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With 80 % of world trade carried by sea, seaports provide crucial linkages in global supply-chains and are essential for the ability of all countries to access global markets. Seaports are likely to be affected directly and indirectly by climatic changes, with broader implications for international trade and development. Due to their coastal location, seaports are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events associated with increasing sea levels and tropical storm activity, as illustrated by hurricane “Sandy”. In view of their strategic role as part of the globalized trading system, adapting ports in different parts of the world to the impacts of climate change is of considerable importance. Reflecting the views of a diverse group of stakeholders with expertise in climate science, engineering, economics, policy, and port management, this essay highlights the climate change challenge for ports and suggests a way forward through the adoption of some initial measures. These include both “soft” and “hard” adaptations that may be spearheaded by individual port entities, but will require collaboration and support from a broad range of public and private sector stakeholders and from society at large. In particular, the essay highlights a need to shift to more holistic planning, investment and operation.  相似文献   
Determination of biosphere–atmosphere exchanges requires accurate quantification of the turbulent fluxes of energy and of a wide variety of trace gases. Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) is a method that has received increasing attention in recent years, because it does not require any rapid sensor for the scalar measurements as the Eddy Correlation method (EC) does. As in all micrometeorological studies, REA measurements in the atmospheric surface layer are valid under some restrictive conditions so as to be representative of a specific ecosystem. These conditions are the homogeneity of the underlying surface, stationary and horizontally homogeneous turbulence. For most experiments these conditions are not fully satisfied. Data uncertainties can also be related to not fulfilling the method principles or to the technical characteristics of the REA system itself. In order to assess REA measurement quality, a methodological approach of data analysis is developed in this study. This methodological analysis is based on the establishment of criteria for data quality control. A set of them, deduced from the mean and turbulent flow, are called ‘Dynamic criteria’ and are designated to control the stationarity and homogeneity of the w function and the validation of Taylor’s hypothesis. A second set (‘REA operational criteria’) is designed to check the sampling process and, more precisely, the homogeneity of the negative and positive selection process throughout the sampling period. A third set of criteria (‘Chemical scalar criteria’) concerns the scalar measurements. Results of the criteria application to data measured at two different experimental sites are also presented. Cut-off limits of criteria are defined based on their statistical distribution and shown to be specific for each site. Strictness of each criterion, defined by the percentage of flagged samples, is analysed in conjunction with the meteorological conditions and atmospheric stability. It is found that flagged samples mainly correspond to neutral and stable nocturnal conditions. During daytime, nearly free convection conditions can also yield poor quality data.  相似文献   
CRISM indicates the presence of water ice patches in Richardson crater, located on Mars’ southern polar region at the area of the seasonal ice cap. Numerical simulations suggest that the maximum daytime temperature of the ice at these locations is between 195 and 220 K during local spring. Previous studies suggest that at these temperatures liquid interfacial water could be present. Here, for the first time, we provide an example where the environmental conditions allow for the formation of such liquid films on present day Mars at the southern hemisphere. The upper bound estimated H2O loss during the presence of these water ice patches is approximately 30 μm between Ls = 200 and 220, though it may be as low as 0.1 μm depending on the ambient water vapor. The upper bound value is larger than the expected condensation thickness in autumn; however, it may still be realistic due to CO2 gas jet generated deposition and possible subsequent accumulation on mineral grains. The presence of this interfacial water may have impact on local chemical processes along with astrobiological importance.  相似文献   
The Central High Atlas is characterized by a relatively mild deformation, with a local development of a more or less penetrative cleavage in the axial part of the belt. Locally, this cleavage and the plutonic bodies which outcrop in the core of most of the north-east trending anticlines (ridges »with intrusions«) are overlain by a disconformable sequence that comprises red clastic deposits which are capped by Cenomano-Turonian limestones. The age of these red deposits are bracketted between Bathonian to Mid-Cretaceous. Therefore, the spatial relationship of the cleavage with mafic intrusions, in the axial part of the Central High Atlas, suggests that it developed contemporaneously with the emplacement of magmas, probably during Mid-Jurassic times. During this period, the structural inversion occurred, from a transtensional regime to a transpressive regime.There are few indications that an important shortening persisted within the axial part of the Central High Atlas after the end of the Jurassic. Along the northern and the southern borders of the belt, however, Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata were deposited. Their sedimentary facies bear witness of successive stages of the Atlas evolution. Especially, the rapidly coarsening up of the clastic deposits since the Oligocene in these marginal basins indicates the onset of the rising up of the belt, i. e. the orogenic inversion.
