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Managing marine fisheries using output controls in the form of individual transferable quotas (ITQs) can be an attractive alternative to more traditional input controls. There are now a number of examples of where ITQ-managed fisheries have been able to reduce the impact of the major management problems in global fisheries, namely, gross over-capitalisation and effort. However, ITQs are not the perfect management tool and one of the lesser known consequences of ITQ-managed fisheries where ITQs consist of a harvest right is the implicit relationship between ITQ property rights and rights of access to the fishing grounds. This implicit spatial right to the grounds can provide obstacles in the way of allocating water-space within fishing grounds for alternative uses such as marine-protected areas, large-scale aquaculture, and wind farms. These lesser-known consequences of ITQ-managed fisheries are discussed here.  相似文献   
The importance of the diet as a source of tributyltin (TBT) in Nucella lapillus was studied using [14C]tributyltin chloride. In N. lapillus provided with prelabelled mussels, Mytilus edulis, in labelled water (mean 20·5 ng/litre TBT) the rate of accumulation of total 14C was 2–3 times that in unfed animals. Owing to its degradation in the tissues of both fed and unfed animals, concentrations of [14C]TBT tended to reach a plateau after only 28 days. However, total concentrations of 14C were still increasing after 49 days. Under experimental conditions (15°C, ample food, no disturbance) the diet accounted for about 50% of the body burden of TBT in N. lapillus after 49 days exposure: concentration factors (dry tissue/water) for [14C]TBT in both male and female N. lapillus were similar at about 60 000 in fed and 30 000 in unfed animals. It is concluded that the diet may contribute less than half of the body burden of TBT found in natural populations subjected to life-long exposure.  相似文献   
A new method is proposed for the identification and apportionment of contemporary source soils contributing to estuarine sediments. The method uses compound-specific isotopic analysis of naturally occurring biomarkers (fatty acids) derived from plants to link source soils to land use within a single catchment. For identification and apportionment of source soils in the estuarine samples, the method uses the isotopic mixing model, IsoSource. The feasible proportions obtained from IsoSource are then scaled to allow for the percent organic carbon in the source soils. With this approach, the estimation of each source soil contribution to a location in the estuary is independent of any degradation of the biomarkers through microbial or biogeochemical processes. Identification relies on the evaluation of the sediment sample relative to a “library” of reference source soils from different land use within the catchment. Selection of potential sources is geographically constrained by the requirement for a natural linkage between each source soil and the sediment site sampled. A case study, using this method, mapped the distribution of three main land use source soils (pasture, native forest, and pine forest) across the river delta in a small estuary fringed with mangroves. Rather than being uniformly distributed, the results indicated that the source soil contributions varied markedly across the delta, raising concerns about the validity of taking single cores to characterize the sediments of an estuary. Coupling the source apportionment results with land use data indicated that the mean percent contribution of pine forest soil in the river delta sediments was almost three times greater than the percent land use area of pine forest in the catchment. Furthermore, isotopic signatures indicated that most of the pine forest soil came from the much smaller areas exposed to erosion by clear cut harvesting and that the soil contribution from recently harvested areas of pine forest could be as much as 20 times greater than that land use area in this catchment. This is the first method that can identify and apportion, by land use on a catchment scale, the sources of soil contributing to the sediment at a location of an estuary. The results are given as a “best estimate”, within definable limits, of the proportional contribution of each potential source soil. Information obtained using this method will allow development of management strategies to alter land use practices to reduce the sediment load to rivers, and thus, the impact on the aquatic ecosystem downstream in estuaries.  相似文献   
