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油气差异泵吸作用机理探讨——以泌阳凹陷为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对泌阳凹陷油气成藏过程的系统研究,发现在差异抬升过程中,深凹源岩区抬升幅度小,凹陷四周圈闭发育区抬升幅度大,差异抬升运动导致源岩和圈闭之间的势能差急剧增大,从而促使油气大规模沿砂体向圈闭充注,这一过程类似于水泵抽水的过程,据此,文中提出了油气泵吸作用和油气差异泵吸作用的概念及机理,并以泌阳凹陷为例讨论了油气差异泵吸作用的形成条件、主要影响因素及油气差异泵吸作用对油气差异分布的控制作用。研究表明:影响油气差异泵吸作用的因素主要有势能梯度、通道质量和泵源配置及油气运移距离;泌阳凹陷油气分布总体上受成藏运聚系统的控制,在各运聚系统内油气分布受油气差异泵吸作用的控制,其中势能梯度、泵源配置及油气运移距离是影响油气差异分布的主要因素,而在每一个大泵(复合泵)内部,通道质量差异是影响油气差异分布的主要因素。  相似文献   
多硅白云母压力计在退变质作用中的稳定性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王勇生  朱光 《矿物岩石》2004,24(4):20-27
探讨多硅白云母地质压力计在低温退变质过程中的稳定性,在对大别山东缘和苏鲁造山带西缘郯庐左旋走滑韧性剪切带糜棱岩中的多硅白云母残斑由中心向两侧边缘进行电子探针分析后发现:由中心向两侧边缘Si减少,Al增加,Fe,Mg略有降低,部分样品中K,Na有不同程度的增加.而Ti则显示不活动富集。这是由于退变质过程中流体的活动常会改变残斑白云母的成分.并且在流体活动过程相对短暂的情况下,使残斑白云母的成分不能发生充分变化.最终会导致白云母不同部位具有不同的成分。因而,经历了富流体活动的退变质作用后,岩石中的多硅白云母残斑已不能完全保存其形成时的压力信息。  相似文献   
人工神经网络在天津市区地面沉降预测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
李涛  潘云  娄华君  李波  王宏  邹立芝 《地质通报》2005,24(7):677-681
在分析天津市区地面沉降特点的基础上,结合人工神经网络原理,选择1961-1980年的天津市区降水量、地下水开采量、前年沉降量、固结度作为训练样本的输入量,以这20年的地面沉降量作为输出量,用贝叶斯正则化算法训练BP网络,得到沉降的仿真模型。并把1981-1993年的资料用来进行预测检验,结果表明这是一种比较理想的地面沉降预测方法。最后在不同的降水量保证率下,预测了到2010年天津市区地面沉降的情况。  相似文献   
广西大厂锡矿田侵入岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄及其意义   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44  
应用高精度SHRIMP锆石U-Pb方法对广西大厂锡矿田不同类型中—酸性侵入岩进行了系统的定年研究,获得龙箱盖含斑黑云母花岗岩的成岩年龄为93±1Ma,斑状花岗岩91±1Ma,石英闪长玢岩脉(西岩墙)91±1Ma,花岗斑岩脉(东岩墙)91±1Ma,四者在测试误差范围内基本一致,微量元素特征及稀土配分模式相近,为同期不同阶段岩浆活动的产物。区内成岩与锡多金属成矿的时代相一致,均形成于板内伸展剪切的构造环境,应同属燕山晚期构造—热事件的产物。  相似文献   
Secular variations of carbon isotopic composition of organic carbon can be used in the study of global environmental variation, the carbon cycle, stratigraphic delimitation, and biological evolution, etc. Organic carbon isotopic analysis of the Nangao and Zhalagou sections in eastern Guizhou reveals a negative excursion near the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary that correlates with a distinct carbonate carbon isotopic negative excursion at this boundary globally. Our results also demonstrate that several alternating positive and negative shifts occur in the Meishucunian, and an obvious negative anomaly appears at the boundary between the Meishucunian and Qiongzhusian. The isotope values are stable in the middle and lower parts but became more positive in the upper part of the Qiongzhusian. Evolution of organic carbon isotopes from the two sections in the deepwater facies can be well correlated with that of the carbonate carbon isotopes from the section in the shallow water facies. Integrated with other stratigraphic tools, we can precisely establish a lower Cambrian stratigraphic framework from shallow shelf to deep basin of the Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   
郑小梅  龙毅 《测绘学院学报》2002,19(4):265-267,271
简要介绍了一种GIS平台SICAD/Open,详细描述了SICAD/Open空间拓扑结构,给出了基于SICAD/Open空间拓扑结构的地籍空间实体图形变更处理方法,为在地籍信息系统中利用地理信息系统技术实现地籍空间实体图形变更提供了一种切实可行的操作方法。文中描述的处理方法已成功应用于上海市地籍管理信息系统中。  相似文献   
