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Up to 10 m in length and >1 m in diameter tubular, calcite-cemented sandstone concretions are hosted by the faulted Dikilitash unconsolidated sands and sandstones. These structures document shallow subsurface pathways of Early Eocene methane seepage in the Balkan Mountains foreland (NE Bulgaria). Their exceptional exposure allowed a unique study of the factors governing the morphology and spatial distribution of such fossilized fluid conduits. The large dimensions and subvertical, cylindrical shape of the most common tube type primarily reflects the buoyancy-driven, vertical path of an ascending gas-bearing fluid through permeable, mainly unconsolidated sandy host sediments. Tube morphology was also influenced by local stratigraphic anisotropies and might as well document differences in former seepage conditions. Mapping of >800 tubular concretions showed the NNW–NNE elongation and alignment of tube clusters and massive cemented sandstone structures. This suggests that Paleogene fault systems played a major role in directing the movement of fluids. However, within a single tube cluster, tubes are preferentially aligned, over distances up to 50 m along directions at an angle between 10° and 36° with respect to the inferred NNW–NNE, cluster parallel fault traces. In addition, cylindrical tubes of analogue dimensions are aligned over distances >100 m along N15° to N25°-oriented directions. It is hypothesized that this spatial geometry of tubular concretions reflects the complex geometry of deformations structures in fault damage zones along which fluids were preferentially channelled.  相似文献   
Direct push (DP) technologies are typically used for cost-effective geotechnical characterization of unconsolidated soils and sediments. In more recent developments, DP technologies have been used for efficient hydraulic conductivity (K) characterization along vertical profiles with sampling resolutions of up to a few centimetres. Until date, however, only a limited number of studies document high-resolution in situ DP data for three-dimensional conceptual hydrogeological model development and groundwater flow model parameterization. This study demonstrates how DP technologies improve building of a conceptual hydrogeological model. We further evaluate the degree to which the DP-derived hydrogeological parameter K, measured across different spatial scales, improves performance of a regional groundwater flow model. The study area covers an area of ~60 km2 with two overlying, mainly unconsolidated sand aquifers separated by a 5–7 m thick highly heterogeneous clay layer (in north-eastern Belgium). The hydrostratigraphy was obtained from an analysis of cored boreholes and about 265 cone penetration tests (CPTs). The hydrogeological parameter K was derived from a combined analysis of core and CPT data and also from hydraulic direct push tests. A total of 50 three-dimensional realizations of K were generated using a non-stationary multivariate geostatistical approach. To preserve the measured K values in the stochastic realizations, the groundwater model K realizations were conditioned on the borehole and direct push data. Optimization was performed to select the best performing model parameterization out of the 50 realizations. This model outperformed a previously developed reference model with homogeneous K fields for all hydrogeological layers. Comparison of particle tracking simulations, based either on the optimal heterogeneous or reference homogeneous groundwater model flow fields, demonstrate the impact DP-derived subsurface heterogeneity in K can have on groundwater flow and solute transport. We demonstrated that DP technologies, especially when calibrated with site-specific data, provide high-resolution 3D subsurface data for building more reliable conceptual models and increasing groundwater flow model performance.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of fine-scale clay drapes on tracer transport. A tracer test was performed in a sandbar deposit consisting of cross-bedded sandy units intercalated with many fine-scale clay drapes. The heterogeneous spatial distribution of the clay drapes causes a spatially variable hydraulic conductivity and sorption coefficient. A fluorescent tracer (sodium naphthionate) was injected in two injection wells and ground water was sampled and analyzed from five pumping wells. To determine (1) whether the fine-scale clay drapes have a significant effect on the measured concentrations and (2) whether application of multiple-point geostatistics can improve interpretation of tracer tests in media with complex geological heterogeneity, this tracer test is analyzed with a local three-dimensional ground-water flow and transport model in which fine-scale sedimentary heterogeneity is modeled using multiple-point geostatistics. To reduce memory needs and calculation time for the multiple-point geostatistical simulation step, this study uses the technique of direct multiple-point geostatistical simulation of edge properties. Instead of simulating pixel values, model cell edge properties indicating the presence of irregularly shaped surfaces are simulated using multiple-point geostatistical simulations. Results of a sensitivity analysis show under which conditions clay drapes have a significant effect on the concentration distribution. Calibration of the model against measured concentrations from the tracer tests reduces the uncertainty on the clay-drape parameters. The calibrated model shows which features of the breakthrough curves can be attributed to the geological heterogeneity of the aquifer and which features are caused by other processes.  相似文献   