 The structure of coesite has been determined at ten pressures up to a maximum of 8.68 GPa by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The dominant mechanism of compression is the reduction of four of the five independent Si–O–Si angles within the structure. There is no evidence of the fifth linkage, Si1–O1–Si1, deviating from 180°. Some Si–O bond distances also decrease by up to 1.6% over the pressure range studied. The pattern of Si–O–Si angle reduction amounts to a rotation of the Si2 tetrahedron around the [001] direction. This rotation induces significant internal deformation of the Si1 tetrahedron. Comparison of the experimental data with rigid-unit distance least-squares simulations of coesite suggests that this pattern of compression, the anomalous positive values of both s23 and K′′ in the equation of state of coesite, its high elastic anisotropy and the unusual straight Si1–O1–Si1 linkage within the structure are all consequences of the connectivity of the tetrahedral framework. Received: 11 July 2002 / Accepted: 14 January 2003 Acknowledgements The help of Christian Baerlocher of ETH Zurich in providing both the DLS-76 software and advice in its use is gratefully acknowledged, as are discussions with Paul Ribbe of Virginia Tech and the comments of two anonymous reviewers. The data analysis was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant EAR-0105864 to N.L. Ross and R.J. Angel.  相似文献   
We collated information on the sources and sinks of organic carbon in Manukau Harbour, a shallow temperate estuary. Two contrasting inner harbor regions were considered; the northern region, which is urbanized and receives a major load of sewage wastewater, and the southern region, where allochthonous inputs are dominated by the runoff from small rural streams. Although high levels of dissolved nitrogen in the wastewater supported phytoplankton blooms in the northern region, total primary production there was similar to that in the southern region (ca. 300 g C m?2yr?1). By contrast, high concentrations of organic carbon in the wastewater resulted in an additional input to the northern region of 120 g C m?2 yr?1. Loads from runoff and streams to both regions were low. At 350 g C m?2 yr?1, total respiration in the northern region exceeded total production, so the region was slightly heterotrophic. Respiration was lower in the southern region (270 g C m?2 yr?1), which was net autotrophic. Some carbon was exported from each region to the outer harbour (50–80 g C m?2 yr?1). Dissolved oxygen levels in the northern region were somewhat depleted at times; and the high numbers of microzooplankton indicated consumption was enhanced there. Apart from a relatively small area of organic enrichment close to the wastewater discharge, benthic consumers in the harbor appeared to be limited by physical disturbance (by wind-waves) rather than by food availability. Improved wastewater treatment is expected to substantially reduce the allochthonous input to the northern region, with the total input of carbon in the future being only slightly higher than that to the southern region.  相似文献   
Analytical results of bottom sampling of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean affected by the Amazon River show a concentration of material smaller than 2 μ along the shore northwest of the mouth of the Amazon River for 2000 km. A zone having a high percentage of material coarser than 20 μ extends outward from the Amazon River and along the outer continental shelf northwestward for 2000 km. Areas having high carbonate percentages are encountered only on the outer shelf and in deep water.  相似文献   
Recently, ab-initio quantum mechanical potential surfaces calculated for silicate hydroxyacid molecules were used to extract covalent potentials for use in mineral physics calculations (Lasaga and Gibbs 1987). The calculations showed that these potentials are capable of generating the structure and physical properties of silicate minerals. In this paper we explore in more detail the suitability of various covalent potentials in mimicking the topography of the ab-initio potential surfaces. We also extend the use of such quantum-derived potentials in generating the structures of hydroxyacid dimers, trimers, and pentamers of silicate tetrahedra and in studying the structure and the dynamical properties of minerals and glasses.  相似文献   
Several computer models of quartz were developed and tested. A simple model based on a potential energy function, derived in large part from quantum mechanical calculations on the molecule H6Si2O7, was found to reproduce the compressibility curve for quartz up to pressures of 8 GPa. The potential includes quadratic expressions for the SiO bond lengths, the OSiO angles and a parameter spanning the SiOSi angle together with an exponential OO repulsion term for non co-dimer O atoms. The variations in the cell edges and in the SiOSi angle, as a function of pressure, parallel observed trends when the bond lengths and angles calculated for the molecule are used as rgressor values. Poisson ratios calculated using the model match those observed. Two configurations for quartz related by the Dauphiné twin law are generated as minimum energy structures of the model with about equal frequencies as observed in nature. It is shown that the model, devised for quartz, can also be applied to the silica polymorph cristobalite, giving reasonable estimates of its compressibility curve, structural parameters and its negative Poisson ratio. When the observed bond lengths and angles are used as regressor values, the model generates the absolute coordinates of the atoms and the cell dimensions for quartz to within 0.005 Å and