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New evidence from recent field and seismic investigations in the Lake Michigan basin and in the type areas of the Valders, Two Creeks and Two Rivers deposits necessitates revision of late-glacial ice-front positions, rock- and time-stratigraphic nomenclature and climatic interpretations and deglaciation patterns for the period ca. 14,000–7,000 radiocarbon years B.P. The previously reported and long accepted pattern of deglaciation for the Lake Michigan basin started with a regular retreat from the Lake Border Morainic System, with a minor oscillation marked by the Port Huron moraine(s) and then an extensive Twocreekan deglaciation followed by a major (320 km) post-Twocreekan advance (Valders). However, we now record a major retreat between the times of the Lake Border and Port Huron moraines, followed by a gradual retreat from the Port Huron limit and interrupted by a minor standstill (deposition of Manitowoc Till), a retreat (Twocreekan) and a readvance (Two Rivers Till). No Woodfordian or younger readvance was as extensive as had been the preceding one. This sequence argues for a normal, climatically controlled, progressive deglaciation rather than one interrupted by a major post-Twocreekan (formerly Valderan) surge. This revision appears finally to harmonize the geologic evidence and the palynological record for the Great Lakes region. Our investigations show that Valders Till from which the Valderan Substage was named is late-Woodfordian in age. We propose the term “Greatlakean” as a replacement for the now misleading time-stratigraphic term “Valderan”. The type section and the definition of the upper and lower boundaries of the Greatlakean Substage remain the same as those originally proposed for the Valderan Substage but the name is changed.  相似文献   
Framboidal sulphides of iron, copper, lead, zinc, nickel and arsenic have been precipitated from aqueous solutions by hydrogen sulphide in the absence of any bacterial agency. The formation of framboids is considered to be a normal result of the precipitation of discrete sulphide particles in suspension from reactants in true solution at a concentration between twice and ten times the solubility of the sulphides. The preservation of framboids demands protection from further access to a solvent within a few days of precipitation. The significance of the formation and preservation of framboids in sedimentary and magmatic rocks and in the genesis of stratiform sulphide ores is discussed and the role of organic material in sediments is suggested.
Zusammenfassung Eisen-, Kupfer-, Blei-, Zink-, Nickel- und Arsensulfid-Himbeeren wurden durch Schwefelwasserstoff-Fällung, unter Ausschluß von Bakterieneinwirkungen, erhalten. Die Bildung der Himbeeren wird als normales Resultat der Fällung begrenzter Sulfid-Einzelteilchen angesehen, wie sie aus 2- bis 10-fach übersättigten echten Lösungen entstehen. Nach der Fällung bleiben die Himbeeren eine Woche erhalten, danach nur, wenn das Lösungsmittel zu ihnen keinen weiteren Zutritt erlangt. Die Bedeutung der Bildung und Erhaltung von Himbeeren in sedimentären und magmatischen Gesteinen, sowie der Entstehungsprozeß von Sulfiderzschichten, wird besprochen und die Annahme diskutiert, daß organischem Material in Sedimenten eine bestimmte Rolle zukommt.
Stibnite mineralisation in the antimony province of New England can be divided into Central type ores (veins of stibnite + quartz ± berthierite) and Peripheral type ores of stibnite + quartz + native antimony ± berthierite. The Central stibnites have 34SCDT values of –5±2 (1) which may represent equilibrium precipitation from mantle sulfur at about 200°C. Peripheral stibnites have 34S values between 0 and –25, with a large group at 0±2. They represent precipitation from a limited supply of mantle sulfur and the acquisition of sedimentary sulfur. We consider that the different ore types were produced from distinct ore solutions derived from two immiscible melts. These originated in the deep mantle, were mobilised by tectonic activity and supplied the antimony and most of the sulfur to the ores.  相似文献   
Analysis of visible to near infrared reflectance data from the MRO CRISM hyperspectral imager has revealed the presence of an ovoid-shaped landform, approximately 3 by 5 km in size, within the layered terrains surrounding the Mawrth Vallis outflow channel. This feature has spectral absorption features consistent with the presence of the ferric sulfate mineral jarosite, specifically a K-bearing jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6). Terrestrial jarosite is formed through the oxidation of iron sulfides in acidic environments or from basaltic precursor minerals with the addition of sulfur. Previously identified phyllosilicates in the Mawrth Vallis layered terrains include a basal sequence of layers containing Fe-Mg smectites and an upper set of layers of hydrated silica and aluminous phyllosilicates. In terms of its fine scale morphology revealed by MRO HiRISE imagery, the jarosite-bearing unit has fracture patterns very similar to that observed in Fe-Mg smectite-bearing layers, but unlike that observed in the Al-bearing phyllosilicate unit. The ovoid-shaped landform is situated in an east-west bowl-shaped depression superposed on a north sloping surface. Spectra of the ovoid-shaped jarosite-bearing landform also display an anomalously high 600 nm shoulder, which may be consistent with the presence of goethite and a 1.92 μm absorption which could indicate the presence of ferrihydrite. Goethite, jarosite, and ferrihydrite can be co-precipitated and/or form through transformation of schwertmannite, both processes generally occurring under low pH conditions (pH 2-4). To date, this location appears to be unique in the Mawrth Vallis region and could represent precipitation of jarosite in acidic, sulfur-rich ponded water during the waning stages of drying.  相似文献   
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