This paper illustrates how sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis can be useful tools in risk assessment of groundwater pollution. The approach is applied to a study area in Hungary with several known groundwater pollution sources and nearby drinking water production wells. The main concern is whether the contamination sources threaten the drinking water wells of the area. A groundwater flow and transport model is set up to answer this question. Due to limited data availability, the results of this model are associated with large uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis are applied to estimate this uncertainty and build confidence in the model results.  相似文献   
Deep low-permeability clay layers are considered as safe environments for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. In Belgium, the Boom Clay is a candidate host rock for deep geological disposal. In this study, we analyze the effects of fractures and spatially variable hydraulic conductivity on radionuclide migration through the clay. Fracture geometry and properties are simulated with Monte Carlo simulation. The heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity is simulated by direct sequential co-simulation using measurements of hydraulic conductivity and four types of secondary variables. The hydraulic conductivity and fracture simulations are used as input for a transport model. Radionuclide fluxes computed with this heterogeneous model are compared with fluxes obtained with a homogeneous model. The output fluxes of the heterogeneous model differ at most 8% from the homogeneous model. The main safety function of the Boom Clay is thus not affected by the fractures and the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   
Most studies that incorporate subsurface heterogeneity in groundwater flow and transport models only analyze and simulate the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity. Heterogeneity of the other flow and transport parameters are usually neglected. This approach is often justified, but there are, however, cases in which disregarding the heterogeneity of the other flow and transport parameters can be questionable. In low permeability media, for instance, diffusion is often the dominant transport mechanism. It therefore seems logical to incorporate the spatial variability of the diffusion parameters in the transport model. This study therefore analyses and simulates the spatial variability of the effective diffusion coefficient and the diffusion accessible porosity with geostatistical techniques and incorporates their heterogeneity in the transport model of a low permeability formation. The formation studied was Boom clay (Belgium), a candidate host rock for the deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The calculated output radionuclide fluxes of this model are compared with the fluxes calculated with a homogeneous model and a model with a heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distribution. This analysis shows that the heterogeneity of the diffusion parameters has a much larger effect on the calculated output radionuclide fluxes than the heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity in the low permeability medium under study.  相似文献   
In low permeability environments, transport by advection is often neglected based on a Péclet number criterion. Such a criterion usually states that if the Péclet number (Pe) is much smaller than 1, diffusion dominates over advection and transport may be modeled considering diffusion only. Unfortunately, up to 10 different Péclet number definitions exist and for a particular case these different definitions lead to very diverse Péclet number values, differing several orders of magnitude from each other. In this paper, the different Péclet number definitions are therefore evaluated on their ability to determine the relative importance of transport by advection and by diffusion in low permeability environments. This is done by comparing the results of the analytical solution for pure diffusion with the analytical solution for diffusion, advection and dispersion for a large number of different input parameter values. The relation between the different Péclet numbers and the difference between the calculated concentration considering diffusion only and the calculated concentration considering both diffusion and advection is studied. These calculations show that some Péclet number definitions are not well suited to decide whether advection may be neglected in low permeability media.
Resumen Frecuentemente se descuida el transporte por avección en ambientes de baja permeabilidad sobre la base del criterio del número de Péclet. Dicho criterio usualmente sostiene que si el número de Péclet (Pe) es mucho menor a 1, la difusión domina sobre la avección y es posible modelar el transporte considerando la difusión únicamente. Desafortunadamente existen 10 definiciones diferentes del número de Péclet y para un caso en particular estas diferentes definiciones conducen a valores de número de Péclet muy diversos los cuales difieren entre sí en varias magnitudes. Por lo tanto, en este artículo se evalúan las diferentes definiciones en base a su habilidad para determinar la importancia relativa del transporte por avección y difusión en ambientes de baja permeabilidad. Esto se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de los resultados de la solución analítica para difusión pura con los de la solución analítica por difusión, avección y dispersión para un número amplio de diferentes valores como parámetro. Se ha estudiado la relación entre los diferentes números de Péclet y las diferencias entre la concentración calculada considerando difusión únicamente y considerando tanto difusión como avección. Estos cálculos muestran que algunas de las definiciones de los números de Péclet no son muy apropiadas par decidir si se puede descuidar la avección en medios de baja permeabilidad.