Zusammenfassung Der zentrale Hohe Atlas ist eine intrakontinentale Gebirgskette, die sich im Bereich der zwischen dem Sahara-Plateau und dem marokkanischen Variszikum gelegenen Trias- und Jurabecken herausbildete. Dieses junge Gebirge, dessen höchste Erhebungen über 4000 Meter hoch sind, ist durch einen relativ geringen Verkürzungsgrad gekennzeichnet. Axial tritt jedoch eine Schieferung auf im Bereich der N80° E ausgerichteten antiklinalen Hauptfalten sowie rund um die N45° E verlaufenden »Intrusions-Falten« und die Gangfelder. Die räumlichen Beziehungen dieser Schieferung zu den synsedimentären Faltungsstrukturen und den Gängen legen die Vermutung nahe, daß ihre Hausbildung während des Doggers mit dem Aufstieg und dem Eindringen der Plutone in das Sedimentgestein zeitlich zusammenfiel. In diesem Zeitraum erfolgte eine Strukturumkehrung, die das allmähliche Verschließen der Becken und das Zustandekommen der Schieferung bewirkte.Im Laufe des Tertiärs wurde nach und nach das gesamte Atlasgebiet einer etwa N-S gerichteten Einspannung ausgesetzt. Mit der Ablagerung immer gröberer Sedimente in den letzten Randbekken setzte schließlich im Oligozän die orogene Inversion ein, die das Gebirgsrelief bedingt hat.

Résumé Le Haut Atlas central est une chaîne intracontinentale qui s'est développée à l'emplacement de bassins subsidents triasiques et jurassiques installés en bordure de la plate-forme saharienne et de la chaîne hercynienne marocaine. Cette chaîne récente qui culmine à plus de 4000 mètres, est caractérisée par un taux de raccourcissement modeste. Cependant, dans son axe, une déformation pénétrative s'observe au droit des rides anticlinales majeures N 80° E, et autour des »rides avec intrusions« N 45° E et des champs filoniens. Les relations spatiales de cette schistosité avec les structures plicatives synsédimentaires et les intrusions nous conduisent à considérer son développement comme globalement contemporain de la mise en place des plutons dans la couverture sédimentaire. L'âge des dépôts détritiques, discordants sur les roches intrusives et sur le Lias schistosé, étant estimé callovien ou wealdien, la déformation synschisteuse est par conséquent d'âge postbathonien et antécrétacé. C'est pendant cette période que se manifeste, avec le passage d'un régime tectonique contrôlé par le jeu de décrochements senestres E-W à un autre dominé par le fonctionnement de décrochements senestres NE-SW en compression, une inversion structurale responsable de la fermeture progressive des bassins et du développement de la schistosité.Au cours du Tertiaire, une compression subméridienne a progressivement affecté tout le domaine atlasique. Et c'est à partir de l'Oligocène, avec l'arrivée de dépôts détritiques de plus en plus grossiers dans les bassins résiduels bordiers, que débute l'inversion orogénique, responsable du relief de la chaîne.

, , Map. , , , 4000 m., . N 80° N 45° » «, . , . , , , . , , N-S . , .