In this paper, the extreme wave loads on an on-shore wave power device are investigated. First, boundary element method is applied to solve the three dimensional potential problem based on the small amplitude wave assumption. Then the motion of the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) inside the device and its laods on the device are calculated in time domain. Several protective techniques often applied are simulated by changing the constraint of the upper end of the chamber of the device. Numerical results are used to judge the effectiveness of these techniques. The investigation shows that damping can not effectively restrain the motion of OWC when the period of incident wave is long, which may cause dangerous loads on the structure. The shut chamber can effectively restrain the motion of OWC, but alternatively cause high pressure in the chamber. A Contracting opening with a Taper (CT) can exhaust a great amount of kinetic energy of OWC, and significantly decrease the loads. It is a promising protective tec  相似文献   
大陆下地壳的研究进展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大陆下地壳对认识整个地壳的组成演化具有重要意义,对大陆下地壳的研究正在世界范围蓬勃开展,大陆下地壳的研究基于两个方面:一是太古代地壳剖面的研究,二是麻粒岩包体的研究,相比较而言后者的研究程度要难得多,下地壳包体出露少,成分多为麻粒岩,且无一例外地都含有基性麻粒岩,对其成因现基本趋于一致认识,即由幔源岩浆底侵至地壳再受变质而成,然后被火山作用带至地表,因此,基性麻粒岩包体更可能反映了现今大陆下地壳的  相似文献   
黄河下游壶穴的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
黄河下游(泺口以下)发育了大量的壶穴(Pothole),按成因可以分为6种:流水侵蚀、风蚀、圆砾铸模、冰压刻、冰融水滴蚀及泄气侵蚀。流水侵蚀形成的圆形Pothole规模不一,小者直径在十余厘米,深数厘米,大者直径达数米,深1 m余;风蚀形成的圆形Pothole规模一般比较小,直径多在二、三十厘米以下,深10 cm以下,大部分穴壁缓斜,状如盘碟;圆砾铸模形成的Pothole规模一般较小,直径多在一、二十厘米以下、穴壁陡倾,状如锅穴;冰融水滴蚀形成的Pothole形态复杂,规模不一,既有穴壁缓斜的盘碟状者,也有穴壁陡倾近乎直立的近圆柱状者,直径从不足1cm到三、四十厘米,其穴缘、穴壁和穴底常有次级构造;泄气侵蚀形成的Pothole更是十分复杂,平面形态可以圆形到近圆形甚至其他复杂形态,穴壁可以非常平缓,也可以陡倾,直径从数厘米到数十厘米,深数毫米到二、三十厘米,穴缘和穴壁也常有次级伴生构造,既可单独产出,也可成群产出,同时还可以多个密集产出,状如蜂巢,这一类Pothole的成因极为独特,主要与黄河断流河床捕获的空气泄漏有关。  相似文献   
This paper summarizes five 2007–2008 resource commodity committee reports prepared by the Energy Minerals Division (EMD) of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Current United States and global research and development activities related to gas hydrates, gas shales, geothermal resources, oil sands, and uranium resources are included in this review. These commodity reports were written to advise EMD leadership and membership of the current status of research and development of unconventional energy resources. Unconventional energy resources are defined as those resources other than conventional oil and natural gas that typically occur in sandstone and carbonate rocks. Gas hydrate resources are potentially enormous; however, production technologies are still under development. Gas shale, geothermal, oil sand, and uranium resources are now increasing targets of exploration and development, and are rapidly becoming important energy resources that will continue to be developed in the future.
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