Résumé Dans les milieux à faible perméabilité, le transport par advection est souvent négligeable lorsquon se base sur le critère du nombre de Péclet. Un tel critère suggère habituellement que pour un nombre de Péclet beaucoup plus petit que 1, la diffusion domine sur ladvection et que le transport peut être modélisé par diffusion seulement. Malheureusement, il existe jusquà environ dix définitions du nombre de Péclet et pour un cas spécifique, ces différentes définitions mènent à des valeurs du nombre de Péclet très différentes, et qui varient entre elles de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Dans cet article, les différentes définitions du nombre de Péclet sont évaluées en fonction de leur habileté à déterminer limportance relative du transport par advection et par diffusion dans les milieux à faible perméabilité. Ceci est fait en comparant les résultats de la solution analytique pour la diffusion pure à la solution analytique pour la diffusion, ladvection et la dispersion, et ce, pour un grand nombre de valeurs différentes comme paramètre dentrée. La relation entre les différents nombres de Péclet et la différence entre la concentration calculée en considérant la diffusion seulement et la concentration calculée considérant simultanément la diffusion et ladvection est étudiée. Ces calculs prouvent que certaines définitions de nombre de Péclet ne sont pas appropriées afin de décider si ladvection peut être négligée dans les milieux à faible perméabilité.
Baseflow in the Andes is commonly considered to be related with the release of water stored in páramos. Páramo is the predominant ecosystem above 3500 m a.s.l. and is characterized by a rainy and cold climate with low evapotranspiration. However, this baseflow concept is based on hydrological process studies in small Andean catchments of a few square kilometre with a homogeneous land cover. Middle‐sized Andean catchments, like the subcatchments of Tarqui and Yanuncay, Ecuador, are rarely homogeneous or uniformly covered by páramo. The objectives of this study are therefore to investigate baseflow characteristics in heterogeneous Andean catchments and to identify relationships between baseflow processes and physical characteristics such as storage and recharge. Hereby, the contribution to baseflow of páramo and other sources such as alluvial aquifers is quantified. This study uses nonlinear recession analysis, physically based filters and digital filters for comparison of baseflow of neighbouring but distinct subcatchments. The Yanuncay subcatchment shows a clearly different storage capacity and recession. The storage capacity of Yanuncay is 50% higher than for Tarqui because of its higher coverage of páramo. On the other hand, considerable storage capacity has also been found in the Tarqui subcatchment, which has a limited páramo area but a significant alluvial aquifer. It is shown that improved understanding of the specific baseflow characteristics such as storage and recharge and its relationships to the heterogeneity of the land cover in Andean catchments will lead to a better assessment of the water resources and give new insights for effective management actions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s) is one of the most important parameters determining groundwater flow and contaminant transport in both unsaturated and saturated porous media. The hand-held air permeameter technique was investigated for high-resolution hydraulic conductivity determination on borehole cores using a spatial resolution of ~0.05 m. The suitability of such air permeameter measurements on friable to poorly indurated sediments was tested to improve the spatial prediction of classical laboratory-based K s measurements obtained at a much lower spatial resolution (~2 m). In total, 368 K s measurements were made on ~350 m of borehole cores originating from the Campine basin, northern Belgium, while ~5,230 air permeability measurements were performed on the same cores, resulting in a K s range of seven orders of magnitude. Cross-validation demonstrated that, using air permeameter data as the secondary variable for laboratory based K s measurements, the performance increased from R 2?=?0.35 for ordinary kriging (laboratory K s only) to R 2?=?0.61 for co-kriging. The separate treatment of horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity revealed considerable anisotropy in certain lithostratigraphical units, while others were clearly isotropic at the sample scale. Air permeameter measurements on borehole cores provide a cost-effective way to improve spatial predictions of traditional laboratory based K s.  相似文献   
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