The energy balance at the surface of an airless planetary body is strongly influenced by the bolometric Bond albedo and the surface thermal inertia. Both of these values may be calculated through the application of a thermal model to measured surface temperatures. The accuracy of either, though, increases if the value of the other is better constrained. In this study, we used the improved global bolometric Bond albedo map of Iapetus derived from Cassini VIMS and ISS and Voyager ISS data in conjunction with Cassini CIRS temperature data to reevaluate surface thermal inertia across Iapetus. Results showed the thermal inertia of the dark terrain varies between 11 and 14.8 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2 while the light material varies between 15 and 25 J m−2 K−1 s−1/2. Using an approximation to the thermal properties of the dark overburden derived from our thermal inertia results, we can implement our thermal model to provide estimates on the dark material thickness, which was found to lie between 7 cm and 16 cm. In order to develop an accurate global thermal model, a weighted function that approximates the surface thermal inertia across Iapetus was developed and verified via our measurements. The global bolometric Bond albedo map, surface thermal inertia map, and the thermal model are then used to synthesize global temperature maps that may be used to study the stability of volatiles.  相似文献   
The Middle Jurassic plutonism of the Central High Atlas (Morocco) was emplaced in N45° trending anticlinal ridges. It is characterised by various petrographic facies including mafic rocks (troctolites), intermediate rocks (diorites, monzodiorites), and evolved rocks (syenites), together with heterogeneous facies resulting from mixing between acidic and the intermediate magmas. Mineralogical and chemical data show (i) the transitional character of the Jurassic magmatic series of the Central High Atlas and (ii) the implication of continental crust as a contaminant during fractional crystallization. To cite this article: R. Zayane et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 97–104.  相似文献   
The active growth of a fault-and-thrust belt in frontal zones of Himalaya is a prominent topographical feature, extending 2500 km from Assam to Pakistan. In this paper, kinematical analysis of frontal anticlines and spatial mapping of active faults based on geomorphological features such as drainage pattern development, fault scarps and uplifted Quaternary alluvial fans are presented. We analyse the geomorphic and hydrographic expressions of the Chandigarh and the Janauri active anticlines in the NW India Siwaliks. To investigate the morphological scenario during the folding process, we used spatial imagery, geomorphometric parameters extracted from digital elevation models and fieldwork. Folding between the Beas and Sutlej Rivers gives clear geomorphological evidence of recent fold growth, presumably driven by movements of blind thrust faults. Structural style within the Janauri and Chandigarh anticlines is highly variable (fault-propagation folds, pop-up structures and transfer faults). The approach presented here involves analysis of topography and drainage incision of selected landforms to detect growth of active anticlines and transfer faults. Landforms that indicate active folding above a southwest-dipping frontal thrust and a northeast-dipping back-thrust are described. Along-strike differences in ridge morphology are measured to describe the interaction of river channel patterns with folds and thrust faults and to define history of anticline growth. The evolution of the apparently continuous Janauri ridge has occurred by the coalescence of independent segments growing towards each other. By contrast, systematic drainage basin asymmetry shows that the Chandigarh anticline ridge has propagated laterally from NW to SE.  相似文献   
In the western part of Madagascar, the Morondava Basin shows the Malagasy Karoo series, made of Late Carboniferous-Mid-Permian (Sakoa), Late Permian-Mid-Triassic (Sakamena) and Late Triassic-Mid-Jurassic (Isalo) sequences. The sedimentary facies are mainly aerial and clastic in the series, and the marine conditions are fully established after Lower Jurassic times, when the strait between Africa and Madagascar was flooded.The Karoo basins where these series were deposited are mainly hemi-grabens. Their filling proceeded from west to east and from south to north. Distinction between the southern and northern part of the Morondava Basin suggests that development of the basin was controlled by old crustal weakness zones trending north-northwest-south-southeast and north-northeast-south-southwest.  相似文献   
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has demonstrated its high potential in measurement of material composition in many areas including space exploration. LIBS instruments will be parts of payloads for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory NASA-led mission and the ExoMars mission planned by ESA. This paper considers application of artificial neural networks (ANN) for material identification based on LIBS spectra that may be obtained with a portable instrument in ambient conditions. The several classes of materials used in this study included those selected to represent the sites analogues to Mars. In addition, metals and aluminum alloys were used to demonstrate ANN capabilities. Excellent material classification is achieved with single-shot measurements in real time.  相似文献   
Field studies and observations from aerial photographs, remote sensing and numerical field models show that the Meso-Cenozoic and Recent sedimentary sequences of Madagascar are affected by normal faults. These faults, north-south, north-northeast-south-southwest and north-northwest-south-southwest trending, are responsible for the following morphological effects: scarps, block tilting and opening of faulted basins, the most important of which being the Lake Alaotra Basin. The general orientation of these brittle structures and some observations in the field show tha the horizontal maximum extension isroughly east-west directed. Other lines of evidence, seismic and gravimetric, confirm that Madagascar is presently submitted to a crustal and lithospheric extension, parallel to that in East Africa and the Mozambique Channel.  相似文献   
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