those of cristobalite to within 0.001 Å, on average, both at zero pressure. When applied to coesite, the model yields a zero pressure structure that is close to that observed but which is significantly softer than observed. The resulting SiO bond lengths are linearly correlated with f s (O), as observed for coesite, despite the use of a single bond length and a single SiOSi angle as regressor values in the calculation. When the structures are optimized assuming P1 space group symmetry and triclinic cell dimensions, the resulting frameworks of silicate tetrahedra exhibit the translational, rotational and reflection symmetries observed for quartz, cristobalite and coesite. The fact that the resulting frameworks exhibit observed space group symmetries is evidence that the symmetry adopted by the silica polymorphs can be explained by short ranged forces.  相似文献   
The electron localization function, η, evaluated for first-principles geometry optimized model structures generated for quartz and coesite, reveals that the oxide anions are coordinated by two hemispherically shaped η-isosurfaces located along each of the SiO bond vectors comprising the SiOSi angles. With one exception, they are also coordinated by larger banana-shaped isosurfaces oriented perpendicular to the plane centered in the vicinity of the apex of each angle. The hemispherical isosurfaces, ascribed to domains of localized bond-pair electrons, are centered ~0.70 Å along the bond vectors from the oxide anions and the banana-shaped isosurfaces, ascribed to domains of localized nonbonding lone-pair electrons, are centered ~0.60 Å from the apex of the angle. The oxide anion comprising the straight SiOSi angle in coesite is the one exception in that the banana-shaped isosurface is missing; however, it is coordinated by two hemispherically shaped isosurfaces that lie along the bond vectors. In the case of a first-principles model structure generated for stishovite, the oxide anion is coordinated by five hemispherically shaped η-isosurfaces, one located along each of the three SiO bond vectors (ascribed to domains of bonding-electron pairs) that are linked to the anion with the remaining two (ascribed to domains of nonbonding-electron pairs) located on opposite sides of the plane defined by three vectors, each isosurface at a distance of ~0.5 Å from the anion. The distribution of the five isosurfaces is in a one-to-one correspondence with the distribution of the maxima displayed by experimental Δρ and theoretical ??2ρ maps. Isosurface η maps calculated for quartz and the (HO) 3 SiOSi(OH) 3 molecule also exhibit maxima that correspond with the (3,?3) maxima displayed by distributions of ??2ρ. Deformation maps observed for the SiOSi bridges for the silica polymorphs and a number of silicates are similar to that calculated for the molecule but, for the majority, the maxima ascribed to lone-pair features are absent. The domains of localized nonbonding-electron pair coordinating the oxide anions of quartz and coesite provide a basis for explaining the flexibility and the wide range of the SiOSi angles exhibited by the silica polymorphs with four-coordinate Si. They also provide a basis for explaining why the SiO bond length in coesite decreases with increasing angle. As found in studies of the interactions of solute molecules with a solvent, a mapping of η-isosurfaces for geometry-optimized silicates is expected to become a powerful tool for deducing potential sites of electrophilic attack and reactivity for Earth materials. The positions of the features ascribed to the lone pairs in coesite correspond with the positions of the H atoms recently reported for an H-doped coesite crystal.  相似文献   
Systematic trends in the geometry of 149 oxide and 80 sulfide binary and ternary spinels have been examined from the standpoint of ionic radius and electronegativity. The mean ionic radii of the octahedral and tetrahedral cations, taken together, account for 96.9 and 90.5% of the variation in the unit cell parameter, a, of the oxides and sulfides, respectively, with the octahedral cation exerting by far the dominant influence in sulfides. The mean electronegativity of the octahedral cation exerts an additional, but small, influence on the cell edge of the sulfides. The equation a=(8/3√d)d tet+(8/3)d oct, where d tet and d oct are the tetrahedral and octahedral bond lengths obained from the sum of the ionic radii, accounts for 96.7 and 83.2% of the variation in a in the oxides and sulfides, respectively, again testifying to the applicability of the hard-sphere ionic model in the case of the spinel structure. Comparison of observed and calculated u values for 94 spinels indicates that up to 40% of the experimentally measured anion coordinates may be significantly in error. In addition to these compounds, u values are given for 52 spinels for which no data have previously been determined. Diagrams are presented for the rapid interpretation of the internal consistency of published data and the prediction of the structural parameters of hypothetical or partially studied spinels.  相似文献   
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