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The development of regional metamorphism in areas of thickenedcontinental crust is investigated in terms of the major controlson regional-scale thermal regimes. These are: the total radiogenicheat supply within the thickened crust, the supply of heat fromthe mantle, the thermal conductivity of the medium and the lengthand time scales of erosion of the continental crust. The orogenicepisode is regarded as consisting of a relatively rapid phaseof crustal thickening, during which little temperature changeoccurs in individual rocks, followed by a lengthier phase oferosion, at the end of which the crust is at its original thickness.The principal features of pressure—temperature—time(PTt) paths followed by rocks in this environment are a periodof thermal relaxation, during which the temperature rises towardsthe higher geotherm that would be supported by the thickenedcrust, followed by a period of cooling as the rock approachesthe cold land surface. The temperature increase that occursis governed by the degree of thickening of the crust, its conductivityand the time that elapses before the rock is exhumed sufficientlyto be affected by the proximity of the cold upper boundary.For much of the parameter range considered, the heating phaseencompasses a considerable portion of the exhumation (decompression)part of the PTt path. In addition to the detailed calculationof PTt paths we present an idealized model of the thickeningand exhumation process, which may be used to make simple calculationsof the amount of heating to be expected during a given thickeningand exhumation episode and of the depth at which a rock willstart to cool on its ascent path. An important feature of thesePTt paths is that most of them lie within 50 °C of the maximumtemperature attained for one third or more of the total durationof their burial and uplift, and for a geologically plausiblerange of erosion rates the rocks do not begin to cool untilthey have completed 20 to 40 per cent of the total uplift theyexperience. Considerable melting of the continental crust isa likely consequence of thickening of crust with an averagecontinental geotherm. A companion paper discusses these resultsin the context of attempts to use metamorphic petrology datato give information on tectonic processes.  相似文献   
A companion paper (England & Thompson, 1984a) investigatesthe pressure-temperature-time (PTt) paths followed by rocksundergoing burial metamorphism in continental thickening events.This paper discusses problems involved in inferring such pathsfrom the petrological data available in metamorphic rocks and—oncesuch paths are determined—how they may be interpretedin terms of the thermal budgets of metamorphism. Each of theprincipal facies series (glaucophane-jadeite, andalusite- sillimaniteand kyanite-sillimanite) may be encountered by rocks involvedin the thickening and erosion of continental crust in a regimeof average continental heat flow. The inference of a minimumthermal budget required for a given metamorphism depends stronglyon a knowledge of the PTt paths followed by rocks during themetamorphism. Discrimination between possible thermal regimesis greatly enhanced if portions of PTt paths, rather than singlePT points, are available, and additional constraint is possibleif these paths are supplemented by geochronological, structuraland heat flow data.  相似文献   
During the last glaciation of northern Ellesmere Island many areas remained ice-free. A caribou antler from deglacial-marine sediments in Clements Markham Inlet dates 8,415 ± 135 B.P. (S-2501). If locally derived it places caribou at the northern limit of their contemporary range at the onset of deglaciation in this area. Immediately to the south, on the Hazen Plateau, ice remained at its limit until c . 8,000 B.P. Therefore, this antler may indicate the presence of caribou during full glacial time.  相似文献   
Climate model results suggest that future climate change in Antarctica will be accompanied by continued strengthening and poleward contraction of the Southern Ocean westerly wind belt. Paleoclimate records suggest past changes in the westerly winds can be abrupt and that healing of the Antarctic ozone hole could lead to poleward contraction of the westerlies and increased meridional atmospheric transport of warm air regionally into Antarctica. An abrupt shift to more meridional circulation could lead to notable changes in moisture availability for extra‐Antarctic regions, increased Antarctic ice sheet disintegration and more rapid sea‐level rise.  相似文献   
Along the northern coasts of Ellesmere Island, at least two glaciations are recognized on the basis of morphostratigraphy. The early Holocene ice limit lay only 5 to 60 km beyond present glaciers due to constraints imposed by aridity and calving. This limited ice advance likely extended beyond any Wisconsinan glacial limit. Marine limits established during, retreat from the last glacial maximum reach 148 m a.s.l. In contrast, earlier, more extensive glaciations inundated the coastlines and are associated with former relative sea levels now reaching 286 m a.s.l. Correlation of these pre-Wisconsinan glaciations is based upon amino acid ratios. However, this approach is severely limited by slow rates of racemization, a lack of in situ samples, and complex thermal histories owing to multiple transgressions. Models favoring extensive regional glaciation of northern Ellesmere Island and Greenland must include a glacioclimatic scenario recognizing the constraint that aridity places on glaciation. We suggest that the large ice volume associated with the oldest recognized glaciation relates to a period of reduced sea-ice cover, possibly >400,000 BP, and may correlate with an interglacial stage of the marine oxygen isotope record.  相似文献   
Along a 70 km section of western Kennedy Channel three prominent weathering zones are identified and serve to differentiate major events in the Quaternary landscape. The oldest zone (Zone 111b) is characterized by a deeply weathered, erratic-free terrain which extends from the mountain summits down to ca. 470 m above sea level. This zone shows no evidence of former glacierization. Zone 111a extends from ca. 470 to 370m above sea level and is characterized by sparse granite, gneiss and quartzite erratics amongst weathered bedrock and extensive, oxidized colluvium. The Precambrian provenance and uppermost profile of these erratics reflect the maximum advance of the northwest Greenland Ice Sheet onto northeastern Ellesmere Island. These uppermost erratics along western Kennedy Channel decrease in elevation southward and suggest that the former Greenland ice was thickest in the direction of the major outlet of Petermann Fiord. No evidence of a former ice ridge in Nares Strait was observed. Zone II is marked by the moraines of the outermost Ellesmere Island ice advance which form a prominent morpho-stratigraphic boundary where they cross-cut the zone of Greenland erratics at ca. 250–350 m above sea level. These moraines show advanced surface weathering and ice recession from them is associated with a pre-Holocene shoreline at 162 m above sea level. Late Wisconsin/Würm glacial deposits, equivalent to Zone I, were not observed in the lower valleys bordering Kennedy Channel. The outermost Ellesmere Island ice advance (Zone II) is radiometrically bracketed by 14C dates on in situ shells from subtill and supratill marine units which are 40,350±750 and>39,000 B.P., respectively. Amino acid age estimates on the same shell samples and others from similar stratigraphic positions all suggest ages of >35,000 B.P. Stratigraphically and chronologically this ice advance is correlated with the outermost Ellesmere Island ice advance 20–40 km to the north which formed small ice shelves when the relative sea level was ca. 175 m above sea level. The Holocene marine transgression along western Kennedy Channel occurred in an ice-free corridor maintained between the separated margins of the northwest Greenland and northeast Ellesmere Island ice sheets during the last glaciation. Initial emergence may have begun ca. 12,300 B.P., however, sea level had dropped only 15 m by ca. 8000 B.P. after which glacio-isostatic unloading of the corridor was rapid. The implications of these data are discussed in the context of existing models on high latitude glaciation and paleoclimatic change  相似文献   
Broughton Island is 50 km from the eastern margin of the 6,000 km2 Penny Ice Cap. During the early Wisconsin (> 54,000 BP) A younger glacial readvance is delimited by lateral moraines and glacio-marine deposits 14C dated at 24,100±850 BP; sea level was±18 m. During th last Wisconsin the glaciers terminated some distance inland from Broughton Island and sea alevel at 9,850±250BP was +5 m on Broughton Island. The head of Maktak Fiord, which presently contains a majour outlet glacier from the Penny Ice Cap, was deglaciated about 6,000 BP.  相似文献   
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