活动性、新构造运动以及地震构造特征等研究成果和实地考察资料,借以分析并初步阐明独龙江流域的地质地质环境,为该区的自然资源开发利用和地震地质灾害预测提供一些实际资料。  相似文献   
A new species of sauropod dinosaur Huanghetitan ruyangensis is erected based on the following characters: deepest body cavity with a dorsal rib reaching at least 2.93 m long, anterior caudal vertebrae with mushroom-shaped neural spines. Based on this new specimen of Huanghetitan found in the early Late Cretaceous Mangchuan Formation of Ruyang, Henan Province, the family Huanghetitanidae faro. nov. is proposed as a new rank to include only the genus Huanghetitan You et al. 2006. At present, Huanghetitan includes two species: H. liujiaxiaensis You et al., 2006 and H. ruyangensis sp. nov. The systematic relationships of Huanghetitan among sauropod dinosaurs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Funiusaurus luanchuanensis gen. et sp. nov. was described on the basis of an incomplete skull from the Upper Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of the Tantou Basin in Luanehuan County, Henan Province. It is the second representative of lizards known from Luanchuan and adds a new member to the Luanchuan Fauna. F. luanchuanensis is a small-sized lizard and systematically assigned to the Polyglyphanodontidae of the Teiioidea because of the presence of a caniniform tooth and an elongate posterior process of the postorbital. It is distinctive in that the heterodont dentition bears 19 teeth in both the upper and lower jaws, the 3^rd maxillary tooth is large and caniniform, the post-caniniform teeth in maxilla and those posterior to the 3^rd dentary tooth are chisel-like in lateral view, the prefrontal possesses a fossa on its lateral surface, the postorbital with an extremely elongate posterior process and the well-developed retroarticular process has a deep fossa on its dorsal surface. In phylogeny, our analysis suggests a close relationship of Funiusaurus to the large-sized Tianyusaurus from the same basin within the Tuberocephalosaurinae. The discovery of Funiusaurus is significant in confirming the status of the Tuberocephalosaurinae, which includes a group of the Asian members of the Polyglyphanodontidae only.  相似文献   
基于西安城区与郊区两个环境路边站和区域气象站2016-2018年观测的逐小时气象、环保和交通监测数据,对西安尾气污染物、机动车流量和气象要素条件进行统计分析。结果表明:1)2016年以来,西安市冬季空气质量指数和主要污染物浓度整体呈逐年下降趋势,治污减霾成效明显。主要尾气污染物浓度月际变化趋势相同,冬季11月到次年1月的浓度均明显高于其他月份的,夏季6月到8月的浓度较低,冬季的约为夏季的2~4倍。西安冬季汽车尾气污染物中,氮氧化物(NO_x)、碳氧化物(CO)、碳氢化物(HC)日变化特征相似,但细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))空间差异大。2)NO_x和CO与汽车尾气排放关系密切,每日上午时段二者浓度随车流量增大而增大,车流量整体偏大40%的城区比郊区污染物偏多20%~30%。尾气污染物浓度分布与风频、风速等密切相关:西安城市道路风速较低,风向与汽车尾气污染物的扩散方向基本一致,较高污染浓度通常都出现在主导风向的下风向。城市建筑和道路规划建设中,要保留足够的"城市通风廊道"。3)西安尾气污染物浓度不存在明显的"周末效应",城区站NO_x浓度无明显起伏变化,郊区站道路环境中的NO_x浓度受柴油车通行量影响较大,说明重型车可能对污染的影响更大。4)降水对污染物稀释沉降效果明显,对NO_x作用不明显。前期超过60%以上的相对湿度是降水开始前出现颗粒物小时最大增幅超过200μg/m~3的有利条件,高湿环境是重污染天气过程颗粒物暴发式增长的有利气象条件,因此静风或小风大气环境下,通过水雾"高射炮式"播撒方式增加低层湿度并非是沉降稀释颗粒物的有效方法。  相似文献   
The cross-section and surface structures of wing membranes from the ctenochasmatid pterosaur Beipiaopterus chenianus were observed through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the wing membrane contains a high density of blood vessels, implying strong thermoregulatory function, similar to that of a bat wing membrane. This is the first comparison of the microstmctures of pterosaur wing membranes with those of the modem bat. It is inferred that a bat-like physiology exists, at least in relatively small pterosaurs suggesting that these pterosaurs were warm-blooded, active fliers.  相似文献   
A new pterosaur Archaeoistiodactylus linglongtaensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on an incomplete skeleton with a partial skull and lower jaw.The new taxon is characterized by circular tooth sockets of anterior mandibular teeth,the anterior teeth of the upper jaw bearing posteriorly directed crowns,a relatively short metacarpus,and wing phalanges 2 and 3 and the tibia subequal in length.It possesses some plesiomorphic characters such as short metacarpals and circular tooth sockets.The pointed jaw tip present in the new taxon indicates that the expanded jaw tips of later istiodactylids are a derived character state,and the new taxon represents the first istiodactylus-like pterosaur found from the pre-Late Jurassic deposits,which provides a key role in our understanding the origin and evolution of the known istiodactylid pterosaurs.Archaeoistiodactylus is regarded as the ancestor form of the known istiodactylid pterosaur.  相似文献   
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